CENTRAL MOZAMBIQUE hinterlands. Duringthe17thand18thcenturies,theysetupaseriesof hinterlands. thevastMozambican andtradersfirstpenetrated of theRio Zambezi–thatearlyexplorers –alongthecourse Itwasalsoin centralMozambique of MonomotapasouthwestTete. Karanga alongtheZimbabweborderandlegendarykingdom (Shona)confederations mostpowerful kingdoms thatsomeoftheregion’s And itwashere arose,includingthe insearchofvastcachesgold. traders fromasfarawayIndiaandIndonesiagathered attheoldport Itwashere, ofSofala,that15th-century –shouldgettopbilling. provinces andZambézia –Sofala,Manica,Tete centralMozambique In theannalsofancientAfrica, Central Mozambique 104 © LonelyPlanetPublications Sofala province to Manica, to Tete, andthentoZambézia. to Manica,toTete, Sofala province corridor,linking ZimbabweandMalawi. with Beiraandthesea,Tete also amajortransitzone,flanked bytheBeiracorridor,connecting landlocked Zimbabwe is Mozambique intothehorizon.Central hillsstretch rolling,mist-covered where provinces, Manicaandnorthwestern Zambézia isatitsmostbeautifulinwestern highland terrain The highestpeaksandalluringmountainlandscapes. Mozambique’s traditional cultures, NacionaldeGorongosa,theseincludevibrant watchingatParque In additiontowildlife wellworth gemsthatare seeking hasafew out. accessible beachesofthesouth,region whileitlacksthe Yet, thanpassingmentioninthetouristbrochures. more seldom given ontheZambianborder. asfarinlandZumbo fairs) thatreached Places in this chapter are describedroughly southtonorth are andclockwise,going from Places inthischapter is butasmalltrickle,andcentralMozambique turned:visitorsare Today, thetideshave HIGHLIGHTS chirpingbird- Go birding inthetwittering, Hike inthehillsaround Marvel atthemassive Dine onport cityBeira’s famous Wander intothewildsatwonderful filled forests southof filled forests scale misty Nacional deGorongosa (p109) Bassa (p121)andgofishingonthelake Monte Namúli Monte Caia Barragem de Cahora Barragem deCahora Gurúè (p111) (p123) (p128) (p128), or (p128),or seafood Parque Parque Parque Nacionalde Cahora Bassa Barragem de Gorongosa Beira Caia Monte Namúli Gurúè & feiras (gold-trading www.lonelyplanet.com 0 200 km CENTRAL MOZAMBIQUE 0 120 miles Lilongwe To Pemba River Mualádzi NIASSA Chanida Dedza (210km) Mandimba Cassacatiza Monte Dómwè (2095m) NAMPULA Nacala Luangwa Planalto de Rio Lúrio Planalto de Angónia Ulóngwe M A L A W I Entre Lagos Mutuáli Ribáuè Z A M B I A Morávia Furancungo Cuamba Namialo Malema Monte Ulóngwe TETE Lake Ὀ (1416m) ὈὈὈὈὈChilwa Mecanhelas Monte Namúli ὄIlha de Nampula ὅὅ Fíngoè Lioma (2419m) Alto Murrupula Moçambique Barragem de Zomba Ligonha MOZAMBIQUE CENTRAL Cahora Bassa Liúpo Zumbo Molumbo Gurúè Nauela Zambezi River Songo Zóbuè Mogincual Lago Cahora Bassa Alto ὅὅ Matema Blantyre Molócuè Nametil Limbe Quinga Mágoè Namarrói Rio Ligonha ZAMBÉZIA Boroma Milange ὅὅ Mukumbura Moatize Errego Gilé Nampevo Angoche Tete Liciro Reserva de Rio Zambezi Mulevala Gilé Ὀ Chioco ὈὈLugela Ὀὄ Z I M B A B W E Nyamapanda Changara Mocuba Moma ὅVila Nova Mucubela ὅMualamaὅὅὅ da Fronteira Morrumbala Chinhoyi Olinga Pebane Guro Sena ὅ ὅὅὅὅὅὅὅὅ Namacurra Monte Morrumbala Mutarara (1172m) Nicoadala Praia de Zalala Caia Praia de Mundimo (Madal) Harare ὅὅ ὅὅὅ Catapu Chupanga Quelimane ὈCatandica ὄὈὄ Monte Gorongosa Inhamitanga ὅὅ Micaúneὅ Marondera (1862m) Marromeu Parque Nacional Inhaminga Machipanda Gorongosa de Gorongosa Chinde Rio Púngoè ὅὅὅὅὅ Nota Rio Urema Manica Chitengo Muanza Reserva de Kwe Kwe Mutare Marromeu Inchopeὅ SOFALA ὅὅὅ Chimoio EN6 Tica Rotanda Gweru ὈὈὅ DondoὈ Monte Binga Savane Búzi (2436m) Beira ὅὅὅὅ I N D I A N O C E A N Dombe Chiboma Sofala Masvingo Baía de ( M o z a m b i q u e C h a n n e l ) Espungabera EN1 ὅὅὅSofala Rio Búzi MANICA ὅὅὅὅ ὈὈ Nova Mambone Save Bartolomeu Dias Rio Savé Parque Nacional Gonarezhou de Zinave INHAMBANE Inhassoro 105 National Park To Inhambane (300km); Archipélago de GAZA Maputo (460km) Bazaruto ὈὈὈὈὈ MOZAMBIQUE CENTRAL CENTRAL MOZAMBIQUE and trading settlements dotted the nearby and tradingsettlements thenearby dotted least the9thcenturyAD,whensmall fishing around BeiraSettlement thearea to at dates of History with anet. upwellintheevenings, andtravel so cover malaria, est placesinthecountrytocatch coastline. of stretch breezy andashort, energy harbour-town addictive an pleasant placewithacompactcentral area, what tarnished Beira image, isareasonably asome- despite Yet, as foritstawdry nightlife. try’s busiestport,andasfamedforitsseafood city.It’salsothecoun- bique’s second-largest isMozam- Beira, province, Sofala capital of BEIRA . p123 Rio Zambezi –see tobecrossingthe islikely interest point of themain . Fornorth–south travellers, p186 Zambia see with Malawi, andZimbabwe, onlandbordercrossings Formore region. you’llatleastpassthrough the and it’slikely Central Mozambiqueisatransportcrossroads Getting