The NIH Record U.S. Department December 6 National of Health 1983 Institutes and Vol. XXXV of Human Services No. 25 Health Dr. Gordon Wallace Huntington's Disease Genetic Marker Gets Veterinary Prize Found by NIH-Supported Scientists Dr Gordon Wallace, now on detail from NIH A long sought genetic marker for to serve as a senior policy analyst in the Of­ Huntington's disease, a fatal nervous system fice of Science and Technology Policy, Exec­ disorder, has been discovered In humans by utive Office of the President, received the a scientifi c team supported by the National James A. McCallam Award of the Association Institute of Neurological and Communicative of Military Surgeons Disorders and Stroke and the National Insti­ of the United States tute of General Medical Sciences on Oct. 31 . The This landmark finding-locating the marker award was pre­ for the defective gene which causes Hunting­ sented during the ton's disease on a specific chromosome-is Association's 1983 the critical step in developing a diagnostic meeting in San test for the disease, according to Dr James Antonio. F. Gusella, the NINCDS grantee who led the Before undertak­ research team and Is a member of the ing his current du­ Institute-sponsored Huntington's Disease ties in May 1983, Center Without Walls at Massachusetts Dr. Wallace had General Hospital served since 1962 Dr. Wallace "I am optimistic that presymptomatlc and NINCDS grantee Dr. Gusella examines a DNA in the National Institute of Allergy and lnfec­ prenatal diagnostic procedures will emerge sequence for possible variations that could (See VET PRIZE. Page 4) in the near future,"' he said help locate a Huntington's disease gene. Farther down the road, it is hoped the dis­ NEI Sets Nationwide Test On New Drug, Sorbinil, covery will lead to improved treatments and For Possible Prevention of Diabetic Eye Damage even a cure for the disease, which causes in­ voluntary movements, emotional disturbance, People who have had diabetes for 3 to 10 and intellectual impairment. years are invited to participate in a More than 25,000 Americans suffer from nationwide study to find out if the eye prob­ Huntington's disease. which afflicted the late lems and nerve damage which may develop folksinger Woody Guthrie. Another 100,000 in diabetes can be prevented or their devel­ R,un, Americans live with constant dread and anxi­ opment slowed. ety that the same catastrophic fate will befall Investigators at 12 eye care centers, in­ ~l•- them. cluding the Clinical Branch of the National Each child of a parent with Huntington's Eye Institute, will administer a new. investIga­ °"""' disease stands a 50 percent chance of inher­ tional drug called sorbinil in the hope that it ,.,.,_.... iting the disorder Since the illness usually will protect the sight of people who do not yet l,m Blood does not appear until age 35 or later, chil­ have signs of these eye problems, specifical­ dren carrying the defective gene may marry ly diabetic retinopathy. and pass the gene on to the next generation Diabetic retinopathy is a common compli­ before realizing that they have the disease. cation of diabetes which threatens the sight Until now, there had been no way to tell of more than 300,000 Americans. It results who had inherited the disease gene and who from damage to blood vessels in the retina of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Is a common eye was free of 11. the eye and eventually can cause visual loss. complication of diabetes. In DR, retinal ves­ The search for the all-important marker led Only those patients who have not yet sels develop balloon-like swellings wh ich can from a tiny village built on stills in a remote developed any significant sign of diabetes­ leak fluid into the light-sensing tissues of the lagoon of a Venezuelan lake to Dr Gusella's related eye damage are eligible for the study retina. These fluid leaks can cause blurred Boston laboratory which uses the most so­ They must be between 18 and 40 years old. vision. phisticated recombinant DNA technology Women must be either postmenopausal. sur­ The investigational drug, sorbInil, Is an al­ The discovery is the culmination of years of gically sterilized, or have an intrauterine de­ dose reductase inhibitor. Researchers in NIH-sponsored basic research directed at vice (IUD) In place NEl's Laboratory of V1s1on Research previ­ finding the marker. All participants must have insul n­ ously identified aldose reductase as an en­ Among Dr Gusella"s collaborators were Dr dependent {Type I} drabetes and have had zyme that may be implicated In the destruc· Nancy S Wexler. a former '\JINCDS stall no recent s1gnifrcant change in the frequen­ live effects of diabetes throughout the body member who now heads the Hered,tary