Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04663-4 - An Exiled Generation: German and Hungarian Refugees of Revolution, 1848–1871 Heléna Tóth Index More information Index Abdülmecid I (sultan of the Ottoman Ancona, 106, 242 Empire), 143 Andrássy, Count Gyula de Csíkszentkirály abolitionism, 134, 140 et Krasznahorka, 55, 82, 93–4, 144, Abt, Franz Wilhelm, 181 241 Ács, Gedeon, 139, 209, 212, 249–50 Anglo-Turkish commercial treaty (1838), 189 Adliczer, Antal, 146 Anneke, Mathilda Franziska, 81 Albrecht of Austria (archduke, duke of Apollo Rooms, 132 Teschen), 93 Association of Hungarian Political Exiles, 196 Aleppo, 43, 76, 159 asylum, 1 see also England, Ottoman Ali, Mehmed Emin, pasha, 159 Empire, Switzerland, United States Almássy, Mihály, 5, 19 extradition laws, 1 Almássy, Pál, 244 practice of, 1, 34 American Civil War (1861–1865), 156–7, Australia, 20 202 Austro-French Piedmontese War (Second amnesty, 5 War of Italian Independence) (1859), general, 248–9 76, 212, 245 in Baden, 222, 227, 231–5, 237, 248 Austro-Hungarian Compromise (1867), in the Habsburg Empire, 219–21, 226, 184, 236, 248, 250–4 235–7, 248–9 Austro-Prussian War (1866), 76, 236, 252 in Württemberg, 222–5, 232, 248 on condition of emigration, 5, 11, 19, 21, Baden, Grand Duchy of, 9, 79, 237 46–63, 79, 239 April insurrection (1848), 25 state policy in Baden, 60 border region, 66, 71 see also émigrés: on the occasion of events related to royal activities in border regions families, 220–2, 226 constitutional assembly, 67, 70, 147 petitions for, 7, 18, 45–6, 60, 80, 82–91, emigration from, 11 201, 215 émigrés from, 10–11, 36 see also political collective, 79, 89, 103, 215, 224, 237 exile: from the German lands criteria for judging, 18, 52, 60–1, 97–8, military officers, 61, 119, 239 see also 104, 215, 224–5, 227–30 émigré military officers in England, scribes, 87 Ottoman Empire, Switzerland, amnesty petitions, see amnesty United States, United States Amsberg, George von, 165 amnesty for, 222, 234–5 288 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04663-4 - An Exiled Generation: German and Hungarian Refugees of Revolution, 1848–1871 Heléna Tóth Index More information Index 289 parliament, 24 Central European Democratic Committee, popular uprising, 9 167, 193–5 Prussian military, 71–3 Chicago, 205 remigration to, 31–2, 218 Cincinnati, 205 returning to citizenship rights, 240 procedure of, 226–7 forfeited through emigration, 31 Bader, Joseph, 58 Clauss, Martin Friedrich, 224 Bangya, János, 197 Communist Workers’ Educational Society Barsi, József, 53 (Communistischer Arbeiter- Basel, 66, 230 Bildungsverein), 193, 195–6 Batthyány, Count Kázmér Antal Ferenc de Congress of Vienna (1815), 1 Németújvár, 199 conservatives, 20 Batthyány, Count Lajos de Németújvár, 62, constitutionalism, 2, 223 183 Corvin-Wiersbitzki, Otto Julius Bernhard Bavaria, Kingdom of, 172 von, 165 Becher, August, 53 Crimean War (1853–1856), 76, 119, 146, Beck, Countess Wilhelmine von, 121 160, 190 Belgium, 73, 120, 257 Csermely, Albert, 45 Belgrade, 44 Bem, Józef Zachariasz, 159, 165 Dancs, Lajos, 225 Bern, 17, 29, 31, 108, 173–7, 185 Darasz, Albert, 194 Bernard, Charles Ambroise, 143, 