T Melbourne University, Trobe La Thesis. PhD Temnospondyli) (Tetrapoda: Temnospondyls Postcranial The Skeleton of 2006. K. Pawley, T jarrowensis jarrowensis Procochleosaurus lewisi Chenoprosopus schultzei Iberospondylus craigi Edops acadianum Dendrerpeton acadianum Dendrerpeton acadianum Dendrerpeton acadianum Dendrerpeton acadianum Dendrerpeton acadianum Dendrerpeton acadianum Dendrerpeton palustris Capetus bairdi Caerorhachis bairdi Caerorhachis bairdi Caerorhachis Balanerpeton woodi ABLE ABLE B ASAL ASAL C OCHLEOSAURIDAE TABLES OF PUBLICATIONS WITH FIGURESOF TABLES OFPUBLICATIONSWITH 3. 2. TEMNOSPONDYL POSTCRANIALMATERIAL T C B EMNOSPONDYLI ASAL OCHLEOSAURIDAE T EMNOSPONDYLI A A (Sequeira, 1996) * ** 1996) (Sequeira, 1993) (Hook, * * * * * * Gijón, 2001) Soler- and (Laurin 1934) 1942) Witter, and (Romer **** * ** (Steen, 1989) (Shishkin, 1982b) (Milner, * 1980b) ** 1998) (Milner, * ** al., * * * et * * 1967) * (Holmes ** ** * ** * * *** ** * ** * * 1882) * * ** * * (Dawson, ** * * * (Carroll, * 1993) 2002) Milner, and (Sequeira al., et *** (Ruta * * ** * * * * * *1995) * Holmes, (Godfrey and 1995) Holmes, (Godfrey and 1994) Sequeira, and (Milner UTHOR UTHOR A PPENDIX PPENDIX skull * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * **** * * * **** * * * ***** ** * * * ***** ** ** * **** ******** * * * skull* * mandible mandible axis / atlas axis / atlas presacral vert presacral vert 1. caudal vert caudal vert ribs ribs interclavicle interclavicle clavicle clavicle cleithrum cleithrum scapulocoracoid scapulocoracoid humerus humerus ulna ulna radius radius carpals carpals phalanges phalanges ilium ilium pubis pubis ischium ischium sacral rib sacral rib femur femur tibia tibia fibula fibula tarsals tarsals phalanges phalanges 247 branchials branchials scales / osteoderms scales / osteoderms 248 K. PAWLEY PHD THESIS TABLE 4. DVINOSAURIA d DVINOSAURIA AUTHOR es es es g g r ulocoracoi als p p resacral vert resacral vert halan ubis halan tibia fibula tarsals skull mandible atlas / axis p caudal vert ribs interclavicle clavicle cleithrum sca p p ischium rib sacral femu p humerus ulna radius car ilium branchials / osteoderms scales Acroplous vorax (Coldiron, 1978) * * * * * * * * * Acroplous vorax (Hotton, 1959) * * * * * * * * * * Acroplous vorax (Shishkin, 1989) * Dvinosaurus campbelli (Gubin, 2004) ** * ** * * Dvinosaurus egregius (Nikitin, 1995) * Dvinosaurus primus (Bystrow, 1938) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dvinosaurus primus (Nikitin, 1995) * Dvinosaurus primus (Nikitin, 1997) * Dvinosaurus primus (Shishkin, 1989) * Dvinosaurus primus (Shishkin, 2000) * * Dvinosaurus primus (Sushkin, 1936) * * * * * * * * * * * * * Isodectes (Saurerpeton) (Milner, 1982a) ** ******** * * obtusus Isodectes obtusus (Watson, 1956) ** * ** * (Eobrachyops townendae) Isodectes? obtusus (Werneburg, 2002) * * * * * * * (Olson and Lammers, Kourerpeton bradyi * * *** ** * * 1976) Neldasaurus wrightae (Chase, 1965) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thabanchuia oomie (Warren, 1998b) * * * * * * * * Trimerorhachis insignis (Case, 1911a) ** * * * * * * Trimerorhachis insignis (Case, 1935) ** * * **** * * * * * Trimerorhachis insignis (Colbert, 1955) * (Cope and Matthew, Trimerorhachis insignis ** * * * 