California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 5-5-2000 May 5th 2000 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "May 5th 2000" (2000). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 472. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/472 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cinco De •« -« Tutors arf :i A. Page 2 By Jeremiah Mayo: — Newhous^ : l^altaging Eaitor Sensible Gun The Learning Center in UH-351 i.s open for The Battle of tutoring for the Spring quarter from April. 10 until June 9. Tutoring is offered on a first the Underdog Laws, Safe Kids come first tutored basis. Open Monday through Thursday Sam America. This battle ing from Mariachi sponsible action. The group will be rep­ until 8pm and Friday 8 By Amanda Stanley & helped the Union Army Las Adelitas, who By Gisele Carrillo Mother's Day event resenting CSUSB until 4:30. For a com­ Andrea Gonzales in America by prolong­ are six beautiful Staff Writer will focus energies on and will be march­ Staff Writers plete schedule visit the ing Napoleon Ill's sup­ women, not the tra­ helping the group ing on Mother's Learning Centers web plies from reaching the ditional male per­ grow into a major Day on the Na­ site at http;// Today many of you Confederates. formers you might It's time for the Mil­ force on gun control. tional Mall in d c r. c s u s b . e d u / will drink tequilas and This week many cel­ expect with lion Mom March in The goal of the Mil­ Washington D.C. LearningCenter/ margaritas, but instead ebrations took place in Mariachi music. Washington D.C. lion Mom March is to to support a com­ Subjects.html "of using Cinco de Mayo honor of Cinco de Thursday was the and you may be get Congress to pass mon sense gun as just another excuse to Mayo. On campus, popular Mariachi wondering what it's laws to keep guns out policy. The get dnink, why not leam Tuesday May 2, we had Lucero de Lupe all about. It's an op­ of the wrong hands. If you can't what the holiday is re­ the privilege of Mr. Soria performance, portunity for mothers The moms are mad make it to Wash­ Beasts ally about. Alfredo Figueroa's which included and others to remind and mean business. ington D C., don't First things first; speech on "The Origin seven musicians, society that all rights They want all gun worry. There will are Back Cinco de Mayo is not of Aztec Tribes in the dressed in traditional come with responsi­ owners to be trained be a local march By Cutler Fctherston Mexican Independence Colorado River Basin." charro suits. The bilities. It's moms in gun safety and to in Los Angeles on News Editor Day! Mexico actually Mr. Figueroa has re­ Ballet de Folklorico from all walks of life be licensed. the same day. The fifth annual declared its indepen­ ceived credit for ar- Alegria de Mexico who are sick of gun There is a char­ There will be a Harry Rheubottom/ dence on September 15, cheological discoveries performed another violence directed AT tered flight to Wash­ bus trip to Los An­ George Webster Local 1810. along the Colorado version of dances kids and often BY ington D.C. being or­ geles costing $5. Historical Lecture will However, the frorn the regions of kids. The Million ganized to,provide . For more informa­ take place on Saturday faydoesTiave there was also a Bal­ Jalisco, Zacatecas, Mom March is a per­ low-cost airfare to the tion on both May 6 from 7:30 to 8:30 significance. It was the let Folklorico perfor­ and Sinaloa. sonal, as well as po­ march. The flight is marches, you can on the second fioor of day that 4,000 Mexican mance in the Student Don't despair litical matter, and scheduled to leave contact Kathy the Pfau library. This soldiers demolished the Union courtyard on though, you can al­ their main reason is Friday night. May 12 Hayes at the year the guest lecturer French and traitor Wednesday. The Ballet ways party it up to­ keeping our kids and will return Sun­ Women's Re­ will be Kathleen Mexican Army of 8,000 Folklorico Orgullo night at the local safe. day night. May 14. source Center Springer, enlightening soldiers. This battle of Mestizo performed Guadalaharry's res­ The event in The cost is $200 here on campus those in attendance the underdog not only dances from the regions taurant where they Washington D.C. will round-trip and will in­ at 880-7203. about the Inland saved Mexico from of Mexico including have great Mexican hopefully send a clude a Saturday Empire's lost world Ibs- French invasion, but Veracruz, Chipas, and food and dancing. strong message to night reception -Gun sils of the Ea.st Side res­ a Iso helped expedite the Jalisco. The dances open to