:•*. pj:.- • T'V -t -*s ^ k . <•* . A -t " GRAND FORKS HERALD, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1918. PAGE THREE. ° f •.rtt North Dakota News K0S1IZKY GOES ran TO STUDY TAXES was sure to bring several shots. Webb State Auditor Elect Believes states that the trenches were often no farther apart than the width of a street. Group States Should i» N. D. MAN BACK Had Wo Nendi. STATFS BUS Only once during the time he was In Work Together. service, did Webb hear of anyone from this country being near him. At this FROM WAR ZONE time he heard the name of William ARE All PAD Bismarck, N. D.. Nov. H.—Carl R. Lindsey of Ridgeville being oalled, but he could not Bee him. KoetUky, state auditor-elect, is mak­ Bullets that struck Webb penetrat­ Former Carlisle Man Was ed his body under one arm, one hit ing a junket to Pierre, & D., Des him on the head, one in the leg, one In Moines, la., Lincoln, Neb., and St. the arm and a piece of shrapnel went AT YEAR'S END Paul, Minn. In each of these capi­ Of* Wounded Five Times, through one of his hands. He is able tals he will spend some time In the of- to walk and does not suffer from any floe of the state auditor studying of the injuries. methods employed in the assessment But Still Alive. New Administration Goes in of property and to general taxation Marmarth, New Co. Seat, matters, with a view to placing him­ With the Treasury in self In a position to pass authorita­ Pembina, N. D., Nov. 14.—After After N. P. R. Extension tively on legislation planned for the being Bhot Ave times in different parts Fine Condition. 16th assembly. Corporation taxation of the body, John Webb, formerly of Bismarck, N. D., Nov. 14. — Now will be made a subject of particular >ia Carlisle, is back and is apparently as that Marmarth has been made the study, as will the assessment of town well as any man. county seat of Slope county, there is and city property in comparison with In 1914 he Joined the "remounts" a determined movement on foot Bismarok, N. D., Nov. 14.—North farm lands. at Winnipeg and went to the front. among the commercial organisations Dakota, for the first time in many Mr. Kosltsky expects to go Into the For several months he served as a duty of assessors, with a view to re­ of the southwestern part of the state years, has enough money in sight at commending in North Dakota a bill blacksmith, but was soon put on a for an extension of the Northern Pa­ the beginning of November to pay all rapid firing gun squad on the front which will provide for the naming of cific westward from Mott to the new ourrent bills up to the end of the year. county assessors to replace the present line. He participated In the battle of capital, along the survey established There will be no worrying over de­ Tpres where the Canadian contingent township officers. He is of the opin­ some years ago. ferred salary-payments this year, and ion that better results may be obtain­ was almost wiped out. The extension from Mott would the state's creditors for supplies, In­ ed from placing this work under the Land DMIgnved. give Marmarth and intermediate terest and other items will not be re­ direction of one capable official in Webb stated that the surface of the points immediate communication with quired to wait several months for each -county. The auditor will also land over which the battle raged was Mandan and Bismarck and would de­ their money. J. O. Lyngstad, deputy give his attention to the systems of ac­ completely changed by trenches and flect to the Northern Pacific a large state treasurer, said: counting In vogue in Nebraska, Iowa, KoteJ shell craters. Flying machines and business which logically belongs to "The large payments for October South Dakota and Minnesota state of­ Zeppelins were seen in comparatively this line, but which now is being cor­ are largely due to the fact that the fices. large numbers most of the time and nered by the Milwaukee line, and giv­ September apportionment of approxi­ "Uniformity in assessment dates shells fell continually. en to Aberdeen or Montana points. mately $225,000 was paid during the among adjoining states Is in my opin In describing the methods used in month. Over $200,000 was invested Ion essential," said Mr. Kosltsky. caring for wounded soldiers, Webb in bonds and mortgages from the per­ "There Is some talk of changing the •aid it takes from three to four hours Building Prediction The Wonders of Opera manent funds, and the state educa­ assessment period in North Dakota to reach a hospital after being wound­ In Mandan is True tional Institutions drew approximate­ from April to January and of extend­ ed. When Injured Webb «u taken to ly $60,000 from their interest and in­ ing the time for the making of assess­ the rear by first aid men, then by an come accounts. ments from 90 days to six months. automobile to a boat landing, whence Mandan, N. D„ Nov. 14.