Appendix 2 List of Slopes for Preventive Maintenance Works Appendix 2 Agreement No. CE 15/2012(GE) Engineer Inspections, Preventive Maintenance Works, and Upgrading Works for WSD Slopes 2012 - 2013 Programme, Design and Construction Hong Kong & Islands Region Preventive Maintenance Works Ref. GEO Slope Location Due date for No. Number Completion of PMW 1 11SE-C/C738 Aberdeen East Catchwater 15-Aug-14 2 11SE-C/F88 Jardine's Lookout Fresh Water Service Reservoir 15-Aug-14 (West side) 3 11SE-D/C568 Tai Tam Road 15-Jan-15 4 11SW-A/C1208 Above Sinopec Petrol Station, Pok Fu Lam Road, 15-Jan-15 Hong Kong 5 11SW-C/C517 Pokfulam No. 2 Fresh Water Service Reservoir, 15-Jan-15 Access Road 6 11SW-D/C1009 Adjoining GLA - HK 772 15-Jan-15 7 11SW-D/C1686 Aberdeen Reservoir Road 15-Jan-15 8 11SW-D/C1687 Along Aberdeen Reservoir Road 1-Oct-15 9 11SW-D/C1688 Along Aberdeen Reservoir Road 1-Oct-15 10 11SW-D/C1689 Along Aberdeen Reservoir Road 1-Oct-15 11 11SW-D/CR1323 Aberdeen East Catchwater 1-Oct-15 (1) Appendix 2 Agreement No. CE 15/2012(GE) Engineer Inspections, Preventive Maintenance Works, and Upgrading Works for WSD Slopes 2012 - 2013 Programme, Design and Construction Kowloon Region Preventive Maintenance Works Ref. GEO Slope Location Due date for No. Number Completion of PMW 12 11NE-C/DT1 150m Northeast of Jordan Valley Playground, 15-Aug-14 Kowloon Bay 13 11NE-D/C191 Below North side of Ma Yau Tong Salt Water 15-Aug-14 Service Reservoir (below) 14 11NW-B/C370 Roadside Slope opposite to No. 53 Cornwall Street 1-Oct-14 15 11NW-B/C436 Adjoining GLA - NK 68 15-Jan-15 16 11NW-B/DT1 Within and adjoining Service Reservoir 15-Jan-15 17 11NW-B/FR265 Ma Tsai Hang Fresh Water Service Reservoir 15-Jan-15 Access Road, Chuk Yuen 18 11NW-D/F146 Yau Ma Tei Service Reservoir, Northwest side 15-Jan-15 19 11NW-D/FR231 Ma Tau Wai Fresh Water Service Reservoir (North 15-Jan-15 side) 20 11SE-B/DT12 Behind Cheun Mau House, Yau Tong 1-Oct-15 (2) Appendix 2 Agreement No. CE 15/2012(GE) Engineer Inspections, Preventive Maintenance Works, and Upgrading Works for WSD Slopes 2012 - 2013 Programme, Design and Construction New Territories East Region - Zone (3) Preventive Maintenance Works Ref. GEO Slope Location Due date for No. Number Completion of PMW 21 7NE-D/C88 Ma On Shan Fresh Water & Salt Water Service 15-Aug-14 Reservoirs, Ma On Shan 22 7SE-A/C145 Within STTL82, GLA/STST5/160 & adjoining GL, 1-Oct-14 Westside of Fairview Villa Complex, Ma Lok Path 23 7SW-B/C187 Shatin North Fresh Water Service Reservoir 15-Jan-15 24 7SW-C/C935 To The North of Shing Mun Tunnel 15-Jan-15 25 7SW-C/CR1016 Along Catchwater, 80m West of intersection 1-Oct-15 between Shing Mun Tunnel and Lower Shing Mun 26 7SW-C/CR1017 Along Catchwater, 90m Southwest of intersection 1-Oct-15 between Shing Mun Tunnel and Lower Shing Mun 27 7SW-D/C964 Along the North Boundary of GLA - ST WSD close 1-Oct-15 to Spot Level 102.4 28 7SW-D/F236 Shatin South Fresh Water Service Reservoir (West 1-Oct-15 side) 29 7SW-D/F306 Lower Shing Mun Pumping Station and Supply 1-Oct-15 Basin 30 7SW-D/R224 Lower Shing Mun Reservoir Spillway Channel 1-Oct-15 (3) Appendix 2 Agreement No. CE 15/2012(GE) Engineer Inspections, Preventive Maintenance Works, and Upgrading Works for