C G B C J R } fh ;w t ht td], cdz oty yjc ke 'b nt ktq b ghb ;j ljd] Hec crjq Pf he /t' yjq +th rdb c] b;] fl ht cf vb ___ D I R E C T O R Y of the Hierarchy, Clergy and Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad 2015 u. C G B C J R } 2015 (На основе данных августа 2014 года) Работа по составлению контактной информации о приходах и священниках находится в процессе уточнения. Все епархиальные епископы предоставили нам списки своих приходов и священников, но невозможно было связаться со всеми указанными священниками для уточнения деталей до отправки в печать этого буклета. Получить наиболее свежую информацию можно бесплатно в PDF jordanville.org или в новостях онлайн directory.stinnocentpress.com Если у Вас есть уточнения, пожалуйста, пришлите их по адресу directory@ jordanville.org; изменения будут проверены и внесены в новости онлайн, сведения из которых будут взяты для следующего выпуска буклета. D I R E C T O R Y 2015 (Based on data from August 2014) The work of compiling this contact data for parishes and clergy is an ongoing process. All diocesan bishops did give us their lists of parishes and clergy. It was not possible to contact all clergy listed for confirmation of address details before going to print with this booklet. To view the most updated information, check the free PDF downloads available at jordanville.org or the online database at directory.stinnocentpress.com If you have corrections, please send them to [email protected]; the change will be verified and entered into the online database from which data will be taken for the next printed version. Jukfdktywt Cgbcjr] Fh;wthttd] Heccrjq Ghfdjckfdyjq +thrdb Pfuhfyb=tq ................................. 2 Fh ;w t htq crwq Cb yjl] Heccrjq Ghfdjckfdyjq +thrdb Pfuhfyb=tq ................................. 3 Jhufybpf=wb yf;jlzowzcz d] ytgjchtlcndtyyjv] d\l\ywb Fh;wthtqcrfuj Cbyjlf .................................................... 4 Ghb;jls Heccrjq Ghfdjckfdyjq +thrdb Pfuhfyb=tq ............... 5 Rkbh] Heccrjq Ghfdjckfdyjq +thrdb Pfuhfyb=tq ................. 59 Contents The Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia .......................... 2 ἀe S ynod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia ............................ 3 Organizations directly under the directions of the Synod of Bishops ............................................ 4 Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia ........ 5 Clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia ......... 59 — 1 — CGB CJR} FH :W T HT TD} HEC CRJQ GHF DJC KFD YJQ +TH RDB PFU HF YB +TQ The Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Bkfhwjy], Vbn hj gj kbn] Dj cnjx yj-Fvt hb rfy crwq b Ym[-Wjhrcrwq, Gth dj w t hfh; Heccrjq Ghf dj ckfd yjq +th rdb Pfu hf yb =tq b Ghtl c\ lf ntkm Fh ;w t htq crf uj Cj /j hf b Cb yj lf. Me tropolitan of Eastern American and New York, First Heirarch of the Russian Church Abroad and Chairman of the Council and Synod of Archbishops His Eminen ce, The Most Rev. Me tropolitan Hilarion 75 East 93rd St., New