Eastern Illinois University The Keep January 2008 1-9-2008 Daily Eastern News: January 09, 2008 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2008_jan Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: January 09, 2008" (2008). January. 3. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2008_jan/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2008 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in January by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. “TELL THE TRUTH AND DON’T BE AFRAID” WWW.DENNEWS.COM The DAILY EASTERN NEWS EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, CHARLESTON WEDNESDAY | 1.9.08 VOL. 94 | ISSUE 3 STUDENT GOVERNMENT | ACTIVITIES | HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS SCHEDULING No time TROTTERS SPIN THE GLOBE Performance enter- to talk tains, pleases crowd of nearly 1,800 Late agenda delays By Emily Zulz the first meeting of Activities Reporter the semester The crowd cheered and roared as By Rick Kambic music blared in Lantz Arena. Student Government Reporter A burst of smoke was emitted in the air as the Harlem Globetrot- Student government will not ters were announced to Eastern and meet tonight, said Speaker of the community members Tuesday night. Senate Megan Ogulnick, and plans As the smoke floated away into to meet next the stands, the crowd continued Wednesday for STUdenT cheering. its first meeting LEAders TO The Globetrotters, who have of the semester. know been around since 1926 and are rec- “While » Student Body ognized around the world, were wel- some of the President: comed by 1,736 people. decision to not Cole Rogers Neal Dillon, of Charleston, saw hold a meeting » Student Exec- the Globetrotters the three previ- this week was utive Vice Presi- ous times they were at Eastern, and in order for dent: Levi Bulgar he came again for the Globetrotters’ MITCH SURPRENANT | the DaiLY eastern neWS senators, exec- » Speaker of fourth time in Lantz Arena. utive board the Senate: However, this time he introduced and others to Megan Ogulnick the Globetrotters to his two young “Sweet Pea” Shine teaches a young fan how to properly spin a basketball on her finger. The Globetrotters put get settled in, sons, Nicholas, 8, and Brady, 6. on a show Tuesday night in Lantz Arena. much of it was Dillon said even though he found due to the bylaws,” Ogulnick said. out about the event three days ago, clapped. mance. trotters are ready. “When to hold the first meeting he had to bring the rest of his family The complete opposite happened “They keep it moving for a good Luvenia Betts, a senior early child is usually at the discretion of the to see the famed performance. when the Globetrotters’ scored. The two hours,” Kidwell said. education major, got an invitation Speaker.” “They (Nicholas and Brady) were crowd would erupt with applause He said it’s amazing that the Glo- from TRiO Student Support Servic- According to Section B, No. glued,” Dillon said. “They sat there while yelling and whistling. betrotters have the ability to make it es last month. Eight of the senate bylaws, a man- the whole time,” Dave Kidwell, assistant athlet- look new every time they perform. She said she was glad she took the date sets the release of agendas at When the Globetrotters’ oppo- ic director for special projects, coor- Kidwell said they may have per- offer. least 48 hours prior to the meeting. nent, the Washington Generals, dinated the event. He said there was formed 28 of the last 30 days but For a meeting to be held tonight, scored, very few audience members never a dull moment in the perfor- when the music starts, the Globe- » see GLOBETROTTERS, PAge 5 an agenda would have had to be completed Monday, the first day CITY | ECONOMY of classes. An agenda was not com- pleted by that time. “According to other members of the executive board that I have spo- Businesses throw out ashtrays, smokers ken with, the idea of coming back early has never really been discussed Owners waiting to and no signs prohibiting smoking in-depth,” Ogulnick said. see the effect of the have been put up inside the bar yet. However, assembling an agenda If customers do try to smoke has other bylaw complications. smoking ban inside, she said they will be asked to “Legislation still couldn’t be put stop and if they persist, they will be on the agenda because it has to be By Jordan Crook asked to leave the establishment. handed in four academic days pri- City Reporter Pohl said she has some doubts or to the senate meeting, which, about how well the ban will work because we were on winter break, At 12:00 a.m. on Jan. 1, the in stopping customers from smok- would have meant submitting it Smoke Free Illinois Act went into ing inside. last semester,” she said. effect in restaurants, bars and other “I think people are aware of what Senator attendance was also a public places in Illinois. is