.. .- PROBLEMS AND CONSTRAINTS IN IMPLEMENTING MASTER PLANS: A CASE STUDY OF RAJSHAlII CITY FARHANAKHANLIMA DEPARTMENT OF URBAN AND REGlONAL PLANi'\Ii'(; BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF EKGIN[f,Rli\:G A,\'D TECHNOLOGY DHAKA AUGUST,2003 III1IIIIillili 1IIIIIIUllii , lII'SS06l111' '. - THESIS ACCEPT AND; FORM PROBLEMS AND CONSTRAINTS IN IMPLEMENTING MASTER PLANS: A CASE STUDY OF RAJSIIAHI CITY BY FAIU-IANA KHAN LIMA Thesis Approved ~'>\a the Style and Content by ---~"-~"""-'---'----~------------- D1. Roxmw Hafiz Chairman Associate Plofcssor, Depar!ment of lJ RP, illJ ET, Dh~ka (Supervi'''I) --~-------------------------------------------- Dr. S~IW"'-rah~ll Member J-kad ~nd P'Ofe5S01', DcpaI1ment of URP, ilUL"J, Dhaka Mrs. Ishmt JSISlll Mcmber A,SlSlaul 1'lOt"(,S501'.DCparlrllClll uf lJRP, BUET, Dh~ka K, G.' ------------------"_.------1+-~-- ------------- ------- ------ ----- -----.-.- KaLi Golalll Hallz Membel (ExteJ'Il~I) Town l'lallilcr (Dircctor), RAJljK DEPARTMENT OF UliliA]\" MW REGIOI\AL PLANNING RAN(;IADF.SU UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERIl\'"G AND TECHNOLOGY DHAKA CANDIDATES DECLARATION It is hereby declared that tim thesis Dr any part of it has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degre or diploma. Signature of the Candidate Farhana Khan Lima ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author expresses her heanlest gratitude and indebtness to Dr. Roxana Hath, Assuelate Professor, Departmenl of Urban and RegiOnal Plannlllg and supervi;or of the thesis for her valuable guidance, tender eare and continuous encouragement at different stages of preparation of this thesis The author considers It a rare fortune to work under her. II would have been quite impossible to carry on the research work and make it in a final shape without her valuable guidance and sympalhehc encouragement. Indebtness and gratitude is also expressed to Dr, Sarwar Jahan, Head of the Department of Urban and RegiOnal Planning, BUET, for his _advice, eneOllragemeot and for rendering all possible help during this the~is work. The author is also obliged to Mr. Akhter Husain Chaudhury, ASSOCiateProfes~or, Dl~clpllne of Urban and Rural Planning, Khulna Umversity. Dliring the preparation of this thesis the author has benefited from the generous help of Mr, Abdus Salek, Fonner Chairman, RDA; Mr, Amirul blam, Chief Town Planncr, RDA; and Mr, Golam Morshed, Executive Engtoeer, RaJshahl Clly Corporation. The author is thankful to her friends tor proViding vanous technical help, 1\-1r Kabll' for pl'eparing map;, Azmel'i Asrafi and Dananl Afsana for survey and Debashis for compuler and pnnllng facilitie;, " "..- ABSTRACT Rajshahi is the FOl.lrthMetropolitan City in Bangladesh The origin of the town date back to 1825 when the District Headql.larterwas shifted from Natore In 1947, the town became a Divisional Headquarter, The city ofRajshahi is famous for its tine silk and juicy_mango. The establishment of Municipality, College, Museum, Universit}, Medical College had expedite the development of the city in the past. The first physical plan of the city was prepared by the UDD in 1968. But due to some constraints, the Plan was not implemented, After the independence of Bangladesh, the Government formed Rajshahi Town Development Authority in 1976 for the physical planning and development of Rajshahi City and its adjoining areas, The Rajshahi Development Authority prepared Master Plan in 1984. This was basically a land use type Master Plan which included the future groy.th direction of the city as well as its major road network, housing areas, commercial & industrial sites, recreational spots etc, The Master Plan also identified a nl.lmberof projects in different sectors. Over the last 20 years the city ofRajshahi has been developed after this Master plan. During this period, a number of proposals of the Master Plan have been implemented while some of the proposals were not The trend of imbalanced urbanisation in Bangladesh is one of the major reasons bchind the non-implemenration of Master Plans. However, in the case ofRajshahi, the geographic location of the city is a barrier lOits economic development Moreover, the weaknesses in preparation of plan, lack of proper planning practice, lack of time to time review, political influence, lethargy in project implementation. etc. are some the reasons behind improper implemenrarion of the t984 Master plan of Rajshahi. This research intends to study the master plans earlier prepared for the city of Rajshahi ar.d to investigate whether the development of the city was accordingly or not. The research also aims to identify the causes behind non implementation of the master plan and to recommend to overcome the shortcomings regarding the situation ofRajshahi.City. Thesis Title: Prot-Iems and Constraints in Implementing Master Plans: A Case Study ofRajshahi City Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Roxana