1 CROWN HEIGHTS ~ November 30, 2007 כאן צוה ה‘ את הברכה CommunityNewspaper בס“ד | כ‘ כסלו, תשס”ח | פרשת וישב WEEKLY VOL. I | NO 4 NOVEMBER 30, 2007 | KISLEV 20, 5768 YUD TES KISLEV GETS A BOOST Farbrengens in Liadi, was freed in the revelation of 770, Getzel’s Shul from his impris- the “inner soul” of and other locations onment in Czar- Torah. The Chas- are to celebrate ist Russia. More sidic holiday was Yud Tes Kislev, than a personal launched this week Rosh HaShana liberation, this is in Crown Heights of Chassidus and a watershed event with two fitting the day the Alter in the history of occurrences. Rebbe, Rabbi Sch- Chassidism, her- Page: 4 - 5 neur Zalman of alding a new era Monumental composition Likkutei Torah gets translated into English Page 13 Page 6 Chanukah 5768 where to go, Menorah Lighting Candle Lighting Nov. 30 Lighting Dec. 07 Lighting New York 4 : 12 New York 4 : 10 Jerushalaim 3 : 55 Jerushalaim 3 :56 Brooklyn, NY 11225 NY Brooklyn, 390 Kingston Avenue Kingston 390 Community Newspaper 2 CROWN HEIGHTS ~ November 30, 2007 The Vaad Hakohol Gut Yom Tov Nightlife Returns By: Moshe Rubashkin Innovative Crown Heights Program Makes a Strong Comeback A Gut Yom Tov. A Gut Yom Tov. Tonight is Yud Tes Kislev, Chag HaChagim. As the reality of summer’s end started to make a grand comeback. the Matchmakers’ take on dating, forcing kick in, hundreds of single girls returned many to replace common misconcep- Today is our to Crown Heights fresh from vacations That’s right, girls – who said only summer tions about the Shidduch-process. birthday as the and Shlichus positions around the world. nights deserve a life? Lubavitcher Having enjoyed a fabulous summer The evening proved Nightlife’s ability nation. As Yid- interlude, they returned feeling revived, Just over a week ago, Nightlife kicked off to turn even the most drone topic into a den we are the full of amazing tales to share with their its year programming with a JLI course lively, fun, and sensational event. chosen people, friends who had stayed in “the hood”. led by course-writer Shimona Tzukernik. but as Lubavitch- T h i r t y g i r l s Nightlife offers the opportunity to spend ers, we are the They had no idea showed up to three nights a week basking in its aura chosen of the Moshe Rubashkin that their friends, the “Wisdom of learning, laughter, and, of course, a chosen and that comes w h o m t h e y f rom S i n a i ” full barista and comfy lounge pillows. with a tremendous responsibility and had considered kick-off course, With great food, chic décor, and unique duty. “doomed” to stay in aimed at pro- programming, there’s only one thing Crown Heights for viding personal about Crown Heights’ revolutionary We live here in the community of the the summer, also and intellectu- program that has changed: plenty of Rebbeim, the Nesiim, who gave us the had some fabulous ally engaging new faces. blueprint of how to conquer the world ex per iences to i n sig ht i nto through Simcha and Ahavas Yisroel. share. More than the Ten Com- Single Ladies: Save the Date! that, they were mandments. The There are over 3000 families living in surprised to learn girls have been Yud-Tes-Kislev Farbrengen! Kan Tziva. There are over 2500 students, that over the sum- delighted by the boys and girls, from all over the world mer, many of their insightful and Thursday, November 29th 8:00 pm learning in our mosdos here. The boys friends had been mind-expand- and the girls that are coming here from transformed into ing college-like Mashi Lipskar (from South Africa) will all over the world are coming to absorb wine connoisseurs, class. be speaking about the meaning of the day the ruach haChayim of the Rebbe’s holy make up artists and Krav Mega experts. – both personally and globally. Check Mosdos. Here, they will be transformed In addition to all the interesting work- Eyebrows rose, however, when Nightlife your e-mails for forthcoming details! into the future shluchim, the future shops, their friends had enjoyed a spa announced its Yud-Daled-Kislev Motzei fathers and mothers of Lubavitch. The night, some great live jazz, and lectures Shabbos event: a panel of matchmakers?! stories of Eltere Chassidim are the from acclaimed speakers: Chana Weis- The evening, dedicated to issues related compass how we must live and conduct berg, Rabbi Shlomo Jaffe, Sara Esther to dating and marriage, was entitled ourselves. They inspire us and give us Crispe, and Rabbi Shea Hecht to name direction. a few. By looking at pictures of Reb Pinya To say the least, girls that stayed in Althaus and hearing stories of him, you Crown Heights concluded their summer saw the deep love that the Friediker feeling enlightened, inspired, and, yes, Rebbe and the Rebbe had towards him. quite culturally