1915) Trimerorhachis insignis (Olson, 1979) * * Trimerorhachis insignis (Williston, 1910a) * Trimerorhachis insignis (Williston, 1915a) * * * * * * * * * * * Trimerorhachis insignis (Case, 1911a) * (alleni) Trimerorhachis (Berman and Reisz, ** * ** * * * sandovalensis 1980) Tungussogyrinus bergi (Shishkin, 1998) * * * * * * * * * * * Tupilakosaurus (Shishkin, 1961) * Tupilakosaurus heilmani (Nielsen, 1954) * * * * * * Tupilakosaurus (Shishkin, 1989) * wetlugensis APPENDIX 1: TABLES OF PUBLICATIONS 249 TABLE 5. EUSKELIA d EUSKELIA AUTHOR es es es g g r ulocoracoi als p p resacral vert resacral vert halan ubis halan tibia fibula tarsals skull mandible atlas / axis p caudal vert ribs interclavicle clavicle cleithrum sca humerus ulna radius car p p ischium rib sacral femu p ilium branchials / osteoderms scales ? Actiobates peabodyi (Milner, 1985a) * * **** ? Eryops (Werneburg, 1993a) ** * * Acanthostomatops (Steen, 1937) * * ****** (Acanthostoma) vorax Acanthostomatops vorax (Boy, 1989) * ** * * * * * Acanthostomatops vorax (Werneburg, 1998) * * *** * * Acheloma cumminsi (Case, 1911a) * **** Acheloma cumminsi (Romer, 1922) * Acheloma cumminsi (Case, 1911a) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Trematops milleri) Acheloma cumminsi (Olson, 1941) * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Trematops milleri) Acheloma cumminsi (Schaeffer, 1941) **** (Trematops milleri) Acheloma cumminsi (Williston, 1909a) * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * (Trematops milleri) Acheloma spp. (Sullivan et al., 2000) * Alegeinosaurus aphthitos (Case, 1911a) * * ***** * * * Amphibamus grandiceps (Bolt, 1979) ** * Amphibamus grandiceps (Carroll, 1964a) * * * * * * * * * * * ** * Amphibamus grandiceps (Daly, 1994) Amphibamus grandiceps (Gregory, 1950) Amphibamus grandiceps (Milner, 1982a) * ** ** * * * * * Amphibamus grandiceps (Werneburg, 2002) ** * ******** * Amphibamus grandiceps (Watson, 1940) ** ********** * * * * ** * * (Miobatrachus romeri) Anconastes vesperus (Berman et al., 1987a) ** * Aspidosaurus (Zatrachys) (Case, 1907) * ******** * apicaulis Aspidosaurus (Zatrachys) (Case, 1911a) * * apicaulis (Berman and Lucas, Aspidosaurus binasser ** * 2003) Aspidosaurus chiton (Case, 1911a) * * Aspidosaurus crucifer (de Mar, 1966) * Aspidosaurus glascocki (Case, 1911a) * * * Aspidosaurus (Carroll, 1964a) * * * * novomexicanus Aspidosaurus sp. (Carroll, 1964a) * Astreptorhachis ohioensis (Vaughn, 1971) * 250 K. PAWLEY PHD THESIS d EUSKELIA AUTHOR es es es g g r ulocoracoi als p p resacral vert resacral vert halan ubis halan tibia fibula tarsals skull mandible atlas / axis p caudal vert ribs interclavicle clavicle cleithrum sca humerus ulna radius car p p ischium rib sacral femu p ilium branchials / osteoderms scales Brevidorsum profundum (Carroll, 1964a) * * * Broiliellus brevis (Carroll, 1964a) ** *** **** * Broiliellus texensis (de Mar, 1966) * Broiliellus texensis (Williston, 1915b) * * * Cacops aspidephorus (de Mar, 1966) * Cacops aspidephorus (Williston, 1910a) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cacops cf. aspidephorus (Milner, 1985b) * * * (Trematopsis seltini) Cheliderpeton latirostre (Boy, 1993) ** * Conjunctio sp. (Carroll, 1964a) * * * * Dissorophid cf. Cacops (Sullivan et al., 