ALPHABETICAL YESNOMAYBE SO question is Paleo Approach friendly! YES. Go ahead and eat it unless NO. Don’t eat it for now. Refer MAYBE. This food might be tol- MODERATION. This food you’re allergic or have a sensitivity to The Paleo Approach for infor- erated. If you aren’t sure, leave it out is okay to eat, but there are some to it. mation on if and when it might be of your diet for now. (These foods compelling reasons to keep por- reintroduced. are not included in the recipes in this tions small. Refer to The Paleo book.) Refer to The Paleo Approach Approach for more information. for more information. N N O O I I T T A A R R E E E E B B D D Y Y S S A A O O O O Food E Food E Y N M M Y N M M A abalone arracacha abiu arrowroot abusgata arrowroot powder açaí artichoke acerola articial avors acesulfame potassium articial food color ackee arugula acrylamide asafetida (check ingredients) adzuki beans ashwagandha African moringa asparagus agar agar aspartame agave Atlantic croaker agave nectar autolyzed protein agave worm avocado alcohol avocado oil allspice babaco almonds B bacon amanatsu baking soda amaranth balm amaranth greens balsamic vinegar ambarella bamboo shoot anchovy bamboo worm anchovy paste (check ingredients) banana anemone barcheek goby anise seed barley annatto seed barley malt ant barley malt syrup antelope basil leaf aonori bass apple bay leaf apple cider vinegar bear apricot bearberry arame beaver Arctic char bee larvae 1 N N O I IO T T A A R R E E E E B B D D Y Y S S A A O O O O E Food Food E M N M Y M N M Y beech mushroom buttermilk beef button mushroom beefsteak leaves cabbage beet and other vegetable kvasses (check ingredients) C calendula beet greens calico beans beet root cam sành beet sugar camas bell pepper camel bilberry camucamu biriba canary melon bison cane crystals bitter gourd cane juice bitter melon cane sugar black beans canistel black caraway canna black cumin cannellini beans black tea canola leaves black-eyed peas canola oil blackberry cantaloupe blood orange cape gooseberries blueberry capers boar capsicums bok choy carambola boletus caramel bonito caraway bonito akes carbonated water borage greens cardamom Brazil nuts cardoon bream caribou brill carnation brisling carob powder broad beans carola broadleaf arrowhead carp broccoli carrageenan broccoli rabe carrot brominated vegetable oil carrot greens brown rice syrup carrot powder brown sugar casaba Brussels sprouts cashews buckwheat cassava Buddha’s hand cat’s-ear bualo catsh burdock cauliower butter caviar (check ingredients) butter beans cayenne pepper butter oil celeriac buttery kingsh celery 2 YES. Go ahead and eat it unless NO. Don’t eat it for now. Refer MAYBE. This food might be tol- MODERATION. This food you’re allergic or have a sensitivity to The Paleo Approach for infor- erated. If you aren’t sure, leave it out is okay to eat, but there are some to it. mation on if and when it might be of your diet for now. (These foods compelling reasons to keep por- reintroduced. are not included in the recipes in this tions small. Refer to The Paleo book.) Refer to The Paleo Approach Approach for more information. for more information. N N O O I I T T A A R R E E E E B B D D Y Y S S A A O O O O Food E Food E M M N M N M Y Y celery seed cockles cellulose gum cockroach celtuce coco plum centipede coconut ceriman coconut aminos Ceylon spinach coconut butter chamomile coconut cream chanterelle coconut cream concentrate Charentais coconut our chayote coconut milk (emulsier-free) cheese coconut milk ker (check ingredients) cherimoya coconut milk yogurt (check ingredients) cherries coconut oil chervil coconut sugar chestnuts coconut water chia coconut water vinegar chicken cod chickpeas coee (not daily) chickweed collagen supplements chicory collard greens chili pepper akes common dab chili peppers conch chili powder conger Chinese artichoke coriander leaf Chinese broccoli coriander seed Chinese mallow corn chives corn oil chokeberry corn sweetener chokecherry corn syrup Christmas melon corn syrup solids chrysanthemum leaves cottage cheese chuck roast cottonseed oil cicada crab cilantro crabapple cinnamon cranberry citron crappie clams crawsh clementine cream cloudberry cream of tartar clover creamed coconut cloves Crenshaw melon 3 N N O I IO T T A A R R E E E E B B D D Y Y S S A A O O O O E Food Food E M N M Y M N M Y cress egg yolk cricket eggplant crimini einkorn croaker elderberry crocodile elephant foot yam crowberry elephant garlic crystalline fructose elk cucumber emu cultured grass-fed ghee