
ING CHU . AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORT I NG CATHOLIC ANGLICANISM• NOVEMBER 1, 20P JACKSON KEMPER Passionfor Mission Send this form or call us toll free at 1-800-211-2771. 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Phone Billing Address _________________ _ Billing City Please start this gift subscription D Dec. 20, 2009 D Dec. 27, 2009 Credit Card# _________ Exp. Sign gift card __________ _ GA1209 THE THELTVING CHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, LIVINGCHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and An independent weekly serving Episcopalians since 1878 support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. ?hone: 414-276-5420 )r. Christopher Wells ;;;cecutiveDirector ( eit. 15) THIS WEEK 3etty Glatzel ,eneral Manager (ext. 17) fohn Schuessler .farwging Editor (ext. 11) mchael O'Loughl.in News JirectorofAsscx;illted PublicaJW11S (ext 14) )ouglas LeBlanc 5 Embezzlement Charges Concern odiloral Large(ea.t. 22) \my Grau Funds Intended for Tsunami Relief ,raphic Artist ( ext. 13) rom Parker \dvertising Manager (e:i,t.16) rhais Jackson "ulfillment Marwger (e:ct. 21) {enee Weber ,larketing/PrtJnwtion Director (co,1. 19) Features 3OARDOF DIRECTORS Anglican FACES rhe Rev.Thomas A. Fraser Riverside, Ill. (President) vfiriamK. Stauff 9 Jackson Kemper Wauwatosa,WJS. (Vice P resident) First Missionary Bishop )aniel Muth of the Episcopal Church St. Leonard,Md. (Secretary) ioward M.Tischler BYRICHARD MAMMANA, JR. Albuquerque, N.M.(Treas urer) rhe Rt. Rev.Bertram N. Herlong Franklin,Tenn. rhe Rev.Jay C. James Raleigh,N.C. ['he Rt. Rev.D. Bruce MacPherson Opinion Alexandria,La. UchardMammana, Jr. 12 Guest Column NewHaven, Conn. Knowing and Loving the Saints ~homasRiley BY DANIELH . MARTINS Vienna,Va. AissAugusta D . Rodd.is(emeritus) Marshfield, Wis. 13 Editorials ~ditori.aland Business offices: Conformed to Christ 116E . Juneau Avenue ,1ilwaukee, WI 53202-2793 ,failing address: P.O. Box 514036 14 Letters ,1ilwaukee, WI 53203-3436 Bishop Jackson Kemper's juris­ diction extended throughout 'ax : 414-276-7483 Confronting Individualism what was then the northwest­ ~-mail:tl [email protected] ern frontier of the United States. vww.livingchurch.org Image: J.R. Stuart, 1888. IANUSCRIPTSAND PHOTOGRAPHS:THE L~ ·­ m Ctu .JRCH cannot assume responsibility for the ~tum of photos or mamiscripts. 'HELl\lNG Cttl l!CH is published every week, ated Sunday, by the Living Church Foundation, 1c., at 816 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee,1\1 3202. 'eriodicals postage paid at Milwaukee,1\1. OtherDepartments nd at additional mailing offices. UBSCRIPTIONRATES: $45.00 for one year; 85.00 for t.YIO years. Canadian postage an OOcU­ 4 Sunday's Readings onal $5.5.00per year; Me.'Ocoand another for­ ,gn.$62.00 per year. OSTJ\IASTER:Send address changesto TuE !J\-...; HURCH, l'O. Box514006, Milwaukee, M i>32Q.3.:J4.'.l6. 15 People & Places ubscribers, when submitting address changes, lease allow 3-4 weeks for change to take effect. 'HE LIVINGCHLl!CH (ISSN 00-24-5240)is pub­ shed by THE LIVINGCHURCH FOUNDATION, ~C., a non-profit organiz.ltionserving the Church. ll gilts to the Foundation are tax-deductible. >2009The Uving Church Foundation, Inc. ll lights reserved,No reproductionin wholeor part 111be made,-ithout pennissionof'i'HEU\lN<l Cmmi . 'olume 239 Number 18 NOVEMBER I. 2009 • THE LIVING CHURCH 3 ANGLICAN TOURS SUNDAY'S READINGS Celebrating 30 Years of planning Custom Tours for Church Leaders and their congregations. I TOUR 2010 J The'End' of ChristianDiscipleship NORTHERN ENGLAND " ... the hope t;o which he ooscalled you ... " (Eph. 1:18). Worship and travel with Sewanee All Saints ' Day, Nov. 1, 2009 BCP: Ecclus.44 :1-10,13-14; Psalm 149; Rev. 7:2-4,9-17; Matt. 5:1-12 or Ecclus. School of Theology, 2:(1-6)7-11;Psalm 149; Eph. 1:(11-14)15-23; Luke 6:20-26(27-36) University of the South RCL:Wisdom 3:1-9 or Isaiah25:6 -9; Psalm24; Rev.21 :1-6a; John 11:32-44 May 27 -June 9, 2010 The Book of Common Prayer pro­ myriads" of saints and angels in that Cathedrals, abbey, holy places including vides two different sets of lessons for kingdom of which the Virgin Mary is stays in Chester, Grasmere, Durham, York All Saints' Day, and the Revised Com­ Queen, acknowledged in our hymnal and Ely. Coach travel takes us through mon Lectionary provides one; all as "higher than the cherubim, more great countryside. Emphasis is on our three differ from one another. This glorious than the