WA COUNTERS 1 L TESTIMONY The widow of accused presidential assassin Lee spent only one night away from home and he spent that in state witness testified Oswald told him he was going to the Harvey Oswald today contradicted testimony by the jail. Russo testified Oswald was Ferrie's roommate. Paine household the night before the assassination to pick up some curtain rods his wife had bought him. state's star witness in the trial of Clay L. Shaw. Marina was questioned by chief defense counsel F. Mrs. Marina Oswald Porter of Richardson, —OSWALT) NEVER WORE A BEARD. Russo said Os- wald was bearded, and failed to identify a picture of him Irvin Dyqmond, then on cross examination by chief prosecu- Tex., took the stand as the first defense witness until a beard was drawn on it. tor James L. Alcock. in the trial of Shaw, 55, charged with conspiring —Marina never heard of Shaw, Clay Bertrand, Ferrie, Dymond moved for the directed verdict yesterday after to kill President John F. Kennedy. Russo, Dean Andrews or a number of other persons con- the state rested its case. CRIMINAL DISTRICT JUDGE Edward A. Haggerty nected with the Garrison case. Jr. today turned down a defense motion for a directed —Oswald ordinarily dressed neatly, in clean clothes, ALSO TODAY, THE DEFENSE subpenaed three more verdict of acquittal for Shaw. Had he granted it, the trial and wore short hair. Russo had described him as dirty, witnesses. They are Sam Ferderson, 2144 Deslonde; Arthur would have ended and Shaw would have gone free. long-haired and unkempt. Q. Davis, 2475 Canal, and Preston Smith of the the Post District Attorney Jim Garrison charges Shaw plotted Office. the assassination here with Oswald and David W. Ferrie. —A TIGHT-COLORED STATION wagon belonging to Marina has consistently supported the Warren Commis- Perry Raymond Russo Testified for the state he heard Mrs. Ruth Paine was parked outside the Paine household sion's view that her late husband was the lone assassin. the trio discussing the assassination here in September, in Irving, Tex., at the time of the assassination. Two state She testified at length before the commission. 1963, at a party in Ferrie's apartment. witnesses testified to seeing persons flee the Texas School After Judge Haggerty turned down the motion for a di- Here are the high points of Marina's testimony: Book Depository in a light-colored. station wagon. rected verdict, the jury was brought back into the court- —During their entire stay in New Orleans, Oswald —Oswald never discussed any curtain rods with her. A (Tura to Page 18, Column II Eight Words, Marina Top Trial Drama amkmwommaselagOR By JACK DEMPSEY ler with Gov. John J. Mc- Eight words and the Rus- Keithen, who was in _New Or- leans for a meeting today. sian widow of an accused Most of the newsmen who assassin gave the conspiracy have been covering the trial trial of Clay L. Shaw its most expected the ruling. The ap- dramatic moments today. See REACTION—Page 9 Those eight words — The motion for a directed verdict is denied"—triggered the long trial's first outburst from the crowded courtroom of news- Shaw Trial men and spectators. A short burst of applause from spectators and a few au- Testimony dible 'yeas" greeted the an- nouncement from Judge Ed- Court proceedings in the ward A. Haggerty Jr. that 27th day of the conspiracy Shaw's trial would continue. trial of Clay L. Shaw follow: Testimony today began with REPORTERS dashed from Mrs. Marina Oswald Porter the courtroom to report the on the stand, after Judge Ed- news. Others remained to ward A. Haggerty turned watch the reaction from the down a motion for a directed principals in the trial. They verdict and briefly recessed got no surprises. • the court. Shaw, who had been in the When court reconvened process of either taking pa- Judge Haggerty said, "I don't pers out or putting them into know whether you wish to re- a briefcase, stood up and serve a bill (bill of exception looked toward the rear of the to his ruling) but you should courtroom. HST sawyers sim- do so with the jury in the . ply shook their heads as If courtroom." they had expected the judge's CHIEF DEFENSE counsel F. Irvin Dymond told the "I am still confident I will judge, "The defense would 353 -vindicated," Shaw told like to lodge a formal objec- newsmen after walking to the tion to the decision overruling —Stoles-Own photo Pr, Rolph Urkbe. rail separating the specta- the motion for a directed