York, NY 10128-1390, U.S.A. Tel: (212) 534-1601 • Fax: (212) 534-1798 • e-mail: [email protected] Fh;wtgb crjg] Cblytqcrwq b Fdcnhfkwqcrj-Yjdjptkfyl crwq. Archbishop of Sydney and Australia and New Zealand His Eminen ce, The Most Rev. Me tropolitan Hilarion 20 Chelmsford Ave., P.O. Box 38, Croydon, N.S.W. 2132, Australia Tel: 61 (2) 9747-5892 or 61 (2) 9747-2301 Fax: 61 (2) 9747-5109 e- mail: [email protected] Fkb gwq, Fh ;w t gb crjg] Xbrfucrwq b Chtlyt-Fvthbrfycrwq. His Eminence, The Most Rev. Archb ishop Alypy 1800 Lee St., Des Plaines, IL 60018 U.S.A. • Tel: (847) 824-6531 Vfhr], Fh;wtgbcrjg] ?thkbycrwq b Uthvfycrwq. Gthdsq Pf -v\c nbntkm Ghtlc\lfntkz Cbyjlf. Sei ne Emine nz Erz b isc hof Mark, Orthodoxes Männer klos t er des Hl. Hiob, Hofbauernstr. 26, D-81247 München. Germany Tel: 49 (89) 2031 9085 • Fax: 49 (89) 886 777 • e-mail: [email protected] Rb hbkk], Fh;wtgb crjg] Cfy]-Ahfy =bc crwq b Pf gfl yj-Fvt hbrfy crwq. D njhjq Pf v\ cnb ntkm Ghtl c\ lf nt kz Cbyjlf. Ctr ht nfhm Fh;wthtqcrfuj Cb yj lf. His Eminence, The Most Rev. Archbishop Kyrill, 109 - 6th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94118, U.S.A. Tel: (415) 386-0452 • Fax: (415) 276-1935 • e-mail: [email protected] Ufdhwbk], Fh;wtgbcrjg] Vjyhtfkmcrwq b Rfyflcrwq. Son Eminence l’Archevêque Gabriel, 425 Avenue Edouard-Charles, Outremont, Que. H2V 2N3, Canada Tel: (514) 277-0969 • Fax: (514) 562-5212 • e-mail: [email protected] Vb;fbk], Fh;wtgb crjg] "tytdcrwq b Pfgflyj-Tdhjgtqcrwq. Son Eminence l’Archevêque Michel, 18, rue de Beaumont, CH-1206 Genève, Suisse T el:/Fax: 41 (0) 22 346 47 09 • Cell: 41 (0) 78 898 44 11 • e-mail: [email protected] Wjfyy], Tgb crjg] Rfhfrfccrwq b {’yj-Fvthbrfycrwq. Su Eminencia Obispo Juan, Nuñez 3541, 1430 Buen os Aires, Arge ntina Tel: 54 (11) 4541-7691 • e-mail: [email protected] Fufgbn], Tgb crjg] Inennufhncrwq, Dbrfhwq Uth vfy crjq Tgfh;wq. Sei ne Excellenz B isc hof Agapit, Orthodoxes Männer klos t er des Hl. Hiob, Hofbauernstr. 26, D-81247 München. Germany Tel: 49 (89) 2031 9085 • Fax: 49 (89) 886 777 • e-mail: [email protected] Gtnh], Tgb crjg] Rkbdktylcrwq, Eghfdkz[owq Xbrfucrjq b Chtlyt-Fvt hbrfycrjq Tgfh;wtq. His Grace, The Right Rev. BishopPeter, P.O. Box 1367, Des Plaines, IL 60017, U.S.A. Tel: (847) 298-5383 • Fax: (847) 298-5380 • e-mail: [email protected] — 2 — ¤tjljcwq, Tgb crjg] Ctfnnkwqcrwq, Dbrfhwq Pf gfl yj-Fvt hb rfy crjq Tgfh ;wq. His Grace, The Right Rev. Bishop ἀe odosios, 598 -15th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94118, U.S.A. Tel: (415) 221-0234 • e-mail: [email protected] Utjhuwq, Tgb crjg] V^qabkmlcrw, Dbrfhwq Djcnjxyj-Fvt hb rfy crjq Tgfh ;wq. His Grace, The Right Rev. Bishop George, 505 Holy Cross Rd., WV 25570-9755, U.S.A. Tel: (304) 849-3290 • cell: (315) 868-7010/ Fax: (304) 849-2016 • e-mail: [email protected] Епископ Манхеттенский Николай, Заместитель Секретаря Архиерейского Синода, викарий Восточно-Американской епархии. His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan 75 East 93rd St., New York, NY 10128-1390, U.S.A. Tel: (212) 534-1604 • e-mail: [email protected] Fh;wthtb yf gjrj\> Tgb crjg] Dfhyfdf Retired: Son Excellence I’Evêque Barnabe, 1-9, impas se des Deu x-Eg lis es, 06400 Cannes, France • Tel: 33 (4) 93 43 00 28 Fh;wthtb yf gjrj\> Tgb crjg] Wthjybv] Retired: His Grace, The Right Rev. BishopJerome, 75 East 93rd St., New York, NY 10128-1390, U.S.A. Tel: (212) 534-1601~ Fax: (212) 534-1798 • e-mail: [email protected] Fh ;w t htq crwq Cb yjl] HEC CRJQ GHF DJC KFD YJQ +TH RDB PFU HF YB +TQ 75 East 93rd St., New York, NY 10128-1390, U.S.A. Tel: (212) 534-1601 • Fax: (212) 534-1798 e-mail:[email protected] • website: www.synod.com Ghtl c\ lf ntkm Cb yjlf> Vbn hj gj kbn] Bkfhwjy], Dj cnjx yj-Fvt hb rfy crwq b Ym[-Wjh rcrwq, Gth dj w t hfh;] Hec crjq Ghf dj ckfd yjq +th rdb Pfu hf yb =tq. Xkt ys Cb yjlf> Fh;wtgbcrjg] Vfhr], ?thkbycrwq b Uthvfycrwq, Gthdsq Pf v\-cnbntkm Ghtl c\ lf nt kz Cbyjlf. Fh;wtgb crjg] Rb hbkk], Cfy]-Ahfy =bc crwq b Pf gfl yj-Fvt hb rfy crwq. Dnjhjq Pf v\ cnb- ntkm Ghtl c\ lf nt kz Cbyjlf. Ctr ht nfhm Cbyjlf. Fh;wtgb crjg] Ufdhwbk], Vjyhtfkmcrwq b Rfyflcrwq. Tgbcrjg] Gtnh], Rkbd ktyl crwq. Pfgfcyjq xkty]> Fh;wtgbcrjg] Vb;fbk], "tytdcrwq b Pfgflyj-Tdhjgtqcrwq. ἀe S ynod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia 75 East 93rd St., New York, NY 10128-1390, U.S.A. Tel: (212) 534-1601 • Fax: (212) 534-1798 e-mail:[email protected] • website: www.synod.com Chairman: His Eminen ce, The Most Rev. Me tropolitan Hilarion Members: Sei ne Emine nz Erz b isc hof Mark; His Eminence, The Most Rev. Archbishop Kyrill; Son Eminence l’Archevêque Gabriel; His Grace, The Right Rev. Bishop Peter; Son Eminence l’Archevêque Michel — 3 — Jhufybpf=wb yf;jlzowzcz d] ytgjchtlcndtyyjv] d\l\ywb Fh;wthtqcrfuj Cbyjlf> Organizations directly under the directions of the Synod of Bishops Hec crfz Le;jd yfz Vbc cwz d] Wthe cf kb v\ _ Flvbybcnhfnbdyjt eghfdktywt. Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, New York Administrative Office, 75 E. 93rd St., New York, NY 10128 • Tel: (212) 534-1601 • Fax: (212) 426-1517 Ghfdjckfdyjt Gfktcnbycrjt J/otcndj _ Dth;jdysq Cjd\n]. Orthodox Palestine Society - Supreme Council, 75 E. 93rd St., New York, NY 10128 Tel: (212) 534-1601/Fax: (212) 426-1517 Ghfdjckfdyjt Gfktcnbycrjt J/otcndj _ C\dthj-Fvthbrfycrjt jnl\ktywt. Orthodox Palestine Society - USA Section, Att: A.D. Kulesha, Treasurer. 75 E. 93rd St., New York, NY 10128 • Tel: (201) 325-1442 Cb yj lfkm ysq cd\x yjq pf djl]. St. Zosima Church Supply, Rev. Joachim Provatakis, Director. (paments/inquiries/customer service) P.O. Box 555, Calistoga, CA 94515 Tel: (212) 987-0537 • e-mail: [email protected] • Web site: www.varietycandles.com Gjgtxbntkmcndj j ye’lf;] H.G.+.P. Assistance of the RO CO R, Att: Mark Selawry, President & E xecutive Director, 75 E. 93rd St., New York, NY 10128 Alena Plavsic, Development Manager e-mail: [email protected] • Fax: (212) • 534-1798 +thrjdyj-Vepsrfkmyfz Rjvbccwz ghb Fh;wthtqcrjv] Cbyjl\. Synodal Liturgical Music Advisory Board, Att: Rev.
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