SCO®XENIX ®System V Operating System Release Notes Ie III SCO® XENIX® System V Operating System Release Notes Copyright © The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 1984-1991. All rights reserved. © 1983-1991 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. © 1980-1991 Microsoft Corporation. © 1989,1991 UNIX System Laboratories. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal, Santa Cruz, California, 95061, U.S.A. Copyright infringement is a serious matter under the United States and forei~ Copyright Laws. The copyrighted software that accompanies this manual is licensed to the End User only for use in strict accordance with the End User License Agreement, which should be read carefully before commencing use of the software. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. The following legend applies to all contracts and subcontracts governed by the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause of the United States Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement: RESTRICTED RIGIITS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (I) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 52.227-7013. The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, California 95061, U.S.A. ACER 1100/20 and ACER System 32/20 are trademarks of ACER Technologies Corporation. ALR FlexCache is a trademark of Advanced Logic Research, Inc. ASTPremium is a trademark of ASTResearch. Compaq 386, Compaq Portable, Compaq Deskpro and Compaq Plus are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. COREtape is a trademark ofCORE International. GRiD and GRiDCase are registered trademarks of GRiD Systems Corporation. Hewlett·Packard Vectfa is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM PeXT and PS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. IMAGEN is a registered trademark of IMAGEN corporation. Intel 302 is a trademark of Intel Corporation. ITT 386 is a trademark ofITI Corporation. XENIX,MS-DOS,and InPort are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. NEC BusinessMate and NEC PowerMate are trademarks of Nippon Electric Company. NCR 3386, NCR 316, NCR 316SX and NCR PC916 are trademarks of NCR Corporation. Olivetti M380 is a trademark ofIng. C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. QuadPort is a trademark of Quadram. PC 's LIMITED AT is a trademark of PC's LIMITED. SCO and the SCO logo are registered trademarks and the Santa Cruz Operation is a trademark of the Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Tandy 4000 is a trademark of Tandy Corporation. Tecmar isa trademark ofTecmar, Inc. Texas Instruments System 1300 is a trademark of Texas Instruments. Toshiba T5100 is a trademark of Toshiba Corporation. UNisYS PW2 is a trademark ofUNisyS Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX Systems Laboratories in the U.S.A. and other countries. VP/ix is a trademark of Phoenix Technologies Ltd. and Interactive Systems Corporation. Wang PC 380 is a trademark of Wang Laboratories, Inc. Wyse386 is a trademark ofWyse Technology. Xsight is a registered trademark of Locus Computing Corporation. Zenith Z386 is a trademark ofZenith Electronics Corporation. Document Version: 2.3.4 Date: 12 August 1991 seQ XENIX System V Operating System Release Notes Release 2.3.4 (386) & 2.3.2 (286) 1. Preface 1 1.1 Features of the 2.3.4 Release (XENIX-386) 2 1.2 Contents of the Distribution 4 1.3 Conventions Used in These Notes 4 1.4 Packages in This Set 4 1.4.1 An Explanation of custom(ADM) Packages 6 1.5 Software Support 9 2. Documentation Notes 9 2.1 Installation and System Administrator's Guide 9 2.2 XENIX Reference 9 2.3 Tutorial and User's Guide 9 2.4 Online Manual Pages (XENIX-386 Only) 10 3. Before Installing Your Software 10 3.1 Wyse 60 Tenninal Screen Corruption 13 3.2 Interrupts on 486 EISA Machines 13 3.3 If You Plan to Install TCP/IP (XENlX-386 only) 13 3.4 If You Plan to Install SeQ Xsight (XENlX-386 only) 13 3.5 If You Plan to Install XENIX-Net or Qffice Portfolio 14 3.6 If You Plan to Install seQ VP/ix 14 3.7 If You Plan to Install SeQ XEN1X System V on a Microchannel Architecture Platform 14 3.8 If You Plan to Install the XENlX Development System 15 3.9 Memory Requirements 16 12 August 1991/2.3.4 - i - The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. 