2000) * Dissorophus angustus (Carroll, 1964a) * * * ** *** * Dissorophus multicinctus (de Mar, 1966) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dissorophus multicinctus (Williston, 1910b) * * * * * * * * * Dissorophus multicinctus (Case, 1911a) * **** * * (Otocoelus testudineus) Doleserpeton annectans (Bolt, 1969) * * Doleserpeton annectans (Carroll et al., 2004) * Doleserpeton annectans (Daly, 1973) * Doleserpeton annectans (Shishkin, 1989) * Ecolsonia cutlerensis (Berman et al., 1985) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ecolsonia cutlerensis (Shishkin, 1989) * Eoscopus lockardi (Daly, 1994) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Eryopoidea ?Onchiodon (Werneburg, 1993c) * * * * * * Eryopoidea c.f. Onchiodon (Werneburg, 1995) * * Eryops megacephalus (Case, 1911a) * * * * * * * * * * (Cope and Matthew, Eryops megacephalus * * * *** * 1915) Eryops megacephalus (Cope, 1888) * * * * * * * * * Eryops megacephalus (Emery, 1897) **** (Gregory and Raven, Eryops megacephalus ******** 1941) Eryops megacephalus (Gregory et al., 1923) * * * * Eryops megacephalus (Gregory, 1949) * Eryops megacephalus (Miner, 1925) * * * * * * * * * Eryops megacephalus (Moulton, 1974) **** (Romer and Witter, Eryops megacephalus * 1941) APPENDIX 1: TABLES OF PUBLICATIONS 251 d EUSKELIA AUTHOR es es es g g r ulocoracoi als p p resacral vert resacral vert halan ubis halan tibia fibula tarsals skull mandible atlas / axis p caudal vert ribs interclavicle clavicle cleithrum sca humerus ulna radius car p p ischium rib sacral femu p ilium branchials / osteoderms scales Eryops megacephalus (Romer, 1922) ***** Eryops megacephalus (Williston, 1899) * * Eryops megacephalus (Langston, 1953) * * * * * * (grandis) Eryops megacephalus (Moodie, 1910) * * * **** * (willistoni) Fayella chickashaensis (Olson, 1972) * * * * * * * * * * (Broili and Schröder, Micropholis stowi ** *** * * * 1937) Micropholis stowi (Watson, 1913) ** * *** **** * * Onchiodon (Actinodon) (Gaudrey, 1884) * frossardi Onchiodon (Actinodon) (Werneburg and Steyer, ** ** * ** * frossardi 1999) Onchiodon labyrinthicus (Boy, 1971) ** * ****** * Onchiodon labyrinthicus (Boy, 1990) ** * * * Onchiodon labyrinthicus (Witzmann, 2005) ** * ******** * * * Onchiodon lagenhani (Werneburg, 1993b) * * Onchiodon manebachensis (Werneburg, 1996) ** * Onchiodon sp. (Werneburg, 1997) * * * * * * * * * * Parioxys bolli (Carroll, 1964b) * * * * * * * * * ** Parioxys ferricolus (Moustafa, 1955a) * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Peltobatrachus pustulatus (Panchen, 1959) * * * * * * * * * * * * Peltobatrachus pustulatus (Shishkin, 1989) * Perryella olsoni (Carlson, 1987) ** * ** Phonerpeton (Acheloma) (Dilkes, 1990) ** *** ***** pricei Platyhistrix rugosus (Langston, 1953) * * * (Lewis and Vaughn, Platyhistrix rugosus * 1965) Platyrhinops (Carroll et al., 1999) ** * ******** * * (Amphibamus) lyelli Platyrhinops (Carroll, 1964a) ************* * * * ** * (Amphibamus) lyelli Platyrhinops (Daly, 1994) (Amphibamus) lyelli Platyrhinops (Amphibamus) lyelli (Hook and Baird, 1984) * * * * * * * * ** * * * (Ichthycanthus platypus) Sclerocephalus credneri (Onchiodon labyrinthicus, (Werneburg, 1993b) ** * ****** * Lusor tenellus)
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