We make it worth your drive! Sca n to see our full in ven tory C r o s s r oa ds Kenton, MB 204-838-2240 Shoal Lake, MB 204-759-2385 Friday, Ja nua ry 2 5, 2 0 19 | Vo lum e 16 Number 51 | $1.25 PER COPY (plus ta x e s) www. w ood w orthd od ge .ca This w ee k SERVING BIRTLE, HAM IOTA, ROSSBURN , SHOAL LAK E & SURROUN D ING REGION Oa kburn rin k unveils new kitch en >> 50-yea r-old fa cility gets user- frien dly m a keover com p lete w ith new cupboards and appliances MARCIE HARRISON Crossroa d s This Week The start of 2019 marked a milestone for the Oakburn rink, as the facility’s new kitchen was of - ficially unveiled at a community celebration on Jan. 1. It was the first time any changes had been made to the kitchen since the rink was built 50 years ago, and to say the difference is noticeable is an understatement. The head-to-toe makeover in - cluded new cupboards, flooring and appliances, along with a new fire suppression system and an exhaust canopy hood. “Everyone has absolutely loved it,” said Oak- burn Ladies Rec Committee President Kim Manu- liak, adding, “It has taken us all a bit to learn DAR R E LL N E SBITT/CR O SSR O ADS THIS WEEK where we put everything away!” GUIDING PRINCIPLES She explained that plans to upgrade the kitchen began in 2016, but the scope of the project As part of the Strathclair Community School’s History 30S project presentation on Thursday, Jan. 17, guests of all ages learned how the made it difficult to decide whether or not to actu - Seven Teachings form the foundation of the Aboriginal way of life. As part of the learning experience, students in attendance, including ally go ahead with it. Daven Menzies, TJ Carmichael and Lacey Airey, from left, coloured a picture of an eagle or in Aborig inal terms, the language of love. “We kept putting it on the back burner as it The other six guiding principles include wisdom, respect, truth, humility, honesty, and courage. Informative Canadian history projects was a huge financial decision to make. With a do - focused on various topics including the two world wars. SEE P3 FO R FULL STO RY nation of $20,000 from Richardson Pioneer it gave us the gumption to proceed!” The floor plan was finalized in October, and work got underway in November. Volunteers re - moved the cupboards, which were sold to Marlies Soltys for use in her art studio, Inspire Studio, in Minnedosa. Manitoba mare wins big in th e US Once the kitchen was gutted, new cupboards, flooring and tile were installed by This ‘N That Manufacturing of Neepawa. The new grill, fryer, >> Born an d bred in R ussell, Escap e Clause ran off w ith $100,000 purse in Californ ia oven, microwave, all fridge and stand up freezer were purchased from Kevin Choy, with Al’s Elec - MARCIE HARRISON siniboine Downs racetrack back had the genetics to succeed on the Clause is the first Manitoba-bred tric (Alex and Chris Prosak) and 354 Plumbing Crossroa d s This Week home and the horse’s domination track, but he didn’t dream that horse to win the La Canada (Nigel Kerr and Tim Shwaluk) doing the neces - of the field on the weekend. she would be winning on the US Stakes in Santa Anita history. sary wiring and plumbing. Various other materi - Manitoba mare Escape Clause “We’re all still smiling,” graded-stakes circuit. Graded She increased her career earnings als were purchased from Shoal Lake Home Hard - is causing quite a stir in the rac - breeder Cam Ziprick of Russell stakes and handicap races are the to $432,000 to go with a record of ware and Wheatland Building Centre of Rossburn, ing world after running away told the CBC, referring to Escape highest level of racing and offer 28-19-3-3. and Brent Allen is working on some new signage. with the $100,000 purse in the La Clause’s owner/trainer Don the best purse money. Conse - “She was just built like a To help cover costs, a paint night fundraiser Canada Stakes at Santa Anita Schnell and jockey Tyler Baze. quently, only the best horses usu - horse that was gonna grow up was held in 2016. The proceeds were added to sav - Park in southern California on “Down the stretch, she was ally compete. As the name im - and hopefully be something,” said ings, which have been set aside since the kitchen Saturday, Jan. 19. just galloping. I was hollering, plies, stakes races require owners Schnell, whose partner Barry Ar - first opened and continuously augmented over the The five-year-old claimed the ‘Come on, mama, keep running!’ to put some money up front in the nason purchased Escape Clause years. victory by 5 1/2 lengths, earning She’s amazing,” said Baze in an form of nomination and entry as a yearling for $3,792. her the nickname ‘Assiniboine As - article by Curtis Kalleward. fees. “She just has a big heart and RINK A HU B SEE , P2 sassinator’ in reference to the As - Ziprick knew Escape Clause It’s believed that Escape loves to do it,” said Ziprick. Great from the get go Get great RRSP rates and enter to win. For full contest details visit: fusioncu.com C r o s s r oa ds 2 F RIDAY , J ANUARY 25, 2019 This w ee k IN S ID E this week WORK ONGOING DARRELL NESBITT CR O SSR O ADS THIS WEEK Despite the extremely cold temperatures to hit the re - gion lately, construction continues on the building of the new Miniota Fire Hall, adjacent to Highway 83 on the south side of the A dream community. Being built at a cost of $649,000, the four- com e tru e bay building plus office al - lotment, is being con - Ro ssb urn’s Cha d N yc huk is thrille d to b e a b le to c o m pe te fo r the structed by Pyramid Steel Bra nd o n W he a t K ings. “M y favourite Structures based out of pa rt about pla ying fo r th e Wheat Kings Brandon. According to is th ro w i n g on th a t je rse y and b a ttling Murray Donald, Prairie every night fo r th e te a m I gre w up id o l - View Municipality project izing,” th e so n of Aud ra and Grant Ny - coordinator, the fire de - c huk sa id . The defenceman ha s a go a l partment should be in and six a ssists in 30 ga m e s this ye a r. their new home by the end of May. F u ll story on page 12 AROUND TOWN . 6 DISTRICT NEWS . 8 RCMP REPORT . 9 SPORTS . 12 AGRICULTURE . 17 HEALTHY LIVING . 18 . R in k a h u b o f a ctivity fo r b u s tlin g co m m u n ity GARDENING 19 CLASSIFIEDS . 21 fro m page 1 Lotto Numbers Friday, Jan. 18 The renovation was a big project for the small commu - •Lo tto Max 3, 19, 22, 30, 32, 37, 40, b o nus 20 nity, but don’t let the size of Oakburn fool you. It is a bus - •Extra 5481468 tling place, full of community spirit that draws people in Saturday, Jan. 19 from throughout the area. And the rink serves as its •Lo tto 6/49 hub. 2, 13, 32, 39, 44, 49, b o nus 10 In the winter, it is home •W estern 6/49 3, 18, 32, 37, 42, 47, b o nus 6 to the Oakburn Skating Club, which this year has 35 chil - •Extra 6521293 dren enrolled. Lessons, taught by Niamh McKenna Wednesday, Jan. 23 from Shoal Lake, are held every Friday from 4:30 to 7:30 •Lo tto 6/49 p.m. 3, 19, 20, 26, 31, 38, b o nus 6 “People come from sur - •W estern 6/49 4, 6, 32, 37, 44, 49, b o nus 14 rounding communities and we are thankful for all of the •Extra 2952265 support,” said Manuliak. On Thursday nights, curl - ing is the name of the game, with a strong youth contin - Contact Us gent. You can pay on a drop- Office in basis or opt for an annual 353 Statio n Ro a d fee. Student rates are also available. Bo x 16 0 Sho a l La ke , MB “There is also a senior R0J 1Z 0 league Oakburn Bearcats hockey team that has regular Phone 204-759-2644 games and are known for their famous wings after the Am ong the m any upgrades during the head-to-toe kitchen Fax games!” said Manuliak. 204-759-2521 m a k e o ve r in c lu d e d a n e w g rill, fry e r, oven, microwave, a ll That’s not all. There are frid g e and stand up fre e ze r Classified (w o rd) Ads also two rec hockey teams – It’s our BIG January SALE c twc la ssifie d @ m ym ts.ne t the junior and senior Oak - Display (b oxe d) Ads burn Flames.
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