FREE Thanks to our ADVERTISERS Please Support SOUTH FLORIDA’S MOST READ HAITIAN NEWSPAPER THEM! June 1 - 15, 2019 | Vol. 19 No. 434 www.lefloridien.com PHONE: 305.610.7481 La diaspora hésite à visiter Haïti à cause de l’insécurité MIAMI -- Chaque année, à l’approche de la saison Situation sécuritaire catastrophique publique. On se souvient tous de l’assassinat sor- estivale, une certaine effervescence s’empare des dide aux Gonaïves de l’homme d’affaires Philippe Haïtiens vivant aussi bien à l’intérieur qu’à l’ex- Il ne se passe pas un jour sans que l’actualité des Jean (Pipo 6) qui a ému toute une communauté, térieur du pays. C’est en effet la période des re- faits divers n’annonce la survenue d’un crime ou encore du meurtre en plein jour de l’ingénieur trouvailles où la diaspora aime à revenir se ressou- crapuleux. La prolifération des armes à feu et Antoine Alix Gaillard, également professeur uni- rcer au berceau. Les habitants sur place y trouvent le foisonnement des gangs n’ont fait qu’exacer- versitaire, qui a eu le malheur de se retrouver sur également leur compte, puisqu’ils profitent d’un ber un climat d’insécurité précaire qui a atteint la route de l’aéroport face à 5 brigands sans pitié. apport en devises sonnantes et trébuchantes qui son paroxysme. Les homicides et les attaques à Ces derniers n’ont pas hésité à abattre Antoine de aident grandement à faire tourner une économie main armée se multiplient, alors que l’État semble sang froid pour lui soutirer l’argent qu’il venait locale aux abois. Malheureusement, l’insécurité dépassé par la détérioration de la situation sécu- de récupérer à la banque, et qu’il comptait uti- croissante de ces dernières années dissuade de ritaire. liser pour financer un petit voyage en famille à plus en plus les Haïtiens de l’étranger de revenir. l’étranger. Et les effets de ce boycott forcé se font déjà sentir. Certains crimes commis dernièrement ont d’ail- leurs défrayé la chronique et choqué l’opinion Suite à la page 13 Les rêves de 3 jeunes footballeurs haïtiens ÉDITORIAL L'ex-maire Smith s’envolent à jamais Joseph a manqué NORTH MIAMI - Ils l’occasion de partir s’appelaient Riche- carde Dumay, Lens la tête haute Page 4 Desir et Gedeon Desir. Ils avaient respective- ment 17 ans, 15 ans et Tampa Haitian pastor, 13 ans. 3 jeunes inno- cents d’origine haïti- daughter sentenced enne se rendaient à un in $11 million tax tournoi de soccer lor- squ’un véhicule con- prep scheme Page 3 duit par une femme en état d’ébriété les a fau- chés. Un drame cruel Gédéon Desir (13 ans) Richecarde-Dumay (17 ans) Lens-Desir (15 ans) Cap-Haïtien aura qui a mis toute la com- Le destin de 3 jeunes haï- tragique ce samedi 25 mai à est et la 125è rue, à North munauté haïtienne de tiens amateurs de football 5hr 22 du matin, au croise- Miami. bientôt son hôtel Floride en émoi. allait connaître une fin ment de la 13è avenue nord- Suite à la page 12 Marriott Page 16 Vers la mise en mouvement de l'action publique contre Martine Moïse ? Page 14 Mueller emphasizes that he didn't clear Trump Delray FC remporte 'If we had had confidence that gation into Russian interference in the l’édition 2019 the president clearly did not 2016 election, setting up a potential commit a crime, we would have clash with House Democrats. de ‘Haiti Cup’ Page 18 said so,' the special counsel said. But Mueller also sparked a new round of impeachment calls after stressing, Jamaica’s Reggae By NATASHA BERTRAND this time in person, that he could not clear President Donald Trump of ob- Girlz Heads to First struction charges. Special counsel Robert Mueller on Page 19 Special counsel Robert Mueller and President FIFA World Cup Wednesday said he did not want to tes- Donald Trump tify before Congress about his investi- Continued on page 7 with Amazing Sendoff LE FLORIDIEN 2 HAITI - WOMEN VIOLENCE JUNE 1 - 15, 2019 | VOL. 19 NO. 434 Haitians march against rape after students sexually assaulted Port-au-Prince (AFP) - More than 1,000 Haitians "Absolutely nothing can justify rape. Girls are free took to the streets of the capital Port-au-Prince on to walk outside at any time they want, and they can Sunday to denounce sexual violence in the country dress as they want," said Wilkenson Saint-Fleur, a after two students were gang-raped this week. student who joined the march. Marchers dressed in white walked to the city center "We're not living in a jungle. The authorities must from the university where one of the recent victims now uphold their responsibilities to the public they've studied, passing the scene of the attack while scream- sworn to protect, otherwise people will take justice ing loudly to imitate the cries of rape victims. into their own hands, and we'll fall into chaos," he