emulsiers( carrageenan, cellulose gum, guar gum, lecithin, xanthan gum) cumin seed endive curds enokitake currant Ensete curry leaves erythritol curry powder evaporated cane juice custard apple falberry cuttlesh F fat hen dabberlocks fava beans D daikon fennel dairy protein isolates fennel leaf dandelion fennel seed date fenugreek date sugar fenugreek leaves deer fera dehydrated cane juice fernandina demerara sugar ddlehead derishi eld blewit dextrin g dextrose lesh diastatic malt sh sauce (check ingredients) dill seed axseed dill weed Florence fennel dove uted pumpkin leaves dragony y pupae dragonfruit fonio dried fruit frog drum fructose (added) duck fructose (naturally occurring) dulse fruit juice dung beetle fruit juice concentrate durian galactose durum G galangal earthnut pea Galia melon E earthworm gambooge edamame gar edible owers garbanzo beans eel garden huckleberries egg white garlic 4 YES. Go ahead and eat it unless NO. Don’t eat it for now. Refer MAYBE. This food might be tol- MODERATION. This food you’re allergic or have a sensitivity to The Paleo Approach for infor- erated. If you aren’t sure, leave it out is okay to eat, but there are some to it. mation on if and when it might be of your diet for now. (These foods compelling reasons to keep por- reintroduced. are not included in the recipes in this tions small. Refer to The Paleo book.) Refer to The Paleo Approach Approach for more information. for more information. N N O O I I T T A A R R E E E E B B D D Y Y S S A A O O O O Food E Food E M M N M N M Y Y gelatin herring ghee hibiscus ginger high-fructose corn syrup gladiolas high-glycemic-load foods (if not explicitly eliminated) glucose hijiki glucose solids honey goat honeydew goji berries honeysuckle golden syrup horned melon Good King Henry hornworm goose horse gooseberries horseradish granadilla horseradish sauce (check ingredients) grapefruit hot peppers grapes huckleberry grasshopper hydrolyzed vegetable protein Great Northern beans ice cream greater plantain I ilama green banana our inulin green beans invert sugar green tea Italian beans greengage ivy gourd ground cherries jackfruit grouse J jaggery guanabana jellysh guar gum Jerusalem artichoke guava jicama guavaberry Job’s tears guinea hen John Dory gypsy mushroom jujube hackberry june bug H haddock juniper hake kar lime halibut K kai-lan Hamburg parsley kale hare kamut hawthorn kangaroo hazelnuts karonda heavy cream ker (coconut milk) (check ingredients) hedgehog mushroom ker (dairy) hemp seed ker (water) (check ingredients) 5 N N O I IO T T A A R R E E E E B B D D Y Y S S A A O O O O E Food Food E M N M Y M N M Y key lime locust kidney beans loganberry king mackerel longan king trumpet mushroom loofa kinnow loquat kiwi lotus root kiyomi lychee kohlrabi macadamia nut oil kohlrabi greens M macadamia nuts komatsuna mace kombu mackerel kombucha (check ingredients) mahi mahi konjac maitake korlan malt syrup kudzu maltodextrin kumquat maltose kurrat mamey sapote kuzu starch mandarin kvass (check ingredients) mango lactofermented condiments (check ingredients) mangosteen L lactofermented fruits (check ingredients) manioc lactofermented vegetables (check ingredients) mannitol lactose maple sugar Lagos bologi maple syrup lamb marigold lamb’s lettuce marjoram leaf lamprey marlin land cress mashua lavender matsutake laver maypop lecithin mealworm leek medlar lemon melokhia lemon balm melon pear lentils mesquite our lettuce Meyer lemon lima beans milk lime milksh limetta millet limpets mineral water ling minnow lingonberry mizuna lion’s mane mushroom moderate-glycemic-load vegetables and fruits lips molasses lizard’s tail monk fruit (luo han guo) loach monksh lobster monosodium glutamate (MSG) 6 YES. Go ahead and eat it unless NO. Don’t eat it for now. Refer MAYBE. This food might be tol- MODERATION. This food you’re allergic or have a sensitivity to The Paleo Approach for infor- erated. If you aren’t sure, leave it out is okay to eat, but there are some to it. mation on if and when it might be of your diet for now. (These foods compelling reasons to keep por- reintroduced. are not included in the recipes in this tions small. Refer to The Paleo book.) Refer to The Paleo Approach Approach for more information. for more information. N N O O I I T T A A R R E E E E B B D D Y Y S S A A O O O O Food E Food E M M N M N M Y Y moose orache morel orange mozuku orangelo mulberry Oregon grape mullet oregano leaf mung beans oroblanco muscadines ostrich muscovado sugar oyster mushrooms
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