~ " Rural Futures P ·ogramn1 TRANSFORMING AFRICA A NEW EMERGING RURAL WORLD An Overview of Rural Change in Africa z nd edition , .... ..cc BY NC ND https://creativecommons.org/hcenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.en Juty2016 The Cirad the NEPAD Agency. rights owners. authorize the use of the original work for non-commercial purposes. but does not authorize the creation ofderivat ive works. Cover Photo : Geneviève Cortes Printîng : lmp:Actlmprimerîe. Saint Gelydu Fesc (34 - France) ISBN: 978-2-87614-719-5 An Overview of Rural Change in Africa znd edition A NEW EMERGING RURAL WORLD An Overview of Rural Change in Africa 2nd edition Citation: Pesche D .. Losch B. lmbernon J. (Eds.l. 2016. A New Emerging Rural World. An OverviewofRural Change inAfrica. Atlas for the NEPAD Rural Futures Programme. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged. Montpellier. Cirad. NEPAD Agency. 76 p. This atlas on rura l change in Africa. for this second edition. revised and enlarged. was prepared at the request oft he NEPAD Agency and un der t he overall coordination and guidance of Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, NEPAD Agency CEO. Estherine Lisinge Fotabong. Programme lmplementation and Coordination Director. lt is part of the partnership between Ci rad and NEPAD and benefited from the financial support of NEPAD. AFD and Cirad. Conceived to inform research and discussions during the Second Africa Rural Development Forum (ARDF) held in Yaoundé. Cameroun. from 8 to 10 September 2016. it contributes to the work of the NEPAD Rural Futures programme. The completion of t he atlas has involved 52 aut hors whose detailed list is provided on page 73. lt was coordinated by Denis Pesche. Bruno Losch and Jacques lmbernon. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of Ci ra d alone. Overall coordination: Infographies: Ibrahim Assane Mayaki Jean-Claude Lorente Estherine Lisinge Fotabong Cartography: Scientific coordination: Audrey Jolivot Denis Pesche Bruno Losch Design and layout: Jacques lmbernon Laurence Laffont English translation: Anna Kiff OREWORD The second edition of t he Atlas ''A New Emerging Rural World" is Renewing public policies on t he basis of local development would being published in t he specific context of a general decline in com­ help to t ackle the root causes by providing appropriate solutions to modity prices and a slowdown in growth in Africa. after our econo­ ensure people settle and remain in their areas of origin. The develop­ mies failed to ensure the equitable sharing of the benefits of growth ment of local authorities should be based on their specific characte­ registered in t he years in which Africa·s growth rate was one of the ristics. t heir ecosystems. their cultural heritage and their know-how highest in t he world. combined with technological innovat ion and learning. especially for young people and women. The downward trend in commodity prices may be a constraint. but it is also an opportunity in the sense that public and private stakehol­ Although a healthy dose of social measures for the rural sector is a ders will have to be more creative and innovative in order to unlock precondition for its development - as was and is still the case in the new sources of endogenous growth. wealth and inclusive employ­ developed countries -. the fact remains that far-reaching market­ ment wit h greater spillover effects for the region's economies. based solutions need to be implemented simultaneously. The pro­ gressive transition from solidarity systems to mixed market systems Today. t he challenge is to identify new tools for sustainable econo­ will help to stimulate investment and the development of structural mic growth. this time based on principles of inclusion and equity. activities capable o f laying the foundations for this much -needed while maintaining a steady growth rate. Meeting these condit ions change. will enable African economies to cope with a population that is still booming and with t he ever-growing number ofyoung people looking The governance of our natural resources and t he financial resources for education. training and jobs. These challenges are set against a they generate are t he cornerstone of our structural change: they re­ backdrop of climate change and resource depletion. calling for the quire appropriate solutions at t he global. regional. national and local use of production techniques that are tailored to environmental levels. challenges. Over the years. t his Atlas. which will gradually evolve into a collabora­ The principles of inclusion and equity imply adopting spatial and ter­ tive project. will serve as a reference tool enabling us to monitor pro­ ritorial approaches and policies that ensure rural areas benefit from gress towards these goals and to take control of our path to achie­ the same developments and initiat ives as urban areas: that res­ ving Agenda 2063. lt is therefore a perfect addition to the toolkit ponsible investments are made in rural areas: and that women and the NEPAD Agency will use in it s role as a think tank and an evaluator young people have access to t he factors of production, especially of the implementation of the African Union's rural transformat ion training. land. water. finance. renewable energy. markets and income policies. that reflects t he fruits of their labour. Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki ChiefExecutive Offlcer. NEPAD Agency FOREWORD 2. RURALITY, ACTIVITIES, 3. SPOTLIGHT By Ibrahim Assane Mayaki ............................................... Page 7 RESOUlCES .............................................. Page 31 ON REGIONAL CHALLENGES .................. Page 48 Spread 8 Spread 16 Which Pathways for Agriculture Which Regulations for Land-Use Conflicts INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••Page 13 by 2050?........................................................... ............................ Page 33 in the Congo Basin? ......................................................... ...... Page 50 Spread 9 Spread 17 1. STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS •••••••••••• Page 15 Agricultural Experts: Mixed results Well Below The Senegal River Delta: Which Madel Their Potential ............................................................................. Page 34 of Agricultural Development? ............................................. Page 52 Spread 1 Rural and Urban Densification Continues ................... Page 16 Spread 10 Spread 18 The Presence of China in Africa: Lake Tchad: a Multitude of Challenges ............. .... ...... Page 54 Spread 2 a Role in Future Agriculture ............................................... Page 36 Youth Employment: a Challenge for the Continent ....................................................................... Page 18 Spread 19 Spread 11 The Illusion of Abundance: Agricultural Land issues Mining Activities: New Dynamics in the Vakinankaratra in Madagascar .......................... Page 5 6 Spread 3 and Rural lmpacts .................................................................... Page 38 Megacities and Archipelagos: an Emerging Urban Framework ....................................... Page 20 Spread 20 Spread 12 Territorial Planning ta Meet the Demographic Photovoltaics and Mobile Telephony: Challenge in Ségou [Mali) .. .... ................... .... ......................... Page 58 Spread 4 Decentralised Technologies Suitable Migration Dynamics: Contrasted Patterns, for Rural Areas .......................................................................... Page 40 Diversity and Potential .......................................................... Page 2 2 Spread 21 Pastoral Mobility: From a Sahelian Spread 13 ta a Sub-Regional Issue ....................................................... Page 60 Spread 5 Trends in Large-Scale Land Acquisition Economie Transition and New Territorial Madel .... Page 24 in Africa ......................................................................................... Page 42 Spread 22 The Ouagadougou-Accra Corridor: Spatial Inclusion Spread 6 Spread 14 Through Staple Food Crops ................................................ Page 62 Regional Organisations in Africa : Wood: a Key Resource for Overlap, Collaboration and Action .................................. Page 26 Economie Development ................................................... ....... Page 44 Spread 23 What Should be Done with North Africas's Groundwater Spread 7 Spread 15 Resources? ..................................................................................... Page 64 Decentralisation in Africa: Blue Gold and its Challenges: an Opportunity for Rural Areas? ..................................... Page 28 Water Stress in Africa ......................................................... Page 46 Spread 24 Water. A Resource Requiring Setter Governance in West Africa ........................................................................... Page 66 Notes..... ............................................................................... Page 69 Sources ............................................................................... Page 71 Cont ribut ors ..................................................................... Page 73 10 13 p.42 M45 Oistribulion of the population of the region M29 Large-scale land deals in Africa. of Segou in 2009 LIST OF MAPS AND FIGURES Fig.14 Number of deals according M46 Occupation of the population by sector to negociation status (2000 to 2015). of activity in 1987 and 2009. Fig.22 Evolution ofirrigated and cultivated areas and Fig.15 Main investor countrie's. rice y1elds in the Office du Niger (1937- 2011) Fig.16 Number of contracts
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