A OFFICIAL GAZETTE 60VERNME.NTPRnmNB A8ENGY | EMJI^'^ECTTOnI bs*q:i+-^+-fl.=+ H m^mmM^mn No. 1324 FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1950 Price 28,00 yen Prime Minister's Office Ordinance for Partial OFFICE ORDINANCE Amendments to the Local Autonomy Law Enforcement Regulation The Local Autonomy Law Enforcement Regula- Prime Minister's Office Ordinance ,' No.29 tion (Ministry of Home Affairs Ordinance No. 29 of 1947) shall be partially amended as follows: August 25, 1950 Of the Remarks in the Budgetary Form of Re- . venue and Expenditure of Local Bodies in Attach- The Prime Minister's Office Ordinance for ed Paper, No."5 shall be amended as follows: K Partial Amendments to the Local Autonomy Law 5. In the column ofnoteof "Tax",the amount Enforcement Regulation shall be fixed as of taxable standard, tax rate, etc, must be follows : described. The Revenue column in the Outline of the Prime Minister Budgetary and Explanation Items shall be amend- YOSHIDA Shigeru ed as follows: O u tlin e of B u d g eta r y an d E x p lan a tion Item s R ev en ue T o , D o, F u & P refectu re C ity , T o w n & V illa ge T itle Item S u b -ite m T itle Item S u b -item 1. T o (D o or ' 1. C ity (to w n p r efectur a l) or v illag e ) ta x ta x 1. O r d in a r y 1. O rd in a ry ta x ta x 1. tEanxt erp r ise 1. Cority ,v itlloawgne in h ab itan t ta x 2 . S p ecia l in - 2. M u n icip a l com e ta x p rop erty tax 3. A d m ission 3 . B icy cle tax ta x 4 . A m u sem en t, 4 . C ar t ta x e atin g & d rin k in g; tax 5. A u tom o b ile 5 . E lectr icity tax & g a s tax 6. M in e lot 6 . M in e p ro - tax d u ct ta x 7. Fr iigshhtintga x " ^ 7. Ttriamdbeetra x 8. H un te r ta x 8. A d v ertise- m en t ta x I 9.So and so 9 . M in er al tax b a th tak in g X ta x 10 . S e rv ice g irl ta x ll.. S o a n d so ta x 2. Special pur- 2 . S p e cia l p ur - pose tax p ose ta x 1. Water-utili- 1; W a te r-utili- z ation & za tio n & land profit lan d p ro fi t tax tax 2. C om m on fa cilitie s tax 3. Tax subject 3 . T a x su b ject to th e for - to the for- A ' mer Law m er L a w 1.Do. Fu or 1. C ity , tow n prefectural or v illa g e inhabitant in h a b itan t tax ta x 2.So and so 2. S o a n d so * tax ta x 2. L o ca l 2. L oca l fi n a n ce ・ ' , fi n an ce e qu aliza tion eq u a liz ation g ra n t g ra n t 1. L oca l 1. L oc al fin a n ce fin a n ce eq u a liz ation * eq u a liza tion g ra n t g ra n t 1. L o cal - 1 . L o ca l fi n an ce ~ fi n an ce *. egqrua an lti za tion egqruaanltiza tion 3 . P u b lic en - 3 . P u b lic en - ^ te rp rise & terp r ise & p r op erty p rop erty r eceip ts , receip ts 1. P u b lic en - - 1. P u b lic en - " ・ ,^ fcerp rise terp rise rece ip ts r eceip ts 1. S o 1. S o sp ecia l a c- _ sp ecia l a c- cou n t p rofit cou n t p ro fit r eceip ts rece ip ts 2. W h a t re - 2. W h a t re- ce ip ts ce ip ts 2 . P rop erty 2. P r ope rty r eceipts re ceip ts 1. W h a t b a sic 1. W h a t b a sic prercoepieprttsy * . prrecoepieprttsy > k 2. W h at re- - 2. W hat re- serve fun d serve fun d receipts receipts 3, O rdinary . >3. Ordin ary property ・ property receipts receipts 3. V alue re- 3. V alue re- ceived upon ceived u pon disposal of disposal sof property property 1. V alue re- 1. V alue re- ceived on ceived 6n disposal of d isposal of lan d lan d 2. V ata e re- 2. V alue re- ceived on ceived "on disposal of disposal of article ' article 3. So and so 3. So an d so K 4. Sh ares & 4. Sh ares & charg es l. Share ^ charges 1. sh are 1. W hat share 1. w hat sh are 2. Ch arges 2. -C h arges 1. Ch arges 1. C harg es pertain in g . pertain in g to the de- to the de- terioration , terioration of road of road '2. W hat , 2. W hat ch arge charge 5. Rfeeenst s & ' * '¥ * . 