Hafiz Associate Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BUET, Dhakil " . LIST OF ABBREVIA nONS ADe Additional Deputy Commissioner ADP Annual Development Programme Bcsrn Bangladesh Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research BlJET Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology BURP Bachelor of Urban and Rural/Regional Planning BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board CBD Central Business District CDA Chittagong Development Authority DiT Dhaka Improvement Trust OMAJUDP Dhaka Metropolitan Area Integrated Urban Development Project DMOP Dhaka Metropolitan-area Development Plan DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering DTW Deep Tube well ECNEC Executive Committee of National Economic Council HSD Housing and Settlement Directorate KDA Khulna Development Authority MPP Masters of Physical Planning MT Metric Ton MURP Masters of Urban and Regional Planning NOC No Objection Certificate PCP Project Concept Paper PP Project Proforma PWD Public Works Department RA.JUK Rajdhani Ummyan Kartripakkah RCC Rajshahi City Corporation RnA Rajshahi Development Authority BHD Roads and Highways Department RTDA Rajshahi Town Development Authority SMA Statistical Metropolitan Area TI Act Town Improvement Act UDD Urban Development Directorate UN United Nations UNSF United Nations SeCllrity Fund UNCHS United Nation Centre for Housing and Settlement UNOP United Nations Development Programme '" TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Acknowledgement Abstract H List of Abbreviation on Table of Contents ;v List of Tables viii List of Maps Chapltr I: INTRODUCTION 1.7 1,0 Background of the Study 1.1 Objectives 1.2 JustificatIOnof the Study 1.3 Methodology Chapter 2: GENESIS OF PHYSICAL PLANNING IN BANGLADESH 8_22 2.0 General 08 2.1 Background of Physical Planning in Bangladesl, 08 2 2 Creation of Development Authority J 0 23 Establishment ofUrhau Development Dm:clOralc(UOD) 12 24 Master Plans at Mwopohtan Level: Experiences In 14 Different CIties 25 Platm,ng rorHousmg Estates In DifferentDistricts 20 2.6 PhysicalPlanningat Di,trlct Level 22 2.7 Physical Planning at Vp"-ZillaLevel 12 Chapler3: THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT PATTERN OF RAJSHAHl 23-49 CITY 3,0 General 23 3 I Locationof the City n 3 2 Physical Characteristics of Rajshalti Region n 3.3 Historical B~ckground of the City 3.4 Physical Growth of the City "28 3.5 General Administration ofRajshahi 29 3.6 The Histol) ofRajshalti University 31 3 7 Conununication 32 3,8 EconomicStatusOfR.ljShahi 35 3 9 RajshahiCItyaJlan Urban Centre 38 3 10 Upgradationof the MunicipalityintoCity Corporation 40 3,11 Establishment of Development Authority and Physical 41 Planningof the City 3.12 Stakeholdersofthe City of Rajshahi 46 3,13 Preparationof MoslerPlan for R.'ijshahieny 49 Chapter 4: IMPLEMENTATION STATlJS OF PROPOSALS 4.0 General 50 4.1 Reviewofl96RMasterPlan 50 4.2 ImplementationStatus of 1968MasterPlan 51 4.3 Rcvicwofl984MasterPlan 51 4,4 ImplementationStatusof the Plan Propooals 52 4,5 OverallImplementationofthe Proposals 67 4.6 ChangeIn land usc Pattern in RaJshahiCit} (1980-2003) 70 Chapter 5: CAUSES OF IMPROPER IMPLEMENTATION 71-83 5 0 General 5.1 Deficienciesof Plan Preparation " 5.2 Reviewof the Plan 73" J{ Lcgislat1\'ePowerof the Plann~'TS 75 5.4 LengthyProcedureofProjeet Approval vB:!; Pohtieal mtcrferencc in the Change of Land lJ,e 77" Proposals v5.6 UnbalancedUrbanisatIOnandTrendof Development vf7 GeographicLocationof the eny 80" -e AbsenceofPrupcr PlanningPractice V~'9 Overlappmgof Activittcs "' " Chapter 6; CONCLUSION 84_96 6 I) SmnmaryFindings 84 6 1 Recommendation 90 6.2 Conclusion '" APPENDJX-A APPENDJX-B APPENDIX-C • LIST OF TABLES PAGE Table.2.1 Enumerated Population of Bangladesh and Growlh Rates., 190 1- 1974 "" Table2.2 Life-Time Net Migrants by Districts., 195I-1974 Table'3.1 Major Evetlts in the History of Rajshahi Table:3.2 MailfExpre<. Tmin Service. Operating 5 Routes Table 3 3 LocallM,xed Train Services Operating 5 Routes Table 3 4 Inter-Cily Train Services Operatmg 5 Routes Tabld's Agncullure Production of Rajshabi m Nahonal Context Table,3,6 LIStof Agency Involved in D,fferent Se<tors '" Rajshahi City Table'4 I Present and UpcomIng Housing Slates in RlIlshahi City Table 4 2 Scope of Work Under RaJshahi D"unagc Master Plan Project Table:4.J Major Commerc!!,1ArcalMarkets in Rnj,hahi City Table:4.4 ImplementatIon Slalus of Ihe Road Proposals made in 1984 Master Plan. Table: 4 5 Comparative Statement of 1984 Master Plan Proposal aod ,IS ImplemenlallOn Status Table 46 Change in land use Pattern m Rajshani City (1980_2003) Table 5,1 Chief To,," Planner aod Assistanl Tovm Plaoners of RDA (1977-2003) Table,5,2 Duration of PrOjectPrcparatlOn. Table:5.3 On-going and Up-coming Projects ofRDA Table: 5 4 Di.tribution of SMA Population During
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