DHL Paket International - Destination information General Information Please note the following information for shipment of "DHL Paket International": General information • For every parcel there has to be transmitted EDI data to DHL. • The weight of the parcel has to be exact to 100 grams and needs to be included into the EDI data. • Transmitting contact information (e-mail/telephone number) in the shipment data is strongly recommended, as queries can be addressed and the quality of delivery and processing time, including customs clearance, can be improved. In addition, the electronic information supports in some countries, e.g. in European destinations, an automated notification process. • Enclosing messages, that are not assigned for the recipient, is not allowed. • Shipping Limited Quantites (LQ's) and Dangerous Good (DG) is not allowed. Additional information for parcels into customs-destinations: • DHL Paket International is a single-parcel product. Every individual parcel assigned for destinations with customs clearance, the following documents have to be enclosed: Commercial invoice in 2 copies, Customs declaration (CN 23) (Amount see table column F). Furthermore parcel-individual customs-relevant information has to be transmitted electronically. With usage of the update Customs declaration (CN23) the Dispatch note (CP71) is no longer required. Content which was formerly given on the Dispatch note (CP71) was included in the Customs declaration (CN23) with the update. • Consolidating goods of several parcels in one invoice / one Export Accompanying Document is not allowed. • Customs documents have to be filled in English our destination-specific language (see table column G). • Customs documents have to be attached to the outside of the package in a customs document bag. • EDI data including all parcel-individual customs information has to be transmitted before handover of parcels, latest before 6 pm. • If the export merchandise value is >1.000 € the sender has to register the shipment with German Customs (via ATLAS IAA PLUS). Every parcel needs to have an Export Accompanying Document (Ausfuhrbegleitdokument) enclosed. Generally "DE003305" is to be indicated for the export customs department (Ausgangszollstelle). Every parcel is also to be marked physically (yellow sticker) and within the EDI data as parcel with an Export Accompanying Document. • Customs clearance charges, including taxation and duties, will be charged to the recipient. Customs clearance to a third-party is not possible. • Please note import and customs regulations of destination. Additional information for parcels with the service Cash on delivery (COD) (only available to some destinations; see table) • Parcels with the service COD have to be shipped including a completed COD payment card TFP3 (Material No.: 914-100-00). The TFP3 is to be attached outside of the parcel. Please notice the restrictions on imports and customs regulations of the particular destination. All data without guarantee and subject to change. 1 DHL Paket International - Destination information Information Services Note Approximate transit time Transport Insurance Customs declaration Maximum dimensions Returns Bulky goods (in working days) International DHL Paket International (Standard & Premium) TI A TIB Destination Standard Premium Partner organization Note up to EUR up to EUR 2.500 25.000 ISO Code ISO CODE 2ALPHA zone Charge Number Language(s)* Max. weight forkg in business customers Length cm) (in cm) (in Height Width cm) (in cm) Girth (in Full Track Trace**& Storage period daysin Air Street Saturday delivery Possible Length cm) (in cm) Girth (in deliveryon Cash (Max. COD Charge) EUR in Afghanistan 004 AF 5 2 E 15-19 10-15 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 15 Yes Afghan Post Yes Yes 150 300 No No - Åland-Islands 248 AX 3 1 E, SWE, NL 4 31,5 120 60 60 300 Yes 14 Yes Itella Posti Oy No Yes 150 300 Yes No - Customs documents: Customs declaration CN23 and commercial invoice) necessary Albania 008 AL 3 2 E,NL 16 6-8 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 5 Yes Posta shqipatre Yes Yes 200 300 Yes No - Algeria 012 DZ 4 2 F,NL 15 6-10 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Algérie Poste Yes No - - Yes No - American Samoa 016 AS 5 1 E 10-12 6-7 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 60 Yes Samoa Post No No - - Yes No - American Virgin Islands 850 VI 5 1 E 10-12 6 31,5 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes United States Postal Service Yes Yes 150 300 Yes Yes - Please include the state as well as the destination (e.g. CLAYTON, NEW JERSEY) Andorra 020 AD 2 1 F 4-7 30,0 120 60 60 300 No 30 Yes Coliposte No Yes 150 300 Yes Yes - Customs documents: Customs declaration CN23 and commercial invoice) necessary No parcel dispatch to the following destinations: Huembo, Luena, Mbanza-Congo, Angola 024 AO 6 2 F,SPA 10-16 15 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Correios de Angola No Yes 150 300 Yes No - Menongue, N´dalatando, Quito, Uige A general post code AI-2640 applies which must always be stated in the recipient’s Anguilla 660 AI 6 2 E 14-19 10-15 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 21 Yes Anguilla Postal Service Yes Yes 200 300 Yes No - address Antigua and Barbuda 028 AG 6 1 E 14-19 10-15 20,0 120 60 60 300 No 7 Yes Antigua and Barbuda Post Yes No - - Yes No - Argentina 032 AR 6 2 E,F,SPA 10-14 7-10 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Correo Argentino Yes No - - Yes No - Armenia 051 AM 5 2 E,F,RUS 12-15 10-13 