Dis­ cy of insulin in1ec11ons or In blood glucose Their laboratory findings suggested that in­ ease Foundation, and Dr P. Michael managemnt w1t~,n 3 months of entering this hibitors of aldose reductase, such as sorbinil, Conneally, a grantee of NINCDS and NIG\olS study. (See EYE TEST, Page SJ (See MARKER Page 7) The NIH Record Pubhshed b iweekly at Bethesda, Md., by lhe Editorial Opera­ tions Branch. Division of Public In formation, for the informa11on of employees of the Nahonal lns1ttutes of Heallh, Oepartme~t of Health and Human Services, and c 1rcula1ed by reques1 to w,11ers and to research ers m b1omedrcal aod related fields The con tent i s reprintabte without perm1ss1on. Pictures may be available on ,eQuesL The NJH Record reserves the right to make corrections. chan ges, or deletions In submilted copy in conform,ty with the policies of fhe paper and HHS. NIH Record Otllce Bid~ 31, Room 28-03, Phone 496-2125 Editor Herschel Cribb Stall Writer• Editorial Aulatant Joyce F. McCarthy Marilyn Be,man Anne Barber Staff Correapondents CC. Barbara SmaKula: DCRT, William Hall; DPM, Judy Fouche; DAG, Sue Meadows, DAR, Barbara Menick, DRS, Jim Doherty; Dr. James B. Wyngaarden, Director of NIH, (seated), signs a letter encouraging m_embers of the FIC, Susan P, Stark; NCI, Patricia A. Newman, NEI. Marsha NIH community to join the Recreation and Welfare Association. Looking on are (I to r) Randy Corbett; NHLBI, Bill Sanders; NIA, Clarissa Wittenberg; NIAID. Schools, R&W general manager, Leo Buscher, 1st vice president, and Agnes Richardson, presi­ Jeanne w,nnlcK; NIADDK, Barbara Weldon; NICHD. James Hadley; NIDA, Sally Wilberdlng; NIEHS, Hugh J. Lee; NIGMS, dent of the R&W. Wanda warddell; NIMH, Harry Bell; NINCOS, Diane Strlar; NLM, Roger L. Gilkeson. R&W Begins 1984 Membership Drive The NIH Recreation and Welfare Associa­ candies. Those interested in protecting their tion begins its 1984 membership drive in De­ families can obtain group insurances rates Training Tips cember and early birds can save 40 percent for dental care, hospital insurance, automo­ The following courses, sponsored by the by purchasing their cards during December biles, or term life. Division of Personnel Management are given and January. For these 2 months only cards The overall welfare of employees and pa­ in Bldg. 31 . can be purchased at all R&W gift stores or tients is not overlooked either. The R&W from BID representatives for $3, a savings of holds many educational seminars for all em­ Course $2 over the regular annual $5 fee. ployees at NIH and supports the NIH Patient Office Skills Starts Deadline Scientific Terminology 2/7 1/17 Why join R&W? What are the advantages of Emergency Fund and special events on the membership? How about a whole range of campus on a regular basis. Executive, Management and activities from sports clubs- softball, golf, The R&W invites NIH workers to join with Supervisory hiking- to groups for shutterbugs or compu­ more than 10,000 of their coworkers as mem­ Federal Budget Process 1/25 1/9 terniks? Or, if you prefer travel, group pack­ bers of the R&W. Watch for special member­ Manage Your Meetings 1/24 1/6 age rates to the Caribbean, Mexico, Europe, ship drives in the BIDs, see your representa­ Understanding and Managing 2/22 2/6 Stress or just a weekend of backpacking or white tive, or come to the R&W stores or activity Ma11aging Performance Feed- 2/8 1/20 water rafting. desk to join. You will receive the handsome back Then, there are the R&W stores offering a calendar with discount merchants and spe­ wide range of gifts for all occasions or just to cial events listings, and enjoy another excit­ Communication Skills show you care- watches, pens and pencils, ing year of R&W activities. D Assessment One: Job Analysis 1/11 12/12 cards, small appliances, or exotic teas and Interpersonal Problem Solving 1/24 12/19 Effective Oral Communication 2/27 1/23 Advanced Assessment 3/5 1/30 NIH Sons of Italy To Present Parking Changes DELPRO • Delegated Procurement 1/9 12/22 Italian Food Xmas Celebration Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1984, all carpool • For new Delpro users only. Italian food lovers: Attenzione! spaces will be reserved for carpools only until 10:30 a.m., instead of 2 p.m. After 10:30 a.m., To learn about these and other courses, Eat a light lunch (if any) on Tuesday, Dec. 20, employees with general parking permits will be contact the Development and Training Oper­ because the new NIH Lodge of the Order Sons permitted to park in all carpool spaces. This ations Branch, DPM, 496-6371 . of Italy in America (OSIA) will have a special treat for you that afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m.
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