Ext.Ided Abstract! of th€ 1995 Inl.mational Cotrf€rmce otr Solid state D€vicc! atrd Ma&rieb, Osaka, 195, pp. l-3 Invited Four-Terminal Device Electronics for Intelligent Silicon Integrated Systems Tadahim OIIMI and Tadashi SHIBATA DePartuent of Elecrrpnic EngineefinS, Tohohr Univenily Aza-Aoba, AranakL Aobahl Sendai 980-77 JAPAN We rvill propose tlre concept ofhigh-fi:nctionality "four-terminal device" which surpass€s the three-terminal devices like MOSFET's and bipolartransistors in the ability of current control fimctions. The enhanced functionality at ther€ry elemental tansistor le\€l is most essential to create human-like intelligence at systern levels. Neuron MOSFET (vMOS), a multiple-inpu! terminal floating-gate dwice, is takor as an e|<ample offour-terminal device, and the implementatiom of intelligent electronic cirouits has been demonsaated. The binary-multivalue-anilog merged algorithm conducted by vMOS circuits is a key to realize highly flexible computation while assuring the noise immune feature of the binsry logic. l.Introduction propagate only at a speed of 2 - 3m/sec in the brain. Again 107 Thanks to the great advancement in the microfabrication times fasterforelectonic s1'stems. Why is it impossible at all for technologies, giga transistor integration on a chip has become an electronic system to carry out a real-time action? possible. With such a huge number of transistors on a single The most rmporlant difference exists in the basic firnctionality silicon chip, however, the electronic systerns are still far from of an elemental device: a transistor is a simple switch controlled being intelligent as compared to biological systems in many by a single inputwhile a neuron is a multiple-input thresholding respects. element. This difference does not seem very sipgrificant but A frog finds a fly passing through and catches it in a creates a tremendous difference at the system level in terms of moment. This actionhas been created by a series of information al gorithm and architechre. The very rigorous on-and-off sl'itching processing carried out rvithin this small creature. This includes characteristics of a "three-terminal" transistor is the very reason catch of the fly image on a retina, identification of the object as for the rigidness u'e feel with digital systems. Seemingly flexible his meal, computation of its expected motion followed by the features of PC's are no more than a illusion procluced by activation of motor neurons to catch the fly. Such a real-time elaborate software technologies. Behind the software, a action, however, is impossible even with the most advanced tremendous amount of numerical calculations are being super computers of today. Something important is lacking in the conductedon the hardware, making a real time response of the present-day electronic computing systems. system impossible. What we are presenting in this paper is that the enhancement 'Flexibilitl'," "fine-grain hards'are parallelism," and "real-time inthefilrctionalityof an elemental transistor is most essential in pro€rammability" are three key features required for integrated order to circumvent the diffrculty. Namely, the introduction of circuit hardu'are in order to realized intelligent functions at a the concept of "four-terminal device" that functionally surpasses system level. the so-called three-terminal devices like MOS transistors and 'Two-Terminal'Device "Three-Terminal" Device bipolar transistors is critically demanded. /l 2. Human Brain vs. Computers ?\ srd-terminat"_li Basic hardware computing performances are compared )u* between a human brain and a super computer in Fig. l. The Y)* switching speed of a transistor, the very basic element of a I a nerve t/ computer, is - 10-rrsec, while the response time of cell nrurtn is approximately 0.1sec. The transistor is l0r0 times faster than its biological counterpart. Signals on metal interconnectspropagate at a speed of light while nerve impulses ll_ o -Computationin five stages- Multi-lnput Simple Switch Thresholding Element Fig. l. Computing petformances compared betu'een a human Fig. 2. Functionality enhancement from two-terminal device to brain and a super computer. four-terminal device. compatible to implementing very rigid binary digital algorithms Three-Terminal Four-Terminal based on the Boolean algebra, but far from being flexible. In a Device i Device I four-terminal device, ho\l'ever, the ctrrent is not uniquely v^^ vo"rj"' l_ dctemined wrderlhe same circumstance because the additional J---TL fourth terminal can give an opportunity to fuither control the s"fto---_-1" s tslo o output current. Namely, the manner in u'hich the current is ,o VO: const +- Vs increasing lo VD: const control by the third terminal is fuither modified by the voltage u tv u n signal given to the fourlh tcrminal. In other n'ords, the four- u tAu il terminal device is a device in rvhich the degree of fieedom in I- I I lll I I I r / / / / I / / / /_ current controllability is increased to a three dimensional span o Vc, as shou'n in Fig. 2. Such a functionality enhancement in the Fig. 3. Comparison betrveen ttu'ee-terminal device and four- device is most essential in realizing flexible information terminal device (vMOS). processing scheme on the hardrvare. A neuron MOSFET (vMOS)2) shorvn in Fig. 4 is the first C.,V,,+CrVr+'-.