A Division of U T a H D E P a R T M E N T O F N a T U R a L R

A Division of U T a H D E P a R T M E N T O F N a T U R a L R

UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY a division of Plate 1 Utah Dep artmen t o f Natural Reso urces Utah Geo lo gical Survey Op en -File Rep o rt 687DM In terim Geo lo gic Map o f the Sugar Ho use Quadran gle Qh Qh Qh Jtw 75 Qaly 72 60 Jtr Jtb Qlb 52 Qaf2 Qh Jtb Qmc Qafp B Jgs Qac Qlfp Qldbg Qms Jts Qc 65 Qac Qafp 83 T Qlsb Jtsg Qh 65 Qmt Jtw L 78 J^n Qh Qafb U J^n Qac Qh Qlfp Qaly Qms A Qmt Qh Qh Qafy Qmdf 60 Qac Jts Qmt E Qh F ^ag ^au ^au N Qldp Qac Qms ^au Jgs Jtr Jtb ^ag ^ag I Qldp Qac 47 Qmt L Qafy 63 ^am Qlam Qafy Qac Qmdf C Qaf 63 40 Jtl 4 ^am N Qafp/^a Qlsb H Qms Y Qldp Qldp/^a Qafy/J^n Qlsb/J^n 70 74 E Qct S Qldp/^a 80 N 59 C 60 Qh I 60 Qldp/^t L Qms 41 Qc Qafy/^a Qafy/^t C N N 44 Qaly 80 Qlsb/Jtc I 62 44 70 70 T O Qafy/Jtc Qac ^t 78 E N 75 ^au 75 Qlgb/Jtc 65 Jtsg 70 Y 56 Qac 76 A60 40 55 Qldp ^am N B Qldp/Jtc Jtc Qlgb 75 O 76 N Qlsb/J^n Qac/Jtc A N Y J^n 54 Qlgb/J^n 65 G C 71 A Qlfp Qlfp Qldp/^a Qafy/Jtc Qac/J^n I N Jtw Qac/^aQ ac R Qlsb/J^n Qh P 59 Qmdf 80 Qac Qldp/^t Qafy/J^n 60 S 66 C Qafy/J^n Qac/^a 8 70 Jtl 55 35 ^am ^ag T S Qh Qlsb/^a Qlgb/^a ^am 65 65 Qh 70 53 Y S 30 55 70 Qaly Qafy 85 E 53 64 Qafy/^a Qldp/^a 70 A Qaf2 Qafy 71 46 55 Qh ^t Jts Jtr L Qafy 55 Jtb Qafy Qafy/^t 30 Qms Jtb E Qafy 75 Qafy Qldp/^a 52 Jgs R 54 45 Jtw 57 80 64 61 64 80 56 26 65 Qac Tind SH2015-73 55 55 Qaly Qh 88 50 Qmef A 50 Qac Qaly Qldp/^t ^t 45 Qlfp 75 P 65 Jts Qlgb/^t 80 81 Jtr Qct Qaf2 70 45 47 Qac Qms 47 J^n Qlfp ^t 60 Qldp 85 Qh Jtb ^am 52 30 70 Jtw 55 54 Jgs A 51 Qlgb 42 48 72 Qlfp Qh A′ Qac 61 62 73 56 Qh 66 54 Qc 29 66 65 41 J^n 60 Jtl 66 Jtr 65 73 Qac Qafy J^n Qafy 65 Jts Qafy 35 45 Qaly 39 48 Jtr Qafy Qh Jgs Qafy J^n Qldp Jtw 58 Qldp Jtsg Qat 78 ^au 66 Qldp Jtr Jtb Qac Qmsh Qh Qac 74 Qh J^n J^n 60 Jtb Qh Jtw 84 Qmt Qh 45 Qh S Qat 78 Jgs ^ag Qh 70 Jtr Jts Qmc 64 44 A Jtl J^n ^ag 54 Qac 73 Qmc L 74 49 Qlgb T Qlb 46 Qh Qldp Qaly Qldp Jtw 83 Qaly 54 58 Jtb 32 J^n Qms Qmsh Qafy 53 Jtr ^au Qh Jtsg L Qh Jtc ^ag Qlb 52 72 70 Qlgb A 65 ^au 71 50 60 ^am ^au J^n 53 Qmsh 75 K ^au ^ag Qafy Qaly 69 74 Qh 77 E Qaly 74 75 Qaly Qaly 64 ^am 60 Qms 76 65 Qlb Qlb Qms ^am ^am SH2015-68 Qafp Qlgb Qmt 49 C 65 Qafy Tld 65 I Qldp 60 47 Qac 62 60 65 45 45 T 60 Qlgb ^t 55 Y Qla ^t Qlfp Qafy 80 43 65 60 Qh Qafp ^t Qlfp Qac 80 85 S 82 ^t 55 ^t E Qafy 75 Qh 59 G Qldp ^t 47 ^t M E Qh 44 60 55 N Qlsb Qlfp 37 T Qlsb ^w 68 47 ^w Qlgb 56 ^w 52 B′ W Qh Qaf2 66 85 43 50 A 70 46 70 Qaly S Qat 70 55 85 Qh Qaly Qh 70 Pp 30 Qh Qat Qlsb 45 70 85 40 Pp A Qaly Qafy Pp 40 Qaly Qafb 72 T 50 P*w Qafy 37 57 40 Qaf2 Qat 33 50 C 40 75 Qlb 35 45 53 80 H Qh Qlsb 5 Qlgb 40 P*w 70 45 Qafp 55 Qaly Qac Qldp Qat 56 Qafy Qh 50 42 Qafy Qct Qaly 44 56 SH2015-67 60 Qmt Qafy Qmt F Tld P*w Qaly Qafy Tld Qaly Qmt Qafy A Qh Qac Qac 58 Qct U Qmt Qmt Qlf Qac Qldp Qh Qafy L Qafp 60 Qlfp Qlfp 57 T Qh Qafb Qaly Qafp Qafb P*w Qaly 55 59 69 Qldp Qafb 46 Z Qaly *rv Qh Qac O Qla Qh 35 N Qlgb *rv 65 Qaf Mdo E 2 *rv Qaf2 Qlgb 64 Qlfp 60 Qldp 35 Qac 55 *rv Qafy 53 56 *rv 60 Qac Mdo 50 Mdo Qms Qlfp Qac Mdo