•13 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATIRLOo WATERLOO REGIONAL HERITAGE FOUNDATION Cornittee Room B, 8th Flocr, Mprsland Centre, waterloo, Ontario. January 7, 1975 • The followin g are the minutes of the Heritage Foundation held today at 12:00 Noon. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor R. Gramlow, Chairman Mrs. K. Lamb Dr. W. Heick Mr. E. Shantz Mr. G. Eastman Mr. J. Johannes Mr. W. Frets Mr. K. McLaughlin Mr. W.E. Thomson Mr. J.A. Young ALSO PRESENT: Mr. M. Gregg, Commissioner of Finance; Mr. J. Barclay, Director of Finance; Mr. A.W. Woods, Regional Clerk; Miss S. Earn, Regional Planner; and Mrs. H. Manley, Regional Clerk's Assistant II. MOVED BY Mr. W. Fretz SECONDED BY Mr. E. Shantz That the minutes of the previous meetin g he adopted. CARRIED. 1. DISCUSSION RELATIVE TO ANNUAL MEETING Members of the Heritage Foundation discussed the date for holding an Annual Meeting. The members agreed that Heritage Day, Monday, February 17, 1975 would be an appropriate date, but Coe to Council Meetings falling on Monday, Chairman Gras low suggested a date close to February 17 be considered. The Committee suggested holding the meeting in the Cit y of Cambridge Council Chambers, due to the beauty anC historical significance of the building, and `To have an evening meeting to enable as many of the public as possible to attend. Mr. Thomson said that rj the meetin g should be placed in all the local papers. Mr. Young also suggested that invitations ho extended to g roups in and surrounding the Re g ion with interests in preserving cultural and historic;•', heritage. As there are several vacancies on the Doard of Directors, the members agreed that interested recoil° be approached to fill these positions_ nominating7: comPittee will be establisheG for this purpose. Fculda`_ior will also An annual Report on the be presented at this the busine2h session will be brief. 34 2. PROVISIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP The members of the Foundation discussed the Report submitted by Mr. E. Moore, regarding membership in the Foundation. Mr. Young stated that the Heritage Foundation has progressed most favourably in the last year. He intimated that the public should he made aware of the various groups supported by the Foundation, and that prospective members should become involved in one of the specific Heritage groups. He suggested thzt a brochure be produced covering the various organizations' supported by the Foundation. He felt peo ple would appreciate receiving this, and knowing what the Region is doing in this respect. He suggested a category of membership be set up whereby a member would be involved in more specific activities. A suggestion was made by Mr. Thomson that, in addition to the annual Report, a brochure could be produced similar to the Regional Directory, which would illustrate the work. of the Heritage Foundation. MOVED BY Mr. W. Fretz SECONDED BY Mrs. K. Lamb That the Planning Department proceed with the preparation of a draft Brochure outlining the objectives, aims and present undertakings of the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation. CARRIED. Mrs. Lamb brought to the attention of the members a letter received from the City of Waterloo requesting that Mrs. Margaret Rowell be considered as an appointee to the Heritage Foundation. A copy of the letter is attached and is self-explanatory. Mr. Young stated that it was not the policy of the Region to appoint members from the municipalities of the Region, and there was a misunderstanding which he would rectify with the City. 3. MEMBERSHIP - HERITAGE CANADA Chairman Gramlow referred the members to a letter and application form received from Heritage Canada. A copy of the letter and application form is attached. A motion was passed at the last fleeting of the Heritage Foundation that the members would be included in the membership of Heritage Canada. 4. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSERVATION, PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION OF THE HERITAGE OF ONTARIO A copy of Bill 176, covering the above Act was destributed to the members. Mrs. Lamb read a condensed section of the Act to the members, and the seven area municipalities would enact the by-laws, and the Regional Committee would make recommendations. Mr. Thomson stated that the Region would have to study the Act and make recommendations to the Board to inform the seven municipalities of what they can do. 35 5. OTHER Mr. Young informed the membeks of the Heritage Foundation of the need for-the completion of a history book of Waterloo County. Before Region was formed in 1972 the County of Waterloo contributed $10,000 towards this project, and the cities Cr Cambridge, Waterloo and Kitchener matched this figure, making the total now of $20,000. It is estimated that the finished history might cost $30,000. Mr. Young emphasized that the honk should be done by professionals, nicely bound, and equally acceptable as a gift or as a text hook. Mrs. Lamb of the Waterloo Historical Society, said the book is progressing very well, and she is thrilled with what she has read so far. On another item, Mr. Frets asked that the mennonite house on the University of Waterloo campus be considered on the next agenda. He expressed concern that the house might be used for another purpose if an early decision is not made with respect to its preservation. Chairman Gramlow said if it was quite urgent, a special meeting , could be called 6) discuss it. Mr. McLaughlin stated that the March meeting would probably be soon enough, but it could not be delayed any longer than that. 6. SCHNEIDER HOUSE The Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation went into caucus to discuss further the matter of the Schneider property. 