n · ,, " n l..~ ~ O B from the UJJUJ MISSIONARY RESEARCH LIBRARY 3041 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10027 ~ O-,-O~p ~,-- August-September 1965 Subscription $",,3_. .....e....:r::........>Y,-e,-ar....::.... Vol. ,XVI , Nos. 8-9..L.. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ON NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST This bibliographic selection on North Africa and the Middle East is an updating of From Iran to Morocco; From Turkey to the Sudan : A Selected and Annotated Bibliogra­ phy cf North Afrj.ca and the Near and Middle East, compiled by Kenyon E. Moyer and pub­ lished by the Missionary Research Library in March 1957. The earlier bibliography cont ai ns approximately 650 annotated titles and ·is still available on order from the Missionary Research Library, 3041 Broadway, New York, New York 10027, at a special re­ duced price of 75¢ per copy, domestic/foreign postage included" This current listing is not annotated and represents only selected titles pub­ lished between March 1957 and the present . Thus the two lists need to be used in con­ junction. The present bibliography is largely the work of Miss Janet McCutcheon, ..Bibliogra­ pher and Reference Assistant at the Missionary Research Library. BOOKS 1. AFGHANISTAN . Joseph Keffel. London : Thames and Hudson, 1959. (photos) 2, AL-AZHAR : A MILLENNIUM OF MUSLIM LEARNING. Bayard Dodge. Washington, D.C.: The Middle East Institute, 19610 239 pp. 3. ALGERIA ~ REBELLION AND REVOLUTION. Joan Gillespie. London : Ernest Benn, 1960 . 208 pp . (map) h . ALGERIA : THE REALITIES, GermaineTillion. ( Trans. from the French by Ronald Matthews.) New York: Knopf, 1958 . 115 pp. 50 ALGERIA IN TURMOIL: A HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. Michael K. Clark. New York: Frederick A, Praeger, 1959. 466 pp. 6. THE ALGERIANS . Pf.er-r-e Bourdieu. (Trans. from the French by Alan C. M. Ross .) Boston ~ Beacon Press, 1962. 208 pp . Single copies : 35¢ . Orders should be addressed : Missi.onary Research Library, P,O. Box 590, Manhattanville Station, New York, New York 10027. -2­ 70 AMERICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST0 William Appleman Williams 0 New York ~ Rinehart, 1958. 58 ppo 80 AMERIKA UND DIE ORIENTALISHCHEN KIRCHEN ~ URSPRUNG UND ANFANG DER AMERIKANISCHEN MISSION UNTER DEN NATIONALKIRCHEN WESTASIENSo Peter Kaver-au, Ber-LLn r Walter de Gruyter, 19580 772 ppo 90 ANCIENT GODSo James 00 Erwin0 New York~ Pu.tnam, 19600 100 ANCIENT SEMITIC CIVILIZATIONS, Sabatino Moscatio London~ Elek, 1957. 11. ARAB AND JEW IN THE LAN]) OF CANAAN 0 Ilene Beatty. Chicago: Regner-y, 19570 108 ppo ARAB CONTRIBUTION TO CIVILIZATION. Rom Landau. San Francisco, Calif,: American Academy of Asian Studies, 19580 80 pp. 13. THE ARAB FEDERALISTS OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIREo Hassan Sa l ab , Amsterdam: Djambatan, 19590 322 ppo 140 THE ARAB MIDDLE EAST AND MUSLIM AFRICA, Tibor Kerekes, ed, London: Thames and Hudson, 19610 126 pp, 150 ARAB NATIONALISM~ A MOVEMENT OF AWAKENINGo Mostafa Kamel. Washington, DoC 0 ~ Em~assy of the United Arab Republic, 1958. 22 pp. 160 ARAB NATIONALISM: AN ANTHOLOGYo Sylvia G. Haim., ed, Be.rke.Ley i University of California Press, 19620 255 pp. 170 THE ARAB REVIVAL, Francesco Gabrieli. London ~ Thames and Hudson, 19610 178 ppo 180 ARAB UNI'I'Y~ HOPE AND FULFILLMENTo Fayez A. Sayegh, New York: Devin-Adair, 1958. 