3.10 Allocating Swap Space 17 3.11 Changes to custom(ADM) 17 3.12 Games Support 17 3.12.1 Go Limitation 18 3.13 Using DMA Channel 3 (XENIX-386 Standard Architecture Only) 18 3.14 SMS-OMTI Notes (XENIX-386 Standard Architecture Only) 18 3.15 SCSI Notes (XENIX-386 Standard Architecture) 19 3.16 SCSI Notes (XENIX-386 Microchannel Architecture) 20 3.17 Explanation of the Boot Letter Sequence 20 4. Administering Your System 24 4.1 New Adaptec SCSI Driver (XENIX-386 Only) 24 4.1.1 Dynamic DMA Allocation 24 4.1.2 Scatter/Gather Support 25 4.1.3 Full Multi-Threading Support 25 4.1.4 Improved Error Handling 25 4.1.5 Tape buffering allocation above 80K is allowed 25 4.1.6 Substantial Performance Increase 25 Bus On Time 26 Bus Off Time 26 4.2 Using the 8-Bit Character Set (XENIX-386 Only) 27 4.3 uname -X (XENIX-386 Only) 28 4.4 Making Tape Backups with cpio (XENIX-386 Only) 28 4.5 Multi-volume Backups with cpio 28 4.6 id(C) and quot(C): Incorrect id Reporting (XENIX-286 Only) 29 4.7 cron(C) 29 4.8 pg(C) 29 4.9 msgctl(S) 29 4.10 mv(C) 29 4.11 custom(ADM) 30 5. Special 386 Microprocessor Notes 30 12 August 1991/2.3.4 - ii - The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. 5.1 Problems on 33MHz 386 Systems 30 5.2 80386 32-bit Multiply Bug 30 5.3 Intel 387 Co-Processor Problems 31 5.4 Using an Intel Inboard in High Speed Mode 32 6. Using the System Console and Tenninals 32 6.1 Using SCQ VP{lx 32 6.2 Console Keyboard Type Selection 32 6.3 VGA Support 33 6.4 setcolor(C): New Escape Sequences 33 6.5 tput(C): longname Attribute 33 7. Using Printers 34 7.1 Postscript Printer Support (XENIX-386 only) 34 7.2 Assigning Virtual Printers 34 7.3 cancel(C) 35 7.4 Ipmove(ADM) 35 7.5 Ipstat(C) Problem (XENIX-286 Only) 35 7.6 reject(ADM) 35 8. Using Floppies and Tapes 35 8.1 mM External Floppy Drive Support 35 8.1.1 Installing an mM External Floppy Drive 36 8.1.2 Removing an External Floppy Drive 38 8.2 New Irwin Driver (XENIX-386 Only) 39 8.3 The tape load and tape unload Commands 40 8.4 /dev/install: Formatting 41 8.5 dtype(C): Incorrect Filesystem Reporting 41 8.6 tar(C), dd(C) and Blocking Factors 42 8.7 The tape(C) Command with SCSI Drives 42 8.7.1 tape(C) rfm and rewind Options for SCSI Drives 42 8.7.2 tape(C) reset and status Options 43 9. Using a Mouse 43 9.1 Installing a Keyboard Mouse 43 9.2 Three Button Mouse Emulation 43 9.3 Poor Keyboard Mouse Response 43 9.4 Using mscreen(M) and usemouse(C) 46 12 August 1991/2.3.4 - iii - The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. 10. Using MS-DOS and OS/2 47 10.1 DOS Transfer Scripts (XENIX-386 Only) 47 10.2 MS-DOS and XENIX Partition Coexistence 47 10.3 OS/2-XENIX Coexistence 47 10.4 dosdir(C) 48 10.5 dosfonnat(C): Fonnatting A: 48 10.6 Bad Tracks in MS-DOS Area 48 11. Using Networks 48 11.1 tar(C) and SCO TCP/IP or SCO Xsight 49 11.2 Third Party Modem Communications Programs and UUCP 49 11.3 RTS/CTS Flow Control Support 49 11.4 Hardware Flow Control on Serial Modem Lines (XENIX-286 Only) 50 12. Using Your System 51 12.1 crypt(C): Availability 52 12.2 The Korn Shell: ksh(C) (XENIX-386 only) 52 12.2.1 ksh and shutdown(ADM) 54 12.2.2 ksh and sh Incompatibilities 54 13. Internationalization 57 13.1 mapchan(M) -a Option 57 14. System Configuration and Link Kit Notes 58 14.1 Applying Kernel Patches with scopatch(ADM) (XENIX-386 Only) 58 14.2 hwconfig(C): System Configuration Infonnation 59 14.3 10-bit J)O Addressing Check 59 14.4 Wyse Panic Message on Non-Wyse Machines 59 14.5 Near Data Considerations (XENIX-286 Only) 60 14.5.1 BDEVSWFAR and CDEVSWFAR 60 14.5.2 Buffer Headers and Character Lists 61 14.5.3 Modifications to the link xenix file 63 15. UNIX System V Applications Compatibility 64 15.1 Binary Compatibility with UNIX COFF Files (XENIX- 386 Only) 64 15.2 Other COFF Compatibility Features (XENIX-386 only) 64 12 August 1991/2.3.4 - iv - The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. 15.3 UNIX System Call Compatibility (XENIX-386 only) 65 15.4 Advisory File and Record Locking Support 65 15.5 UNIX Device Naming Conventions 67 15.6 Streams Support 67 15.7 Floating Point Compatibility 67 15.8 Limitations of UNIX binary Compatibility (XENIX-386 only) 67 15.9 AT&T System V Interface Definition Conformance 68 15.9.1 Areas of Conformance to the SVID 69 15.9.2 seo XENIX System V Streams (Separate Product) 70 15.9.3 Differences in Default Terminal Settings 71 15.10 4BSD/SunOS Compatibility 71 15.10.1 select(S) System Call (XENIX-386 only) 71 15.10.2 Inode Name Caching 71 15.11 POSIXPl003 Conformance 72 15.12 The ISO 8859 Character Set 72 15.13 XlOpen CAE Conformance 72 12 August 1991/ 2.3.4 - v - The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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