Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 27 27(1), (1), 20172017: 1-9 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v27i1.9184 A DISPUTE OVER LAND OWNERSHIP IN DAMPELAS: HEGEMONY OF DUTCH EAST INDIES AND BANAWA Lukman Nadjamuddin History Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University ABSTRACT ABSTRAK This study affirms that the core issues of the Penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa isu-isu inti land ownership disputes case in Dampelas dari kasus sengketa kepemilikan tanah di wila- region can be acknowledged, where land own- yah Dampelas dapat diakui, di mana ership is envisaged in the context of social, kepemilikan tanah ini dipertimbangkan dalam cultural and economic value. This research konteks nilai sosial, budaya dan ekonomi. employs a historical method in which the Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah di source, including books, journals, archives, mana sumber, termasuk buku, jurnal, arsip, newspapers contemporaries, and research re- koran sezaman, dan hasil penelitian. sults. This study aims to explain the existence Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan Dampelas which in the past was part of the Dampelas keberadaan yang di masa lalu ada- Celebes Afdeling Midden located between two lah bagian dari Afdeling Midden Celebes ter- reigns, namely the Kingdom of Banawa in letak di antara dua pemerintahan, yaitu Kera- Donggala and Dutch East Indies in Batavia jaan Banawa di Donggala dan Hindia Belanda through their representatives in Makassar and di Batavia melalui perwakilan mereka di Ma- Manado. In the late nineteenth and early kassar dan Manado. Pada akhir abad kesembi- twentieth century, this area became an im- lan belas dan awal abad kedua puluh, daerah portant part of the Dutch East Indies in Bana- ini menjadi bagian penting dari Hindia Bel- wa. The Dutch tried to take over the manage- anda di Banawa. Belanda mencoba untuk ment of the potential of forest products mengambil alih pengelolaan potensi hasil hu- Dampelas, without giving concessions to in- tan Dampelas, tanpa memberikan konsesi digenous groups. In the reign of King La- kepada kelompok masyarakat adat. Pada masa marauna, Kingdom of Banawa successfully pemerintahan Raja Lamarauna, Kerajaan suppress Dampelas without the cost and bur- Banawa berhasil menekan Dampelas tanpa den of war. biaya dan beban perang. Keywords: Land ownership, hegemony, war Kata kunci: kepemilikan tanah, hegemoni, perang Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 1 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 27(1), 2017 INTRODUCTION The focus of this study has not got much Dampelas as part of the history of Dong- attention of Indonesian historians The gala District has rarely been discussed and focus of this study has not got much atten- very few studies conducted to clarify its tion from the Indonesian historians. Politi- history. Furthermore, history has not been cal competition continues in the region, a part of Dampelas people's public lives, which impact on the socio-cultural rela- making it is difficult to map the events in tions, so both these issues become a the region. Moreover, Dampelas is now source of the problem in Dampelas. By only a small region located on the west this study, the researcher would claim that coast of Donggala District, so Dampelas is the root causes of land disputes in underestimated in the history of Central Dampelas can be acknowledged, where Sulawesi. Several books and research re- land ownership is envisaged in the context sults regarding Central Sulawesi has not of social, cultural and economic value been much mention of the existence of a (Purwanto, 2014: 27). community that speaks Dampelas lan- The purpose of this research is to guage has a significant influence on the describe a social development of civilization of people of Central Sulawesi. Dampelas in the context of its history, be- The dynamic of such resistance can fore and after the colonial intervention. be analyzed through a historical approach. Dampelas, as a separate part of regional The dynamic of the region’s history is a unities like Tolitoli or Donggala, shows a major source of analysis in this paper with special case in its response to the change the reference to the argument of Bambang that made as a result of outside interven- Purwanto, who states that: tion. It is important to explore it because In Indonesia, the agrarian affair is a there is a trend among Dampelas people political and humanitarian issue. The to express their local identity that leads to agrarian issues basically concerns with an administratively separated area. the “power” over all elements involve in the agrarian lives by each party that RESEARCH METHOD involved in. At this level, it can be said that agrarian affairs are a product of This research is historical one. So the relation and interrelation among peo- method used in this research is historical ple, state, and