May 19, 1981 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 10231 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, Mag 19, 1981 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Now that we have had a chance to Mr. MOTTL. Mr. Speaker, the social The Chaplain, Rev. James David look at the so-called safety net, it security program is the bedrock of fi­ Ford D.D., offered the following turns out to be a sinkhole. nancial security for millions of Ameri­ prayer: Do you need a little help to provide cans who have paid into the system Gracious Lord, we are grateful for decent educational opportunities in for decades. Yet from Members of all Your servants who, through lives your poor school district? Too bad; Congress, and now from the President, of witness and good deeds, have testi­ that is not part of the safety net, it is we hear more and more talk on where fied to Your love. May the character part of the sinkhole. to make social security cutbacks. of the saints who have lived before us, Do you need a little help to get that I think the cutback approach is ever give light to our path and warmth college education that will make all wrong, and it is opposed by most the difference in the world in your Americans. What we should be doing to our spirit. productivity as a citizen? Too bad; May our lives never become so in­ is examining ways to preserve the level that is not part of the safety net; col­ of benefits now provided in social secu­ volved with the things of today that lege aid programs are going into the we miss the rich inheritance that we rity. sinkhole. An excellent starting point would be have received from the past and on Do you need a little food stamp as­ which we build for the future. to take $6 billion or so per year out of sistance to make your poor paycheck foreign aid programs and funnel this Keep us grateful for our history and go far enough to put decent food on our heritage that we may continue to money into social security, rather the table? Too bad; 1 million food than chop $46 billion or more from fight the good fight and ever keep the stamp recipients are seeing their help faith. Amen. social security in coming years, as the go into the sinkhole. President suggests. Do you find it impossible to get a I am certain the vast majority of THE JOURNAL decent home at a price you can afford? Too bad; that dream is going into the Americans would support this reallo­ The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ sinkhole, because this administration cation of funds. And, there is no ques­ .amined the Journal of the last day's thinks housing is not all that neces­ tion that social security beneficiaries proceedings and announces to the sary. would show more gratitude than most House his approval thereof. Do you hope to retire a little early at foreign nations which are on the dole Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the age 62? Too bad; that dream is not from Uncle Sam. Journal stands approved. part of the safety net. Your hope for anything like the retirement you have GUARANTEED STUDENT LOANS counted on are headed for the sink­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE hole. <Mr. PEYSER asked and was given A message from the Senate, by Mr. Do you need a little employment permission to address the House for 1 Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced counseling in order to get off unem­ minute and to revise and extend his that the Senate had passed a bill of ployment? Too bad; the U.S. Employ­ remarks.) the following title, in which the con­ ment Service is sliding off into the Mr. PEYSER. Mr. Speaker, as a currence of the House is requested: sinkhole, and will henceforth provide result of our actions on the floor of S. 815. An act to authorize appropriations only the most meager kind of help. If the House last week on the supple­ for fiscal year 1982 for procurement of air­ you really need help, you will have to mental appropriation legislation, a craft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat go someplace else. number of banks have already indicat­ vehicles, torpedoes, and other weapons and No matter what angle you examine ed their willingness to go ahead with for research, development, test, and evalua­ it from, the Reagan safety net pro­ the student loans for this September. tion for the Armed Forces, to authorize ap­ vides no real help to anybody. All it However, Mr. Speaker, we must con­ propriations for fiscal year 1982 for oper­ does is consign help into the ever-wid­ tinue our efforts to see to it that the ations and maintenance expenses of the House has a chance to vote to restore Armed Forces, to prescribe the authorized ening sinkhole. It is just too bad if personnel strength for each active duty your life has been unlucky enough to moneys in the 1982 guaranteed stu­ component and the Selected Reserve of put you into the need of help. Too bad dent loan program. each Reserve component of the Armed if your dream is to retire at age 62, or If we do not do that, Mr. Speaker, as Forces and for civilian personnel of the De­ even 65. Too bad if you would like to the Members know very well now, partment of Defense, to authorize the mili­ see affordable interest rates. there will be hundreds of thousands of tary training student loads, to authorize ap­ Alas, even for Republicans who have students in 1982-college students, propriations for fiscal year 1982 for civil de­ for generations preached the balanced those seeking other types of higher fense, and for other purposes. budget, Reagan blasts that doctrine education, the bright young people of into the newest sinkhole-the supply­ our country-who will be forced to REAGANOMICS SINKHOLE side sinkhole that is swallowing up the leave school. I hope we will unite in dreams of millions who did not know the effort to have the opportunity to <Mr. GONZALEZ asked and was that the President was not exactly vote on this issue. given permission to address the House truthful when he pledged never to dis­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend turb social security. his remarks.) 0 1215 Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, not long ago the newest Washington HOLD THE LINE ON SOCIAL FARM BILL GIVES SCANT catchword was "social safety net." SECURITY CUTS BENEFIT TO SMALL FARMERS What this was supposed to mean was <Mr. MOTTL asked and was given <Mr. DORGAN of North Dakota that the Reagan administration would permission to address the House for 1 asked and was given permission to ad­ not do any harm to what they liked to minute and to revise and extend his dress the House for 1 minute, and. to · call the·truly needy. remarks.) revise and extend his remarks.) 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 10232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE May 19, 1981 Mr. DORGAN of North Dakota. Mr. ized. The American people do not of the Most Reverend James S. Speaker, I want to take note of the want to see the United States turn its Rausch, who presided as bishop of the farm bill that was passed by the Agri­ back on its friends for the sake of oil. I Phoenix diocese. culture Committee of the House this hope that my colleagues will be listen­ This accomplished servant of God morning. This farm bill is going to fall ing to the voices of the people when was to celebrate the 25th anniversary far short of providing the needed eco­ this issue comes before the House for of his ordination to the priesthood on nomic stability that is necessary for a vote. June 2 next month. He has had an il­ survival of many of the family farms lustrious career in service to the Lord, in this country. TODAY'S VOTE ON INSPECTOR the church, and of the people of the Farmers are provided some pretty GENERAL ACT AMENDMENTS Phoenix diocese. tough choices these days. First, many OF 1981 parts of the Midwest are facing a Following his research fellowship drought situation. <Mr. STRATTON asked and was with the U.S. Catholic Conference Di­ Second, they face high interest given permission to address the House vision of World Justice and Peace, rates. For example, we have the 20- for 1 minute, and to revise and extend Bishop Rausch was general secretary percent prime rate that was an­ his remarks.) of the National Council of Catholic nounced today which further dims the Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, I Bishops in 1972, thE_¥1 elevated to the economic prospects for agriculture and take this particular side of the aisle episcopacy in 1973. He has been small business in States such as North symbolically this morning because I bishop of Phoenix, since 1977, and has Dakota; and, third, energy prices are am addressing my message primarily established several new parishes as continuing to increase at a very rapid to the Members of the Republican well as initiating many elderly residen­ rate, driving up the costs to the small Party. My own party will not listen to tial accommodations in my State. He farmer. me, but I think that I have a message had enormous vitality and spirit and Yet now we have a farm bill that that the Members on this side of the contributed immeasurably to the com­ just does not measure up in giving aisle ought to get before we get munity in his 4 years as bishop of the farmers any kind of meaningful pro­ around to voting today on H.R.
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