185 Darmstadt, 162 Besanne, 230 Deák, Ferenc, 236, 245, 253 Beulwitz, Hartmund von, 92 Debrecen, 242 Black Forest Support and Charity Deffner, Carl Ludwig, 180 Association (Schwarzwälder Dembiński, Henryk, 165 Unterstüztung und democrats, 107 Wohltätigkeitsverein), 193 Detroit, 155 Blum, Robert, 181, 201 Dietrich, Joseph, 67, 69–70, 73, 232–4, Bonn, 107 239 Börnstein, Heinrich, 116, 206 Discourses (Eszmecserék), 189 Boston, 123, 134, 164, 208–12, 249 Dresden, 97 Bowen, Francis, 125, 127 Bradford, 149 Egressy, Gábor, 92, 98 Braun, Ernst, 55 Ell, Franz, 235 Brownson, Orestes, 125 emigration Bruchsal, 49–50, 52 see also political as process, 8 prisoners from the German lands, 6, 12 Brussels, 183, 225 layers of, 12, 167, 169–70 to replace a prison sentence, see amnesty: Camp Floyd, 164 on condition of emigration Canning, Stratford, 1st Viscount Stratford émigrés, see also political exile de Redcliffe, 40 activities in border regions, 21, 34, Castle Garden Theater, 128, 131 63–77, 240 Cavour, Count Camillo Benso, 202 and political refugees, distinctions Cegléd, 253 between, 5 Central Committee for the Support of all biographies of, 4, 43, 215, 227–30, 238 Émigrés in Switzerland conversion to Islam, see Ottoman (Centralkomitee zur Unterstützung Empire:conversion of émigrés to sämmtlicher Flüchtlinge in der Islam Schweiz), 174, 178, 181–2 imagined community of, 17, 170, 191 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04663-4 - An Exiled Generation: German and Hungarian Refugees of Revolution, 1848–1871 Heléna Tóth Index More information 290 Index émigrés, (cont.) Fort Hamilton, 164 memoir literature, 36, 40, 114–16, forty-eighters, see émigrés 119–20, 129–31, 181, 225 France, 47, 73, 120, 150 networks of, 171, 180–1, 210, 212, Frankfurt parliament, 16, 102, 163, 171, 230–1 173, 201 international dimensions, 184–5, 189, dissolution of, 3, 27 192, 196–7 Franz Joseph I (emperor of Austria, king of professional trajectory of, 7, 110, Hungary), 10, 37, 92, 150, 201, 219, 116–20, 142–66, 183–4, 188 221, 223–4, 236, 241–2 self-perception of, 46, 119, 157, 177, 216, assassination attempt on, 69 243, 250–4 see also political exile: Frauenfeld, 69 definition of French Revolution, 256 surveillance of, 64, 192, 197, 230–1 Friedmann, Hermann, 227 trajectories of, 73–6 Friedrich I (grand duke of Baden), 221, 224, women, 39, 79, 110–11, 208 231, 234 England, 1, 12–13, 63, 73, 81, 120 Friedrich Wilhelm IV (king of Prussia), 3, 9, as country of asylum, 3, 15–16 26, 251 book market, 121 Fröbel, Karl Friedrich, 163 émigré military officers, 161 Füster, Anton, 202 émigré physicians, 148–51 immigrants from the German lands, 149, Gaál, Gusztáv, 144–6 192–3 Gachnang, 103, 147 Schiller centenary, 200–1 Gagern, Friedrich Balduin Ludwig von, 25 Esslingen, 247 Gailingen, 67 European Democratic Committee, 194 Galata, 189 execution, see also revolution of 1848: Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 4, 120 punishments Garrison, William Lloyd, 140 in absentia, 55, 96 Geneva, 183–4 extradition laws, see asylum Gérando, Auguste de, 211 Gérando, Joseph Maria de, 211 family Gervinus, Georg Gottfried, 231 as cohesive political force in exile, 