going on,” Pohl said. “But, with- concern when deciding to hold a The act, which prohibits smok- out a strict set of penalties, not meeting for tonight. ing inside of and within 15 feet of much is going to stop them from “In addition to these concerns, doors to restaurants and bars, was smoking in the bathroom.” we were also worried about having approved by the Illinois Senate on While the Panther Paw had to go quorum,” Ogulnick said. “Accord- March 29, the House on May 1, completely smoke-free Jan. 1, some ing to bylaws, we need to have 16 and signed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich bars in Charleston were already on senators present at the call or order on July 23 of last year. their way to creating this environ- roll call in order to conduct busi- As 2008 started, this meant ment. ness. Because it is the first week of establishments in Charleston, like AJ’s is one of these businesses. classes, many students had conflict- the Panther Paw and AJ’s, were “We’ve been pretty much smoke- ing schedules, which will not be a throwing out their ashtrays. free for a while,” said Michael Bok- problem next week.” Panther Paw manager Alyssa sa, the owner of AJ’s, about the Section C of the senate bylaws Pohl said she thought people had effect of the new smoking ban. holds senators to three absences per responded well to the new smok- He said the downstairs portion semester, in which a senator would ing policy and have not been smok- of AJ’s has been smoke-free for sev- be removed from office upon a ing within the bar. But she said the eral months. The only part of the fourth absence. effectiveness of the policy cannot be bar that was affected by the ban was Ogulnick will be responsible for measured until students start com- the upstairs bar area. appointing the chairperson of each ing in again. Boksa said he thinks the committee during the first meeting “It’s really hard for us to tell right Smoke Free Illinois Act is good of each semester. MITCH SURPRENANT | the DaiLY eastern neWS now,” she said. “Once school starts, for the restaurant/bar busi- She is also receiving applications we’ll see how it affects us.” ness because it includes all busi- for senate appointments. Jim Mailhiot, a freshman undecided major, enjoys a cigarette outside Classes started Monday at East- nesses even when it comes to Coleman Hall on Tuesday. The Smoke Free Illinois Act, which took effect ern. smoking or non-smoking areas. Rick Kambic can be reached at January 1, prohibits smokers like Mailhiot from smoking within 15 feet of Pohl said customers seem to [email protected] or 581-7942. any entrance of a public building. know about the new smoking ban » see SMOKING, PAge 5 NEWS WWW.DENN EWS.COM I THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS I WEDN ESDAY 1.9.07 EIU WEATHER DEN STAFF WEDNESDAY WEATHER BRIEF PRODUCTION STAFF ABOUTTHE DAILY EASTERN NEWS Today will be mostly sunny as colder temperatures Night chief ·-----------------------· Kristina Peters The Daily Eastern News is produced by the stu­ move back into the Charleston area. Tomorrow Lead designer ~----------------- Graham Milldrum dents o f Eastern Illinois University. It is published Copy editors/designers _____________ .Angela Pham daily Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., will be much like today with a chance of flurries Mostly Sunny -------------------------------------·H ayley (Iark during fall and spring semesters and twice weekly overnight. ------------------------------------Kevin Murphy during the summer term except d uring university SSW 5-10 mph Online production--------------------Rick Kambic vacations or examinations. For rurrent conditions vilit EIU WeatherCenter at www.eiu.edu/-wearher One COpY per day is free to students and faculty. EDITORIAL BOARD Additional copies can be obtained for 50 cents Editor in chief----------------------- .Matt Daniels each in the Student Publications O ffi ce in Buzzard ------------------------------·[email protected] Hall. Managing editor·------------------· Kristina Peters The Daily Eastern News is a member of Adaily look at the entertainment world -----------------------·[email protected] The Associated Press, which is entitled to exclusive News editor ·-------------------------------·Open use of all articles appearing in this publication. [email protected] Subsaiption price I SSO per semester, $30 for Sports editor ·-----------------------·Scott Richey summer, $95 all year. [email protected] Posh Spice tops critic's worst-dressed list COMMENTS / TIPS Opinions editor ·-----------------·Nicole Weskerna The Associated Press [email protected] Contact any of the above staff members you Photo editor-----------------· Robbie Wroblewski believe your information is relevant to at their [email protected] provided e-mail address.
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