Breaking Through the Myths to Reality A Future-Proof View of Fiber Optic Inspection and Cleaning Dear Viewer: As presented at BICSI® in February- 2018, this seminar has video and animations that Edward J. Forrest, Jr. are not available as a .pdf file. If you would like the RMS(RaceMarketingServices) original version, please contact BICSI or the author. Bringing Ideas Together Caution: This Presentation is going to be controversial! IT IS BASED ON 2,500 YEARS OF SCIENCE AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 2 Fact OR FICTION of Fiber Optic Cleaning and Inspection This seminarWE WILL mayDISCUSS contradictAND currentDEFINE: trends ➢ There➢ Cleaningand are what OTHER you’ve is notWAYS been important…BESIDES taught. VIDEO ➢ ➢➢“Automatic99.9%Debris➢ ➢ExistingA “Reagent FiberonS Detection” CIENTIFICthe standards, Optic surface Grade” ConnectorR isEALITY of such“good Isopropanola fiber… as enough”.is optic a is IECconnector“Pass 61300Let’sanI NSPECTIONanythingeffective- Fail”separate- 3surface-35, is is bettereasy are Factsfiberto is “Best determine thantwoto from optic understand nothing!-dimensional Practice”Fiction cleaner What we’veTwoif the ( ALL-Dimensional connector) been taught/bought/soldand is Structure“clean” over the last 30+Myth yearsfrom may“diameter”. Scientific not be the same Reality thing! 3 Fact OR FICTION of Fiber Optic Cleaning and Inspection ➢ A Fiber Optic Connector is a Two-Dimensional Structure ➢ 99.9% “Reagent Grade” Isopropanol is an effective fiber optic cleaner ➢ Cleaning is not important… anything is better than nothing! ➢ There are OTHER WAYS BESIDES VIDEO INSPECTION to determine if the connector is “clean” ➢ Debris on the surface of a fiber optic connector surface is two-dimensional “diameter”. ➢ “Automatic Detection” is “good enough”. “Pass-Fail” is easy to understand ➢ Existing standards, such as IEC 61300-3-35, are “Best Practice” 4 Fact OR FICTION of FiberW OpticHAT ISCleaningTHE “AUTHORITY and Inspection” ? PRECISION CLEANING AND INSPECTION ISN’T “NEW”. ▪ ‘WaferThis Fabs’ seminar WforE electronicWILL mayDISCUSS contradict componentsAND (LEDs,currentDEFINE CPU, RF…): trends ▪ ➢HighThere-density➢ Cleaningand printedare what OTHER circuit you’ve is boards notWAYS been important… (PickBESIDES & taught. Place) VIDEO ➢▪ ➢➢Metal“Automatic99.9%Debris➢ CleaningExisting “Reagent (Aerospace,onS Detection” CIENTIFICthe standards, Nuclear, surface Grade”Gas & Oil)R isEALITY of such“good Isopropanola fiber… as enough”. optic is ➢Let’sA anythingFiber separate Optic is better Facts Connector than from nothing! is a ▪ ImplantableIECconnector“Pass 61300an medicalI NSPECTIONeffective-Fail”- 3surface devices-35, is easyare fiber(Cochlear,to is “Best determine twoto Cardiac, optic understand- Prosthetic)dimensional Practice”Fiction cleaner What we’veTwoif the ( ALL-Dimensional connector) been taught/bought/soldand is Structure“clean” over the last A well-established30+ years performancefrom may“diameter”. Scientific not history be the ofsame Reality precision thing! cleaning and inspection onMyth which our Industry can base itself…and has not. 5 Please join me: In Search of: Best Practice Best practice - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best_practice “A best practice* is a method or technique … that produces results … superior to those achieved by other means….” *Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, Investopedia®, Business-Dictionary®, Technopedia® www.fiberopticprecisioncleaning.com 6 What Does It Mean? “Future-Proof”* Kilobit 2006-ish Tech! 1. Processes that anticipate Megabit 2014-ish range future developments. Gigabit New super-channels Terabit 2. Actions taken to minimize negative 2018 experimental Petabit ranges consequences. Exabit Zettabit 3. Change old perceptions into new realities Yottabit Brontobit * adjective: British. Oxford® Dictionary. Technipedia®, Cambridge® Dictionary, Wikipedia® Really? 7 What Does It Mean? “Future-Proof”* Kilobit 2006-ish Tech! 1.“DoProcesses all aspectsthat ofanticipate Fiber Optic Network Megabit 2014-ish range futureDesign, developments. Installation and Training Gigabit New super-channels Terabit 2. Actions takenDevelopment?” to minimize negative 2018 experimental Petabit ranges consequences. Exabit advance at Zettabit 3. Change old perceptions into new realities Yottabit The Speed of Light? “Maybe…”Brontobit Is that good enough? Really? * adjective: British. Oxford® Dictionary. Technipedia®, Cambridge® Dictionary, Wikipedia® 8 Buzz Words? Future Best Proof Practice Or: The Way Forward 9 Myth or Reality? WhatTHE is“ MYTHthe “end” face”?OF TWO-DIMENSIONS Is the IEC 61300-3-35 definition of a two1.) - CdimensionalONNECTORS surfaceARE adequateTWO-DIMENSIONS 1 and accurate? 