VOL.YEARLY XVI. No. 183 Cb is Portrait wa• taken at l'HI: PRI:l!IER PHOTOUa.t.PWO 1'.:'UDIO OJ' Al STBAL.lSI.l itb~ Crown tudios, SYDNEY• .>'- PUBLISHED BY HARRINGTON & CO., LTD, SYDNEY and BRISBANE nli. A.US'r.&.ALIAN PilOTOG.liPHIU JOTIRNAL. Ac«•CsT in, lHO'i. •• BRASS I~l(HORNTON- ICKARD BOUND CAMERAS. c;: ) .Ll. w, ~ TH E ,,OST The BRASS -BOUND S lllTAHL l:l 1 F OR THE Triple· "IMPERIAL' Exte nsion AUSTRALIAN CLl,ATE. Is 111adc of specially well-seasoned wocrl work, and is considerably 'S trPngtlirned at i·very joint on the Body, Baseboard anrl Extension Frame. by 111cans of S uccess ful ly scre\\'ed brass J)lates, 11ot less than :!:! platcs and ang ts ltdng u"ecl in this res ist manner. The Slide is also prott'Ckd hy eig:l1t screwed brass C<>rJH'.r 11latc~. All extrtmes of da11gt·r of twisting and warpi11J.! is then·- hv ~reatly minimised. Evet )' care has ' I THl:l " IMP ERIAL " BRASS-BOUND 11 F - Heat and bet·n taken to make the Ca11u·ra m1st11· COMPLETE OUT FIT includes Brass- . HAL passed for use in tropical c1i111ate~. to bound Camera wirli Turntablf•, Brass- 1 PLATE ;\ois ture, und _ \\1ithsta11d extremes of heat, da111!l ~md 1 1 botmrl Slide, Thornton- 1-'ick~rd :nme · S IZ E, cold, ard to bear mort-_t·!·.1an tl.~e a\ er age . and. ln!'!tantall(:l~t~~ Shn~tt-r with ~peed . I capable of .unount of wea1 a11d tt·,u Inchcator anct l 1me Exposnrf' \alve, I i 5 - . Bt'rk s,·mmNrintl or Pantoplantt Lens w ......., • • :\lade 111 all st a net.tr~ s1.zt·s, wi~h Ji is Diaphrn.gm, and thn·e-fold I I-plate to l~ x :o mcher . Tnporl Hnrd \Vear I.. D<scri,:tive Catalogue free upur re•1ttest. THORN T ON-PIC~A-RO CO., Ltd., - Altri~c~am, ENCLAf.O. and Tear . I Schering's. PYRO I I ~ORLD - ~IDE FAME. PUREST&BEST. Schering's Chemicals Schering' s '-'' Schering' s "'' are of SODA - SULPHITE SODA-CARBONATE Photographic S pecially prepare d Of S pecial I for Phot ographic u se. Photog raphic Pur ity. PURITY. I I Schering's AOUROL, A NEW DE VE LOPE R IN Schering's 11 P O WDE R A N D S OLU llON. TONE · FIXING Schering' s . CHLORIDE OF GOLD. SALTS containing gold. Schering's . POTASSIUM CHLOROPLATINITE. In 4- oz. tins; in ~- o z. tab· let s (making 3 :> -oz. solu· Schering's . HYDROKINONE , Purest and Best. t ion ). ~ Sole Wholesale Agenta for Great Britain and Colonies A. & M. ZIMMERMANN, 3 Lloyd's Avenue, LONDON, E.C. AUGCST 'lO, UJ07. THE AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRA.PHIO JOURNAL New South Wales. South 1\ustralia. <B r ok e n Hill Amateur Photographic Society-Hon. Sec., Adelaide Am..teur Camera Club-Hon, Sec., W. E Hill, c/o E. A. Whitehead. W. C. Rigby, King William Street, Adelaide. ·Cooma S chool of Arts Amateur Cam ~ ra l:lub- Hon. Sec.,]. OawJe r Camera CJub-Hon. Sec., J. Fletcher Rogers. A. Perkins. Kapunda Photographic Club -Hon. Sec.,T. Warner, Chappel ·Cowra S . of A . Amate ur Photographic Club.- Hon. Seo., Street, Kapunda Mr. J.P. McPhee. M o unt Oambie r PhotographlcClub.-Hon.Sec., Edwin A. 0. · Cootamundra Amate ur Camera Club. - Hon. Sec .. Joseph Kluge. E. Gormly, Box 16, Cootamundra. South Aus trali1tn Photographic Society, Addalde.