1 SPECIAL ARTICLES RECORDS REVIEWS X SALES CORPORATION Maintain their own stores for distributing the Spalding complete line in the foIIowing cities : ALBANY,N. Y., 52 State Street NEWARK,N. J., 22 Clinton Street ATLANTA,G.4., 74 Broad Street, N.W. NEWORLEANS, LA.. 134 Carondelet Streetl BALTIMORE,MD., 221 North Charles Street NEWYORK BOSTON,MASS., 344 Washington Street 105 Nassau Street BRIDGEPORT,CONN., 248 Fairfield Avenue 518 Fifth Avenue BUFFALO,N. Y., 268 Main Street 25 New Streer at Exchange Place. CHAMPAIGN,ILL., 612 East Green Street OAKLAND,CAL,, 1742 Franklin Street CHICAGO,ILL. OMAHA,NELI., 1517 Farnam Streer 211 South State Street PFIILADHLPHIA,PA., 113 South 16th Street 33 South LaSalle Street PITTSBURGH,PA., 608 Wood Street CINCINNATI,O., 631 Walnut Street PORTLAND,ORE., 815 S. W. 6th Avenue CLEVELAND,O., 2027 Euclid Avenue ROCHESTER,N. Y. 114 St. Paul Street COLUMBUS,O., 120 East Broad Streer SACRAMENTO,CAL., 1021 J Street DALLAS,TEX., 1518 Main Street ST. LOUIS,Mo., 409 North Broadway DELMONTE, CAL., Hotel Del Monte ST. PAUL,MINN., Sixth and Minnesota Sgreets DENVER,Cmo., 1620 California Street SALTLAKE CITY, UTAH, 21 East First South St. Des MOINES,In., 803 Locust Street SANANTONIO, TEX., (Gunter Hotel) DETROIT,MIU~., 533 Woodward Avenue 306 North St. Mary's Street HEMPSTEAD,N. Y., 89 Main Street SANDIEGO, CAL., 201 Broadway HOUSTON,TEX., 1014 Capitol Avenue SANFRANCISCO, CAL. INDIANAPOLIS,IND., 9 East Market Street 626 Market Street KANSASCITY, Mo., 1012 Grand Avenue 37 Post Street LAKEPLACID, N. Y., Lake Placid Club SANJOSE, CAL., 245 South First Streec Los ANGELES,CAL., 716 South Hill Street SEATTLE,WASH., 1204 Sec~ndAvenue Lou~svr~~e,KY., 411 South Fourth Street SPOKANE,WASH., W615 First Avenue MEMPHIS,TENN., 1M) Madison Avenue SYRACUSE,N. Y., 405 South Warren Street MILWAUKEEWIS 709 North Water Street TOLEDO,O., 618 Madison Avenue MINNEAPOL~S,MI&., 52 Seventh Street, South WAS~INGTON,D. C., 717-14th Street, N.W. FOREIGN BRANCH STORES LONDON, ENGLAND BELFAST,IRELAND 317-18, High Holborn, W. C. 1 MELBOURNE,AUSTRALIA 78, Cheapside, E. C. 2 SYDNEY,AUSTRALIA (New South Wales). LIVERPOOLENGLAND (Lancashire) BIRMINGH~M,ENGLAND (Warwickshire) ~~:~;,~~~*~(QueenS'and) BRIETOL,ENGLAND (Gloucestershire) PERTH,AUSTRALIA (West Australia) MANCEESTER,ENGLAND (Lancashire) LERDSENGLAND (Yorkshire) LAUNCESTON,TASMANIA SOUTA;EA,ENGLAND (Hampshire) BRUSSELS,BELGIUM EDINBURGA,SCOTLAND (Midlothian) JOHANNESBURG,SO. AFRICA. GLASGOW,SCOTLAND (Lanarkshire) CHRISTCHURCH,NEW ZEALAND THE SPALDING TRADE MARK.QUALITY AND SELLING POLICY CONSTITUTE THE SOLID FOUNDATION OF THE SPALDING BUSINESS Printed in U.8.A. .................... )MEN'S AT(HLET1CS... .Yearly 25o led....................... Ball and Field Ball). .Yearly 2- [EN ' .. '1 ...................... .Yearly 2% -2. MEN (Ice Hockey Rules) Yearly 25~. - r I Group 11. Na 2OOX. Official ail Guide. price 35 cents Each of following numbers, 25 cam Na InR. Oficial Gaide National Foothdl League No. 47R. HOWto Play Foot Ball ST No. 108R. National Collegiate A.A. S&W .$$ Foot BaH Guide I No. 39R. How to Play Soccer No. 116R. Vomenyr Soccer, &dbook 8' Gronp UI. ~cqnis3; No. 57X. Official Tennis .