2 2.) CONTAMINATION IS TWO-DIMENSIONS “Zone-1” … is the “fiber/core” 3 “Zone3.) C-ONTAMINATION2” … is the reflectiveIS claddingLIMITED TO AN “END FACE” “Zone-3” … is the contact surface The reality of 3-D Images © RMS-1 (all Rights Reserved) 10 Myth or Reality? THE “MYTH” OF TWO-DIMENSIONS 1.) Connectors are two-dimensions 2.) Contamination is two-dimensions 3.) Contamination is limited to a limited “end face” surface area diameter The reality of 3-D Images © RMS-1 (all Rights Reserved) 11 Myth The fiber optic end face and associated or Reality? components are 3-D structures! Add Zone-4 and Zone-5 to your understanding of any fiber optic Horizontal surface 4 Plane of the Ferrule Vertical Includes Planes of these the surfaces Ferrule also! 5 Images © RMS-1 12 Myth Happens How does contamination “get there”? Sometimes, it’s “impossible” grasp the vast and infinite nature of our universe of installations! We want “it” to be ‘easy’… Condensation Transfer from Could not make moving… “it”from truck can also be accurate and effective.‘jumper to back this one up! to install plane’ 13 Myth Happens How does contamination “get“it” there”?” Sometimes, it’s “impossible”▪ Accurate grasp and adequate the vast design and infinite nature ofparameters our universe of installations!▪ Installation methods and procedures We want “it” to be ‘easy’… Condensation Transfer from Could▪ notEffective make “best practice” training moving… “it”from truck can also be accurate and effective.‘jumper to back this one up! to install plane’ 14 15 4 A brief lesson in the History of Physics and Geometry! Early 1900’s Planck’s Quantum Theory of Physics Max revolutionized our understanding of Atomic and Subatomic structures; Einstein’s Theory of Relativity revolutionized our understanding of space and time. Planck’s work on sub-atomic structures defined them as 3-D … and tied Euclidean mathematical science to physics! Al All contents © 2017 RMS (RaceMarketingServices) 16 A brief lesson in the History of Physics and Geometry! Early 1900’s …about the year ➢1590,Euclid twodefined Dutch Geometry spectacle in makers, Zaccharias two-dimensions ... about 2,500 JanssenPlanck’s and Quantum his fatheryears Theory Hans ago. ofstarted Physics experimenting … put several revolutionized our understanding of Atomic and lenses in a ➢tubeIn 100AD and-ish madethe astronomer an significant Ptolemy discovery. Max Subatomic structures;looked Einstein’s at the heavens Theory and realized of Relativity revolutionized thereour understandingwas “distance”. of space and➢ Intime. 1492 Columbus sailed “west” to find the “east” leading to THEYcivilization’sHAD JUST understandingINVENTED the THE Planck’s work onCOMPOUND subworld-atomic is a 3-D structure. structuresMICROSCOPE … defined them as 3-D➢ In… the and 17th Century, tied Euclidean Descartes expandedPRECURSOR on Euclidian geometryTO mathematical sciencewith his work to onphysics! spheres … 3-D Al CONTEMPORARYscience we know today.VIDEO INSPECTION These are considered ‘mathematical’ sciences…until: All contents © 2017 RMS (RaceMarketingServices) 17 THESE HISTORICAL THEORIES AND PRACTICAL REALITIES ARE ESSENTIAL TO PRECISION INSPECTION AND PRECISION CLEANING FIBER OPTICS! 1. Existing precision cleaning and inspection standards are based on “Euclidian 2-D geometry”. 2. Ptolemy, Descartes, Planck, Einstein and Chis Columbus taught us … about what we know as you are sitting there today in the here & now: 3. WE EXIST IN 3-DIMENSIONS! 18 A brief lesson in the History of Physics and Geometry! IT’S TRUE: ➢ Euclid defined Geometry in two-dimensions ... about 2,500 years ago. We are inspecting➢ In and100AD- ishcleaningthe astronomerfiber Ptolemy optic connectionsMax nd looked at the heavens and realized based on 2 Centurythere was “distance”. (BC) Euclidean Geometry and Microscopes➢ In 1492 invented Columbus sailed in “west” the to 16th Century! find the “east” leading to civilization’s understanding the world is a 3-D structure. ➢ In the 17th Century, Descartesst It’s time toexpanded … “ onGo Euclidian 21 geometryCentury ” … with his work on spheres … 3-D Al with our thinkingscience we know about today. these things!!! These are considered ‘mathematical’ sciences…until: All contents © 2017 RMS (RaceMarketingServices) 19 Myth or Reality? THE “MYTH” OF TWO-DIMENSIONS CONNECTORS ARE NOT TWO-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 20 IEC 61300-3-35 Measures Debris & Contamination in “Diameter of Set the Record Straight! Contamination, The “red” on this in any or all interferometer scale is (max) forms, 1.67 microns in is NOT width and height. two-dimensions. 21 Mini-Conclusions: Myth or Reality? Who has the ‘need to know’? AN INDUSTRY-WIDE UPDATE IS IN PROCESS No matter the application or connection type … when deploying fiber optics … there is an end face and associated connector geometry that must be cleaned and inspected … properly. Future
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