said. "Rape is becoming a form of repression against women in working-class neighborhoods and in uni- There has been little study of sexual assault in Haiti, The rector of Quisqueya University, where one of the versities across the country," said feminist activist but in 2017, the Ministry of Health released a survey victims studied, walked alongside his students and Pascale Solages. saying one in eight women report experiencing sexu- encouraged them to demand justice. al violence at some point in their lives. Explaining the march's slogan #PaFeSilans, or "do "Violence is becoming a cultural phenomenon and not be silent" in Creole, Solages said: "Victims keep Haiti is dominated by a patriarchal culture and fol- society is beginning to tolerate violence against silent because they feel shame and fear. But everyone lowing this week's attacks, several commentators women," said Jacky Lumarque."We must say no." must end this silence: witnesses in the communities, publicly questioned whether the women were re- families, no matter where the rape is committed, si- sponsible for their rapes because of what they were lence must not be kept." wearing. Queens Public Library Offers Free Haitian Creole Classes Queens Public Library is offering free 7-week Hai- ber of foreign language classes, including Spanish, tian Creole course at the central branch in Jamai- French, Chinese and Russian. In recent years howev- ca, Queens. The course, taught by Wynnie Lamour, er, they noticed a growing need to add Haitian Creole founder of the Haitian Creole Language Institute, is classes to their offerings, as the library continues to open to those with little or no prior knowledge of the serve the Haitian-American communities in Cam- language and will focus grammer, phonetics and lan- bria Heights, Queens Village, Springfield Gardens, guage structure. and Jamaica. “Teaching Haitian Creole at the Queens Public Li- “Many Haitians who came to the U.S. at a very brary has been incredibly fulfilling and a reminder of young age as well as the second generation of Haitian how rewarding it is to provide language services to Americans want to learn the language of their parents local community members,” Lamour said. and grandparents and reconnect with their culture,” said Jean Rene, Principal Librarian at the QPL’s Pro- “My life’s work is dedicated to providing a space gramming and Outreach Department. “They have Wynnie Lamour, founder of the Haitian Creole Language Institute centered around all things Haitian Creole. It’s easy been looking for such classes and the library has been to forget that the way a language is viewed is of- able to fulfill their need.” ten the way the people who speak that language are the concepts of community, connectedness, pride, viewed. I want to shift the negative stereotypes that and respect for the Haitian language and culture. The course is also meant for those who work with the exist around Kreyòl Ayisyen because I know that in Haitian community, travel to Haiti or do humanitar- turn it means shifting the negative stereotypes around Participants will work on speaking, reading, writing, ian work there, as well as those whose family mem- Haitian people. Being a language advocate is work and listening comprehension in the context of the bers, e.g. spouses and in-laws, are Haitian. that needs to be done that I am proud to say that I do.” Haitian culture. Core concepts of grammar, phonet- ics, and other aspects of language structure will be “While searching for an instructor, we have learned Lamour has a bachelors in linguistics from Cor- covered. At the end of the course, participants will be about Winny Lamour’s unique experience teaching nell University and a masters in Urban Affairs from able to conduct simple conversations and write at the Haitian Creole to local communities and her approach CUNY Queens College. She has spent the last sev- basic level in Kreyòl. rooted in the concepts of the Haitian culture. She is eral years teaching Haitian Creole in the New York a perfect fit and Queens Public Library is thrilled to City area to a variety of language learners, including Queens Public Library serves the most ethnically di- work with her on this series of classes.” nonprofit professionals, public school teachers, and verse county in the United States and in order to meet Source: haitiantimes.com entrepreneurs. Her teaching philosophy is rooted in the needs of various communities they offer a num- Rapper Kodak Black Reportedly Facing 10 Years In Prison (LE FLORIDIEN ) MIAMI, FL – Kodak Black’s latest indicted for criminal sexual conduct for a 2016 case in arrest could land him behind bars for a decade.
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