GLOSSARY OF CHINESE CHARACTERS Ai ’ erlan Xiju Yundong ᝋ⡮㱝ᡢࢷ䙻अ Bali Sheng You Jingju Tuan ᐤ哾ऍ৻Ӝࢷൈ Bawang Bieji 䵨⦻ࡕလ Baishezhuan ⲭ㳷ۣ Bei Deng 㛼ࠣ Beijing Beifang Kunqu Juyuan ेӜेᯩᰶᴢࢷ䲒 Beijing Jingju Si Tuan ेӜӜࢷഋൈ Beijing Jingju Tuan ेӜӜࢷൈ Beijing Jingju Yuan ेӜӜࢷ䲒 Beijing Jingju Yuan Si Tuan ेӜӜࢷ䲒ഋൈ Beijingshi Xiqu Xuexiao ेӜᐲᡢᴢᆨṑ bu ↕ chang ୡ Chang ’ e Benyue ᄖၕ྄ᴸ Changsheng Dian 䮧⭏⇯ chou с chujiang ࠪሷ Chuanju ᐍࢷ ཷۣ Chuanqi da ᢃ Da Fang བྷᯩ daguo zhanlue བྷ഻ᡠ⮕ Da Jiao Zan ᢃ❖䌺 Da Qing Guo བྷ഻ © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 229 A. Thorpe, Performing China on the London Stage, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-59786-1 230 GLOSSARY OF CHINESE CHARACTERS Dangdai Chuanqi Juchang ⮦ԓۣཷࢷ Dalian Jingju Tuan བྷ䙓Ӝࢷൈ Damian Gang ᢃ哥㕨 Danao Tiangong བྷ兗ཙᇞ Da Yu Sha Jia ᢃ┱⇪ᇦ dan ᰖ Difangxi ൠᯩᡢ erhu Ҽ㜑 fa Ⲭ Fengyun Hui 付䴢ᴳ Gezaixi ⅼԄᡢ Guangzhou Guoji Yueju Jie ᔓᐎ഻䳋㋥ࢷㇰ Guifei Zuijiu 䋤ླ䞹䞂 guzhuang xin xi ਔ㼍ᯠᡢ Guoju ഻ࢷ Han Gong Qiu ╒ᇞ⿻ Heping gongchu wuxiang yuanze ઼ᒣޡ㲅ӄ丵ࡷ Hongzong Liema ㌵儳⛸俜 Hsiung Shih-yi see Xiong Shiyi Hongdeng Ji ㌵⟸䁈 Honglou Meng ㌵⁃དྷ houdi ᓅ Hua wei Mei 㣡⛪Ⴢ Huaju 䂡ࢷ Hua Mulan 㣡ᵘ㱝 Huilan Ji ⚠䯼䁈 huqin 㜑⩤ Huo Fenghuang ⚛匣ࠠ Jixiang Juchang ਹ⾕ࢷ Jiyulun 䙷䄆 jianyi ㇝㺓 jianzhu shi yishu ᔪㇹᱟ㰍㺃 Jiang Aibing 㭓䵴⿹ jing ␘ jingbai Ӝⲭ Jingju Ӝࢷ Jingju Piaoyou Hui Ӝࢷ⾘৻ᴳ Ju Dagang 䤨བྷ㕨 kaimenqiang 䮻䮰´ GLOSSARY OF CHINESE CHARACTERS 231 Kunju Chuanxisuo ᰶࢷۣ㘂ᡰ Kunju ᰶࢷ laodong gaizao ऎअ᭩䙐 lao sheng 㘱⭏ Lao Sheng Er 㘱⭏ނ liang xiang Ӟ Li Yu ᵾ⦹ Liang Shanbo yu Zhu Yingtai ằኡ՟㠷⾍㤡ਠ Liu Jipiao ࡈᰒ┲ Liu Jinding Dazhan Yu Hong ࢹ䠁ᇊབྷᡠ։⍚ Lokseoi Mung Wui see Luoshui Meng Hui Long Hu Fengyun Hui 喽㱾付䴢ᴳ long