seasoned. He had a look of L’Chatchila Ariber in Ariber. When the hundreds of Nightlife’s summer participants told news of the When I went to the Ohel a little more program to their returning friends, the than a year ago, I met his son, Reb buzz began. Binyamin Althaus. We spent about a half an hour together talking about the early When is Nightlife going to return? years of the Rebbe, his father’s and his relationship with the Rebbe, and with the The girls wanted to know. Parents Friedeker Rebbe—How Yehidus was in at home wanted to know. Even the Continued on Page Bochurim wanted to know (they’re still begging for their own version). “Choice or Fate” and opened with an Chanukah Party! Newspaper inspiring and informative lecture by Community Luckily for everyone, the program that author Sara Karmely. Five local Shad- Wednesday December 5th 290 Kingston Avenue, has become known for its class and out- chanim then took the stage to share their Brooklyn, NY 11225 of-the-box programming has decided to 8:00 pm 718 771 9000 take, responding to the grilling questions Published & edited weekly by the Vaad Hakohol from an audience Come to this party for a truly hypnotic of Crown Heights. of over fifty (yes, 2nd night of Chanukah! This party will Moshe Rubashkin, Chairman single) girls. The feature a hypnotist, great food, music, Dr. Tzvi (Harvey) Lang, Vice Chairman rare encounter was and a stunning Chanukah musical! Rabbi Plotkin, Secretary surprisingly enter- All material in this paper has been copyrighted. It is the exculive property of this newspaper, unless otherwise taining, with the To get on our e-mailing list contact: attributed., and cannot be reproduced without the consent Shadchanim sprin- [email protected] of the publisher. kling their expert or 917-373-4870 Composition responsibility: This newspaper will not be advice and answers liable for errors appearing in advertising, beyond the cost with memorable Hosted at the Rubashkin home. of the space occupied by the error. Advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. All adver- stories. Between tisement designed and prepared by the CHCommunity roars of laughter, NIGHTLIFE is a joint project of the Newspaper are the property of the newspaper and cannot the girls took the CHJCC and BYIT, a division of THI be reproduced without the consent of the publisher opportunity to sponsored by the CHJCC learn more about November 30, 2007 ~ crOWN heights 3 from. We have had cases where a truck Letters backs up and hits a pedestrian. It creates a Our Aging Population language classes, beginners classes for members of our community. blind spot for pedestrians when crossing writing Email or using the computer to the street and other various situations. In the late ‘50’s when I came to Crown write family history, photography, art, This is not a time to forget or ignore the Heights, there was no aging population. and music are all areas of interest. Other importance of creating meaningful lives These trucks also take away desperately Directly or indirectly our Jewish people ideas of interest include authors coming for our seniors. Their experiences in life, needed parking spaces for our residents. have been affected by the ravages of The to discuss their books, or creating book their knowledge and learning should be It is up to both the Council and every Holocaust. Having grandparents was a clubs to discuss recent books. Of course, utilized. We need a SENIOR CENTER private resident to seek out the owners luxury and fortunate indeed were those lectures on health and nutrition would that is active and vital, that will meet the of these trucks and convey to them in blessed with extended families. be essential. Trips would be wonderful. varied needs of our community. Person- the strongest terms that they can no There are many exhibits in museums, ally, I would appreciate a swimming pool longer continue to do this. We have one Boruch Hashem, today our world is musical free events, botanic gardens and a gym with appropriate activities for of the most beautiful neighborhoods different, and on Simcha invitations and the list goes on and on. My husband us seniors. I also would love trips and in Brooklyn and we should not have to grandparents are listed and often great uses a walker and wheelchair, but there interesting films and lectures. Active tolerate the indifference of these few grandparents as well. Indeed, this is a are many events that he attends. I am a Senior Centers must become established individuals. We must take pride in our great z’chus; however, it carries with docent in Museum of Jewish Heritage in CROWN HEIGHTS, and your Shechuna and make it befitting for that it certain needs and responsibilities.
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