—The pre­ Other states, I find, have generally he was taken by a transport aoross diction that building in this oity would "The Increased payments from the on Columbia Records general fund during October, 1916, adopted the plan of beginning their the channel to England to a hospital. reach the $500,000 mark this year has assessments in April or May, and sev­ come true. There was $200,000 ex­ over October, ltlB, are due to the IVenohes C3oee. better condition of the general fund eral have recently changed the open­ It was a common thing for men in pended on street paving and other ing date from Jan. 1 to early spring- HE whole cnchanted realm of grand opera, with city Improvements and at least $800, this'year. Last year quite a number the opposing trenches to call to each of bills were being held up In Octo­ There must be some reason for this other, but to light a match at night 000 worth of new homes and other change, and if the reason is a good one buildings erected during the year. ber on account of insufficient funds all its splendor and wealth of beauty, comes to life or to raise a head during the day time with which to pay them. To date, it would seem inadvisable for North T November 11, all bills against the Dakota to reverse the procedure fol­ in the pure, rich tone of Columbia operatic records. state have been paid, and It appears lowed In other states. that the state can pay all its bills un­ "Personally, I am of the opinion Killing the Calves til January 1, 1917." that it is better to begin making as­ Lazaro, Fremstad, Scmbach, Mardones—Garden, Macbeth, Gates, sessments in April, as we do at pres­ —All sorts of excuses are ent, and to extend the work over only Marr, Goritz are before you, in the full glory of their great voices, offered for the high price of REVOLUTION SONS three months, rather than a longer TO MEET THURSDAY period." when you hear their wonderful Columbia Records. To hear these beef, the most plausible be­ records is a real revelation: t ing the alleged demand for Fargo, N.' D-, Nov. 14.—By order of PAVERS RACING Charles A. Pollock,- president of the AGAINST WINTER 48747 [L'AFRICANA—O PARADlSOl (Oh Paradise veal—"the killing of calves North Dakota society of the Sons of 12-inch 1 on Earth.) (Meyerbeer.) Hipolito Lasaro, which should be allowed to the American Revolution, the annual Bismarck, N. D., Nov. 14.—After $3.00 I tenor. Orchestra accompaniment. .y business meeting of that organization wasting two weeks waiting for ma­ grow into regular beef." You will be held in Fargo on November terial to continue work on the pav­ SIEGFRIED. NOTHUNG! NOTHUNG! NE1D- cannot have beef if you eat 16- ing in this city, workmen are now L1CHES SCHWERT! (Sword Song.) "Noth- The session will take place at the racing against winter and it is prob­ ungl Not hung I Conquering Sword." (Wagner.) Annex hotel, where luncheon will be $P it as"veal", but you can have able that some of the streets will be A 5842 Johannes Sembach, tenor. In German. Orches­ lam Keep Your Eyes served at 6 o'clock. left unpaved until next spring. n-inch tra accompaniment. Shredded Wheat Biscuit The date has been fixed for next A huge mixing plant was to have fi.50 DER FREISCHOTZ. DURCH DIE WALDER. which contains more real Thursday, so that members of the arrived In the city some time ago, but In Style North Dakota Education association due to the fact that the plant was (Thro* the Forest.) (Weber.) Johannes Sem­ nutriment than beef and who are members of the society, too heavy for the trucks on which It bach, tenor. In German. Orchestra see. Besides having efficient clauses, might participate. it is Just as easy to have becom­ costs much less. Shredded was being carried, numerous hot- fTANNHAUSER. DICH THEURE HALLE. ing glasses. Dr. W. N. Stearns and F. D. Hall boxes developed and caused the delay. wheat biscuit is the whole are the committee In charge. A chemist has been employed by A 5281 (Wagner.) (Oh, hall ef song and joy.) Olive For years we have been serving the city to oversee the work of the 12-inch • Fremstad, soprano.
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