DeBerry Demands U.S. Get Forces Out of Vietnam MILITANT NEW YORK, Aug. 5 — “All The other modem precedent Published in the Interests of the Working People U.S. warships, planes and troops was the bombardment ordered by should be immediately withdrawn Mussolini in 1923 of the Greek Vol. 28 - No. 29 Monday, August 10, 1964 Price 10c from Southeast Asia,” today de­ island of Corfu. clared Clifton DeBerry, Socialist Before the inflammatory news­ Workers Party candidate for paper headlines about the “un­ president, as the news came of provoked attack” on the U.S. bombing attacks by U.S. planes destroyer Maddox on Aug. 2 and on coastal installations in North Johnson’s quick follow-up with Civil Rights Fighters Veto Vietnam. “shoot-to-kill” orders to the U.S. DeBerry termed the attacks Seventh Fleet, few Americans ordered by President Johnson were aware of U.S. naval activity “open, unabashed acts of aggres­ in the Gulf of Tonkin — indeed, Leaders on 'Moratorium' sion carried out in contemptuous few even knew where the Gulf of disregard of International law and Tonkin was. Tonkin is the north- By Fred Halstead of all humane and civilized senti­ ermost province of North Viet­ NEW YORK, Aug. 4 — Major ments.” The blood of the people nam. The gulf which bears its “moderate” civil-rights leaders at­ of North Vietnam and of the name is a body of water extend­ tempted a grand sell-out of the American pilots killed in the at­ ing deep into southern China and Negro struggle July 29 when they tack was on Johnson’s hands, he North Vietnam. Its shores are all announced a “broad curtailment said. Chinese and North Vietnamese. if not total moratorium” of all “Is Lyndon Johnson staining his The presence of U.S. warships mass demonstrations until after hands with blood and spreading there is in itself a provocation the Nov. 3 presidential election. the war to North Vietnam — ordered by the administration as and possibly to China — in order part of its “get-tough” policy. Fortunately, their cowardly and Clifton DeBerry dangerous scheme to hogtie the to prove that he is an even tough­ Concealed, moreover, by the con­ er warmonger than Barry Gold­ Freedom Now struggle for the despite massive brainwashing by trolled U.S. press was the fact that benefit of the Democratic Party water?” the socialist candidate U.S. naval units in the Gulf of the controlled press, know some­ national ticket, didn’t work. These asked. Tonkin have been engaged in hos­ “leaders” succeeded only in prov­ The Negro candidate for Presi­ thing is wrong about U.S. policy tilities against North Vietam. in Southeast Asia — as they knew ing that they have almost no in­ dent said that the attack on North Washington maintains the fiction something was wrong with the fluence in the black ghettos. Vietnam had been planned in the that the actual attacks were car­ undeclared war in Korea. The sell-out conference, which White House and Pentagon for a ried out by South Vietnamese ves­ was held here, was called by long time. “The incidents between “We of the Socialist Workers sels and that U.S. warships just NAACP Executive Secretary Roy the U.S. destroyer and the PT Party say get all the troops, planes happened to be along as bystand­ Wilkins and attended by Martin boats were the pretext not the and warships out of Vietnam — ers. This fiction is on a par with Luther King, president of the cause of the U.S. air attack,” he North and South. If as Johnson the claim that U.S. fighting forces Southern Christian Leadership asserted. He pointed out that for claims their purpose is to ‘protect in South Vietnam are not there as Conference; A. Philip Randolph, the past six months U.S. author­ democracy,’ then send them to combatants but merely as “ad­ chairman of the Negro American ities have been leaking stories Mississippi and let them do some visers.” Labor Council; Whitney Young, Roy Wilkins about the need to attack North protecting of black Americans The North Vietnamese charge, there.” executive director of the Urban Found ranks rejected ‘moratorium’ Vietnam because the U.S.