«MES MADISON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY HAfia33fiEURG,VA.22El)7 APR 2 6 2001 THURSDAY M'KII 26,2001 Vol.. 78. No. 52 reezeJames Madison University SGA passes Swastika on hate crime Hate at JMU? ZBT house BUI of sparks Opinion questions B> LINDSAY MARTI news editor BYKYK.\PAI>\MI contributing writer A hate crime Bill of Opinion passed its final stage of Student Government A swastika was painted on the \v4Kiation approval by a unanimous property of an off-campus house on vote April 12. Harrison Street Friday where several The main focus of the bill is to brothers of the Zeta Beta Tan Iralemity ■MUM that the Office of Judicial Affairs live. The marking was found on a t.irp will have a statistical tracking oi flic acting M .i makeshift fence in the back- occurreiur ol "lute , mm-' said yard Saturday morning. junior Peter Swerdzewski, via? presi- The vandalism was initially report- dent of student affairs. ed to the police .is property damage. In The bill was first pn--cnted on April ,i /HI press release Monday, the inci- 3, passed by the SGA Senate on April dent was referred to as a hate crime. 10 and went to tlie Executive I mnuil "It was classified through the media for approval. as a hate crime," I larrisonburg Puttee The IMMitivr Coundl passed the I iptain Malcolm Wilfong said. "(Har- bill with a 4-0-11 vote, and it will be pre- risonburg Police Department) didn I sented to the Office ol hididal Att.ur- classify it as a hate crime. In order lor for consideration, according to it tobeclasMhed as a hate crime, it has Swerd/cwski to be singling out a single group of After much debate over what should people It is basnallv vandalism." Harrisonburg Police Captain Dan bs included in tlie bill, me Bncuttv* Council tabled the bill before Voting to Claytor said, "As of now it is, laaaifitd do additional research on if- wording, as vandalism, it could be rcdaeaifled Swerdzewski arid as a hate crime it a suspect is caught He said the council found legal prob- and confesses to have directed the lems in the final clause ot the bill. crime toward the Jewish members of The clause initially recommended a the fraternity. separate process be incorporated by the Office of Judicial Affairs regarding -ii- hate crimes and also recommended "a working definition for hate crimes that ...when you see something clearly distinguishes them from offenses already defined by the JMU like (the mark), it's clear judicial process someone is trying to be "It is illegal to have a separate process because it involves favoritism," intimidating. Swerdzewski said. According to Vir- ginia law, offenses must go through the — Patrick Egan same legal process. sophomore ZBT member Before the bill was passed, the coun- cil removed the clause by a line-item veto, according to junior Mich Flaherty, „_ vice president of administrative affairs. TV bill was initiated bv the SGA "There have been no previous per- and Stop the Hate, a group formed in -on.ii tfuaate made; oreiaedhe vandal MEGHAN MURPHY/arT arecfor ism) could have been a follow-up to a response to an alleged hate crime Street-preacher Matt Bourgautt speaks to a gathering of about 100 students on the commons Tueeday. threat (of that nature)," Wilfong said. see UNB-ITEM, page 5 Friday was April 20, the anniver- sary of Adolph Hitler's birthday, lead- ing many in the fraternity to believe that this act was planned. Preacher riles "This was definitely premeditat- the bill is ed," ZBT brother senior Nathan Seltzer, said. iplemented: Stop the Hate ZBT secretary, sophomore Patrick Egan, said, "Although no one was | it would give the Office physically injured, when you see of Judicial Affairs a something like (the mark), it's dear group to protest someone is trying to be intimidating." method of statistically Although ZBT was originally tracking the occurrence B\ Mi (,HAN MURPHY believe will lead one to hell due to founded as a Jewish fraternity in ls"H. of "hate crimes." senior writer a hatred for God. it became nonsectarian in 1954. Among those destined for hell Wilfong said, "A lot of things have | Incidents classified as An evangelist who spoke on a*, written on the sign were to come into play for it to be a hate hate crimes by JMU the commons roused a significant sodomites, homosexuals, drunk- crime. We were told there was no reli- ards, cheaters, gutter-mouths, police would be classi- amount of discord among stu- gious affiliation of the fraternity at dents and faculty Tuesday and hypocrites, abortionists, pornog- this time." fied by the Office of Judi- Wednesday. raphers and new agers. Many oth- Seltzer said, "The brothers of ZBT at cial Affairs as Intolerance, Matt Bourgault. or Brother ers were also listed. JMU are proud of their tcUgloui