Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. J9, December2001, pp. 1207-1213 Mini Review Internet: A major resource for toxicologists* San joy Kumar Pal t, Aamir Nazir, lndranil Mukhopadhyay, D K. Saxena & D Kar Chowdhuri * Embryotoxicology Section, Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, P.B. No. 80, Lucknow 226 00 I, India Use of the Internet in developing countries is now growing fa ster. Internet has created a new conduit not only for communication but also in the access, sharing and exchange of information among scientists. The Internet is now viewed as the world's biggest library where retrieval of scientific literature and other information resources are possible within seconds. Large volumes of toxicological information resources are available on the Internet. This review outlines some sites that may be of great importance and useful to the toxicologist. The Internet is a huge network of computers that span information transfer over a telephone line) are 1 the globe • More popularly known as the "information indispensable. There are several ways to gain access superhighway" the Internet has become a very to the Internet backbone. For private use, one has to pervasive influence in everyday life. Its power is more look for an Internet Access Provider (lAP). This is a strongly seen among scientists, as more and more commercial company that provides access to its information is made available through "the net" Internet backbone network; connection with the whether they are gene sequences, experimental data customer is usually established via a modem and 2 or whole journal articles • The Internet is also an communication line. Apart from the necessary expanding body of information and now it is software, the subscriber is given a password and an perceived as the world's largest library. The Internet e-mail address; most providers also offer the is a powerful instrument for the exchange of scientific opportunity to install web page on their server. information for practitioners and researchers of 3 pharmaceutical and toxicological science . The The World Wide Web Internet originated in 1969 when an American The World Wide Web (often referred to as www) is Defence Advance Research Project Agency one of the most recent interesting and popular developed a computer network (ARPANET), 1 developments •• It offers user-friendly access to specially designed to survive foreign attack. millions of pages of information on computer all over the world. What is Internet The Internet is a large, worldwide network of The information on a World Wide Web is accessed interconnected computers. It consists of several via client program or 'browser'. Browsers are now communication media, the best known of which is the available for most operating systems. The most world wide web. The principal communication commonly used are Netscape Navigator and protocol of the Internet is TCP/IP (Transmission Microsoft Internet Explorer. Recent version of these programs allows moving images, video clippings and control protocoVInternet protocol), developed in the 4 1970s by the US Department of Defence. It was sound to be integrated in a web page . designed to connect networks of different vendors into a "network of networks" (the Internet). Navigating the Internet In search for scientific information, it is now Getting Connected to Internet possible to link your computer to computer/s all 5 For getting connected to the Internet a powerful around the world through Internet • The World Wide computer and a modem (machine that enables digital Web is a new resource for toxicologist. It is now possible to sit at a computer terminal and search for *I.T.R.C. Communicati on No. 2 150 information of interest from all over the world. tPresent address: Department of Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi However, because of the enormous content of the PGI Medical Sciences, Raebareli Road, Lucknow 226 014; Email: [email protected] World Wide Web, it is important to know how to *Correspondent author: Email: dkarchowdhuri @rediffmail.com search the web effectively to avoid wasting of time 1208 INDIAN J EXP BIOL, DECEMBER 2001 and obtaining hardly useful information. The easiest Electronic Mail way is, of course, trying to obtain the exact Uniform Postal delivery at the speed of light is possible with Resource Locator (URL). If one knows the address electronic mail (e-mail or email). The Internet access for a particular web site, the same can be typed into provider (lAP) really functions as a post office, the location box of the browser and the user will receiving and forwarding electronic mail. The lAP automatically be connected to the correct site. Most of also provides the e-mail address, which is in the the time, however, the exact address will be unknown. general form [email protected], denotes the In this case, a 'search engine' can be used. name and mail server of the addressee separated by the @ ('at') sign. Not only text , but also photographs, Because the Internet is so large it is important to images, sound and video clippings can be attached to have an efficient way of finding the information that an e-mail message. one needs. Search engine is a software program that trawls the web, to index the contents of web servers Electronic Publication for a particular query. The name and addresses of few Starting in 1991 , Paul Ginsparg and colleagues at the popular search engines are given in Table 1. Los Alamos National Laboratory set up an automated Table !