Qh Qms 45 T H 45 Qlf Qafy Qh 59 N D 65 R U M M O S Qms Qac Qafy Mh O U N T R A Y Md 65 T Qh 60 41 80 Qac Qldp 50 Qaf4 50 Mg Qac Mg Md 45 Qmc MDf Md Qgmbc Mh 48 _o Qac Qaf4 _t Qlfp Qafy 58 MDf Qlgb Qafy _o Qat Qh 65 Mg 50 Qafy 34 S Qac Qat MDf 47 _t SH2016-203MDf 35 _t Qlgp Qafy SH2015-41Tind 36 A 30 Qafy 45 45 35 Qlfp 54 _o MDf 40 47 34 Qgmbc 80 _t Qafy 52 43 L Qac 33 Qaf5 Qac _m Qaf Qac _o _t 5 Qaf5 64 Qh T _o Qlgp Qaf4 MDf Qms _t 60 Qlf Qat 40 Qgbc 48 59 42 Qac Qaf5 Qmt Qat L 50 40 Qgbc Qms? 55 A Qlgb 80 Qmt Qafy 60 55 Qac Zm Qafy Qlsp K Qlgp Qmt E _t Qlgb _o Qaf2 Qac Qmt Zm Qat Zm 45 Zbcs Qlf C Qlgp 49 Zbcq Qms Qat Qaf2 I 52 40 65 Qlsp T Qgbc Qaly 50 Qmt _t Qmt 55 Qgmbc Y Qg 30 34 Zbcs 50 Qmt Zbcq Zbcs Qlf Zm Qmt Qgmbc S 40 Qafy Qafy Zbcq 50 Zm Qmt E 40 Zbcq Qat 55 Zm Zbcs Zbcs G 40 Qlgp 50 Qmt Qct Zbcs 59 56 Qmt Qmt M Qla Qh 50 53 20 35 Qmt Qml? E 37 Zm 36 Qmc Qg Qlf 24 N Qlgp Zbcq Zbcq Qmc 76 T Qct Zbcq Qlgb Zbcs Qla Zbcs Qmt Qla Qaf C Qal1 1 63 Qct Qmt O Zbcs Zbcs Qaf1 Zbcq T 70 45 Zbcq Zbcq Zbcs Qlgp T Zbcq Qac Qla Qafy Zbcq Zbcs Zbcs O Zbcs Qlsp N 45 35 Qat Qlgb Qct Zbcq Qaf2 40 W 40 Zbcq Zbcs Qldp Zbcs Zbcs 52 Qaly Qla Qafy O 52 Zbcs 30 Qms 60 Qac Zbcq Qal O Zbcq Qal 2 Qldp Qafy 35 26 1 50 40 Zbcs SH2015-7 Qafy D Qaly Tsd Qlf Qldp Qmso 35 Qh Qldp 60 Qaf2 Zbcq 60 Zbcs F Qct Qlgb Qafy A Qlsp Qh 80 Qafy Zbcs U Qmsh Qh Qldp Qldp 30 Zbcs Qal1 Qaf L 2 Qldp Qafy Qh Zbcq Qms 46 T 40 Zbcq Qmt 68 Zbcq 40 75 Qal2 Qafy Zbcs Qh Qldp Qldb 80 59 Qh Qlsp Qaly 65 Zbcq Qlgp Qldp Qldb Qal Qal1 1 Qlsp Zbcq 71 Tind Qal SH2015-23 1 Qmsh Tind 36 Qaf2 40 Qaf2 Zbcs Qal Qlgp Qldb Qal2 Qldp SH2015-13 Zbcq 1 Qafp Qafy 56 Qafp Zbcq Zbcq Zbcs Qat Qc Tsd 52 41 Qal1 50 40 Qh Qldb Zbcs 70 Qct Qafy Qct SH2015-9 Qct This open-file release makes information available to the public during the review and production period necessary for a formal Ba se from U SGS Suga r House 7.5’ Qua dra n gle (1998). UGS publication. The map may be incomplete, and SCALE 1:24,000 Projection a n d da tum for ba se m a p a re U T M NAD 27 a n d GIS inconsistencies, errors, and omissions have not been resolved. 1 0.5 0 1 M ILE da ta a re U T M NAD 83. T o con form to a djoin in g geologic m a ps, While the document is in the review process, it may not conform to UGS standards; therefore, it may be premature for the geology is m a pped to the 7.5' boun da ry of older U T M NAD 27 ba sem a ps to the west a n d n ewer U T M NAD 83 ba sem a ps to an individual or group to take actions based on its contents. 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET Although this product represents the work of professional the ea st; this expla in s the visible differen ce in the boun da ries of the geology a n d the ba se m a p. T he geology is a ccura tely shown scientists, the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah 11° 22' rela tive to cultura l a n d topogra phic fea tures on the ba se m a p. Geological Survey, makes no warranty, expressed or implied, 1 0.5 0 1 KILOM ET ER regarding its suitability for a particular use. The Utah H T H Project M a n a ger: Jon K.

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