272 ppo 190 THE ARAB WORLD TODAY o Morroe Bergero Garden City, N.Y.~ Doubleday & Coo, 19620 480 pp. 200 ARABESQUE AND HONEYCOMBo Sacheverell Sitwello London: Hale, 19570 21. ARABIAN DESTINYo Jacques Benoist-Mechin. (Trans. from the French by Denis Weaver,) Fair Lawn, NoJ,~ Essential Books, 19580 298 ppo 220 ATLAS OF THE ARAB WORLD AND THE MIDDLE EASTo London: Macmillan, 19600 68 pp. (maps; photos) 23. THE AWAKENING SAHARA 0 Nicolas Bod.lngt.on, London: Andr~ Deutsch, 1961. 175 pp. 24. BAAL, CHRIST, AND MOHAMMED: RELIGION AND REVOLUTION IN NORTH AFRICA. John K, Cooley. Maps by Charles McDonnell. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 19650 360 ppo (maps) 250 BACKDROP TO TRAGEDY: THE STRUGGLE FOR PALESTINEo William R. Polk, David Mo Stamler, and Edmund Asfour, Boston: Beacon Press, 1957, 399 ppo -3­ 26. BACKGROUND: THREE NW AFRICAN NATIONS -- MOROCCO} TUNESIA} LIBYA. (Near and Mi.ddle Eastern Series) 27.) U.S. Department of State. Washington} D .C. ~ Government Printing Office} 1957. 32 pp. (maps; photos) 27. BASIC DOCUMENTS OF ARAB UNIFICATIONS. (Document Collections) No.2.) Arab In­ formatJon Office. New York : Arab Information Office} 1959. 43 pp. 28. BENEDICTINE AND MOOR: A CHRISTIAN ADVENTURE IN MOSLEM MOROCCO . Peter Beach and William Dunphy. New York : Holt} Rinehart and Winston} 1960. 214 pp. 29. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ARABIAN PENINSULA. Eric Macro. Miami} Fla.: University of Miam.i Press} 1958. 30 . BIBLIOGRAPHY ON YEMEN WITH NOTES ON MOCHA. Eric Macro. Miami} Fla. : Miami Uni­ versity Press} 1959. 31 . BRIDGEHEAD : THE DRAMA OF ISRAEL. Waldo Frank. New York: Brazziler} 1957. 220 pp. 32. BRITAIN AND THE ARABS: A STUDY OF FIFTY YEARS} 1908 TO 1958. John Bagot Glubb. London; Hodder and Stoughton} 1959. 496 pp. 33. BUARIJ: PORTRAIT OF A LEBANESE MUSLIM VILLAGE. (Harvard Middle Eastern Mono­ graphs) VI.) Anne H. Fuller. Cambridge} Mass. : Harvard University Press} 1961. 98 pp. 34. BY"ZANTIUM : GREATNESS AND DECLINE. Charles Diehl. New Brunswick} N.J. : Rutgers University Press} 1957. 35 . CALL TO ISTANBUL . Constance E. Padwick. London: Longmans, Green} 1958. 209 pp. 36 . CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE. Glora M. Wysner. New York: Friendship Press} 1958. 116 pp. 37. CHALLENGE IN THE MIDDLE EAST: COMMUNIST INFLUENCE AND AMERICAN POLICY. Harry B. Ellis. New York: Ronald Press} 1960. 238 pp. 38. THE CHANGING PATTERNS OF THE MillDLE EAST} 1919-1958. Pierre Rondot. (Trans. from the French by Mary Dilke.) London: Chatto & Windus} 1961. 221 pp. 39. THE CRESCENT AND THE BULL. E. Zehren. London: Ambassador} 1962. 40. CHRONIQUE ALGERIENNE} 1939-1958. Albert Camus. Paris : Librairie Catmann-Levy, 1958. 41. CRISIS IN LEBANON. Fahim I. Qubain. Washington} D.C. : The Middle East Insti­ tute} 1961. 243 pp. 42. CROSSROADS : LAND AND LIFE IN SOUTHWEST ASIA. George B. Cressey. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott} 1960. 593 pp. (maps; tables; photos) 43 . DARE AND PERSEVERE: THE STORY OF ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF EVANGELISM IN SYRIA AND LEBANON, FROM 1860 TO 1960. Frances E. Scott. London : Lebanon Evangelical Mission} 1960. 143 pp. (il1us.) -4­ 44. DAUGHTERS OF ALLAH: AMONG MOSUM WOMEN IN KURDISTAN. Henny Harald Hansen. (Trans. from the Danish by Reginald Spink.) London: George Allen & Unvi,n, 1960. 191 pp. 45. DEFENSE OF THE MIDDLE EAST. John C. CampbelL New York : Harper and Brothers.. 