Published Weekly George Horace Lorimer EDITOR The Curtis Publishing Churchill Williams, E S. Bigelow. THE SETURDRY A.W. Neal!. Arthur Mc lieogh, Company H. D. Walker, E. Dinsmore, Cyrus H. K. Curtis, President Associate Editors C.11. Ludington, Vice-President and Treasurer Walter H. Dower. Art Editor P. S. Collins. General Business Manager Walter D. Fuller. Secretary EVENING POST Entered as Second-Clasa Matter.November15. William Boyd. Advertising Director 1879. at the Post Office at Philadelphia. Independence Square, Philadelphia Founded A9D1 1728 by Benj.Franklin Under the Act of March 3.1879 London. 6. Henrietta Street Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Covent Garden.W. C. Copyright. 1919, by the Curtis Publishing Company in the United States and Great Britain Post-Office Department. Ottawa. Canada THE COPY $2.on THE YEAR Volume 192 55c, in Canada PHIERDELPHLR, DECEMBER 27, 1919 by Subscription Number 26 Ibler(3173eT IHOCDWeir HAT some readjustment his abilities and character en- of our industfial and eco- title him—is itself the negation nomic relations is neces- of class. Human beings are not Tsary needs no argument, equal in these qualities, but a for the world is seething with society that is based upon a the problem. If any evidence constant readjustment of the were needed the coal strike, in relative influence and rewards its stoppage of critical produc- of individuals in the commu- tion and the ultimate suffering nity, upon the basis of ability that will follow, is sufficient. and character, is a moving, Moreover, the attempt to solve virile mass—it is not a stratifi- great human and economic cation of classes. Its stimulus problems by governmental use is competition. of the courts instead of seeking solution from the legislatures National Welfare is indeed further evidence of need for careful thinking. TT IS the essence of democ- The problems are difficult racy that progress of the enough in themselves. They mass must rise from progress are great tangled skeins that do of the individual. It is the not lend themselves to the dis- only road to a higher civiliza- solving influence of any simple tion. Its conception of the state formula. They cannot be ap- is of one that, representative of proached in the single aspect all the citizens, will in the region of the relations of the worker of economic activities limit it- to the employer, for they in- self in the main to the preven- volve intricate problems of tion of economic domination social economics in the stimula- of the few over the many. It tion of effort and intelligence, is true that our Government in the ejimination of waste, the these latter particulars some- better distribution of wealth, times lags behind the fertile the control of speculation, economic inventiveness and extravagance, checks to domi- greed of some of our citizens, nation of groups, and the pro- and it requires constant prog- gressive development of ress in legislation and enforce- government to keep pace with ment to keep pace with them. the economic ingenuity of our On the whole, however, it has citizens. moved surely in its corrective influence, and our institutions The Melting Pot have demonstrated themselves capable of meeting their tasks. E ARE doubly afflicted, This dominant idea of estab- Wnot only by the problems lishing and preserving an equal- themselves but by the injection ity of opportunity has during into them of phrase makers and these one hundred and fifty dreamers of everything outside years carried us on a far differ- common sense. The world is ent road of social and political aflame with attempts to im- ideals from that in Europe. We pose new philosophies upon have no frozen class distinc- social and economic life. These tions. We have developed a new philosophic ideas are all of COPYRIGHT ST UNDERWOOD • UNDERWOOD STUDIO, NEW YORK CITY far better distribution of neces- European origin. They are the sities, comforts and wealth than creation of intellectual dilet- any other place in the world. tanti—the parlor operators of We have a willingness to abide the past fifty years. They rise by the will of the majority, a from cogitation over the worst social systems of Europe, whose prime basis is a division sense of neighborly obligation and a higher sense of justice, of self-sacrifice and of of the population into rigid classes, the lower ones steeped in centuries of misery and public conscience; and out of these we have certainty of ultimate solutions. For all I exploitation from which there is but little escape, regardless of abilities. Thus, in parts know, it may be necessary to have revolutions in some places in Europe in order to of Europe these theories feed op righteous discontent, are fertilized by injustice, and bring about these things, but it does not follow that such philosophies have any place their practical application is murder, flame, loss of production and subsequent starva- with us. Our plan does not enable us to take our neighbor's home overnight, but it does tion. These disintegrating forces have to a minor degree penetrated our national soil, enable us to build one of our own. and in our soil they find their major adherents among the ignorant immigrants, who I am one of the adherents of this American philosophy from a conviction that only have not yet heard of our institutions or will not in one generation understand them along this line lie the moral and physical welfare of this nation and its usefulness in anyway. Our vaunted melting pot requires the flux of a generation in our common schools. regenerating the rest of the world. Adherence to this idea, however, requires some The United States has been for one hundred and fifty years steadily developing a militancy against imported social diseases that tend to infect it; and, of more impor- social philosophy of its own. This philosophy has stood this period of test in the fire tance, it requires a jealous care that with our advancing economic development the state of common sense; it is in substance that there should be an equality of opportunity— should also advance in its safeguards against domination—that is, in the preservation an equal chance—to every citizen. This view—that every individual should within his of our fundamental ideal of equality and opportunity. Latterly, with the growth of lifetime not be handicapped in securing that particular niche in the community to which large units of industry, the loss of the old mutual responsibilities of employed and 3 4 THE SATURDAY EVENING POST December 27, 1919 employer, the import of many ill-digested foreigners, and That the standard of living is the direct quotient of the and improvement in many of our tools of production entail generally out of contact with Europe, we have given class amount of commodities and services that are available large risks in possible loss of savings or delay in returns terms to purely economic meanings, with much super- among the total population. Therefore the standard can- from labor. The major impulse to such activities must ficiality. The assumption of class distinctions between not be maintained or improved unless there is a main- be the hope of unusual returns. In the dream state we labor, capital and the public is a foolish creation of false tenance and .increase in the production of commodities should provide an exact proportion of the total production class consciousness and is building for us the very same and services up to the maximum need of the entire num- to each member, corresponding to his effort, economies, kind of foundations upon which Europe rocks to-day. All ber. There is no equality of opportunity to the consumer ability, character and risk. We should divide the ownership panaceas of Socialism, Syndicalism, Communism, Capi- with deficient production. The maximum production of the accumulated tools of production and their annual talism or any other "isms" are based on the hypothesis cannot be maintained unless there is combined and accretion by the same rule. No such ideal will ever be that class division necessarily exists in the United States, coordinated action in effort, intelligence and skill of all attained short of the millennium—but we can provide and thence they launch into logical deductions after the elements in production, whether workers, tools or man- safeguards that will constantly re-create the offer of an acceptance of this false premise. ager; unless there is an elimination of waste, whether it equality of opportunity to possess them with the revolu- When all is said and done, labor, whether with hand or be due to the support of nonproducers, oversized armies tion of time. mind, is the only excuse for membership in the community. and navies, to extravagance, strikes, lockouts or lack of Capital is nothing but the savings of the nation, repre- skill in either labor or administrators; unless every mem- National Consciousness and Public Opinion sented by tools of production and service, whether it be ber of the community works up to his maximum abilities land, factories, homes, railways or schools; its managers and ceases to agitate for a reduction in effort below his OME members of the community may temporarily get are laborers themselves and must be sifted out by compe- real capacity, for there is no equality of opportunity if S more than their deserts. This illegitimate division of the tition in accord with their intelligence, skill and character. some are to work six hours and others twelve hours; surplus is the real quarrel of the community. The surplus Capital is not money, for money is nothing but the token unless the physical, moral and intellectual welfare of the itself is not an unlimited amount.
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