*', Guide. ... Price 36 cents 2.: No. 61OB. Tennis for The , Each of following numbers, 25 cc~u Junior,Player, The Club Player, amd The Expert. By No. 612B. Lessons in Ten- nW.. frice 50 cents No. 511B. How to Build a ' -:- - Tennis Court. Price iOc. .- I, No. 513B. Tennis Simplified . , for Everybody. By Ellsworth j , 1;. Vines Jr. Prfce 50 .... Each of following nzmbirs, 25 c^cntaV -:: No. 9l'R. N.C.A:A. Swimming GGde ,,.+ ,,.+ NO. 106R. Science of: Swimmiq . 1 I 6 No. 107R. Swimming for Women r + NO. 125R. Watersports (%ith ~wimmlnp'~": Rules) , . _ .-,*, Group lX. ~amWorWomena~'Gic1~ :; Each o# following numbers, 25 cents . ' . - No. 17R. Women's Basket Ball Guide No. 38R. Field Hockey Guide ' (with ' r , Lacrosse Rules for Women) No. 115R. Official Handbook for Women - * -Athletic Games, Archexy, '/ ,. Golf, Tennis, Volley kaq, Intramural Tournament?, ,:-, Track and Field. No. 121R. Base Ball for Women + 14 No. 116R. Women's Soccer Handboo1 . (also rules for Speed Ball - and Field Ball) tL 5 5 No. 124R. Winter Sports (Snow and Ice) ' No. 125R. Watersports (with Swimming Rules) . Above are oficial publications of Women's - Edito~ialCommittee of the American Plays- ' ical Education Association. I No. 89R. Learning to Play Field Hockey ' KO. 69R. Track and Field for Girls No. 107R. Swimming for Women Group X Lawn and Field Games , EQC~of joblowing numbers, 25 cenu No. 43R. Lawn Games-Archery; Rogue; Croquet ; Englieh Croquet ; Lawn Hock. ey; Tether Ball; Clock Golf; Golf. , Lroquet; Hand Tennis; Hand Polo3 = Wicket Polo; Badminton; Drawing ', * . Room Hockey; Garden Hockey; Basket . Goal; Pin Ball; Cricket No. 86R. Quoits, Lawn Bowls, Horn , shoe Pitching, Boccie and ,! Shuffleboard : No. U3R. Official Lacrosse Guide Group- XI. Miscellaneous' - Each of following numbers. 25 mnts -2- NO. 114R. How to Play IIpnd Bail No. 119R. Croquet Rule6 , No. 120% Volley B*l1 Guide No. 126R. C?fiicial Speed Ball Guide ' - . bject tb change without notice.) - :" ? ,$ ., r .r 9 I. *" I , . ..>. I' , , "" :-1>,$ &+&&2 ".<;'&i 1 ,& f;;hd:;\;&y&; ,; G$ blink for ~mat&rs Group XV. Home Exercisia Each of follouing numbers, 25 cents No. SIR. 285 Health Answers '[Mc No. 98R. Ten Minutes' Exercise for But No. 99R. Tweaty Minute Exercises No. 54R, Medicine Ball +xercises; II digestion Trqated by Gyt nastics ; Physical Educatic and Hygiene - I. COMPETITORS' NUMB=. , Used in A.A..U., intercollegiate and interscholastic championship events. Made up in seta (1 to 50, 1 to 100, etc.). Any of the &me mailed postpaid o?h receipt of price. - , ,., " .+ 1 .< -.. *:. k: ,- , **;; - < -.. ,< $5-+;i;;i;d #C* rl E'.; ' , 4. , /, . >- I- ,1936-37 ' ' -* . ,-* As Rec-en&d dy th8 Rd8s ~om*tte8 r ,. ' ,.*- -, cogsisting of. 1, DR. R. G.~LAPP,Ch&nan . University of Nebraska .: .: 'OR.J. A. ROCKWELL,Secretary . Mass. Inst. Tech. C. P. MILES . Virginia Polytechnic Institute ' D. B. SWINGLE . Montana State Coll~ge E. G. SCHROEDER . .Sfate University of Iowa ., , ' C.F. FOSTER . Princeton . B. E. WIGGINS , c&&& i0hioj Public SC~OO~S : Representative of National High &hool Federation . ufduisoty Committeb - . First District . C. J. GALLAGHER(Harvard) * Second District . .' . WILLIAMSHERIDAI~ (Eehigh) I 'Third District . MAJORH.M. READ (Virginia Mil. Inst.). , , Fourth District . HUGOOTOPALIK (Iowa State College) , . Fifth District . ,. , E.,C.GALLAGHER (Okla. A. &? M.) Sixth District . R. J. MCLEAN(Univ. of Texas) . ' Seventh District . J. &*cock (~olor~do~eachers~011:) , , H.A. STONE (Univ. of California) . a Eighth District . , OPPICIALPUBLICATIQ~U - Edited by DR.R. G. CLAPP Southern Conference ............. 