Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page ix GGGGG LIST OF ENTRIES Aborigines Anthropic principle Apes, greater Aborigines Anthropocentrism Apes, lesser Acheulean culture Anthropology and business Apollonian Acropolis Anthropology and Aquatic ape hypothesis Action anthropology epistemology Aquinas, Thomas Adaptation, biological Anthropology and the Third Arboreal hypothesis Adaptation, cultural World Archaeology Aesthetic appreciation Anthropology of men Archaeology and gender Affirmative action Anthropology of religion studies Africa, socialist schools in Anthropology of women Archaeology, biblical African American thought Anthropology, careers in Archaeology, environmental African Americans Anthropology, characteristics of Archaeology, maritime African thinkers Anthropology, clinical Archaeology, medieval Aggression Anthropology, cultural Archaeology, salvage Ape aggression Anthropology, economic Architectural anthropology Agricultural revolution Anthropology, history of Arctic Agriculture, intensive Future of anthropology Ardrey, Robert Agriculture, origins of Anthropology, humanistic Argentina Agriculture, slash-and-burn Anthropology, philosophical Aristotle Alchemy Anthropology, practicing Arsuaga, J. L. Aleuts Anthropology, social Art, universals in ALFRED: The ALlele FREquency Anthropology and sociology Artificial intelligence Database Social anthropology Artificial intelligence Algonquians Anthropology, subdivisions of Asante Alienation Anthropology, theory in Assimilation Alienation Anthropology, Visual Atapuerca Altamira cave Visual anthropology Athabascan Altruism Anthropometry Auel, Jean Marie Amazonia Anthropomorphism Aurignacian culture Amish Aotearoa (New Zealand) Australia Anasazi Ape biogeography Australia Ancestor worship Ape cognition Australian aborigines Angkor Wat Ape language Australopithecines Animals Ape communication Axes, hand Animatism Ape intelligence Aymara Animism Apes, fossil Aztec agriculture ix Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page x x ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANTHROPOLOGY Baboons Bride price Coliseum Baboons Briggs, Jean L. Collectors Babylon Bruno, Giordano Colobines Bakhtin, Mikhail Buber, Martin Interspecies communication Balkans Buddhism Susan Savage-Rumbaugh Baluchistan Buechel, Eugene Communism Bates, Daniel G. Bunzel, Ruth Communities Bayang Medicine Man Burial mounds Complexity Becker, Gary S. Computers and humankind Behavior, collective Cannibalism Computer languages Benedict, Ruth Carbon-14 dating Comte, Auguste Ruth Benedict Cardiff giant hoax Condorcet, Marquis de Berdache Caribs Configurationalism Bergson, Henri Carpenter, C. R. Conflict Bermudez de Castro, J. M. Carson, Rachel Confucianism Big bang theory Carter, Howard Consciousness Binford, Lewis Roberts Caste systems Continental drift Bingham, Hiram Catastrophism Coon, Carleton S. Bioethics and anthropology Categorical imperative Copper Age Biogeography Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca Coptic monasticism Bioinformatics Cave art Cosmology and sacred landscapes Biological anthropology Cazden, Courtney B. Counseling William Bass Cebids Cousteau, Jacques Yves Forensic anthropology Celtic Europe Craniometry Mary Huffman Manhein Cercopithecines Craniometry Biological anthropology and Chachapoya Indians Phrenology neo-Darwinism Chagnon, Napolean Creationism versus geology Biomedicine Chants Creationism, beliefs in Biometrics Chaos theory Crete, ancient Bipedal locomotion Chaos theory and anthropology Crime Origin of bipedality Chichen Itza Criminology and genetics Black, Davidson Child abuse Forensic artists Blombos cave Childbirth Physiognomy Blood groups Childhood Critical realism Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich Childhood studies Critical realism in ethnology Boas, Franz Childe, Vere Gordon Croizat, Leon C. Franz Boas Chimpanzees Cross-cultural research Bonobos Chimpanzees and bonobos, Cuba Bonobos in captivity differences Cultivation, plant Kanzi Chimpanzees, saving Cults Boucher de Perthes, Jacques Chimpanzees in captivity Cultural conservation Bourdieu, Pierre City, history of Cultural constraints Brace, C. Loring Ghost towns Cultural ecology Brachiation Urban anthropology Cultural relativism Braidwood, Robert John Civil disobedience Cultural relativism Brain, evolution of primate Cladistics Cultural traits Brain, human Clans Cultural tree of life Brain, primate Clines Culture Brazil Clinical genetics Culture and personality Breuil, Henri Clovis culture Culture area concept Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page xi LIST OF ENTRIES xi Culture change DNA testing Ethnohistory Culture of poverty DNA, recombinant Ethnology Culture shock Douglas, Mary Ethology and ethnology Culture, characteristics of Dowry Ethnomedicine Cyberculture Dryopithecus Ethnopharmacology Cybernetic modeling Dubois, Eugene Ethnopsychiatry