5. gLoaobdosr & 1. R ents ^ 1. L abor & goods 1. School fees 1. L abor 2. So and so 2. G oods h 2. F ees 1. So and so 6. R ents & fees 1. R ents 1. School fees 2. So and so 2. F ees 1. C ensus re- gistration fee 2. S o an d so 6. Treasury 7. Treasury disburse- disburse- ment ment 1. Treasury's 1. Treasury's charge charge 1. Charges on 1. Charges on livelihood livelihood protection prote ction expen ses expenses 2 2. W h at charge 2. W hat charge 2* T reasury's ' 2. T reasury's subsidy subsidy 1. W hat sub- - ' 1. W h at sub- sidy sidy 3. E ntrusting 3. E n trustin g 1, W hat' en- x 1. W h at en - trustin g trustin g T o (D o 'or prefectural) disburse- m en t 1. T o (D o or prefectural) disburse- m ent 1. C harges on livelihood protection expen ses 2. W hat Charg e 2. T o (D o ,or prefectural) subsidy 1. W h at sub- sidy 3. E ntrustin g 1. T o (D o or prefectural) entrusted collection s 2. W hat en - trustin g; 7. C on tribu- - 9. C ontribu- lion tion 1. C ontribu- 1. Con tribu- tion tion ' 1. G eneral con- 1. G en eral tribution con tribu- tion 2. W hat con - 詛 2. W hat con- tribution tribution 8. T ran sfer - 10. T ransfer from from 1. T ransfer 1. T ran sfer from spe- from spe- cialaccount * ciai account 1. T ran sfer 1. T ran sfer from w h at from w h at accoun t accoun t 2. T ran sfer 2. T ran sfer from pro- from pro- perty ac- perty ac- coun t " coun t 1. T ransfer L T ran sfer from w hat , k from w hat basic pro- , ' basic pro- perty fun d perty fund 2. T ran sfer 2. T ran sfer from w h at , from w hat reserve reserve fund fun d 9. A ccount ll. A ccount broug ht brough t forw ard forw ard 1. B alance 1. B alan ce brought brought forw ard forw ard from the from the preceding precedin g fiscal year fiscal year 1. b alan ce < 1. B alance A- brought ' brought forw ard forw ard from ,tlie from 'th e preceding precedin g fi scal year ' . , ' fi scal year 10. M iscellane- 12. M iscellan y cm s receipts ' ous receipts 1. Pay m ent . # l. P aym en ts received * received 1. P en sion 1. P en sion paid paid 2. "w h at pay- 28 W hat pay- m ent * m ent 2. In dem nities / 2. In dem n ities & rem irrie- & rem une- ration s - rations 1. So an d so 1. So and so 3. V alue, re- 3. V alue re- ceived on ' ceived on h ・disposal of disposal of article > articles 1. V alue re- 1. V alue re- ceived on - ceived on disposal of disposal of un necessary un necessary articles ' articles 2. So an d so 2. S o and so 4. M iscellane- 4. G roup dis- ous receipts bursem ent 1. Interests , 1. P aym ent oi accrued on - "~ collection s T o (D o or of expenses prefectural) of W ater- deposits U tilization A ssociation 2. R eceipts ^ 2. So and so for the pre- ceding ^ fiscal year 5- 3. Sundry re- ceipts 5. Repayment of account transferred Transfer account for handling deseased & dying vagrants , , repaid What transfer account repaid 6. Miscellane- ous receipts 1. Interests accrued on To (Do or prefectur al) deposits 2. Receipts for the preced- ing fiscal year 3. Sundry- receipts ll. To (Do, Fu 13. City (town or prefec- or village) tural) loan loan 1. To (Do, Fu 1. City (town or prefec- or village) tural) loan loan 1.
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