tao 喽྇ ᴳ઼ޡLundun Gonghe Xiehui ٛᮖ ⽮Lundun Jingkun Yanxishe ٛᮖӜᰶ⹄㘂 ⽮㚢ᴢ㰍܁Lundun Qiaosheng Quyishe ٛᮖ Luoshui Meng Hui ⍋≤དྷᴳ mang 㸂 Mei Lanfang ẵ㱝㣣 Mudanting ⢑ѩӝ nian ᘥ Qingchun ban Mudanting 䶂᱕⡸⢑ѩӝ Qiu Hu Xiqi ⿻㜑ᡢ qunzi 㼉ᆀ ruxiang ޕ San Cha Kou йዄਓ San Da Tao Sanchun йᢃ䲦й᱕ San ge Shijie Lilun йػц⭼⨶䄆 sanran й償 Sangyuan Hui ẁൂᴳ Shanghai Jingju Yuan к⎧Ӝࢷ䲒 shen 䓛 Shiwu Guan ॱӄ䋛 shiyan xiju ሖ傇ᡢࢷ shou shuaifa ⭙Ⲭ Shuang Pa Ai 䴉ᙅᝋ shuixiu ≤㻆 Si Da Mai ഋབྷ䌓 232 GLOSSARY OF CHINESE CHARACTERS si da ming dan ഋབྷᰖ si ren bang ഋӪᒛ Sishui Weilan ↫≤ᗞ♮ Suo Ling Nang 䧆哏 suona ఙ੦ Suzhou Kunju Tuan 㰷ᐎᰶࢷൈ Suzhou Shi Jingju Tuan 㰷ᐎᐲӜࢷൈ Ta Ching Kuo see Da Qing Guo taoguang yanghui 丌ݹ伺Ზ Tianjin Xiju Xueyuan ཙ⍕ᡢࢷᆨ䲒 Tiannü San Hua ཙྣᮓ㣡 tingxi 㚭ᡢ Wang Bao Chuan ⦻ሦᐍ Wang Bao Chuan ⦻ሦ䠗 Wang Ganjiao ⦻䏅㞣 Wang Jiasong ⦻ᇦᶮ Wangjiaban ⦻ᇦ⨝ Wang Xiao Ganjiao ⦻ሿ䏅㞣 Wangzi Fuchou Ji ⦻ᆀᗙӷ䁈 Wuhan Shi Jingju Tuan ↖╒ᐲӜࢷൈ Xiqu ᡢᴢ Xi Xiang Ji 㾯ᓲ䁈 Xi You Ji 㾯䙺䁈 xinbian gudai xi ᯠ㐘ਔԓᡢ Xiong Shiyi ➺ᔿа Xu Pipa 㒼⩥⩦ Xue Shou Ji 㹰䁈 yan Yangmen Nü Jiang ὺ䮰ྣሷ Yezhulin 䟾䊜᷇ yi chao si qiang а䎵ഋᕧ yi chu xi jiuhuo le yi ge juzhong аࠪᡢᮁ⍫Ҷаػࢷぞ You Long Xi Feng 喽ᡢ匣 Yuwang Chengguo ឮᵋ഻ Yuanqu Xuan ݳᴢ䚨 Yuanren Bai Zhong Qu ݳӪⲮぞᴢ Yueju ㋥ࢷ Yueqin ᴸ⩤ yunbai 䴢ⲭ GLOSSARY OF CHINESE CHARACTERS 233 yunjian 䴢㛙 Yunnan Sheng Jingju Tuan 䴢ইⴱӜࢷൈ Zaju 䴌ࢷ Zai Liu Bei ㏥⁃䝽 zhanmen ㄉ䮰 Zhaoshi Gu Er 䏉∿ᆔނ zhe ᣈ zhezixi ᣈᆀᡢ Zhongguo Jingju Yuan ѝ഻Ӝࢷ䲒 Zhongguo Jingju Yuan San Tuan ѝ഻Ӝࢷ䲒йൈ Zhongguo Jingju Yuan Yi Tuan ѝ഻Ӝࢷ䲒аൈ Zhongguo Xiqu Xueyuan ѝ഻ᡢᴢᆨ䲒 Zhongguo Yunnan Jingju Tuan ѝ഻䴢ইӜࢷൈ zhui guochang 䘭䙾 ڊ zuo BIBLIOGRAPHY Alayrac-Fielding, V. 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