ver- MRS. MARINA OSWALD PORTER is accompa- tors from the court area. dict." nied by her husband, KENNETH JESS PORTER, HE MANAGED a weak The jury was then brought smile. into the courtroom and Hag- as she arrives to testify at the Clay L. Shaw con- District Attorney Jim Gar- gerty asked the defense to spiracy 'trial. rison wasn't even in the court- state its motion. room when the announcement "At this time in the pres- was read. ence of the jury we would like He had been in the judge's to reserve a bill of exception SPORTS-MARKETS chambers where he evidently to the ruling," said Dymond. got the word, then left the Dymond then began the de- courtroom, totally expression- fense testimony, s a y i n g, less. "Please call Mrs. Porter." "WHAT'S your reaction?" Mrs. Porter identified her- he was asked as he walked self as the widow of Lee Har- down the hall of the Criminal vey Oswald and stated that Courts building. she now lives in Richardson, NEWS BULLETINS "I have no reaction," he Tex. replied. "I have no nervous Q—Do you have any children system anymore." Then he by Lee Harvey Oswald? was gone, reportedly to con- Turn to Page 6, Column 1 Continued from Front Page And then he had some kind of an interview on a radio room and Dymond lodged a formal objection to the judge's here in New Orleans. I didn't know if it was political be- action. cause at that time I didn't speak English." When her husband got to Dallas, Marina said he told her THEN THE DEFENSE called Mrs. Porter, who identi- he had been to Mexico. At this point, the rifle arrived and fied herself as Oswald's widow. She said she now lives in Dymond asked her if she were familiar with it. Richardson, Tex., with her new husband, her two daughters by Oswald and a child born after her remarriage. "NO, I'M NOT AN expert on rifles," she said. She said she and Oswald moved to New Orleans from She said she has seen Oswald cleaning the gun or sit- Dallas in May, 1963. She said Oswald came first and found ting with it on the porch. She said she later saw the rifle them a place to live on Magazine st. She could not recall at Ruth Paine's house. the landlord's name. Dymond asked Marina if she ever knew Oswald to have any large sums of money. She said no. Asked what is the Oswald, Marina said, was employed by the Reily Cof- most money he ever gave her, she said: fee Co. and went hack and forth to work on the bus. She "A dollar.' said she never saw Oswald drive an automobile. SHE TESTIFIED THEY left New Orleans owing two "DID YOU ever know him to wear a beard?" Dymond weeks' rent. asked. At the time of the assassination, Marina said she was "No, sir," said Marina. living with Mrs. Paine in Irving when the president was Oswald never wore long hair, Marina said. Asked if he killed. She said Mrs. Paine's station wagon was parked at kept it combed, she said "There wasn't much to comb." the house at the time of the assassination. Marina testified her husband lived in Dallas and visited DYMOND THEN asked Marina if Oswald ever went to the family in Irving on weekends. She said she never saw Clinton, La. "Not that I know of," she replied. his apartment in Dallas. The state introduced a series of witnesses placing Os- Alter a orief recess, Dymond walked directly behind wald will Shaw and Ferrie in Clinton in the late summer of Shaw and asked Marina: 1963. "Mrs, Porter, have you ever seen this man, Mr. Shaw, The witness said Oswald left New Orleans about a week before?" or 10 days after she did and she next saw him at the home "No, today was the first time I ever saw that man," she of Mrs. Ruth Paine in Irving, Texas. (She did not date said. this event today, but the Warren Commission said Oswald left New Orleans on Sept. 25, 1963.) SHE SAID THE OSWALDS never received any mail at After Oswald lost his coffee company job, Marina said, Magazine st. addressed to Shaw or with Shaw's return ad- he "stayed around the house most of the time. Sometimes dress on it. She said they received no letters or phone he would go to the library or to look for a job." calls from Shaw. He spent his nights at home, she said. Alcock then began cross-examining the witness. She Asked if Oswald had many friends, she said "just his said Oswald came to see her the night before the assas- relatives." She said the only trip the family took while sination, a Thursday night. This was unusual, she said, here was to Alabama.
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