-spon­ however, that the U.S. vessels ac­ League; James Farmer, national sored civil war in South Vietnam The reprisal bombardment of tually participate in the raids on CORE director; John Lewis, chair­ barrass the Democrats in their at­ was doing so poorly. the national territory of a country their costal cities and islands. A man of the Student Nonviolent tempts to hold onto racist votes DeBerry said that the U.S. had without declaring war is an open half-way admission of this ap­ Coordinating Committee; and for which Goldwater is making a no right to be in South Vietnam violation of all norms of interna­ peared in the Aug. 4 New York Bayard Rustin, vice-chairman of bid. These “moderate” Negro lead­ in the first place. “Ninety per cent tional law. It has only a few pre­ Times: “ It has been reported that the March on Washington. ers showed that they agree with of the people there now hate cedents in modem times. The the [U.S.] destroyers on patrol Wilkins, King, Randolph and Johnson that the way to beat America’s guts for keeping that closest parallel to the action have sometimes collaborated with Young signed the moratorium Goldwater on the civil-rights issue civil war going and imposing a ordered by Johnson took place in South Vietnamese hit-and-run statement, and Rustin gave it his is to adopt Goldwater’s program series of brutal, corrupt dictators 1936. At that time German war­ raids on North Vietnamese port full support. The statement was — stop any effective struggle by on them. American troops are ships were aiding Gen. Franco by cities, though the destroyers them­ clearly made at the behest of Negroes. being forced to suffer and die sinking Spanish Loyalist vessels, selves stay in international wa­ national Democratic Party leaders Only one day after this big an­ there in an illegal undeclared by transporting troops for the ters.” — King had just met with New nouncement, when from the Ne­ war because the corpora­ Spanish fascists, etc. There was a While the State Department and York Mayor Robert F. Wagner — gro “summit meeting,” these lead­ tions and billionaires who really clash at sea between a Loyalist news media pretend to be mysti­ on the theory that continued mass ers thought they had delivered the run the U.S. believe that it is their plane and a German warship. In fied by the motives of the North actions by Negroes would em- (Continued on Page 4) divine, imperialist, white-suprem- reprisal for this “ unprovoked at­ Vietnamese government, the key acist right to control Southeast tack,” Hitler ordered a naval bom­ to the “mystery” is obvious. On Asia and the other colonial and bardment of the Spanish coastal July 30, two islands on the North semi-colonial areas of the world. city of Almeria. At the time the Vietnam coast, Ho Me and Non “Political stooges of big busi­ shelling of Almeria was con­ Ngu, were shelled by hostile naval ness like Johnson and Goldwater demned as a criminal act in all vessels. The government of North wholeheartedly carry out this dir­ countries except those with fascist Vietnam declared the attackers ty policy but the American people, governments. (Continued on Page 4) Meaning of Harlem Riots Advance Tremor of Black Revolution By William F. Warde Washington. It is a landmark of was a means of exerting direct pressure upon the politicians to Harlem exploded right after the even greater importance than these two milestones. Washington hurry along much delayed legisla­ country-club set, the racist- tion. minded, the hottest cold-warriors is the white capital of the coun­ Now, no sooner was that bill whooped it up for Goldwater in try but Harlem is its black capital. enacted and signed than Harlem San Francisco. These are the so­ And what Harlem feels, thinks erupted and initiated a higher cial and political extremes of and does — or does not do — can stage of the struggle. The advance American life today. At one pole — which the liberals and pure the rich, pampered and powerful be decisive for the progress of the pacifists regard as a retrogres­ — but worried and fearful — del­ Negro revolt. sion — was registered in the fol­ egates of the ruling order set This stands out clearly when we lowing ways. about to make the country and compare the principal features of The Harlem, Bedford-Stuyve­ the world safe for their oil wells., last week’s events with those of Cadillacs and white supremacy. sant, Rochester encounters were the March on Washington which not at all peaceful. They were At the opposite pole, the most de­ has up to now been the peak of prived and despairing part of our provoked by police violence and the mass mobilization of black answered in kind. These justi­ people wrathfully rose up against protest. their atrocious conditions and the fiably vehement uprisings con­ The March on Washington was forces upholding them. tained the shoots of civil and a peaceful and well-ordered dem­ racial war. There is no need to dwell upon onstration with almost a festive Instead of being staged with the background and immediate air. the consent of the authorities and causes of the New York events. It was a carefully-controlled as­ in benevolent consultation with They are so well-advertised that semblage, shepherded from start them, they were directed against outbreaks have been predicted for to finish by its moderate organiz­ the police and similar agencies months.
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