Demography of Indonesia's Ethnicity

Demography of Indonesia's Ethnicity

Index A of Batak population, 152–54, 241 Abangan Muslim, 273 of Betawi population, 165–67 Abung Siwo Megou, 44 of Buginese population, 175–77 Acehnese, 86–87, 97, 130 of Chinese population, 212–14 ethnic composition by sex, 98 of Dayak population, 200–203 language of, 295–96 of foreigners, 74–76 Acehnese population, 251 of Javanese population, 133–34 geographical distribution, 198–200 of Madurese population, 158–60 number, distribution and of Malay population, 146–47 concentration of, 198–200 of Minangkabau population, older persons in, 197 170–72 political and security situation in, of population by ethnic group, 82 224–25 of resident foreigners, 74–76 population pyramid of, 193, 196 of Sasak population, 206–8 prime-working-age population of, of Sundanese population, 140–42 197 of underestimated ethnic groups, sex ratios of, 197, 200 224 total fertility rate (TFR) of, 193 Alfuru, 29, 54 youths in, 193, 196–97, 200 aliran, 14 Aceh-Nias population survey Alor, 48–49 (SPAN), 58 Ammatowa, 52 Aceh province, 31–32, 58–60, 272 Angkola Mandailing in census, 222 ageing population, 9, 133 anti-Chinese riots, 226 age-sex structure anti-Jakarta sentiment in Aceh, 224 of Acehnese population, 193, Appleyard, R.T., 8 196–97 Arabs, 91, 95, 129 of Balinese population, 191–93 Arfak, 13, 30, 56, 114–15 of Banjarese population, 183, Asmat, 55–56 186–87 atheism, 255 of Bantenese population, 180–82 Atinggola, 91, 118 15-00606 10 Demography_IND.indd 369 23/6/15 4:11 pm 370 Index Atoni, 48–49, 62 Chinese population in, 217 Atoni Meto, 49 ethnic composition by sex, 100 Atoni Pah Meto, 49 Banjarese, 50–51, 77, 87–88, 95, 96 Awyu, 56 language of, 285, 288, 294–95 Ayamaru, 56 Banjarese population, 248 Ayfat, 13, 30, 56 geographical distribution, 187–90 in Kalimantan, 190 B number, distribution and Badui, 87, 104 concentration of, 188–90 Badui Dalam, 47 older persons in, 183 Badui Luar, 47 population pyramid of, 183, 186 Bahasa Indonesia, 211, 274–77, 279–84 prime-working-age population of, Bajo, 97 183 Balantak, 52 sex ratios of, 187 Bali, 45–48, 74, 93, 95 total fertility rate (TFR) of, 183 Balinese population in, 191 young population, 183, 186–87 Chinese in, 94 Banten, 70, 77, 87, 104 demographic transition, 2 ethnic composition by sex, 105 ethnic composition by sex, 94 Bantenese, 77, 86–87, 97, 99, 104, 106, ethnic groups, 314 130 Hindus in, 260, 267 language of, 293–94 Baliaga, 33, 47, 88, 94 Bantenese population, 228, 236–38 Bali Hindu, 47 geographical distribution, 182–85 Bali Majapahit, 47 in Jakarta, 183 Balinese, 87–88, 91–93, 97 in Lampung, 183 language of, 295 number, distribution and Balinese population, 224, 245–47 concentration of, 183–85 geographical distribution, 191, population pyramid of, 180–81 193–95 prime-working-age population of, number, distribution and 180, 182 concentration of, 191, 194–95 sex ratios of, 182 older persons in, 191 total fertility rate (TFR) of, 180 population pyramid of, 191–92 in West Java, 182–83 prime-working-age population of, youths in, 180–82, 238 191 Barangas, 34 sex ratios of, 191, 193 Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, 217 total fertility rate (TFR) of, 191, 245, Batak, 77, 83, 85, 88, 92, 103, 107, 247 115–16 transitional population, 190–93 language of, 288–89 Bangka, 100 in North