seraphim," who Celtic heritage supported by daily talks. observation alone shows the breadth leads their praises. Fellowship and pub visits complete our tour! and richness to be found in the mean­ Surely, one of the great sadnesses ing of this luxuriant feast. in Christian discipleship is the mis­ $2,699.00 per person w/o air The BCP lessons tell of great, godly guided and nonsensical convictio n For farther i11fomU1tio11on the above tour people of previous ages (the readings that to honor the saints is somehow or to inquire about a custom tour from Eccles iasticus ); the invincibility to love Jesus less. No one could pos­ for your group, contact: of the godly in the world (Psalm 149); sibly truly love the saints for them­ The Rev. Anne B. Chisham, Director the preservation of the faithful in selves without growing into the ANGLICAN TOURS times of persecution (Revelation); the fathomless depths of love for the One 2635 Second Avenue No. 424 genuine, godly, "three-dimensional­ for whom all the saints lived. San Diego, CA 92103 ity" of the determined followers of The Virgin herself summarized all [email protected] 800 438 2403 Jesus (Ephesians); and the virtue and Christian discipleship in the simple blessedness shown, grown, and man­ words, "Let it be to me according to ifested in the faithful as they endure your word," and, "Whatever he tells DEDICATEDTOSTAINED the trials of daily life (Matthew and you to do, do it." The first sharing Luke). All four lessons of the RCL between two of the first people who GLASSEXCELLENCE present the theme of the faithful pass­ knew that the age of the Messiah was ing through death and conquering it at hand was a rhapsody of joy in FORMORE 1HAN A by the gift and grace of God, and which Mary sang to Elizabeth , "all . CENIURYROHLFS entering into glory and joy. generations shall call me blessed. " It & TIIBPAYNE In all these lessons, we are drawn was a jubilation over the concrete ful­ across the line from thinking just of fillment of the holy promise of God to STIJDJOHAVE "me and Jesus." Far from being sole his people and all the world. The BEENCREATING voices, we belong to an infinite words and lives of the saints show in orchestra of song, a choir of uncount ­ measureless variety the indissolubl e & CONSERVING able millions bursting with the praise romance of humanity with God, STAINEDGLASS and joy of Jesus - a kingdom, as where love is beyond measure, an WINDOWS Scripture tells us, of "myriads upon infinite and eternal ocean of joy. WORLDWIDE. LookIt Up What is necessary, as described in Eph. 1:18,if one is to know what the hope is FORMORE INFORMATION & UTERAJVRB to which God has called us? PLEASEWRITE, PAK, PHONE OR E-MAIL 1V: ThinkAbout It RohlfsStudio Inc. What is the connection between those whom the New Testament refers to as "the 783South. 3rd. Ave. MountVernon, NY 10550 ,,...,,,m--. saints" and those whom the Church came to refer to as "the Saints"? Are all Chris­ PAX-914-699-7091 tians called eventually to be numbered among "the Saints," or is there a lesser stan­ 800-969-4106 dard for ordinary believers? ,os o,,.. 0 :. 1 ~.. BESURE TO NextSunday : ~- ; VISITOUR WEBSITE The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 278), Nov. 8, 2009 ; ~ : www.RobHstudio.comBCP: 1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 146 or 146:4-9;Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44 ~...::-~-=-~" e-mail:[email protected] RCL: Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 and Psalm 127; or 1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 146 and Traditional•Contemporary • Restorations Hebrews9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44 4 THE UVING CHURCH • NOVEMBER I. 2009 NEWS EmbezzlementCharges ConcernFunds Inten ded for TsunamiRelief Police are seeking two former employees of the Church of South India (CSI) on charges of embez­ zling money given to the church for post-tsunami development. Police have arrested two other people - the daughter of the former employ­ ees and her nephew. The charges relate to about $1.6 million of nearly $3.8 million given to the CSI by Episcopal Relief & Development to help tsunami sur­ vivors in coastal Chennai. "Two years ago, Episcopal Relief Chatham Hall, a college-preparatory high school for girls affiliated with the Episcopal Church, has received & Development raised concerns a $31 million gift from the estate of Elizabeth Beckwith Nilsen (class of 1931).
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