Index Italic numbers indicate representative figures Burial 13 (El Zotz), 21 Burial 14 (El Zotz), 21 Adosado (to Str. F8-1-Sub.1), 64–69, 73, 77, 81 Burial 15 (El Zotz), 67, 69, 190–192, 206 aguada, 19 Burial 16 (El Zotz), 21, 22, 39 Aguateca, 241 Burial 18 (El Zotz), 21 Aguila ceramic group, 40, 55, 67, 82, 115, 117, 124 Burial 21 (El Zotz), 23 Altun Ha, 22, 162, 163, 164, 195 Burial 22 (El Zotz), 23 Alvarado, Eliseo, 24 Burial 22 (Tikal), 105 American Museum of Natural History, 160 Burial 24 (El Peru), 177 ancestors, 132, 134, 135, 217, 234, 252 Burial 25 (El Peru), 137 Andrews, George, 79 Burial 39 (El Peru), 207 Animal Skull, 207 Burial 48 (Tikal), 207 Antigua, 27, 239, 243, 245 Burial 82 (Piedras Negras), 86 atole, 141, 232 Burial 85 (Tikal), 14, 159 Aztec, 167, 218 Burial 116 (Tikal), 163, 164 Bajo El Palmar, 16 Burial 125 (Tikal), 86 Baking Pot, 160 Burial 160 (Tikal), 207 Balamku, 14, 137 Burial 162 (Tikal), 207 Balanza ceramic group, 82, 88, 98, 121, 124, 138 Burial 166 (Tikal), 14 bamboo, 219–221 Burial 167 (Tikal), 14, 207 Barton Ramie, 96 Burial 195 (Tikal), 52, 207 baskets, 151, 162, 249 Burial 196 (Tikal), 163 bats, 16, 17, 19, 45, 113 caches (associated with El Diablo tomb) beads, 60, 90, 123, 138, 173, 211, 212, 234, 236; in El Cache 1, 54, 55, 56, 58, 63, 67, 184 Diablo tomb, 52, 165, 167–169, 170, 173, 175, 200, Cache 2, 55, 57, 63, 184 203–204, 232, 234, 237, 238, 240, 243 Cache 3, 26, 64, 65, 184–189, 192, 206 Beaubien, Harriet, 26 Cache 4, 26, 40, 41, 44, 189 Becan, 91, 214, 215 Cache 5, 26, 40, 42, 44, 189, 192 Bejucal, 16, 20, 23, 24, 46, 96, 104, 177, 231 Cache 6, 26, 40, 42, 44, 189, 196 bier (teem), 51, 52, 53, 86, 108, 117, 137, 146, 148–149, Cache 7, 26, 40, 43, 44, 189 156, 162, 163, 164, 182, 195, 205, 206, 207, 245, Cache 8, 26, 40, 44, 183, 189 255, 259 Cache 9, 55, 66, 67, 190, 192, 207, 256 Bonampak, 53, 192 Cache 10, 67, 69, 190–192, 206 Boucher, Sylvian, 214 Cahal Pech, 207 Buenavista Escarpment, 16, 17, 21, 45, 113, 139, 209 Calakmul, 14, 96, 98, 128, 163, 164, 240 Buenavista Valley, 16, 17, 20, 21 Caldero Buff Polychrome ceramic group, 82, 103, 105 burials Callaghan, Michael G., 100, 106 A31 (Uaxactun), 110 Campaña, Luz Evelia, 214 Burial 1 (El Zotz), 20, 207 Caracol, 48, 207 Burial 2 (Bejucal), 23, 24 Caribal ceramic group, 82, 108 Burial 3 (Bejucal), 24 Caribbean, 16, 169 Burial 5 (Bejucal), 24 caves, 16, 19, 45, 113, 139, 141, 165 Burial 6 (El Zotz), 26, 64, 65, 184–189, 192, 200, Ceibal, 241 203, 206 celts, 52, 171, 174, 175, 177, 211, 212, 232, 234, 236, 237 Burial 9 (El Zotz), 14, passim centipedes, 89, 94 Burial 10 (Tikal), 207 ceramic disk, 110 Temple of the Night Sun 284 285 Index ceramic groups F8-13, 18, 82; Str. F8-14 tomb, 18, 21; Str. F8-15, Kaminaljuyu, 14, 94, 110, 128, 207 necklaces, 52, 124, 165, 167–169, 170, 203–204, 232, Aguila, 40, 55, 67, 82, 115, 117, 124 19, 82; Str. F8-16, 19, 82; Str. F8-17, 19, 78, 82; K’an Chitam, 212 243 Balanza, 82, 88, 98, 121, 124, 138 