There &Away oldlandmines. of thedangers toavoid paths sticktowell-usedcentral Mozambique, foot- of Chimanimaniorotherareas in theMontes inthecountry,whenhiking withelsewhere As Dangers &Annoyances a transfrontierconservation area. aspartof protected Chimanimaniare Montes the of tourism.Much accessible forgeneral themmore underwaytomake and plansare sions, although occasionalbirdinggroupsvisit, primarilyashuntingconces- de Gilé–operate including Reserva andReserva deMarromeu – areas Central otherprotected Mozambique’s . p111 see inthearea; well worthavisitifyouare makingacomeback,andis slowly butsurely Beautiful NacionaldeGorongosa is Parque 106 National Parks Beira theeasi- asoneof has areputation currency. sterling circulated the BankofBeiraeven early 20th-century Beira,andforatime 19th-and ish influencewasstrong inlate Unlike Portuguese-dominated Maputo,Brit- POUNDS STERLING CENTRAL MOZAMBIQUE••Beira transport monopoly. Yet, bythistimeBeira’s transport monopoly.Yet, cuttingintoBeira’swith SouthAfricaincreased, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). forSouthern portandexportchannel major andBeirarior wascompleted soonbecamea At thesame time,arailwaylinetotheinte- pany, begantodevelop itsharbourfacilities. Com- forhisMozambique the headquarters goingtoPortugalin1891. ultimately before between dispute thetwocolonialpowers of sea. Over thenextdecade,itbecameafocus tothe inlandterritories from theirlandlocked enticingasanexportchannel found thearea Beira’s of TheBritishalso charms. amoured deAndradawasnottheonlyoneen- Paiva theMozambicanhinterlands. control over Portuguese tosolidifytheir intheirattempts companiesset upbythe the manycharter Mozambique Company–oneof the ment of develop- topromote alsowanted He interior. as asupplypointforhisexpeditionsintothe Beira, present-day of Rio Púngoè,atthesite the drada established abase atthemouthof deAn- perialist namedJoaquimCarlos Paiva century, although onasmallerscale. decline, tradecontinuedwellintothe19th ). FollowingSofala’s p112 ( Sofala the fabled these Themostimportant was coastline. of kilometres alongtheocean pastthehospital kilometres dasFPLM. Thisthenruns forseveral to Av area Ponta Gêaresidential and charming leadsouthandeast through theshady streets hub. FromPraça doMunicípio,tree-lined themain bus andtransport east isMaquinino, 1km whileabout colonial-style architecture, old withtheportandsomecharming area), isthebaixa(oldcommercial the twosquares sidewalkcafés.Northof ties, plusanarrayof facili- andinternet banks,telecom find shops, you’ll onapedestal).coin perched Nearhere, metical byalarge marked (thelatter Metical PraçadoMunicípioand of squares aroundthe thecityis area The heartof Orientation to beRenamostrongholds. continue and bothBeira province andSofala Beira northwestof nearGorongosa, Marínguè, at Afonso Dhlakamahadhisheadquarters Mozambique’s hubs.continued tobeoneof significance asaportwasestablished andit During the war years, Renamo leader Renamoleader During thewaryears, From themid-20thcentury,Rhodesia’s links Andrada, whomeanwhilehadmadeBeira In 1884aPortuguese landholderandim- www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com 0 2 km BEIRA 0 1 mile A B C D E F INFORMATION EATING Av Poder Popular 7 Av Armando Tivane Rua Luís Inácio 786 Câmbios..............................1 C1 Biques....................................(see 18) 31 Rua dos Açores BCI Fomento..............................2 C3 Cá Te Espero............................27 C2 1 1 33 Clínica Avicena...........................3 C1 Café Capri...............................28 C2 32 Conselho Municipal...................4 C2 Café Riviera.............................29 C2 Hospital Central.........................5 D4 Clube Náutico.........................30 D4 Main Post Office........................6 A3 Pappas.....................................31 C1 CENTRAL MOZAMBIQUE••Beira R i o P ú n g o è Multicambios.............................7 C1 Pic-Nic......................................32 B1 3 Av K Gomes 38 36 Shoprite.................................(see 35) Restaurante Ciné Nacional........33 B1 Standard Bank............................8 B2 Restaurante Kanimambo..........34 C3 To Mar Azul & 43 TDM..........................................9 C2 Shoprite...................................35 B2 Buses to Quelimane (1km); Av Artur do Canto Resende Dondo (25km) 40 Praça do Teledata..................................10 C2 Take-Away 2 + 1.....................36 D1 Rio Savane (40km); Praça do Maquinino Metical Mezimbite Forest Centre (50km); SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES ENTERTAINMENT EN1 (125km) 8 Av de Naya Casa Infante de Sagres & Manica Art Bar Café...........................(see 33) Shipping Company..............11 A2 Biques....................................(see
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