the public af­ Congress that they hosted by Senator ervoir in her speech, end of the Civil War in were joined with sing­ ter 9:00 PM. must take some re­ Diane Felnstein. The Continued on page 14 "The Beasts are Back." The Executive Editor Managing Editor Design Editor Online Editor Katherina Seigworth Jeremiah Newhouse Jennifer Thierry Jeremiah Newhouse Chronicle University Hall, Room 037 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 News Editor Features Editor Sports Editor A&E Editor (909) 8S0-5289 (newsroom) Cutler Fetherston Jorge G. Saiazar Chris Walenta Bill Marshall III (909) 880-5931 (business office) FAX (909)880-7009 Copy Editor E-Mail: Photo Editor Consultants Advertising Manager sbchronCs^mail.csusb.edu Stacey Fullwiler Tlif ('oyoic C'finiiiictc ('flu- ('liroiiit lc)i\ Gilbert Cervantes Richard Conlreras Greg Blunt Open piihlishcd (HI every l luii-sdiiy iliiriiig liie Dan Farmer (leadeinie session by (he l)e|Kiilinen( of C'oiniiuinieaUon .Sliidies. C';ililoriii;i Stale Distribution Manager Uiiiversily. San iiernardino Faculty Advisor Business Manager Design Assistant 't he opinions e.vpresscd in llu- Shawn James Robin Larsen Dan Tuckerman Steven Karlsson Clininiclc arelhoseof ihesliideni wriiers and editors, and do not lellcci iIk- view s ol the imivcrsily, its adininislralion or lacully, or any other |X'rson or instiiulion unless expressly noted Staff Writers : The appearance o! any adveili.seinerii in The Clirmiii Ic does not eonsiilute an Andrea Gonzales, Amanda Stanley, Carol Nishida, Donald Willis, Fadhia Marcclin, Robert Proffer endorseiiienl by the newsjraper of llie Gisele Carrillo, Miranda Sagala, Noah Kalooslian, Richard Sifucntes, Zach Hoffman. John J. Eddy goods and services adveilised. I'lic C'lirmiidc reserves the right to reject any adveilisertieni it deems inappropriate. Newsji' a Diversity Conference to be Held Over 25 workshops, age 3 By Cutler Fetherston News Editor events and activities will be available to par­ • - ... .p • Come . .2. •• Cal State San ticipate in, as well as a Bernardino's third an­ drawing for "gifts" at nual Diversity Confer­ the end of the day. The Adult Re-Entiy ence will be held on keynote speaker, Ms. Wednesday, May 10 Jane Elliot, is one of from 8:00-4:00 p.m. at America's earliest and Together the S.U. Events Center. most celebrated diver­ Center Opens This year's theme is sity trainers. "Hearts and Minds: The entire event is Connecting Through free, including parking. and American students. of International Stu­ Event Center A, B, For more information By Mishaei By Karen Paton Diversity in the New "It was a great dents Services, who and C, will feature call (909) 880-5185. Ondieki Special to the Millennium". Staff Writer event. All of us were is also the ISA advi­ Chronicle Billy Davis Jr. and being exposed to differ­ sor, Elsa Ochoa- Marilyn McCoo of ent cultures of the Fernandez, com­ For the last eight the Fifth Dimen­ Ted Kennedy Jr. plans visit Fifty-nine flags were world," said President mended those who years the Adult Re­ sion. Re-entry stu­ displayed last Friday Karnig. Karnig also were directly in­ entry Center has dents will share By Patrick R. Pittman gram, and he currently evening at the Event told the Chronicle that volved to organize shared the Women's their stories and Staff Writer practices law,represent­ Center, representing the the University had the event. Resource Center in two students wili ing the firm of Wiggin Ted Kennedy Jr., ad­ different cultures and adopted a deliberate "They did a won­ the Student Union be honored. There &Dana. vocate for civilrights of traditions of the interna­ policy of admitting in­ derful job within a Courtyard. Tuesday, will be lots of mu­ For the past several people with disabilities, tional students studying ternational students in short period of time. May 9 marks the sic as the Adult years, Kennedy has lec­ will be on campus next at Cal State. • order to compete with I would like to thank opening of a newly Re-entry Chorus tured widely throughout week. The event is Despite having dif­ other universities. them all for the created space to pro­ will debut, and oth­ the world about his ex­ sponsored by CSUSB ferent cultures, they "We believe amount of effort vide a center for re­ ers will contribute periences with cancer Assistive Technology & could all get to the floor that successful universi­ they put to the suc­ sources and contacts to the evening's and his views about Assistance Program to dance to various ties of the future must cess of the event," especially for adult re­ entertainment.
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