Grape harvest in Leyuan production Turpan county, Xinjiang lJygur Autr Regron. Lt Guangk FOUNDERT SOONG CHING LING (MME. SUN YAT-SEN) (18e3-19S1). PUBUSHED MONTHTy 8y THE CHTNA WETFARE INSTITUTE .IN ENGIISH, sPA,NIsH, FRENCH, ARABIC, GERMAN, PORTUGUESE AND CHINESE vot. xxxl No. 7 JULY I982 o*ri:cr+s ,'-f f :;r .'$'ii CONTENTS 5ociety Census Time Ior a Billion People 36 Changes in Chinese Family Structure t3 The Story of a Disabled Soldier 42 Creams Lotions, Shampoos and All Thal l.J Politics Constllution to Be Revised 27 kerl.;r-;; t!r* il&l:*{iql:tr*,'r. p ;:,' Economy Summory of chonges in revised drolt ol Chino's Supplying a Big City wirh Vegetables B Constitution now being discussed by the people, Making Saline Land Fertite 34 Culture,/Art F:''r:'t.,lryi:''t l'tli;il r': i.r ii The Cartoon Film Three Monks' 21 ?;**ril F. *:1 Republishing Ancient Books 46 New Play Captivates Shanghai Audiences 32 Young women ployers Recent Pu[rlications (Books) 47 prepore lor the July World Women's Softboll Spotts/Medicine Chompionship ot Toibei Champion and Film Star 4 but moneuvers by Softball Flourishes in China 60 -Toiwon ofliciols ond the the Women's Softball Team 53 Americon heod ol Softboll Veleran Doctor's Fight Againsl TB 30 lnternotionol Federotion moke Chino's Notionoliry/Religion porticipotion impossible. Traditional Tibetan Festivals 44 Modern Communications for Minority Areas 49 peacock Dai Opera Troupe Creates 'The princess 51 d*..,"., !,*,;. t"'.' .r Ei .;.n Beijing Catholics Enjoy Benewed Freedom oI Belief tro F+r:y;lr.: 5: Ir: Friendship Chino's third census is being Bewi Alley's 55 Years in China 39 token this month: How ii's lndian Group Visits Dali 57 being done, problems ond ossets lor the census toker. Across the Lond Old and New in Heler '1 5 Bird lsland on Qinghai Lake 10 h4,:,"'tia:r! '5h*:i;li;, Bird Protection Week 13 Sirts $tqr ',;{ 'Fairyland' Caverns of yaolin 66 Te,rniste' ir + Columns ond Speciols Li Lion jie, live-time notionol To Our Readers: Sports and Sovereignty 2 wushu chompion, excels in Hong- Postbag 3 kong-produced kungfu film'Shoo- lin Temple.' Cartoons 69 Do You Know: About China's Climate 65 Children: Now I Love Young Swallows 21 flit.:-u';u,!*s i* Legends and Tales from History: Stories Told aboul /U { l:+lrir,' Confuci us St:r*tr+rgr f).,?; Language Corner: Lesson 1g 71 4 Miniature Landscapes Socioonthropologist Fei Xiootong tolks obout some Fronl Cover: chonges in urbon ond rurol Li Lianjie, a martial arts champion, stars in the kungf u lomily struclure in .Chino film 'The Shaolin Temple.' Tang yuitn since the 1930s, "t Editoriol Office: Woi Wen Buitding, Beijtng (37!, Chtno Chino Reconstructs (USPS No.659-850) is published monthly for USEB.00 per yeor Coble: "CHIRECON" Beijing. by Chino Reconstructs, Woi Wen Building. Beijing (37), Chino. Second closs postoge Generol Distributor: Chino Publicotions Cenle, poid ot Son Froncisco, CA. (Guoji Shudion) Poslmoster: send oddress chonges to Chino Books ond Periodicols, lnc,, 292e 24lh P.O. Box 399, Beijing, Chino" st.eei, Son Froncisco, CA 94110, " TO SUR REAMERS' Sports and Sovereignty T N THIS issue we carry a story about the Chinese ganization in order to collaborate with some Taiwan r women's softball team, who almost made history sports officials in political trickery to manipulate other by being the flrst mainland team in over 30 years to nations into a seeming recognition of the "Republic of participate in a sports event on the island province China" as a national entity. The official rules of the of Taiwan, the Fifth World Women's Softball Cham- ISF, like those of its parent body the International pionships to be held this month (see p. 63). They were Olympic Committee, were voted into effect by na- looking forward to this opportunity to open new ties tional sports federations around the world. They with their Taiwan compatriots. It is widely hoped certify the People's Republic of China as the official that unofficial exchanges in all fields including sports Olympic and ISF member representing China. Under will promote greater understanding between Chinese the Olympic rules, Taiwan's team is welcome to par- on both sides of the Taiwan straits and eventual ticipate under the name China Taibei Softball Associa- reunification of rvhole the country - in the interests tion, but may not use the name, flag or anthem of of the Chinese people and of people all over the the "Republic of China" which no longer exists in world. international law. But now the two teams will not meet face to face this July as both have wished to. The blame lies with fTHINA'S sovereign rights are indivisible and non- some Taiwan officials in softball circles and with the \-,I negotiable. China wants good relations