-Hon. ... aoulburn Camera Club-Hon. Sec., T. Williams. Sec., A.H. Kingsborough, 51 Rundle Street. Adelaide . G rafton Came ra Club.-Hon. Sec., P. Saunders. · <i r e nfe ll Ca m e ra Club- Hon. Sec., Tasmania. Northern Ta ... manian Camera Club, Launc.es ton -Hon. G ulgong Ama t e ur Phot ographic Association - Hon. Sec. A. Sec., F. Styant-Browne. P. Lambert. J unee Dis triet l.:a m e ra Club. - Hon. Sec., E. Pegg. Southern Tas manian Camera Club.- Hon Sec., C.R. Davies . Lis more Phot ographic Club -Hon. Sec., S. Simmons . Queensland. .Lithgow Dis trict Amateur Photographic Club- Hon. Sec .. Burnett Camera Club, Bundaberg.-Hon. Sec., H.J. Page. W. Isley, Main Street. Ca irns Ama teur 1-'hotographic Society- Hon. Sec., A. F. Ma dean Camera Club-Hou. Sec., E. Campbell. Hunt. Mosman Photog raphic Socie t y-Hon. Sec., David J\1. Charters Towers A . I'. Society-Hon. Sec., A. Emmelhainz. Mitchell, Military Road, Spit Junction. Gympie Amateur Photographic Society - Hon. Sec., L. Birt, New ca stle and Dis tric t Photogrng hic S ocie ty.- Hon. c/ o. Scottish Gympie Mines. Sec., M. W. Cramp. Ips wich Amateur Photograph,ic Society. - Hon. Sec., N.S. W . Trar11way Camera Club- Ho11. ·Sec.,H. E. Perfect. Pearson W. Cameron. •Photographic Socie ty of New S o uth Wales, Sydney - Hon Maryborough Photographic S ociety- Hon. Sec.,]. B. Nock. Sec., L. L. Raymond. Box 829 G.P.0. Mount Morgan Carner~ Club- Hon. Sec., C. Terris, Jeamie T e nterfield Came ra Club-Hon. Sec., Ernest C. Roper. Street, ML Morgan. Walls end and Pla tts burg Ca m e ra Club-lion. Sec., J. 13 . Queens land Photographic Socie ty, Bris bane.- Hon. Sec., Wells. T. F. Illige, 108-110 Eagle Street. ·voung Came ra Club-Hon. Sec., \V. Sinclair. Roc khampton Camera Club.-Hon. Sec., A. F. Nelson, Victoria. \Villiam Street, Rockhampton. ~Am a t e ur Pho t ographic Associa t ion o f Victoria - Hon. West 1\ustralia. Secretary, D. W. Paterson, 59 Swanston St., Melbourne Wes t Aus tralian Photographic Society, l'erth.-Hon.Sec Ballarat Came ra Club-Hon. Sec., IL A. B. Mackenzie, A. H. L. W right, Publi c Works Depart111ent 1 Perth. Lydiard Street. •Ballarat Photog raphic Socie t y - Hon. Sec., G. Montgomery, New Zealand. 201 Sturt-street. Auckland Camera Club- Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, A. Gra­ 1Beec h w orth Camera Club-Hon. Sec., R. Ford. ham, 43 George Street. Bendigo Ama t e ur Photog raphic Association- Hon. Sec., Christc hurch Photographic Society. - Hon. Sec., Percy Jas. Miller. Wynn Williams, 211 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Dunedin Photographic ·Society.-Hon. Sec.,]. Stuart White ·Clifton Hill Amate ur Photogra phic Club- Hon. Se~. F. Dut­ ton, 17 Bushall Crescent, North Pitz.ray. 98 Princes-street, Dunedin. Paeroa Amateur Camera Club, Paeroa, Auckland.-Hon • .. e a s t Malvern A. P.C.-Hon. Sec., Sydney Fox," Almalea." Dandenong-road, East Caulfield. Sec. and Treas., J, Hubbard. Wanganui College Camera Club, Wanganui.-Hon, Secre~ Oordon College Amateur Photographic Association Oee ­ tary, L. E. Riddiford. long.-Hon. Sec., H. L. S. Potter, 62 Garden Street. W e llington Camera Club, Wellington.- Hon. Sec., Allister 1J>ortland Photographic Club-Hon. Sec., A. E Taylor, Brown. Stawell School of Mines Photog raphic Club-Hon. Sec,, Wellington College Camera Club.