environment that making prochedure. The method, based on a doc- land and control as the core problem umentary qualitative research, is consisted (Purwanto, 2014: xv). of four steps: heuristic , critic, interpreta- tion, and reconstruction. As Garraghan The ruling party is the dominant power in (1957:33) said “a system of right proce- the land tenure. However, it was not ap- dure for the attainment of historical plicable generally. Interesting cases of the truth”. So, following the above mentioned land ownership dispute over in Dampelas quotation, the target of historical research continues contested between society and is to attain a historical truth in a written ruling party since the colonial era up to form, as a result of reconstruction process the period post-Indonesia's independence. based on historical sources. According to Laksmi Savitri that: Historical sources in this research In general, in Indonesia, the types of are consisted of some archives or docu- agrarian crisis are: (1) conflicting claims ments, books, journals, contemporary and ownership of land and other agrari- mass media and some previous research an resources; (2) community lost their rapports on Dampelas. The first step is to control over land and other agrarian explore, to find and to select them for data resources; (3) limited access for people with economic resources and liveli- verification. Their accuracy is a priority. hoods; 4) limited self-control and self- After verification process, data will be cri- management over the process of ecolog- ticized (Notosusanto, 1978: 38-39). Next, ical destructive. (Lutfi, 2012: vi-vii). interpretation is made for getting a histori- cal fact. The process is a typology of his- 2 Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 27(1), 2017 torical research to reconstruct a phenome- cle is more an official rapports than an non from the past (Wasino, 2016). analysis, because it offers some descrip- tion about a fact, without an in-depth RESULT AND DISCUSSION study by any researcher. There are some historians and researchers In this article, Dampelas was said as who made any research on the topic, geo- an administrative and cultural unit under graphically of thematically. The majority Donggala, as a capital of district in the of them is Dutch, and they published their Dutch’s territorial administrative struc- rapport in Dutch, because they did it in ture. It is interesting that Dampelas was the colonial period. Albert C. Kruyt, one under Tolitoli but Donggala or Banawa, a of them, is a Christian missionary in Cen- traditional political unit before the tral Sulawesi who made an anthropologi- Dutch’s establishment. According to the cal research on the people of his mission rapport, Dampelas was a densely populat- field. The field included the area stretch to ed area among another. However, most Tolitoli in the north and Mamuju in the people in Dampelas was called as under south (Kuyt & Adriani, 1950). Dampelas, develop, at least comparing to the other. as a part of Tolitoli, could be classified So Dampelas was an arm area. Even as it into this area anthropological study. is said that the Dampelas people lived as a Through his approach of the cultural, and primitive one. It can be seen from their language aspect, Kruyt analyzed a socio- weapon and their lifestyle with hunting culture and kinship among the native peo- and gathering the forest’s products ple in this area, included Dampelas. He (Bijdragen tot de Koninklijk Instituut voor In- tried to separate between new structures dische Taal, Land en Volkenkunde , that established by a colonial regime, and 1905:515). an original structure based on a patron- Another literary from under Dutch client tie. So, Kruyt could offer any de- journal was published in 1898. As the one scription about an original cultural and before, Dampelas in this article is a sec- socio-kinship among the people of Central ondary object. The focus of article is on Sulawesi. maritime military operation by the Dutch Although very detailed and thor- in its pacification process for Buiten- ough in his analysis, Kruyt made a great gewesten (the outer islands) in the late mistake. He called all the people inhabited nineteenth century. A part of this article the area as Toraja. Meanwhile people who described a maritime landing operation of lived in some regions of this area as Dong- Dutch marine personnel on Dampelas gala, Palu, Parigi, Tolitoli and Dampelas coast. But it is interesting that the author classified as Kaili people. It differs from called Dampelas as a part of Tolitoli, not Toraja anthropologically, culturally and Donggala or Banawa ( Marineblad , 1889: politically. Ironically, Kruyt called Toraja 472). It is more right than the other above for the people who inhabited in Mamuju article, that classified Dampelas under and north of south Sulawesi also as Tora- Donggala. ja, as they are called today.
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