Str. F8-18, 38, 82; Strs. G8-1–5, 19; Str. L7-1, 78; kingship, 12, 22, 86, 163, 171, 232–233 needles, 159, 179, 239 Caldero Buff Polychrome, 82, 103, 105 Str. L7-11, 39, 76; Str. L8-9, 14; Str. L8-10, 14, 23; K’inich Yax K’uk’ Mo’, 214 Neff, Hector, 113, 139 Caribal, 82, 108 Str. L8-11, 14, 23; Str. M7-1, 14, 18, 21, 22–23, 39, Keeley, Lawrence H., 240 night sun, 214 Dos Arroyos, 19, 82, 83 64, 69. See also burials; caches; El Diablo tomb; Knodell, Alex, 24 obsidian, 40, 44, 52, 157, 159, 160, 177, 189, 195, 232, Dos Hermanos, 82, 96, 110, 141, 145 masks; Str. F8-1; vessels Kohunlich, 212, 214 238–239, 240–242 Pucte, 82, 100, 107 entrada, 104, 231, 233 Kohzuma, Takamitsu, 242 ocelots, 53, 179 Quintal, 82, 83, 117, 145 Estrada-Belli, Francisco, 14 Kovacevich, Brigitte, 236 Pacbitun, 160 Chahk, 58, 60, 211, 221. See also Masks 4, 12 Fahsen, Federico, 20 Krejci, Estella, 96 Paddler Gods, 216 Chan Chich, 14 Fash, William L., 213 La Avispa, 16 Palenque, 55, 104, 163, 207, 213, 214, 218; Temple of Chase, Arlen F., 207 faunal remains, 177–179 La Entrada, 241 the Foliated Cross, 211, 219, 220 Chase, Diane Z., 207 felid phalanx, 179 leather, 162 pearls, 164, 232 Cheetham, David T., 207 feline kilts, 53, 156, 179 leaves, 55, 96, 259 peccaries, 50, 142, 144, 154, 244, 248, 249 chicozapote, 58 Fisher, Kevin, 36 Lipiello, Lauren, 36 Pedregal Modeled ceramic type, 78, 82, 83 chocolate, 100, 108–110 Flores, 27 López Muñoz, Joel, 82 Pendergast, David M., 195 Chumash, 239 GI, 211, 215, 216, 218 macaws, 137, 214 Pennsylvania State University, 105 cinnabar, 113, 123, 128, 157, 159, 168, 169, 194, 195, 200, Garrido López, Jose Luis, 23 Machaquila, 48 Pérez, Griselda, 27 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 231, 239, 251, 252, 257, 261, 263 Godoy, Arturo, 24, 26, 27 Magee, Catherine, 24, 25, 26, 27 petate. See mat Codex Vienna, 232–233 gourds, 105, 149, 156, 248, 253 Maize God, 22, 89, 90, 91, 94, 132 Peten 14, 16, 20, 45, 113, 137, 183, 207, 214 Comalcalco, 52 graffiti, 63 Manik ceramic phase, 83, 87 Piedra Labrada, 104 Conus, 52, 53, 163, 165, 169, 177, 232 Green, Vance, 36 masks, 14, 23, 52, 160, 165, 170, 171, 173, 177, 215, 234, Piedrasanta, Rony, 20 copal, 46, 159, 186, 189, 206, 234 Guillot Vassaux, Alejandro, 21 237–238, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247; architectural, 20, Piedras Negras, 52, 86, 96, 207, 219, 220, 221 Copan, 48, 89, 113, 160, 213, 214, 215, 218, 231, 233, Gulf of Mexico, 16 22, 26, 45, 58, 60, 64, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 211, 214, 216, plaques, 21, 52, 171, 173, 234, 236–237 241; Hunal tomb, 14, 69; Margarita tomb, 14, 69, Gutiérrez Castillo, Yeny Myshell, 165 217, 218, 231, 244; on infants, 187–188, 192, 206; on Pomona, 214 163 Hammond, Norman, 137 the cornice of the Temple of the Night Sun: Popol Vuh, 217 cordage, 108, 162, 249 Hatzcab Ceel, 160 Mask 1, 61, 211, 216, 222 Principal Bird Deity (PBD), 22, 90, 91, 94, 214, 215 Culbert, T. Patrick, 40, 96, 100 