1958. 46. DESERT ENTERPRISE: THE MIDDLE EAST OIL INDUSTRY IN ITS LOCAL ENVIRONMENT. Cam­ bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1958. 47. DESTINATION MECCA. .I dri e s Shah. London: Rider, 1957. 192 pp. 48. DESTINY OF A DYNASTY. THE SEARCH FOR INSTITUTIONS IN MOROCCO'S DEVELOPI.NG SOCI­ ETY. r. William Zartman. Columbia, S .C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1964. 108 ppo 49. DIGGING UP JERICHO. Kathleen M. Kenyon. London: Benn, 1957. 50. DOCTOR IN TURKEY. G. B. Mair . London : Hale, 1961. 51. EARLY SITES OF CHRISTIANITY 0 Peter Bamm , ( Trans. from the German by Stanley Godman.) New York: Pantheon Books, 1957. 256 pp. 52. EGYPI' IN TRANSITION. Jean and Simonne Lacouture . London : Methuen, 1958. 532 pp. 53. THE "EMERGENCE OF MODERN TURKEY. Bernard Lewis. London: Oxford University Press, 196L 511 pp. 54. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND THE MIDDLE EAST. Charles Thorley Bridgeman. New York. : Morehouse-Gorham, 1958. 40 pp. 55. ERITREA: A COLONY IN TRANSITION, 1941-52. G. K. N. Trevaskis. New York : Oxford University Press, 1960. 137 pp. 56. ETHIOPIA. Jean Dor-esse, (Trans 0 from the French by Elsa Coult.) London : Elek Books, 1959; New York: Putnam, 1960. 239 pp. (illus.) 57. ETHIOPIA TODAY. Ernest W. Luther. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1958. 158 pp. 58. ETHIOPIAN ITINERARIES CIRCA 1400-1534. INCLUDING THOSE COLLECTED BY ALESSANDRO ZORZI AT VENICE IN THE YEARS 1519-24. O. G. S. Crawford, ed , Cambri.dge, En­ gland : The University Press, 1958. 232 pp, 59 . THE ETHIOPIANS: AN INTRODUCTION TO COUNTRY AND PEOPLE. Edward Ullendorff. Lon­ don and New York: Oxford University Press, 1960. 232 pp. 60. EVOLUTION POLITIQUE DE L'AFRIQUE DU NORD MUSULMANE 1920-1964. Roger Le Tourneau. Paris: n.p., 1964. 61. THE EXILED AND THE REDEEMED. Itzhak Ben-Zvi. (Trans. from the Hebrew by Isaac A. Abbady.) PhHadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1957. 334 pp. -5­ 62. A FACTUAL STUDY OF THE MIDDLE EAST. W. Stanley Rycroft and Myrtle M. Clemmer. New York : Comn:.ission on Ecumeni cal Mission and Relations) The United Presby­ terian Church in the U.SoA.) 1962. 149 pp. 63 0 THE FIRST TEN YEARS: A DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF ISRAEL. Walter Eytono New York~ Simon and Schuster) 19580 239 pp. 64. FRANCE ANTI ALGERIA: COMPLEMENTARY ENEMIES. Germaire Tillicno (Trans. by Richard Howard,) New York ~ n . p . ) 1961. 65. THE GENESIS OF YOUNG OTTOMAN THOUGHT. S. Mardin. Prf.ncet.on, N.J. : Princeton UnlversHy Press) 1962. 66. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF THE MIDDLE EAST IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Ho Bo Sharab.i. Princeton) N.J. : D. Van Nostrand Company) 19620 296 ppo (maps; illus 0) 670 GRAY WOLF o n. Co Armstrong. New York: Putnam) 1961. 68 . THE HASHEMITE KINGS. James Morris. London: Faber and. Faber) 1959 0 231 pp o (illus . ) 69. HEARTH AND HOME IN ETHIOPIA . Lucy Winifred Horn . London : Sudan Interior Mi.s­ s i on~ 1960(7)0 92 ppo 700 HIS'I'ORIANS AND THE MIDDLE EAST0 Bernard Lewis and P. M. Holt) eds 0 London and New Y ork ~ Oxf'ord University Press) 1962. 519 ppo 71. HISTORICAL A'I'LAS OF THE MUSLJM PEOPLE. R. F 0 Roolink. Cambr-Ldge , Mass. ~ Har­ vard University Press) 19570 720 A HISTORY OF J ORDAN AND ITS TRlBES o Frederick Go Peake 0 Coral Gables) Fla.
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