Technical Report on EV Laboratory Tests deliverable 5.1 Ghent University | July 2014 | Ghent 2 Executive summary 5 Glossary 6 1 Introduction 7 2 Manufacturers’ type-approval values 8 2.1 Think!City 9 2.2 Mitsubishi i-Miev 10 2.3 Renault Kangoo ZE 11 2.4 Nissan Leaf 12 3 Consumption tests (NEDC cycle) 13 3.1 Freewheel test and deduction of vehicle parameters 13 3.1.1 The ABS sensor 13 3.1.2 The deceleration meter 15 3.1.3 Freewheel tests 16 3.1.4 Results of vehicle parameters 17 3.2 Test parameters on the roller bench MaHa 3000 18 3.3 Consumption according to NEDC cycle 19 4 Total yield transmission 21 5 Charging and batteries 24 5.1 The vehicles’ charging yield 24 5.2 Usable vs specified battery capacity 19 6 Collecting readable parameters in table format 25 7 Conclusions 26 3 Grant Agreement N°: 35-2-6-11 Project acronym: E-mobility NSR Project title: Electro mobility North Sea Region Funding scheme: Collaborative Project Project start: 01 October 2011 Project duration: 36 Months Work package no.: WP 5.2: Demonstration and field tests Deliverable no/name.: 5.1. Technical Report on EV Laboratory Tests Status/date of document: Final, 10 July 2014 Lead contractor for this document: UGENT (Ghent University), Ghent, Belgium Project website: http://e-mobility-nsr.eu/home/ The following project partners have been involved in the elaboration of this document: Partner No. Company short name 11 TEF +UGENT Koenraad Grillaert, Giuseppe Pace, Luc Claessens (Thomas More) 4 Executive summary This report refers to the laboratory tests conducted Results show that, in terms of energy consumption, in the work-package “Smart Grid Solution”, with the Think!City scores very close (211 Wh/km) to the scope of measuring EVs storage capacities, as well manufacturer specified value (190 Wh/km). as their charging needs and their energy Mitsubishi i-Miev scores (167 Wh/km) better than consumption, of EVs currently on the market and the Think!City, mainly because both roll and air simulating their daily utilization. resistance power are lower. It is also equipped with a PM synchronous engine, which achieves a better Laboratory tests on EVs have been committed by yield than the a-synchronous engine of the Think. Transenergy (TEF), and then by Ghent University to Consumption values for the Renault Kangoo ZE are the Thomas More laboratories and were operated high (216 Wh/km), which is normal because it has during the three years of the project. the highest power. Nonetheless, that is in opposition The methodology was based on two different data with the manufacturer specified consumption, which sources: does not appear to be realistic (129 Wh/km). Manufacturers’ type-approval values, About Nissan Leaf tests, they take into account that measured under laboratory conditions with is the heaviest vehicle and, therefore, with the certain flexibilities and making use of a highest roll resistance. However, the high mass standardized test cycle, the NEDC. represent a relevant potential for energy recuperation, which on the contrary was not taken Tests conducted in the Lessius Labs, under into account in the tests. In addition, differences conditions that are supposedly more between version I and II, as well as some Maha realistic, making use of the NEDC as well testing bench settings problems, did not provide a as calculating the air and roll resistance fully satisfying result, with a value of 200 WH/km, coefficients through two Freewheel Cycle. which is significantly higher than the 140 Wh/km In the first year, it was established a reference that was specified. After the tests, it became evident framework for an independent comparison of the that a consumption of 200 Wh/km on a NEDC cycle different EVs. As first try-out car, it was used a can be considered normal. Think! City. During the second year, tests continued As far as electric consumption is concerned, the on Mitsubishi i-Miev, Renault Kangoo ZE, and numbers largely confirm the understanding that a partially repeated on the Think! City. During the final large, heavy vehicle consumes more than a small, year, also Nissan Leaf was included in the tests. lightweight vehicle. Which technology is used also Tests were of two types, freewheel and lab tests, on plays a role; the PM synchronous engine a roller bench MaHa 3000. The firsts were transmission showed the best results. necessary for fully identifying significant vehicle The numbers for transmission yields also provide an parameters in terms of air and roll resistance. evident statement; the steady loss of the motor Therefore, an entire chapter has been devoted to controllers has a negative effect if the transmission those tests. load is low. There is no way to determine the yield Those tests demonstrated that roll resistance on an electric vehicle given the fact that it varies coefficients for EV are very similar, with differences enormously depending on its load. of less than 10%, being the cars all equipped with Another loss of approximately 20% occurs during ECO tyres. In terms of air resistance, only the charging, because of which the total yield Renault Kangoo ZE, having a large front surface, decreases. In order to obtain the total yield, the has the highest score. average transmission yield must be multiplied by The power test bench has been driven under the the charging yield. option “drive simulation’, in order to determine the Finally, The various vehicles all display the readable EVs energy consumption according the NEDC parameters differently. It will be a huge challenge to cycle. The test also supports the measurement of identify/calculate the correct results from the future the usage per km, obtained by dividing the used logging process. energy by 11.06 km, that is, the length of the NEDC cycle. 