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Haypost - Armenian Postal Service Yes Yes 150 300 Yes No - Parcel to Tristan da Cunha must not weigh more than 10 kg, Customs documents Aruba 533 AW 1 2 E,NL 10-13 6-9 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 10 Yes Post Aruba N.V. No Yes 200 300 Yes No - (Customs declaration CN23 and commercial invoice) necessary Parcel to Tristan da Cunha must not weigh more than 10 kg, Customs documents Ascension Island 654 SH 2 1 E 14-19 14-19 20,0 120 60 60 300 No 5 Yes Ascension Island Post Office No No - - Yes No - (Customs declaration CN23 and commercial invoice) necessary Australia 036 AU 6 1 E 11 7-9 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 14 Yes Australian Postal No No - - Yes Yes - Austria 040 AT 1 - - 2 31,5 120 60 60 360 Yes 14 Yes Austrian Post Yes Yes 200 360 Yes Yes 3.579 Azerbaijan 031 AZ 5 2 E,F,NL,RUS 10 8 31,5 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Azarpoçt Yes Yes 150 300 Yes No - Cash on delivery parcel are only delivered to a retail outlet and not to the recipient’s Azores 620 PT 3 - - 7-8 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 15 Yes Correios PT / CTT Expresso No Yes 150 300 Yes Yes 1.533 home Bahamas 044 BS 6 2 E 10-14 6-10 20,0 120 60 60 300 No 90 Yes Bahamas Postal Service Yes No - - Yes No - Bahrain 048 BH 5 2 E,NL 8-12 6-8 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Bahrain Post No Yes 200 300 Yes Yes - Bangladesh 050 BD 5 1 E 15-19 10-15 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 14 Yes Bangladesh Post Office No Yes 200 300 Yes No - Barbados 052 BB 6 2 E,F 10-14 6-10 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 21 Yes Barbados Postal Service No No - - Yes No - Belarus 112 BY 3 2 E,F,NL,RUS 9 4-7 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Belpochta Yes Yes 150 300 Yes No - Belgium 056 BE 1 - - 2 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 15 Yes BPoste No Yes 150 300 Yes Yes - Belize 084 BZ 6 1 E 13-19 8-13 25,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Belize Postal Service No Yes 200 300 Yes No - Benin 204 BJ 6 2 F 15-19 10-15 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes La Poste du Bénin No Yes 200 300 Yes No - Parcel service only provided through post offices Bermuda 060 BM 6 2 E 10-16 6-12 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Bermuda Post Office Yes Yes 200 300 Yes No - Customs documents (Customs declaration CN23 and commercial invoice) necessary Bhutan 064 BT 5 2 E 10-14 8-10 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 7 Yes Bhutan Post Yes Yes 150 300 Yes No - Parcel service only provided through post offices. The Bulky Goods service can only be Bolivia 068 BO 6 2 SPA 10-14 6-10 20,0 120 60 60 300 No 90 Yes Empresa de Correos de Bolivia No No - - Yes No - offered in combination with the Premium service. Bonaire 535 BQ 1 1 E 6-9 31,5 120 60 60 300 No 30 Yes Flamingo Express Dutch Caribbean N.V. Yes No - - No No - Customs documents: Customs declaration CN23 and commercial invoice) necessary JP BH POŠTA /POŠTE SRPSKE / Bosnia and Herzegovina 070 BA 3 2 E,NL 12 5-7 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 15 Yes No Yes 150 300 Yes No - Hrvatska posta d.o.o. Mostar Botswana 072 BW 6 2 E 10-14 8-10 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Botswana Post Yes Yes 200 300 Yes Yes - Bouvet Island 074 BV 3 1 DAN,E,NL,SWE 7-8 4-5 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 14 Yes Posten Norge AS Yes Yes 150 300 Yes Yes - Customs documents: Customs declaration CN23 and commercial invoice) necessary Brazil 076 BR 6 2 E,PT 16-20 12-18 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 20 Yes CORREIOS Yes No - - Yes No - British Virgin Islands 092 VG 2 1 E 10-15 20,0 120 60 60 300 No 75 Yes British Virgin Islands Post Yes No - - Yes No - Customs documents: Customs declaration CN23 and commercial invoice) necessary Brunei Darussalam 096 BN 5 1 E 8-12 6-8 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 30 Yes Brunei Postal Services Yes Yes 150 300 Yes Yes - Bulgaria 100 BG 3 - - 4-5 31,5 120 60 60 300 Yes 20 Yes DHL Express Yes Yes 150 300 Yes Yes - Burkina Faso 854 BF 6 2 F 12-16 10-12 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 15 Yes SONAPOST Yes Yes 200 300 Yes No - Parcel service only provided through post offices Burundi 108 BI 6 2 F 12-16 8-12 30,0 120 60 60 300 No 30 Yes RNP – Régie nationale des postes Yes Yes 150 300 Yes No - Parcel service only provided through post offices Cambodia 116 KH 5 2 E 13 8-10 31,5 120 60 60 300 Yes 60 Yes Direction des postes, Cambodia No Yes 150 300 Yes No - Cameroon 120 CM 6 2 E,F 12-16 10-12 30,0 120 60 60 300 No 30 Yes Direction des postes, Cameroon No Yes 200 300 Yes No - Canada 124 CA 5 1 E,F 10 5-7 30,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 15 Yes Canada Post No Yes 200 300 Yes Yes - Canary Islands 724 ES 2 2 E,F,SPA 4-7 30,0 120 60 60 300 No 60 Yes Yes Correos y Telégrafos Espagne No Yes 150 300 Yes Yes 1.124 Customs documents: Customs declaration CN23 and commercial invoice) necessary Carpe Verde 132 CV 6 2 E,F,NL,SPA 15-19 10-15 20,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 15 Yes Correios de Cabo Verde No Yes 200 300 Yes No - The address of the recipient in the Cayman Islands must include a post box number with a letter suffix, as shipments cannot be delivered if only the street and town are Cayman Islands 136 KY 2 1 E 10-15 10,0 120 60 60 300 Yes 35 Yes Cayman Islands Post Office Yes Yes 200 300 Yes No - given.
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