-Hon. Sec., L. Mandel Afton Galbraith. Westport Camera Club.-Hon. "ec., A. R. W. Scott, West. <Working Men' s College Photographic Club, Melbourne­ port, South Island. Hon. Secretary, C. R. Du Rieu. Y .."l\ . C. A. Camera Club, Auckland.-Hon, Sec., F . E, Cory. I!. THE AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL . AL'<' L' H'l' 20, 1907 . .- " .. ,: • ./ , WHEN PUZZLED TO . REPRODUCE NATURES . PATCHWORK OF COLOUR , IMPERIAL OllTHOCHROHL .5PfCIAL RAP/D - .ZZ5 H&D PLATES. 5P£CIA L· Sf/'IS/T/YE - 2(.5 H &D ArnuH1' 20, l!J07. THE AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRAPHIO JOURN AT . 111. AN IDEAL CAMERA ! FOR HALF - PLATE ''FOLDING VICTO~" No. 11. (6t x 4}) PICTURES. The "FOLDJNG VICTOR" No. II is an ideal Camera for either the beginner or more advanced amateur. It is fitted with a high grade lens, and all the adjustments necessary for general all-round photography, such as Scenery, Street Scenes, Portrai­ ture, Architectural work, etc. SPECIFICATIO . CAMERA.-Built of thoroughly seasoned mahogany, ebony finish and polished, covered with seal-grained leather, with metal parts nickel finished. It is fitted with black leather bellows, reversible and swing back, risini: and falling front, automatic press button clamp to extending front, socket for tripod screw, spirit Je,·el, brilliant view finder with hood LE:-;s.- l{apid Symmetrical. possessing exceptional crispness of definition, covering power and depth of focus. It is fitted with Iris diaphragm, and is \ mounted on detachable panel. SHUTTER.-\\lollensak double val\'e, i:i,·ing time, in­ stantaneous and bulb exposures, with finger or pneumatic release. The speeds are adiusted to 1 sec.,~. 1-5th, I-25th, 1-5oth, and 1-10oth of a second . Focuss1NG.- Adjus1ed by rack and pinion movement, and can be accomplished either by the gradated scale or upon the ground glass screen. PLATE HoLDER.-Carries two plates, and is fitted with draw-out shutters. CARRYING CASE. Sole leather, long form to carry the camera in one end and plate holders in the other. No. II "Folding Victor" (~-pl.), one Plate IIolc!er and Case, £7 15s. HARRINGTON &. CO ., Ltd ., 386 George Street, Sydney, a nd 93 Queen Street, Brisbane. PUSHAXE Universal Concentrated Single Solution Developer. COMPETITION. (Open to Am1itenr itnd Professionitl.) £150 Cash Prizes. CLOSES 30th NOVEMBER, 1907. ASK YOUR DEALERS FOR PARTICULAl~S . FUERST BROS., 17 Philpot Lane, LONDON, E.C. Sole Agents for HAUFF'S Original Patented Developers, Amidol, Metol, Orto! , &c., &c. Also " AXE BRAND" Pure Photographic Chemicals, Pyraxe (Pyro), Golda xe (Tonefix), &c., &c . IV. THE AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRAPHIO JOURNAL A tcGUST 20, 1907. u 0 5) ~ ENLARGING APPARATUS. The "CRACKSHOT'' Daylight Enlarger. I 1I !. I The "Crackshot" Daylight Enlarger is a really cheap box form Enlarger, constructed throughout of wood. Low-priced Enlargers are usually made of stout cardboard, and although they look all right for a time, they have little or no chance of lasting.
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