+CnVn four-terminal device, u'hich eventually has multiple fourth vl v2 vn Or= ') v; cro, terminals. Due to its fi.rnctional similaritv to the mathcmatical 999tt-----------l A_ -J- + ..L model of a neuron3), $,e named the device rrF neuron MOSFET \. FLOATING GATE + (neuMOS or vMOS for short). or-r Transistor "furns ON" SOURCE- DRAIN 4. Binary-Multivalued-Analog Merged Computation Fig. 4. Schematic of a neuron MOS transistor. Fig.5 shou's the real-time rule-variable data matching circuits implemented by three-terminal devices (conventional CMOS) Three Terminal Device Circuits Four Terminal Device Circuits and four-terminal device (vMOS)a's). The circuit gives an u u output of I when the two input signals (analog or Multivalued) Multi-Valued-oi"Aiil->r_* *Blflou, are matched within the margin specified by a windorv signal. Mufti-Vatued or'o' Such signal processing is rrer]'essential in handling image data. rnout\l!5f,-f{l?'1' The big difference in the quantity of hardware is evident in the figure. In the pure digital case, the A/D conrrerter overhead is Votn too large to equip with each pixel in a two dimensional array, Therefore the sequential computation scheme is an inevitable choice, requiring a large computational powers of MPU's. The very small-scale implementation by the four-terminal device trffi allorvs us to equip each pixel with the circuit. Hardrvare parallelithm thus achieved is undoubtedly faster than the 7@OT/s+ 192Tr'g € Eloments + 24Transistors sequential scheme and the only way to realize a real-time 10 stages + 18 Critical Path c} stages {= I stages response of a system. Fig. 5. Real-time rule-variable data matching circuits. Such a great simplification in the hardware comes fiom the use of analog data in the circuit. But it should be stressed here 3. Four-Terminal l)evice Elcctronics that analog signals are only generated in the floating gate of Fig.2swnmarizes the functionality enhancement in a device vMOS'temporarily. and immediately the decision is made by from trvo terminal device to four terminal devicet). In a tlo- the thresholding action of vMOS to yield the binary ansu'er of terminal device, like apn diode or a vacuum diode, the current "yes" or "no." This computation scheme is quite different from flon'ing through the device is uniquely determined by the voltage ttre pure analog computation in that the noise or errors generated difference befiveen the trvo terminals. Diodes can be only used in a stage do not propagate and accumulate. This hardrvare as rectifiers. No sophisticated applications can be generated algorithm possesses the high-degree of flexibility of analog from such a primitive functionality. In a three-terminal device, processing while presen ing the rigorousness of the binary however, like an MOS transistor, a bipolar transistor or a digital algorithm. vacuum triode as well, the current flowing through the two main Based on this scheme, a new concept vMOS logic calted terminals is controlled by the voltage signal grven to the third flexware has been developed as shown in Fig. 6. The two-input terminal. As a result, the current controllability has been flexu'are shown in Fig. 6(a) can represent all 16 possible expanded to a tr.vo dimensional span. Such a functional Boolean functions with the identical hardware configuration. enhancement in the cunrnt control yields a great flexibilitf in Each funition is real-time selected by changing the control constnrcting more complex sl'stems. This has enabled us to signals given to Vo -V, terminals. Figure 6(b) shows a develop the concept of electronic circuits, including amplificrs, photomicrograph of an eighrvariable symmetric flexware oscillators, and digital computing systems. It is not too much to circuito). The circuit can represent all 512 symmetric Boolean say that the electronics in the 20th century has been created by functions for eight input variables in which each function is three-tcrminal devices. selected by a binary control code given to Vo - terminals. In the three-terminal device, howe\rer, the current (drain \ The circuit is composed of only 22 transistors (20 vMOS'and current) is uniquely determined by the third-terminal voltage hvo regular MOS'). Sueh a great flexibility in altering the circuit (gate voltage) rvhen the drain voltage is fixed (see Fig. 3), thus function will allow us to develop a new-concept computer creating the function of a curent sn'itch.
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