Matt, told students on the com- "Your destination is hell!! flu- racial, and ethnic diversity, and will verbal abuse or verbal MEGHAN MURPHY art director harassment.. mons that unless they love Jesus, sign read. not be threatened by cowardly, igno- Freshman Braden Gandee holds they are going to hell. A sign worn White Bourgault stressed many rant individuals, perpetuating acts of a sign In protests on the com- In his son Zachary, 8. listed the SWASTIKA, page mons Wednesday. specifics that he and his family see STUDENTS, page 5 STUDENT INSIDE College Newspaper Funding How does funding from JMU to The Breeze compare to that of of other college newspapers? VOICES ——■■■ Page 3 FILE PHOTO/Meghan Murpliy The Agony and the Ecstacy action regarding the issue B^ Jllll SmOBMER tutor writer Ihi- h/pe of aiti\i-m i- mil a new con- JMU sports year in pictures cept at JMU. According to a umver-itv chronicles key moments from Stop the Hale- pfOtMl "I I religious media relation- \S.b site IML was includ- big wins to utter defeats in street-preacher on the common- yeeter ed in Mother lorn-, magazine's top 10 list- Duke's game history. Page 17 da) i- vet .mother match thrown on the ing- oi schools "ihai prove activisni and ,,re ol hearted activism JML' has experi- communifv service an alive and well on enced ill sear In response to Matt Bour- campus." The 1998 magazine ranked ,.a„lfs words, -emor Becca Martin a JMU No. 7 among "activist schools." Farewell to JMU ,;„„„,,., ,„ Stop (he Halt, organized a Similarly, the site stated that JMU is FILE PHOTCVXrls Thomas protest after interacting with Bourgault among 15 colleges and universities died Another year gone by. another m IVViii GiriN magazine- "Guide to t am- • Students protest the Inauguration graduation; where we've been fill lll.'S,l.l\ , , -, , of President George W. Bush by -|lu„Kvrnsmeb.v..us..hi-..t.i»uesare pules Where You Can Make a Difference since August and what's Who Care* listed colleges and univer-itie- burning a flag In January, upper left. changed since. Page 23 exactly now that build *»^J"*"°* • Stop the Hate rallies in ,Win which bigotn ,ni,u,.d and in " where sfudenls are truly making ■ ditlei M response to an alleged hate crime which hate crime-. an .*..». Martin said... anoem terms of au vice and political! soda) activism, both on campus and in tlx- sur- In March, upper right. an e-mail to various student organizations ■ Students protest the Harrison- Stop the I l..lc,cns..ed in ..■-I-'"-'><'■"' munding community" Not a surprise, right? Campus SMOM burg Police Department In Sep- Pucker Up alleged assault in s dashed ..-> hat' flooded weekr) with activists camping oul tember, middle. Students lock lips and learn • Save Our Sports protests recom- lime ,„ March, spn»dm« won about ,t on file common-, organizing rallic-. hold about lust during lessons by the mission to stop hale at IML and urging h mendatlons to cut eight sports author of "The Art of Kissing." sir STUDENTS, page 9 teams In November. Student Gwenumrt Awoctanon to tau FILE PHOTO/Becky Gabnel Page 25 Thursday, April 26, 2001 DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR TABLE OF CONTENTS THURSDAY, APRIL 26 SUNDAY, APRIL 29 NEWS • Baptist Student Union lugv group prattt Aid wonNa 5d0to • Canterbury Episcopal Ministry, Eucharist service followed by Faculty survey 3 7p.m., BaptiM Student Certa <«> oomerol Canbdl Avenue and s home-cooked dinner, 5 p.m., Canterbury House, located on South Main t South Main St. acnes fnirn the Quad on the left, e-mail Meredith Senior Week 3 it miicasW • t ampul truaada fa QiraM laige group meeting 8 p.m., College newspaper nghts 3 Health and Human Services Building lecture hall, e-mail Dan Communication conference winners 5 OPINION Spotlight What do you think the Duke Dog does over the summer? 10 House Oasis summer awaits the distressed 10 Darts and Pats 11 POLICE LOG Letters to the editor 13 R\ CASEI BONDS WEATHER polici rtportti LIFESTYLES A subject reportedly exposed himsell in the was arresled and charged with underaged Today HiKside area Apnl 22 al 8:20 p.m Academia Nuts 15 possession ol alcohol and resisting arrest Apnl Partly cloudy The subiect was reportediy desenbed as a 22at 12:49am. in FredencksonHall. Horoscopes 16 High 63 Low 42 white male, wearing a baseball cap. a hunter The subject was reporteoty lound in an green shirt and khaki panls intoxicated condition in a stairwell. • Non-studenl Christopher M. Hughes, 19, of SPORTS High Low Underaged Possession ol Alcohol Alexandna, was arrested and charged with • Non-student Timothy C Myamato, 18, ol underaged possession ol alcohol Apnl 22 at 1 Friday Sunny 77 46 Breeze athletes of the year 19 College Park.
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