The Beginning of the Reign of the Last King The Beginning of the Reign of the Last King Lesson plan (English) Lesson plan (Polish) Bibliografia: Tajna instrukcja Katarzyny II posłom rosyjskim w Polsce .... z 1783 r., [w:] M. Ferenc, Epoka nowożytna. Teksty źródłowe, red. , wybór , Kraków 2001, s. 239–240. The Beginning of the Reign of the Last King The elecon of Stanisław August Poniatowski Source: Bernardo Belloo, domena publiczna. Link to the lesson You will learn to characterize the achievements during the first period of the reign of Stanisław August Poniatowski; to explain the circumstances, process and effects of the First Partition of Poland; to describe examples of „civil resistance”. Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie abstraktu The Familia decided to use favor with Russia for the introduction of changes in Poland, so the Confederated Convocation Sejm in 1764 could begin the process of recovery. Rules of procedure in the Sejm were adopted, and the concept of majority rule in financial matters was also adopted, the oath of office for deputies was abolished instructions, the Liberum Veto was abolished in Diet Councils. In 1764, Stanisław August Poniatowski, the last elected king was on the throne, who was associated with the Czartoryskis. Due to fears that the power of the king was too great, numbers of dissenters grew and there were fears of excessive Russian influence. The Polish nobility formed the Bar confederation, Portrait of Stanisław August Poniatowski in which led to an outbreak of civil war. The coronaon robes weakened Commonwealth became easy prey Source: Marcello Bacciarelli, domena publiczna. for its neighbours. In 1772 the First Partition of Poland tool place, by Russia, Prussia and Austria. Task 1 Listen to the fragments of Catherine II of Russia's secret instrucons to her ambassadors. What are the goals? What methods are recommended to influence the situaon in Poland and, through this, European polics? Does her assessment of Stanisław August Poniatowski flaer him? Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie abstraktu Secret instruction from Catherine II to Russian “ deputies in Poland .... of year 1783 „The main interest, the first and most important for all neighbouring powers, is that elecon of the king in Poland should not be replaced by heredity, as this would be a first step that would lead to the introducon of further reforms harmful to our interests. [...] If the elecon were le in the hands of the same family [Wen], it would soon become genuine heredity. The Republic of Poland does not have sufficient internal strength to oppose this danger Empress Catherine II and prevent aacks, which could be Source: domena publiczna. directed against her laws and constuon [...]. As a result of all of these consideraons and due to our locaon, we must give full aenon to ensure that the current structure of the Polish government remains intact, that there is no change in the laws of unanimity in the Sejms and that there is no increase in military strength; it is on this basis that the benefits to our Empire are based, so that we may have a direct influence on European polics. [...] It would be of inesmable value to us to put a Piast ruler on the Polish throne, it would be useful for our real interests, he would only owe his elevaon to the throne to us. In the person of Count Poniatowski stolnik of Lithuania, we find all the necessary circumstances for our sasfacon and as a result have decided to assist him to the Polish throne [...]. But, Count of Keyserling and Prince Repnina, you will most of all earn our gratude and obtain personal fame, as you will ensure that the enre Commonwealth insists upon our intervenon and our solemn guarantee of basic rights, constuons, privileges and freedom [...].” Source: Secret instrucon from Catherine II to Russian depues in Poland .... of year 1783, [w:] M. Ferenc, Epoka nowożytna. Teksty źródłowe, Kraków 2001, s. 239–240. Exercise 1 Assign the type of Sejm in the Commonwealth to the maers it dealt with Coronaon, Convocaon, Elecon elecon of the ruler preparaon of the choice of ruler the symbolic act of assuming power by the ruler Exercise 2 An acve foreign policy from the new king could have improved the situaon in the Commonwealth. With whom could he have carried it out? Assign the rulers of the major European countries in the years 1764 to 1772 to the countries they ruled. Louis XV, Frederick II, Catherine II, Maria Teresa, Stanisław August Poniatowski, George III Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth Russia Austria Great Brian France Prussia Exercise 3 Study the map thoroughly, then complete the following exercise. The First Paron of the Commonwealth in 1772 Source: Krysan Chariza i zespół. Complete these sentences. Austria, Prussia, East Prussia, green, Kraków, Warsaw, Prussian, Tsarina Catherine II, yellow, King Frederick II, urban, Royal Prussia, Empress Maria Theresa 1. The session of the Sejm which approved the First Paron of Poland took place in ........................................... 