Sumatra, 103 Bangka-Belitung, 43, 129, 260, 267 Batak population, 222–23, 241–43 15-00606 10 Demography_IND.indd 370 23/6/15 4:11 pm Index 371 geographical distribution, 155–57 Buginese population, 228, 245 number, distribution and geographical distribution, 177–80 concentration of, 155–57 in Kalimantan, 180 older persons in, 152 older persons in, 175, 177 population pyramid of, 152–53 population pyramid of, 175–76 prime-working-age population of, prime-working-age population of, 152 175 sex ratios of, 154 sex ratios of, 175, 177 in Sumatra, 155 sub-ethnic groups of, 177, 180 total fertility rate (TFR) of, 152, 241 in Sulawesi, 180 youths in, 149, 152–55, 241 youths in, 175–77 Batak Tapanuli. See Batak Bugis, 52 Bawean, 124 Buton, 106, 116 Bayan Sasak, 273 Butonese, 111, 116, 129 Belitung, 100 Bengkulu, ethnic composition by sex, C 109 Catholics in East Nusa Tenggara, 260 Berangas, 34 Central Java, 70, 89, 91, 95 Betawi, 77, 85, 96–97, 130 ethnic composition by sex, 90 language of, 275, 290–91 migrant ethnic groups in, 89 Betawi population, 228, 243–45 to North Maluku, 116–17 geographical distribution, 166–69 Central Kalimantan, 100, 225, 236 in Jakarta, 166 ethnic composition by sex, 101 number, distribution and Muslim majority in, 265, 267 concentration of, 166–69 Central Sulawesi, 112 older persons in, 166 ethnic composition by sex, 113 population pyramid of, 165–66 Cheng Ho mosque, 95 prime-working-age population of, Chinese, 87, 90–91, 95, 97, 103, 107 166 in Bali, 94 sex ratios of, 166 culture of, 226, 238 total fertility rate (TFR) of, 166 language of, 299–301 young population, 164–67 religion of, 226 Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, 18 Chinese identity, pillars of, 226 Bireuen, regency of, 225 Chinese Indonesians, 4 Borneo island, Dayak population in, Chinese New Year, 226, 238 200 Chinese population, 223, 238–39 Boyanese ethnic group, 124 age-sex structure of, 212–14 Buginese, 77, 85, 96–97, 101, 103, 107, in Bangka-Belitung, 217 111–12, 128 ethnic identity, 211 fertility rate in, 245 foreign origins, 211–12 language of, 292–93 geographical distribution, 214–17 15-00606 10 Demography_IND.indd 371 23/6/15 4:11 pm 372 Index in Jakarta, 214 Dayak identity, 17 in Kalimantan, 217 Dayak population, 12, 247 number, distribution and geographical distribution, 202–5 concentration of, 212, 215–16 in Kalimantan, 202–3, 225–26 older persons in, 212 number, distribution and political change, 226–27 concentration of, 203–5 population pyramid of, 212–13 older persons in, 202 prime-working-age population of, population pyramid of, 200–201 212 prime-working-age population of, sex ratios of, 212 202 total fertility rate (TFR) of, 212, sex ratios of, 202 238–39 total fertility rate (TFR) of, 200, 202 Christian majority ethnic group, 268 youths in, 200–203 Christians, 258, 260, 267–68, 272 decentralization of Indonesia, 10 in Maluku province, 265 Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Cina, 57 114 Cina PRC, 57 demographers, 18–19 Cirebonese, 47, 96, 123 demographic studies, 19 language of, 280, 284 demographic transition, 1–2, 7–9, 15 citizens, Indonesia, 223, 238 demographic trends in Indonesia, 133 coded raw data, problems with, DOM. See Daerah Operasi Militer 28–30 (DOM) coded raw data set, 26–28 Dutch colonial era, 166 coding scheme of New Classification, 5 E Coleman, David, 