62 .. Bocky Mountain Conference ..... 64 ' ? A' Pacific Coast Conference .......... 66 '. New England Intercollegiate Asso- ciation ...................... 69 ,. Interstate Championships ........ 70 .-. College Wrestling .in Oklahoma . 71 ' College Scores and Notes ......... 73 Wrestling Officials ....: ......... 88 . INTERSCHOLASTIC WRESTLING. ................ 81 . North Carolina ................... 87 , Much severe criticism of amateur wrestling is caused by the disgusting, unsanitary, and usually unnecessary habit of many wrestlers of expec- * torating on the wrestling mat or on the floor outside the mat, blowing the nose without use of handkerchief, wiping the nose with the back of , the hand and then wiping the hand off on the trunks, etc. Such habits ape repulsive to people of culture. The foreign representatives at the Olympics at Los Angeles in 1932 were astonished at the degree to which this was,prevalent among our wrestlers. I am informed that many ladies refuse to attend wrestling matches for this reason. There are so many good reasons against and none for these practices that all interested in 4. the development of amateur wrestling should cooperate in the elimination of this evil. The following suggestions, if carried out in both practice and competition, would .unquestionably ' eliminate these practices in a comparatively short time: First, education of the contestabts by the ._ coaches as to the detrimental effects of these practices ; second, if it is considered necessary (which I personally doubt) for the contestants to have something into which to expectorate during matches, two small boxes of sawdust should be placed at opposite corners of the mat; and, third, much preferable to the second suggestion, require each contestant to carry a small handkerchief somewhere in his "jeans" and use this. when necessary. The latter custom is quite common among foreign wrestlers. R. G., CLAPP, M.D., Chairman National Collegiate Wrestling Rules Committee. COLLEGE RULES. PROPOSED CHANGES HIGH'SCHOOL RULES. PROPOSED CHANGBS The recommendation of the Oklahoma high school wrestling coaches ' that the inelusion of the 95-lb. class be made compulsory in dual meets Ad~&ry tornmittee: C. f. GALLAGHERHarvard University First District. WILLIAM SHERIDAN Lehigh ~niversi&.Second District- &pt H. M. R~AD,Virginia ~ilitad ,' , " Institute Third District. Hmo ~TOPAIJZICIowa State College, Fourth -, '2. ~istrict;'~.C. GAI+AGHE~,Oklahoma &&Id. College, Fifth District; R. J. 'MCLEAN,University of Texas Sixth District; J. HANCOCK,Colorado , . Teachers College, Seventh Distdct; H. A. STONE,University of California, : ' . Eighth Dtstrict. ? RULE I. ^collegeor university which he represents. In addition,t~the above, participants in th'e annual Na- i
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