2. The lands taken from the Commonwealth in 1772 by Austria are marked on the map in ........................................... 3. The Russian paron is marked on the map in .......................................... and the .......................................... in blue. 4. Russia seized peripheral areas of the Commonwealth, which, in the opinion of .......................................... were of secondary importance, without any significant .......................................... centres. 5. The areas taken by Prussia and .......................................... were of much greater value. Most keenly felt were the loss of .......................................... and northern Greater Poland. 6. Thanks to his parcipaon in the First Paron of Poland, .......................................... managed for this first me in history to unite the Kingdom of Prussia with the lands of ........................................... 7. In looking at the occupied areas, the smallest of the parons belonged to ........................................... 8. The lands divided by .......................................... were the historical centre of the Crown, with Lviv being one of Poland's most important economic centres. 9. Within the boundaries of the Commonwealth, there remained cies such as: Częstochowa, .......................................... and Toruń. Keywords constitutions, stolnik Glossary stolnik Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: stolnik stolnik – w dawnej Polsce urzędnik nadworny opiekujący się kuchnią i nadzorujący podawanie potraw na stół królewski; w okresie Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej tytularny urzędnik ziemski constuon Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: constitution konstytucja – uchwała sejmowa w dawnej Polsce Depues' Instrucons Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: Deputies' Instructions instrukcje poselskie – w dawnej Polsce: uchwały podejmowane na sejmikach, zawierające postulaty i żądania szlachty, obowiązujące posłów obstrucon Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: obstruction obstrukcja – utrudnianie lub hamowanie przebiegu jakiejś sprawy „Confederated Sejm” Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: "Confederated Sejm" „sejm skonfederowany” – sejm, na którym nie obowiązywało liberum veto i głosowano większością Lesson plan (English) Topic: The Beginning of the Reign of the Last King Target group 6th‐grade students of elementary school Core curriculum XVI. Commonwealth in the Stanisławów era. Pupil: 1) gives examples of state repair under the reign of Stanisław August Poniatowski, including the achievements of the National Education Commission; XVII. The struggle to maintain independence in the last years of the 18th century. Pupil: 1) situates during the first, second and third partition of the Republic and indicates on the map territorial changes after each partition. General aim of education The students get acquainted with examples of state reforms under the reign of Stanisław August and the causes and consequences of the first partition of Poland Key competences communication in foreign languages; digital competence; learning to learn. Criteria for success The student will learn: to characterize the achievements during the first period of the reign of Stanisław August Poniatowski; to explain the circumstances, process and effects of the First Partition of Poland; to describe examples of „civil resistance”. Methods/techniques expository talk. activating discussion. programmed with computer; with e‐textbook. practical exercices concerned. Forms of work individual activity; activity in pairs; activity in groups; collective activity. Teaching aids e‐textbook; notebook and crayons/felt‐tip pens; interactive whiteboard, tablets/computers. Lesson plan overview Before classes 1. The teacher asks to read the section „Śmierć Augusta III i różne plany elekcyjne”. Students should answer the following questions: List the candidates who were chosen during the last free election. List the factors that determined the prevalence of Stanisław Poniatowski during the last free election. Introduction 1. The teacher gives the students the purpose of the lesson and the criteria for success. 2. The teacher asks students to do Task 1 - to listen to the secret instruction of the Empress Catherine II. Then, on the basis of homework and broadcast, the students talk with the teacher about the circumstances of elevation to the throne of Stanisław August
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