8 East Java, 70, 74, 77, 124 Confucianism, 226, 238, 255–58, 260, ethnic composition by sex, 95 273 Madurese population in, 161, 164 cultural assimilation, 2 East Kalimantan, 107 ethnic composition by sex, 109 D East Nusa Tenggara, 48, 60–64, Daerah Operasi Militer (DOM), 224 124–25, 130 Dagada, 33 Catholics in, 260 data collection, on ethnicity, 13–14 ethnic composition by sex, 114 data set ethnic groups in, 12 coded raw, 26–28 Empran, 50 population census (2010), 23–26 ethnic-based traditional occupations, Davis, Kingsley, 7 18 Dayak, 85–86, 95–96, 100, 103, 107, ethnic classification in 2000, 220–23 123, 129 ethnic composition by sex language of, 296–98 Acehnese, 98 15-00606 10 Demography_IND.indd 372 23/6/15 4:11 pm Index 373 Bali, 94 Batak, 149, 152–57 Bangka-Belitung, 100 Betawi, 164–69 Banten, 105 Buginese, 175–80 Bengkulu, 109 Chinese, 211–17 Central Java, 90 classification of Central Kalimantan, 101 coded raw data, problems with, Central Sulawesi, 113 28–30 East Java, 95 ethnic and sub-ethnic groups, East Kalimantan, 109 aggregating ethnic categories East Nusa Tenggara, 114 into, 35–37 Gorontalo, 92 Initial Classification, problems Jakarta, 106 with, 30–33 Jambi, 104–5 main issues in, 33–35 Lampung, 99 composition of, 78–80 North Maluku, 118 Dayak, 12, 200–205 North Sulawesi, 102 delineation of, 3 North Sumatra, 104 demography of, 3 Papua, 112 in East Nusa Tenggara, 12 Riau, 108 ethnic diversity in, 69 Riau Archipelago, 110 foreign origins, 355–56 Southeast Sulawesi, 113 vs. group of language speakers, South Kalimantan, 96 rankings of, 279 South Sulawesi, 103 homogeneity vs. heterogeneity. See South Sumatra, 111 homogeneity vs. heterogeneity West Java, 97 ethnic groups West Kalimantan, 108 Java and Bali, 227, 314 West Nusa Tenggara, 98 Javanese, 133–40 West Papua, 115 Kaili, 13 West Sulawesi, 102 Kalimantan, 317–31 West Sumatra, 93 life-cycle approach, 132–33 Yogyakarta, 90 Madurese, 155, 158–64 ethnic diversity of Indonesia, 68. Malay, 146–51 See also ethnic groups Maluku, 32, 338–41 ethnic groups, 16–17, 119–23 measurement of Acehnese, 193, 196–200 consistent and reproducible Arfak, 13 features, 18–19 Ayfat, 13 questionnaires, 20–23 Bali, 314 self-identification method, 19–20 Balinese, 190–95 Minangkabau, 167, 170–75 Banjarese, 183, 186–90 New and Initial Classifications, Bantenese, 180–85 comparison between, 84–88 15-00606 10 Demography_IND.indd 373 23/6/15 4:11 pm 374 Index number and percentage of in Chinese, 238–39 foreigners by age and sex, 76 declined of, 9 Nusa Tenggara, 314–17 in Javanese, 229 Papua, 342–55 in Madurese, 236 ranking of, 77–84 in Malay, 231, 234 relative importance of, 80 replacement level of, 1–2 Sasak, 206–11 in Sasak, 251 size and distribution of, 69–70 in Sundanese, 241 Sulawesi, 331–38 first demographic transition, 1–2, 8 Sumatra, 309–13 Flores, 123, 130 Sundanese, 140–46 foreigners, 69, 110 Toraja, 13 age-sex structure of, 74–76 in 2000, 219–23, 228 demography of, 72–73 ubiquity of, 124–30 geographical distribution of, 73–74 “Ethnic groups from Maluku”, 32, number of, 73 338–41 foreign origins, ethnic groups, 355–56 ethnic identity, 17 Free Aceh Movement, 58, 224 ethnicity, 20 anthropological and sociological G studies on, 14–15 Galela, 116 calculation and description of, 3 Galumpang, 66–67 coding of, 13 GAM.

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