Sustainability Report 2013 Print Excerpt of the Online Sustainability Report Our responsibility as a media company Axel Springer SE Print Excerpt of the Online Sustainability Report 2013 Source: http://nachhaltigkeit.axelspringer.de Responsibility for the content Florian Nehm Head of Corporate Sustainability & EU Affairs Axel Springer SE Axel-Springer-Straße 65 10888 Berlin Tel: +49 30 2591 0 [email protected] Due process service to all directors and agents mentioned in the masthead can be effected at the address below. Management Board: • Dr. Mathias Döpfner (Chairman and CEO) • Jan Bayer • Dr. Julian Deutz • Dr. Andreas Wiele District Court / Commercial Register: Registered office in Berlin, Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 154517 B Tax ID: DE 136 627 286 2 Axel Springer SE, Print Excerpt of the Online Sustainability Report 2013, Source: http://nachhaltigkeit.axelspringer.de Our responsibility as a media company Contents Foreword from the Chairman and CEO 7 Principles and sustainability-related objectives 10 Our Corporate Principles 11 What we want 15 Corporate Values 18 Principles of Leadership 19 Independence of Journalism 21 International Social Policy 23 Environmental Guidelines 25 Code of Conduct 26 Environmental Guidelines 27 Compliance Management Topics and Objectives 31 Selection of relevant sustainability topics xx Insights and Perspectives xx Objectives 2014/2015 xx Achievements 2012/2013 xx Developments 1979-2013 xx Awards xx Stakeholder-Management 53 MOVING THE WORLD. Taking responsibility xx BILD - Reader‘s Advisory Council xx Customer Loyalty xx Securing habitat for Canadian caribou 57 Innovation through conflict 58 How a resource conflict can be resolved. 66 Our Responsibility as a Media Company 67 Journalistic independence 68 Independence of Journalism 69 European Charta of Freedom of the Press 71 Hamburg Decleration 73 What is product responsibility all about? 75 Prize winning Journalism 76 Youth Media Protection 79 Data Protection 81 Promotion of Young Journalists 84 Digital Project „Wahllos.de“ 86 Web Project „20zwoelf.de“ 87 Women in Media Award 88 Frank Elstner Masterclass 89 Axel Springer Prize for Young Journalists 90 Axel Springer Honorary Prize 2012 91 Promotion of Media Literacy 92 Jugendmedientage (Youth Media Days) 93 Commitment to the Interest of Media 94 Approach to History 95 3 Axel Springer SE, Print Excerpt of the Online Sustainability Report 2013, Source: http://nachhaltigkeit.axelspringer.de Our responsibility as a media company Employees 96 Career Opportunities 97 Axel Springer Akademie 99 Employer‘s brand campaign 100 Benefits for Employees 101 Development Programs 102 Equality of Opportunity 103 Agile Methodology 104 Health Management 105 Ideas Management 106 Social Commitment 107 Commitment of our Media 108 Women in top management 109 DIE WELT - „WELT of the future“ Essay Competition 110 BamS - PULSUS Award 111 B.Z. „Berliner Heroes“ Campaign 114 Commitment of our readers 115 FUNK UHR - Silent Heroes 2013 117 FUNK UHR - Animal Welfare Prize 118 Commitment of our Employees 119 „Baumzwerge“ apprentice project 120 Small Change Campaign 121 BILD.de employees help Arche children 122 Commitment of the Company 123 Ernst Cramer & Teddy Kollek Fellowship 125 Support for the American Academy Berlin 126 New building on the „Lindenpark“ site 127 Environment 128 Environmental Indicators 129 System Boundaries 130 Printing Paper Efficiency 131 Printing Ink Efficiency 132 Energy 133 CO2 134 Waste Water 136 Solid Waste 137 Travel-related Emissions 139 Newspaper and Energy 141 Green IT 143 Fjord IT 146 Transparency in the value chains 147 Origin of Printing Papers 148 Paper Recycling 150 Paper Suppliers 152 Logging 156 Transport and Logistics 159 Paper Delivery 160 4 Axel Springer SE, Print Excerpt of the Online Sustainability Report 2013, Source: http://nachhaltigkeit.axelspringer.de Our responsibility as a media company International Social Policy 161 PACE Paparazzi Catering & Event GmbH 163 Economy 165 The Share 166 Corporate Governance 167 Business Development 2013 168 The Indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative „GRI“ 170 Group Structure and Locations 174 GRI Content Index 175 1 Strategy and Analysis 175 2 Organizational Profile 177 3 Report Parameters 180 4 Governance, Commitments, and Engagement 183 GRI Employees 191 Social Indicators 191 1 Management Approach 191 2 Details and references for the reporting period 2012 + 2013 193 2.1 Aspect: Employment 193 2.2 Aspect: Labor / Management Relations 194 2.3 Aspect: Occupational Health and Safety 194 2.4 Aspect: Training and Education 195 2.5 Aspect: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 197 GRI Society 199 1 Human Rights 199 1.1 Management Approach 199 1.2 Details and references for the reporting period 2012 + 2013 201 1.2.1 Aspect: Investment and Procurement Practice 201 1.2.2 Aspect: Non-discrimination 202 1.2.3 Aspect: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 202 1.2.4 Aspect: Child Labor 202 1.2.5 Aspect: Forced and Compulsory Labor 203 1.2.6 Aspect: Security Practices 203 1.2.7 Aspect: Indigenous Rights 203 2 Society 204 2.1 Management Approach 204 2.2 Details and references for the reporting period 2012 + 2013 206 2.2.1 Aspect: Community 206 2.2.2 Aspect: Corruption 207 2.2.3 Aspect: Public Policy 207 2.2.4 Aspect: Anti-Competitive Behavior 208 2.2.5 Aspect: Compliance 208 3 Product Responsibility 208 3.1 Management Approach 209 3.2 Details and references for the reporting period 2012 + 2013 212 3.2.1 Aspect: Customer Health and Safety 212 5 Axel Springer SE, Print Excerpt of the Online Sustainability Report 2013, Source: http://nachhaltigkeit.axelspringer.de Our responsibility as a media company 3.2.2 Aspect: Product and Service Labeling 213 3.2.3 Aspect: Marketing Communications 214 3.2.4 Aspect: Media literacy 215 3.2.5 Aspect: Customer Privacy 215 3.2.6 Aspect: Compliance 216 GRI Environment 217 Environmental Indicators 217 1 Management Approach 217 2 Details and references for the reporting period 2012 + 2013 219 2.1 Aspect: Materials 219 2.2 Aspect: Energy 220 2.3 Aspect: Water 222 2.4 Aspect: Biodiversity 222 2.5 Aspect: Emissions, Effluents, and Waste 223 2.6 Aspect: Products and Services 226 2.7 Aspect: Compliance 227 2.8 Aspect: Transport 227 2.9 Aspekt: Overall 227 GRI Economy 228 Economic Indicators 228 1 Management Approach 228 2 Details and references for the reporting period 2012 + 2013 229 2.1 Aspect: Economic Performance 229 2.2 Aspect: Market Presence 231 2.3 Aspect: Indirect Economic Impacts 231 How is a sustainability report audited? 231 Appendix 236 About Axel Springer 237 Video Library 238 Studies and Reports 246 Glossary 247 Legal information 250 Data Protection 251 Contact 253 Tables 255 Certificates and documents 261 6 Axel Springer SE, Print Excerpt of the Online Sustainability Report 2013, Source: http://nachhaltigkeit.axelspringer.de Our responsibility as a media company Foreword from the Chairman and CEO Dr. Mathias Döpfner, Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer, Axel Springer SE. Emergence into the modern age of digital journalism When we talk about the idea of the newspaper and digital newspaper journalism, then we are not just talking about some product. We are talking about an idea of what our society is. You can call this hubris, or self-confi dence, or simply responsibility. I believe that we are now witnessing a renaissance of this attitude. The young generation has in any case become more critical, more demanding, more media-literate. Their expectations regarding layout, language and content are higher today than they were twenty years ago. They have had enough of trash. The demand is for substance – in different ways in quality newspapers and in tabloids. Economic success is the foundation which allows us to perform our role in society. The digital trans- formation of our company is the driving force behind our economic success. This is why we must successfully develop the opportunities offered by digitization: There is hardly any other industry where the degree to which we are successful is so portentous. I would therefore like to give you a brief overview of the digital transformation of our company. At the beginning of 2013, we indicated that it would be a year of restructuring and investment in the future. By the end of the year we were ourselves rather surprised, by just how radically and com- prehensively and, it must be said, how successfully this transformation had been put into action in only twelve months. 2013 for Axel Springer was THE year of change, of upheaval and of emergence. Perhaps emergence into the modern age of digital journalism. After having come very close, and much faster than anticipated, to our previous goal of achieving a 50-percent share in both sales and earnings from our digital business, while at the same time obser- ving the acceleration of the structural shifts within our industry, we formulated an even more ambitious strategic goal: We detailed this at the end of the year in a position paper. This text is our strategic, spiritual and emotional home, which is why we have called it, slightly ironically, our „homepage“: „What we are and what we want“. This is what it‘s all about. 7 Axel Springer SE, Print Excerpt of the Online Sustainability Report 2013, Source: http://nachhaltigkeit.axelspringer.de Our responsibility as a media company In concrete terms, this means: We are and we were and we will remain a company, whose purpose and soul is journalism. And we will monetize journalism in the digital world in the same way as we have for decades as an analog publishing house through three sources of revenue: the paying reader, the advertising customer and the classifieds customer. Even after the conclusion of the contract for the sale of our domestic regional newspapers, women‘s magazines and program guides to the FUNKE Mediengruppe, nothing has changed here.
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