Hauberg Stela, 211, 215, 218 Mask 2, 211, 214, 216, 223 Pring, Duncan C., 137 cyclododecane, 27, 182, 203, 234, 243, 244, 245, 247 headdresses, 22, 73, 212, 215, 216, 236; of El Zotz Mask 3, 208, 211, 212, 216, 217, 224 Proskouriakoff, Tatiana, 21, 219 dental incrustations, 177, 192 Burial 9 ruler, 27, 147, 170, 173, 244, 245 Mask 4, 211, 212, 215, 217, 225 psychoduct, 14, 23, 54, 55 Diedrich, Martin, 79, 81, 209, 211 hematite, 113, 123, 128, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 167, Mask 5, 60, 62, 211, 215, 216, 226 Pucte ceramic group, 82, 100, 107 dog canines, 169, 177, 232 179, 194–195, 203, 206, 207, 231, 232, 238, 239, Mask 6, 211, 216 pulque, 141 Dos Arroyos ceramic group, 19, 82, 83 245, 249, 251–252, 257 Mask 7, 211, 212, 214, 216, 217, 227 pyrite, 86, 146, 157, 160, 194, 244, 245 Dos Hermanos ceramic group, 82, 96, 110, 141, 145 Henderson, John S., 100 Mask 8, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 228 quadripartite badge, 90 Dos Pilas, 214 hieroglyphs, 89, 91, 146, 160, 212–213, 216, 231, 244, Mask 9, 211, 217 quails, 24, 134, 177 dynasty founder, 12, 14, 58, 69, 221, 231 245, 248–249 Mask 10, 211, 216 quartz, 203, 236, 251 Dzibilchaltun, 177 Holmul, 14, 91, 98, 100, 106, 113, 121, 128, 137, 211 Mask 11, 211 quatrefoil, 88, 89, 94, 132 earspools, 14, 21, 23, 77, 81, 172, 173, 211, 212, 214–218, howler monkeys, 51, 88–94, 121–123, 131–132, 214, Mask 12, 79, 211, 215, 217, 229 Quintal ceramic group, 82, 83, 117, 145 234, 236, 237 217, 232 Mask 13, 211, 216 Quirigua, 91 Ek’ Balam, 48 incense burner (censer), 90, 91 Mask 14, 211, 214, 216 rattles, 123, 163, 165, 167, 169, 177 El Chayal, 159, 239, 241 Instituto de Antropología e Historia (IDAEH), 27, mat (petate), 159, 162, 239, 240 reservoir (aguada), 19 El Diablo Tomb, 14, 24–27, passim 243 mica, 24, 157, 160, 247 residues, 46, 94, 100, 108, 113, 123, 128, 137, 141, 144, El Mirador, 20 Itzam K’an Ahk, 128 Mirador “Basin,” 16 231, 242, 245, 247, 255 El Palmar, 16, 20, 21, 50, 145 Izapa, 212 mirrors, 86, 90, 146, 160, 231, 238, 244, 245 Río Azul, 14, 52, 106, 219 El Peru, 137, 151, 160, 177, 207 jade, 14, 21, 22, 23, 52, 86, 90, 160, 165, 171–177, 193, Mitla, 233 Rubinstein, Alexa, 36 El Yesal, 16 217, 232, 234–238, 240, 245–247 Mixtec, 51, 177, 218, 232, 233 San Bartolo, 22, 23, 212, 214, 215, 217, 220, 221 El Zotz 14, passim; Accession Platform (Str. M7-1- Jaguar God of the Underworld (JGU), 63, 91, 150, monkey scribes, 89, 90, 91, 214, 217 San Benito, 27 Sub.2), 18, 22–23; Eastern Causeway, 18; El Diablo 213–215, 218, 232. See also Masks 2, 5, 6, 8 Motagua region, 234 San Diego, 214 Group, 14, passim; El Tejón Group, 16, 17, 20, 21, 78; Jasaw Chan K’awiil, 164 Mundo Perdido (Tikal), 98, 100, 110, 137 San Jerónimo, 241 Las Palmitas Group, 16; Southern Causeway, 18; Jester God (Ux Yop Huun), 22 Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, 244, 248 San Pedro Mártir River, 16 Str.
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