WSD Slopes 2012 - 2013 Programme, Design and Construction New Territories East Region - Zone (4) Preventive Maintenance Works Ref. GEO Slope Location Due date for No. Number Completion of PMW 31 2SE-B/C260 Within GLA - YL 244, Kwu Tung Fresh Water 01-Jul-14 Service Reservoir, Sheung Shui 32 2SE-B/C263 Within GLA - YL 244, Kwu Tung Fresh Water 01-Jul-14 Service Reservoir, Sheung Shui 33 2SE-D/C49 Adjoining filter bed to the South of GLA - DN 152, 01-Jul-14 East of Fan Kam Road, Sheung Shui 34 3NW-C/C228 Adjoining Access track to River Ganges Pumping 01-Jul-14 Station 35 3NW-C/C80 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 77 & within 01-Jul-14 DD88 Lot 20 ARP & Lot 21, Table Hill, Man Kam To, Sheung Shui 36 3NW-C/C83 Table Hill Fresh Water Service Reservoir adjoining 01-Jul-14 WSD Access Road NT 77 37 3NW-C/C84 Table Hill Fresh Water Service Reservoir adjoining 01-Jul-14 WSD Access Road NT 77 38 3NW-C/F18 Adjoining WSD Access Road to GLA - DN 33, 01-Jul-14 Table Hill, Man Kam To, Sheung Shui 39 3NW-C/F24 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 77, Table Hill, 15-Aug-14 Man Kam To, Sheung Shui 40 3NW-C/F25 Slope falls in GL & GLA-DN 33 near Spot Level 15-Aug-14 102.5, Table Hill, Man Kam To, Sheung Shui 41 3NW-D/C218 Princess Hill near Sha Tau Kok Road 15-Aug-14 42 3SE-A/C9 Near Intake 'BA' along Access Road to Agriculture 15-Aug-14 & Fisheries Department of Pat Sin Leng, Pat Sin Leng 43 3SE-A/C18 Near Intake 'B - B' along Access Road to Country 15-Aug-14 Park Management Centre, Pat Sin Leng Country Park 44 3SE-C/C156 Access Road to Tai Po East Low Level Fresh Water 15-Aug-14 Service Reservoir 45 3SE-C/C81 Access Road to Tai Po East High Level Fresh Water 15-Aug-14 Service Reservoir, Forest Hills, Tai Po 46 3SE-C/CR98 Catchwater South of Scout Training Centre of Hong 15-Aug-14 Kong, Tung Tsz (4) Ref. GEO Slope Location Due date for No. Number Completion of PMW 47 3SE-C/FR4 Access Road to Tai Po East High Level Fresh Water 01-Oct-14 Service Reservoir, Forest Hills, Tai Po 48 3SE-D/C116 North Shoreline of Plover Cove Reservoir, East of 01-Oct-14 Tai Mei Tuk Watersports Centre, Plover Cove, Tai Po 49 3SE-D/C38 Adjoining Access Road to Tai Mei Tuk Catchwater 01-Oct-14 50 3SE-D/C40 Adjoining Access Road to Tai Mei Tuk Catchwater 01-Oct-14 51 3SE-D/C91 Tai Mei Tuk Catchwater, Plover Cove 01-Oct-14 52 3SE-D/CR39 Catchwater North of Tai Mei Tuk Village 01-Oct-14 53 3SE-D/CR42 Tai Mei Tuk Catchwater, Plover Cove 01-Oct-14 54 3SE-D/CR48 Tai Mei Tuk Catchwater, Plover Cove 01-Oct-14 55 3SE-D/F14 Adjoining Access Road adjacent to Tai Mei Tuk 01-Oct-14 Catchwater 56 3SE-D/F21 Adjoining Tai Mei Tuk Catchwater, Plover Cove 01-Oct-14 57 3SE-D/F22 Adjoining WSD Access Road near Wong Chuk 01-Oct-14 Tsuen 58 3SE-D/F25 Tai Mei Tuk Catchwater, Plover Cove 01-Oct-14 59 3SE-D/F26 Tai Mei Tuk Catchwater, Plover Cove 01-Oct-14 60 3SE-D/F6 Within Plover Cove Reservoir adjoining Bride's 01-Oct-14 Pool Road 61 3SW-A/C43 Adjacent to Fu Tei Au Road, Sheung Shui Water 01-Oct-14 Treatment Works 62 3SW-B/C158 Adjoining Hok Tau Road (WSD Access Road NT 15-Jan-15 14), Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 63 3SW-B/C159 Adjoining Hok Tau Road (WSD Access Road NT 15-Jan-15 14), Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 64 3SW-B/C161 Adjoining Hok Tau Road (WSD Access Road NT 15-Jan-15 14), Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 65 3SW-B/C169 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14 near Spot 15-Jan-15 Level 91.9, Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 66 3SW-B/C170 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14, Hok Tau 15-Jan-15 Reservoir, Fanling 67 3SW-B/C171 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14 near Spot 15-Jan-15 Level 98.8, Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 68 3SW-B/C177 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14 near Spot 15-Jan-15 Level 104.5, Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling (5) Ref. GEO Slope Location Due date for No. Number Completion of PMW 69 3SW-B/C178 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14 near Spot 15-Jan-15 Level 104.5, Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 70 3SW-B/C179 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14 near Spot 15-Jan-15 Level 103.8, Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 71 3SW-B/C181 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14 to the West of 15-Jan-15 Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 72 3SW-B/C184 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14 and to the 15-Jan-15 North of Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 73 3SW-B/C185 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14, Hok Tau 15-Jan-15 Reservoir, Fanling 74 3SW-B/C348 Adjoining Lau Shui Heung Road, WSD Access 15-Jan-15 Road NT 14, Lau Shui Heung Reservoir, Fanling 75 3SW-B/C349 Adjoining Lau Shui Heung Road, WSD Access 15-Jan-15 Road NT 14, opposite GLA - DN 43 Extension, Lau Shui Heung Reservoir, Fanling 76 3SW-B/C350 Adjoining Lau Shui Heung Road, WSD Access 15-Jan-15 Road NT 14, opposite GLA - DN 43 Extension, Lau Shui Heung Reservoir, Fanling 77 3SW-B/C351 Adjoining Lau Shui Heung Road, WSD Access 01-Oct-15 Road NT 14 to the South of GLA - DN 43, Lau Shui Heung Reservoir, Fanling 78 3SW-B/C352 Adjoining Lau Shui Heung Road, WSD Access 01-Oct-15 Road NT 14 to the East of GLA - DN 43, Lau Shui Heung Reservoir, Fanling 79 3SW-B/C357 Adjoining Lau Shui Heung Reservoir, Fanling 01-Oct-15 80 3SW-B/CR160 Adjoining Hok Tau Road, WSD Access Road NT 01-Oct-15 14, Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 81 3SW-B/CR168 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14 near Spot 01-Oct-15 Level 101.7, Hok Tau Reservoir, Fanling 82 3SW-B/F20 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14, Hok Tau 01-Oct-15 Reservoir, Fanling 83 3SW-B/F50 Adjoining Lau Shui Heung Reservoir, Fanling 01-Oct-15 84 3SW-B/FR23 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14, Hok Tau 01-Oct-15 Reservoir, Fanling 85 3SW-B/FR24 Adjoining WSD Access Road NT 14 near the Hok 01-Oct-15 Tau Reservoir Dam, Fanling 86 3SW-D/C182 Within GLA - TP 39, Ha Hang Salt Water Service 01-Oct-15 Reservoir, Tai Po 87 3SW-D/F36 Adjoining Catchwater near Hok Tau Reservoir, 01-Oct-15 Fanling 88 3SW-D/FR27 Within GLA - TP 39, East of Ha Hang Fresh Water 01-Oct-15 Service Reservoir, Tai Po (6) Ref.
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