111, Giessen, 173 174, 184 Goegg, Armand, 195 as lobby group for amnesty, 7, 16, 79–80, Göttingen, 65 222, 225–6 Grafenhausen, Ferdinand Fritz von, 58 as unit of loyalty, 100 Gulda, Sebastian, 69 as unit of migration, see political exile: as Guyon, Richard Debaufre, 40, 95, 131, family migration 160–1, 190 life in exile, 104–12 metaphor of, 7, 79, 112–13 Habsburg Empire, 37, 73, 79 relatives of forty-eighters as prisoners, 50, amnesty, 60–1 95–7 army, 44, 161, 187 Fauer, Julianna von, 82, 99 labor migration from, 13, 143–4, 177 Fáy, András, 93 remigration to, 96–7, 140, 218, 248–9 Fazy, James, 184, 185 procedure of, 219 February Patent (1861), 235 Hajnik, Henrietta, 62, 97 Ferdinand I, emperor of Austria, Hajnik, Pál, 101 king of Hungary and Bohemia, Hamburg, 106, 122, 239 158 Hammerschmidt, Károly, 144–6 Fickler, Joseph, 195, 205 Hannover, 27 Florence, 243 Hans Ibeles, 107–8 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04663-4 - An Exiled Generation: German and Hungarian Refugees of Revolution, 1848–1871 Heléna Tóth Index More information Index 291 Hartmann, Moritz, 168, 184 Italian legion, 37, 39 Harvard University, 127 Italy, 76 Hauser, Matthäus, 55 Hauslaub, Franz Ritter von, 41, 61, 93, 95, Jacobi, Abraham, 155 100, 143, 218 James, Henry, 141 Häusser, Ludwig, 231 Jestetten, 70–1 Haynau, Julius Jacob von, 95 Jósika, Miklós, 244 Hecker, Friedrich Karl Franz, 24–5, 73, 137, 203 Kalapsza, János, 134–5, 164, 208 Heidelberg, 237, 240 Kapff, Ludwig, 84, 89 Heilbronn, 174, 176, 239 Kapp, Friedrich, 137 Heinzen, Karl, 195 Karády, Ignác, 212 Hermann, 200 Kassa, 187 Hermann, Maximilian von, 64 Kászonyi, Dániel, 151, 196–7, 202, 250 Herzen, Alexander Ivanovich, 63, 198 Kertbeny, Karl (Károly) Maria, 104, 246 hiking, political significance of, 180–1 Kiefer, Hermann, 155 Hilzingen, 67, 232, 239–41 Kinizsi, István, 210 Hoffmann, Karl, 103, 147–8 Kinkel, Johann Gottfried, 107, 138–9, 195, Hohenasperg, 48–9, 51–2 see also political 197, 199–201, 206 prisoners Kinkel, Johanna, 108, 142 Holzschreiter, Johann Georg, 70–3 Klapka, György, 61, 185 homeopathy, 150–1 Klüber, Friedrich Adolf, 32 Horváth, Mihály, 183–4, 225 Kmetty, György, 146 Hungarian Academy of Science, 183, 191 Knechtel, János, 186 Hungarian Controversy, 124–8 Kochendörfer, Karl, 234 Hungarian Émigrés’ Newspaper (Magyar Köhlreuter, Wilhelm, 226–7, 259 Száműzöttek Lapja), 207 Komárom, 61, 105, 122, 185 Hungarian Society, 189–91 capitulation of, 10 Hungarians, national stereotypes about, Körmendy, Lajos, 140 135–6 Korn, Philipp, 129 Hungary, Kingdom of, 3 Kornis, Károly, 207 April laws (1849), 10 Kossuth, Lajos, 4, 14, 19, 37, 46, 64–5, 73, army, 11 76, 112, 120–1, 128–9, 133, 139, émigrés from, 11, 13–14, 21, 38–41 145, 194, 197–8, 202, 207, 243, labor migration from, 13, 170, 188 250–4 parliament (1861), 201, 236, 241–9 Kossuth, Zsuzsanna (wife of Rudolf reform movement, 10 Meszlényi), 110, 208, 210 remigration to, 42–3, 201, 249–50 Kövy, Albert, 62, 97 revolution of 1848 and war of Krajtsir, Károly, 123 independence, 10, 37–8, 188 Kudlich, Hans, 111, 174 military officers, 157–8 Kuné, Gyula (Julius), 116 serving in the
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