![Llllllllllllllllll||||||L|| United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,762,608 Wame Et A]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
lllllllllllllll||l||||l||||@?llllllllllllllllll||||||l|| United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,762,608 Wame et a]. [45] Date of Patent: *Jun. 9, 1998 [541 SCANNING X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM 4,503,854 3/1985 Jako. WITH ROTATING C-ARM 4,515,165 5/1985 Carrol ................................... .. 128/664 4,543,959 10/1985 Sepponen .............................. .. 128/653 [75] Inventors: James R. Warne. Washington. Pa.; Alvin Karlolf. Framingham; Edward J. (List continued on next page.) Botz. Winchester. both of Mass; FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Michael D. Dabrowski. North Grosvenordale. Conn. 0 253 742 7/1987 European Pat. O?". 0 265 302 9/1987 European Pat. 01f. [73] Assignee: Hologic, Inc..Wa1tham. Mass. 2238706 2/1974 Germany . 24 12 161.7 3/1974 Germany . [*1 Notice: The portion of the term of this patent 86/07531 12/1986 WIPO . 88/08688 11/1988 WIPO . subsequent to Jan. 22. 2008. has been 90/10859 9/1990 WIPO . disclaimed. OTHER PUBLICATIONS [21] Appl. No.: 337,995 Rutt. B.K.. et al.. “High Speed. High-Precision Dual Photon [22] Filed: Nov. 10, 1994 Absorptiometry”. Reprint of pester exhibited at meeting at the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research. Jun. Related US. Application Data 16. 1985. Washington. DC. Pearce. R.B.. “DPA Gaining Strength in Bone Scanning [60] Continuation of Ser. No. 980,531, Nov. 23, 1992, aban doned, which is a division of Ser. No. 360,347, Jun. 5, 1989, Debate”. Diagnostic Imaging (Jun. 1986). Pat No. 5,165,410, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. Norland Corporation advertising brochure for OsteoStatus No. 204,513, Jun. 9, 1988, abandoned, which is a continu ation-in-pan of Ser. No. 50,726, May 15, 1987, abandoned. System pp. 1-8. [51] Int Cl.6 ....................... .. A6111 6/00 (List continued on next page.) [52] US. Cl. ........... .. 600/425; 378/55; 378/197 [58] Field of Search ................... .. 128/6531; 378154-55. Primary Examiner—-Ruth S. 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Radiology 160:707-712 (1986). Bone Densitometry Market Research (1986). Mazess. R.B.. et al.. “Spine and Femur Density Using Wahner et a1. “Assessment of Bone Mineral. Part 1" .1. Dual-Photon Absorptiomelry in US White Women". Bone Nuclear Medicine. 25(10):1134—1141 (1984). and Mineral, 2:211-219 (1987). Weissberger. M.A.. et al.. “Computed Tomography Scan Mazess. “Dual photon Absorptiometry and Osteoporosis ning for the Measurement of Bone Mineral in the Human Absorptiometric Instrumentation" Meting Publication. Spine”. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, .lacobsen. Final Progress Report. “Development of Dichro 2:254-262 (Jul. 1978). mography Techniques”. pp. 1-2 and 15-18 (May 31. 1968). US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 1 of 14 5,762,608 111111111111 1111 zoxp' 1111 1111111111111 1 1r1111 M US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 2 0f 14 5,762,608 Ill 1 111 1:2 3I a 2 US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 3 of 14 5,762,608 wsmwt. wmzonkm >mza2 mwzokw .EOmmDmmC. C._mzmn_ mzom mmEEb 58Maw; 8535 m'GZw\romwzm momoom >omwzm.330 ><m-xwomnom mozwommmoaqmmwEDPm ZOEQEmZQmPmmEDPm US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 4 of 14 5,762,608 319. THYROID Scan F’ sourcezTcggm,I—l23,I-l3l,TL-2OI \ Uptake BRAIN Source:Tc99m,I— I23 HEART Source:Tc99m,-TL-2Ol LIVER, SPLEEN Source: Tc99m,Sulfur Colloid m, LUNG S0urce:Tc99m-MAA , Fgcussed BQNE / Fracture‘ tress .5 Source:Tc99m-MDP T R EMISSION _ \ urnczrrliet;1 ate STUDIES THORASIC BMD Soon "* MANDIBULA JOINT Source:Tc99m— MDP __ KIDNEY STOMACH SourcezTC99m S PLE E N Sou rcezTc99m PAN CREAS Source: Tc99m,Se Compound GALL BLADDER, HEPTOBILIARY SourcerTc99m Compound US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 5 of 14 5,762,608 US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 6 of 14 5,762,608 US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 7 0f 14 5,762,608 Test 7 _ BMD = 2.90 9cm2 Scan Profile (TOTAL IMAGE) BMC 2.0- l.8-- 75 1.2 ' |.O" /77 0.8 " 0.6" 0.4- | l I 1 i I I n v 1 2O 4O 6O DISTANCE 549.9 test 7 REGION OF INTEREST # Region Regior) BMD H1 Width 1 0.88 8 6 <— Height 8 Lengih 6 Z9, 10 US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 9 of 14 5,762,608 l'—‘| TELESCOPING DETECTOR 4O \ 8O Em 45 /9O ‘ vIDEO MONITOR SCANNER 92 J PC/AT T v _ ELECTRONIC COMPUTER CONTROLLER + 82/ KEYBOARD I V \s4 vIDEO lMAGER ALARM PRINTER (FILM RECORDER) \96 \98 Sé £9. 13 US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 10 of 14 5,762,608 N6 U4 122 L__._.______._________J:__________.__/____: 14 /// US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 11 of 14 5,762,608 F W "820257. "oEoZ 1 “$2238 $2235; “$252 Q95:B5;E2603E250EEoixvm203% __un: +5%,._+ _ ABXSLAMQEBm// @163925m336E US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 12 of 14 5,762,608 4 ISO"\ PERFORM SCAN l I52 SAVE SCAN DATA 7 '54\ PROCESS/DISPLAY SCAN DATA 7 ADD MARKER |56’\ TO DISPLAY/ SET ~ SCANNER POSITION 1 MOVE MARKER/SCANNER ——> MARKERSET 7 LI60 '62 TERMINATE MARKING '64“ SAVE MARKERS l. 25,. I6 US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 13 0f 14 5,762,608 P4 174 '73 ‘ \X Z :44\/qg /:72 . V / US. Patent Jun. 9, 1998 Sheet 14 of 14 5,762,608 5 .762.608 1 2 SCANNING X-RAY IMAGING SYSTEM SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION WITH ROTATING C-ARM The present invention relates to the use of rectilinear RELATED U.S. APPLICHI‘ ION scanners for performing emission and transmission studies to provide diagnostic non-invasive measurements of body This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. tissue. 07/980531 ?led Nov. 23. 1992 now abandoned. which is a Divisional of Ser. No. 07/360347 ?led Jun. 5. 1989 (U.S. The apparatus utilizes a housing that can be easily adapted Pat.
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