- List of some popular search engines Search Engines: Yahoo http:/lwww.yahoo.com Excite http:/lwww .excite.com MSN http:/lwww .msn.com Jnfoseek http:/lwww .infoseek.com Alta Vista http:/lwww .altavista.digital.com Look smart http:/lwww .looksmart.com Hot Bot http:/lwww.hotbot.com Lycos http:/lwww.lycos.com Northern Light http:/lwww.nlsearch.com Meta Search Engines : Dogpile http:/lwww.dogpile.com Eliter.com http:/lwww.eliter.com The BigHub.com http:/lwww .thebighub.com JUGALUG MP3 http:/lwww .jugalug.com/ CurryGuidc http:/lservices.currguide.com/ PopularSites.com http:/lwww .popularsites.com Mcgasourccs http:/lwww .acr.ryerson.ca/-joumaVrnegasources.html Profusion http:/lwww .profusion.com Indian Search Engines: 123 India http:/lwww. I 23india.com Agni http:/lwww .indiawatch.org.inlagni/ India Search http:/lwww .indialinks.cornllinks!links.htm Khoj http:/lwww.khoj.com Yadoo http:/lwww. yadoo.com Indian Hornepage Search http:/lindiatime.com/urls/indiaurls.htm Search Engine for India related websites http:/lsearch.keralanuada.com/intemet-services/ PAL et al .: INTERNET: RESOURCE FOR TOXICOLOGISTS 1209 Table 2-Electronic Journals in the Net International Journal of Toxicology http:lflandaus.com/toxicology/journal.htm http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/JNLSffOC/tocito.htm Journal of Analytical Toxicology http://www.jatox.com/ Links to pharmacology and toxicology journals http://www.sciencekomm.at/journals/medicine/toxic.html Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry http://www .ruf.rice.edu/-etcj/ Toxicology and Environmental Health http://www.tandfdc.com/JNLS/teh.htm Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology http://www.apnet.com/www/journallto.htm E- Journal - Journal of Applied Toxicology http :Ill i brary.u sask .cafejourn al s/02/6/0260-4 3 7 X. h t ml E - Journal - Environmental To"xicology and Water Quality http:/11 ibrary .usask.calejournals/10/5/1 053-4 725. html E- Journal- Archives of Toxicology http://library.usask.ca/ejournals/03/4/0340-576 1.html E - Journal - Chemical Research in Toxicology http:lllibrary.usask.calejournals/08/9/0893-228X.html Electronic Journal - Inhalation Toxicology http:lllibrary.usask.calejournals/08/9/0895-8378.html E- Journal- Human and Experimental Toxicology http:llli brary .usask.calejournals/09/6/0960-327l.html E- Journal -Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology http:lflibrary. usask.calejournals/00/4/0041-008X.html Electronic Jou rnal - Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology http:/llibrary.usask.calejournals/15/2/ 1522-7987 .html E- Journal - Toxicology and Industrial Health http://library.u s ask .calejournals/07/4/07 48-233 7 .html Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology http://www.apnet.com/www/journal/rt.htm E- Journal - Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology http:/11 ibrary .usask.calejournals/0217/0273-2300.html E- Journal - Pharmacology & Toxicology http:lllibrary.usask.calejournals/09/0/090 l -9928.html Cell Bi ology and Tox icology http://www. wkap. nl/journalhome.htm/07 42-2091 Human and Experimental Toxicology http://www.stockton-press.co.ukfhet/ American Col lege of Medical Toxicology http://www.acmt.net/ Jou rnals of Bi omacromolecules Bi otechnolog Pharmacology and toxicology http://www.sciencekomm.at/journals/medicine/toxic.html EHIS Publications : Environmental Health Perspectives http://ehpnet l.niehs.nih.gov/docs/journals. html TOXUPS Medical journals med-bio.html http://www.sciencekomm.at/journals/medicine/ Bioline International- Toxicology and Ecotoxicology News http://www.bdt.org.brlbioline/te E-Journals: Toxicology Vet http://l ibrary .usask.calejournals/vtox. ht ml Environmental Toxicology and Ecotoxicology http://www.med.ed.ac.uk/HEW/tox/toxjrnl.html Academic Press Journals http://www .apnet.corn!journals ACS Journals-Chemical Research in Toxicology http://pubs.acs.org/journals/crt.html Toxicology Environment, conservation and ecology Journals http://www.sciencekomm.at/journals/environ.html Environmental Journals on the Internet http://www.cnie.org/Journals.htm Pharmacology Journals http://ptworldmag.com/pharmaco.htm Environmental Epidemiology and
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