Cybernetics Durkheim, David Émile Ethnoscience Ethnosemantics Danilevsky, Nikolaj Jakovlevich Ecology and anthropology Ethology Daoism Ecology, human behavioral Ethology, cognitive Darkness in El Dorado Economics and anthropology Etics controversy Education and anthropology Eudysphoria Darrow, Clarence Egypt, ancient Eugenics Dart, Ramond A. Abu Simbel Euthenics Darwin and Germany Tutankhamun and Zahi Evans-Pritchard, Edward Darwin and India Hawass Eve, mitochrondrial Darwin and Italy Egyptology Evil Darwin, Charles Jean-François Evolution, arc of Darwinism, modern Champollion Interpreting evidence Darwinism versus El Cerén Evolution, disbelief in Lamarckism Elders Evolution, human Darwinsim, social Eliade, Mircea Evolution education Social Darwinism Emics controversy Dating techniques Empedocles Futurology New dating techniques Enculturation Monogenesis versus Dating techniques, radiometric Nature and nurture polygenesis Dating techniques, relative Endogamy Ian Tattersall Dawkins, Richard Engelbrecht, William Ernst Evolution, models of de Angulo, Jaime Engels, Friedrich Evolution, molecular de Waal, Frans B. M. Enlightenment, age of Evolution, organic Death rituals Enlightenment versus Evolutionary anthropology Degenerationism postmodernism Evolutionary epistemology Deleuze, Gilles Entelechy Evolutionary ethics Deloria, Ella Cara Environments Evolutionary ethics Dementia Global warming Evolutionary psychology Demography Environmental philosophy Evolutionary ontology Dendrochronology Environmental ethics Excavation Dennett, Daniel C. Eoliths Exobiology and exoevolution Derrida, Jacques Eskimo acculturation Exogamy Determinism Eskimos Extinction Deviance Essentialism Mass extinctions DeVore, Irven Ethics and anthropology Dewey, John Ethnocentrism Fa Hien cave Diamond, Jared Ethnoecology Fagan, Brian M. Dictatorships Ethnogenesis Family, extended Diffusionism Ethnographer Family, forms of Dinosaurian hominid Objectivity in ethnography Family, nuclear Diseases Verification in ethnography Farber, Marvin Dispute resolution Ethnographic writing Fayoum culture DNA molecule Ethnography Feasts and Festivals Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page xii xii ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANTHROPOLOGY Feminism Genetics, population Henotheism Fertility Human diversity Heraclitus Feuding Genocide Hermeneutics Feuerbach, Ludwig Genomics Herskovits, Melville Field methods Geologic column Heyerdahl, Thor Fieldwork, ethnographic Geology Hinduism Fiji Geomagnetism Historicism Firth, Raymond Geomythology HIV/AIDS Folk culture Gerontology Hoaxes in anthropology Folk speech Gesellschaft Hobbes, Thomas Folkways Ghost dance Hoebel, E. Adamson Folsom culture Gibbons Hominization, issues in Food Gigantopithecus Hominoids Fortes, Meyer Globalization Hominid taxonomy Fossey, Dian Cultural convergence Homo antecessor Dian Fossey Vanishing cultures Homo erectus Fossil record Glottochronology Homo ergaster Fossils Gluckman, Max Homo habilis Foucault, Michel God gene Homo sapiens Frazer, Sir James Gods Homosexuality Freeman, Derek von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Hopi Indians French structuralism Goodall, Jane Horticulture Freud, Sigmund Jane Goodall Howell,F.Clark Neo-Freudianism Goode, William Josiah Howling monkeys Fried, Morton H. Gorillas Hrdlicka, Ales Friendships Gorillas in captivity Huari [Wari] Fromm, Erich Gorillas, saving Human canopy evolution Functionalism Gosse, Philip Human competition and stress Gramsci, Antonio Human dignity Gaia hypothesis Graves Human excellence Galapagos Islands Greenberg, Joseph Human Genome Project Galdikas, Biruté Mary F. Grooming Human paleontology Biruté Mary F. Galdikas Guaraní Nandéva Indians Human rights and anthropology Galton, Francis Gutenberg, Johannes Human rights in the global Gandhi, Mahatma Gypsies society Gangs Human variation Geertz, Clifford R. Haddon, A. C. Humanism, evolutionary Gemeinschaft Haeckel, Ernst Humanism, religious Gender Primate embryology Humanism, secular Gene distributions Haidas Secularization Gene flow Haiti Humankind, psychic unity of Generative grammar Harappa Unity of humankind Genetic drift Hardy-Weinberg principle Humans and dinosaurs Genetic engineering Harlow, Harry F. von Humboldt, Alexander Genetic engineering Harris, Marvin Hume, David Stem cell research Harrisson, Barbara Huntington, Samuel P. Genetics, history of Health care, alternative Hylobates Genetics, human Heath, Shirley Bryce Primate genetics Hegel, G.W.F. Ice man Twin studies Heidegger, Martin Ideology Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page xiii LIST OF ENTRIES xiii Ik Kovalevskii, Aleksandr O. Life, characteristics of Incest taboo Kovalevskii, Vladimir O. Artificial life India and evolution Kroeber, Alfred Louis Unity of life India, philosophies of Alfred Louis Kroeber Life, origin of
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