7. MAYFR HOUSE . - FISCHER AND HIGHLAND ROADS, KITCI!ENER The members of the Waterloo Regional Heritace Foundation went into caucus to discuss the matter of the Mayer House. MEETING ADJOURNED Chairman Clerk THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO WATERLOO REGIONAL HERITAGE FOUNDATION Committee Room B, 8th Floor, Marsland Centre, Waterloo, Ontario. February 20, 1975. The following are the minutes of the Heritage Foundation held today at 9:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor R. Gramlow, Chairman Mrs. K. Lamb Mr. E. Shantz Mr. G. Eastman Mr. J. Johannes Mr. K. McLaughlin Mr. E.L. Moore ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Barclay, Director of Finance; Mrs. S..Karn, Regional Planner; Mrs. H. Manley, Regional Clerk's Assistant II. 1. NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee reviewed the letters received from those persons showing an interest in the Board of Directors. Chairman Gramlow advised the members that there are threes vacancies on the Board of Directors, and elections to the Board will be decided at the Annual Meeting of the Heritage Foundation to be held on February 25, 1975. 2. HERITAGE BROCHURE Mrs. Sue Karn, Regional Planner, presented to the Committee the rough draft of the Heritage Brochure, and explained the brochure in detail. The Committee briefly discussed the brochure, and the general reaction of the members was quite favourable. Various aspects of the illustrations were com- mented upon and the Committee suggested that the artist pre- pare the sketches as authentically as possible, by visiting the buildings and sites concerned. The Committee concurred that the directors' names should be listed, and the complete slate of directors will be available after February 25, 1975. MOVED by Mr. K. McLaughlin SECONDED by Mr. J. Johannes That the Planning Department continue with the preparation of the brochure out7ining the objectives, aims, and present under- takings of the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation. CARRIED. Chairman Gramlow thanked Mrs. Karn for her keen interest and enthusiasm in the work of the Heritage Foundation. 3. BUDGET Mr John Barclay, Director of Finance, presented to the Committee the Auditor's Report as of December 31, 1974, as well as a 1974 Budget (Revised). Copies of both reports are attached. Mr. Barcloy reported to the Committee that the purchase of the Schneider House was included in the Budget .17 for 1974. This item, namely $46,500., should be deleted from the total of $99,112. and re-introduced in the Budget for 1975. He also informed the Committee that the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation application for a grant from the Region should be submitted, and placed before Council. The Committee considered the matter of explaining the pro- posed use of the grant. They concurred that it was extremely difficult to forecast how the money would be spent, it would depend upon the projects to be handled as they occur. However, they agreed that the Schneider House, (work necessary for the restoration) and the Bricker Barn in Doon Pioneer Village, should be listed as 1975 expenditures. MOVED by Mr. K. McLaughlin SECONDED by Mrs. K. Lamb That the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation submit to the Regional Council a request for a grant of $69,321.00 based on the rate of 25 per capita. CARRIED AS AMENDED. MOVED by Mr. K. McLaughlin SECONDED by Mr. G. Eastman That the motion regarding a grant request be amended to add thereto, "to be exclusive of any amount granted to the Doon Pioneer Village. CARRIED. 4. BILLBILL 176 Bill 176, is an act to provide for the conservation, pro- tection and preservation of Heritage Canada. The Regional Solicitor commented on a recent communication received from Mr. Michael Cassidy, MPP - Ottawa Centre relating to this act. The Committee was encouragedkby the powers enacted in the bill to create historic or heritage districts. The Regional Solicitor stated that the local municipalities, through an architectural advisory committee, could perform the function of creating historical districts. Groups such as the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation could participate in a plan of this nature.
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