with the handful of Americans in various fields who still think US and,other countries, but the basic and obvious re- quirement they can ignore reality, turn the clock back and is respect for her sovereignty, The Chi- people maintain the myth of "two Chinas." nese on both sides of the Taiwan straits have a strong interest in the peaceful, step-by-step reuni- Such people are living in a dream from which fication of Taiwan with the mainland, with due re- the real world long ago awakened. Virtually all na- gard for the differences and sensitivities on both tions including the US and international - - bodies. sides. The negotiating process will undoubtedly be such as the UN (and in sports the International Iong and arduous, but,the ultimate benefits to both Olympic Committee) recognize the People's Republic sides - and to world peace and development will of China as the sole legitimate government of China. also be great. Those who profess themselves- true Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan straits friends of the people on Taiwan, instead of trying to hold that there is only one China, of which Taiwan obstruct this process, would do well to encourage is a part. Only the self-deceiving dreamers believe Taiwan authorities to face up to reality and look to that the US or the future positively and constructively. I - any nation - can maintain friendly relations with China while flouting her sovereignty, whether over arms sales, diplomatic relations or a simple game of softball. No country willingly to- lerates such encroachments. This is a matter of deep principle on which China will never give way. Those Americans who still cling to a "two Chi- nas" concept would undoubtedly be among the first to protest if, say, the state of California were pro- vided with arms and aid or dealt with as a separate country by any other nation (or if that U.S. state were allowed to compete in an international tourna- ment as a national team). rfHIS spring Don Porter, the American secretary- I general of the International Softbalt Federation (ISF) was willing to break the rules of his own or- CHINA RECONSTBUCTS :- are successfully exploring new fields. internal progress. Please, more articles Having experienced hard self-study days on industry, agriculture and cultural in the devastation of the post-war era, activities which attract most readers in I wish to give my sincere encourage- our country, Uganda. I ask sincereiy ment to aspiring young persons and that you enclose small maps as I those helping them. especially f ind difliculty in determin- ICHIRO OKU ing the location of various places, in- Soong Ching Ling and India KaLoasaki, Japan. dustrial areas, agricultural mechaniza- tion projects and people who live in different parts of your country. ' Soong Ching Ling cherished feelings Marco Polo Film CHARLES OKURUT oI friendship and respect India. Her for Nlukono, Uganda visit to this country in December 1955 Thank you for the article and was convincing proof of her devotion pictures of the forthcoming production to Sino-Indian friendship. We'll always Marco Polo. It is a real treat to know Filrn Industry remember her. that somebody is at last doing a well- The epic ol her contributions the to researched version of his story, although I hear that communism is a good people ot the world will be engraved I am sorry to notice lgth century philosophy. mean that in your in gold letters on the pages of history. Does it costumes in a picture of a wrestling equal the eyes GOPAL PRASAD NAIK country everybody is in bout that appeared in another magazine. care For the occasion of the {irst an- of the govbrnment with the same t hope to have a chance oI seeing this given to a scientist and a laborer? niversary of Soong Ching Ling's Magnum Opus. death In my area there are manY PeoPle JOCELYN PROUT are great fans of Chinele films" (Letter Ioruarded bg Radio Lond,on, England who Peking) So would like you people once in a Rajasthan, lndia I and my whole family enjoy your while to tell how your film industry magazine. The April issue tells about works. the making of a TV film about Marco OSMAN B. EOFANA The Magazine's Name . Polo, on which we send you our con- Wellington, Sierra Leone gratulations. We are sure that the film Our Constitution stipulates that cit- years will be able to reflect the look of an- For many I and my friends read izens enjoy equal righls irrespectiue oI pleasure your cient China. The article "Xishuang- with monthly. You should nationalitg, religion, ser, eiluca- change name banna Today" is also interesting, and their its lo Moilern China, to tion and occupation, and eUerAone is correspond better the contents.
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