5 New European Driving Cycle (NEDC): is a driving cycle, designed to assess the emission levels of car engines Glossary and fuel economy in passenger cars (excluding light trucks and commercial vehicles). The first part of the driving cycle (Phase 1) represents urban driving, in which Anti-lock Braking System (ABS): is an automobile a vehicle is started in the morning (after being parked all safety system that allows the wheels on a motor vehicle night) and then driven in stop-and-go mode. The second to maintain tractive contact with the road surface part (Phase 2) represents extra-urban driving at a according to driver inputs while braking, preventing the maximum speed of 120kph. The NEDC takes some 20 wheels from locking up (ceasing rotation) and avoiding minutes and respectively covers distances of approx. 4km uncontrolled skidding. in Phase 1 (urban) and approx. 7km in Phase 2 (extra- Battery management system (BMS): is any electronic urban). system that manages a rechargeable battery (cell or Renewable energy (RE): is energy, which comes from battery pack), such as by monitoring its state, calculating natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and secondary data, reporting that data, protecting the geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally battery, controlling its environment, and / or balancing it. replenished). Renewable energy replaces conventional The BMS also controls the recharging of the battery by fuels in four distinct areas: electricity generation, hot redirecting the recovered energy (i.e. from regenerative water/space heating, motor fuels, and rural (off-grid) braking) back into the battery packs (a pack is typically energy services composed of a few cells). Smart Grid: is an electrical grid that uses computers and CAN-Bus (Controller area network): is a vehicle bus other technology to gather and act on information, such standard, designed to allow microcontrollers and devices as information about the behaviours of suppliers and to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the host computer. efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the Data Logging: is the process of recording events, with an production and distribution of electricity. automated computer program, in a certain scope in order Sustainability: is the capacity to endure. For humans, to provide an audit trail that can be used to understand sustainability is the long-term maintenance of the activity of the system and to diagnose problems. For responsibility, which has environmental, economic, and EVs is necessary to collect information about travel social dimensions, and encompasses the concept of performance, consumption, driving behaviours, and stewardship, the responsible management of resource energy absorption. use. Sustainability interfaces with economics through the Electric Vehicle (EV): uses one or more electric motors voluntary trade consequences of economic activity. or traction motors for propulsion. Three main types of Moving towards sustainability is also a social challenge electric vehicles exist: directly powered from an external that entails, among other factors, international and power station (Tram, trolley bus); powered by stored national law, urban planning and transport, local and electricity originally from an external power source individual lifestyles and ethical consumerism. Ways of (Battery Electric Vehicle, BEV); powered by an on-board living more sustainably can take many forms from electrical generator, such as an internal combustion controlling living conditions (e.g., ecovillages, eco- engine (Hybrid Electric Vehicle, HEV) or a hydrogen fuel municipalities and sustainable cities), to reappraising cell. work practices (e.g., using permaculture, green building, sustainable agriculture), or developing new technologies MFP 3000 by MAHA: is a test bench allowing a test drive that reduce the consumption of resources. and performance testing of safety systems and driving assistance systems on a vehicle lift. 6 1. Introduction The work-package “Smart Grid Solution” aims at Manufacturers’ type-approval values, developing models of Smart Grid able to support a measured under laboratory conditions and sustainable use of the electric mobility in the NSR making use of the NEDC, a standardized region.
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