LG Approved Workplan Vote:614 Kakumiro District FY 2019/20 Foreword 7KH$SSURYHG%XGJHW(VWLPDWHVDQG3HUIRUPDQFH&RQWUDFWIRU)<FRQWLQXHVWRWDUJHWDFWLRQVWKDWDUHJHDUHGWRZDUGVIXOILOOLQJWKH9LVLRQDQG0LVVLRQRIWKH'LVWULFW7KLVGRFXPHQW aims at aligning the District limited resources to the unlimited public demands. The Approved Budget Estimates and Performance Contract is a derivative of the District Development Plan. In the FY LQRUGHUWRDFKLHYHWKH'LVWULFW0LVVLRQDQG9LVLRQDQGWRDGGUHVVFKDOOHQJHVEHLQJIDFHGPDLQO\XQGHUVHUYLFHGHOLYHU\GHSDUWPHQWVWKH'LVWULFWZLOOIRFXVLWVDWWHQWLRQRQWKHIROORZLQJ key priority areas; (i) Good Governance; by practising democratic principles and the rule of law (ii) Poverty reduction , through enhancement of sustainable growth in the incomes of the poor,(iii) Enhancement of productivity , through provision of enabling environment to the communities in respect of good infrastructure especially access and feeder roads, provision of water in the most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production of this document. Finally, on behalf of the District Executive Committee and the District Council, i pledge total commitment towards the implementation of this Approved Budget Estimates and Performance Contract for a better livelihood of the communities living in Kakumiro District. "For God and My Country". Monday Stephen, CAO Generated on 30/07/2019 09:16 1 LG Approved Workplan Vote:614 Kakumiro District FY 2019/20 SECTION A: Workplans for HLG Workplan 1a Administration Quarterly Workplan Outputs for FY 2019/20 Ushs Thousands Approved Budget Expenditure and Annual Planned Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 and Outputs for Outputs by end Spending and Planned Spending Planned Planned Spending Planned Spending FY 2018/19 March for FY Outputs FY and Outputs Spending and and Outputs and Outputs 2018/19 2019/20 Outputs Programme: 13 81 District and Urban Administration Class Of OutPut: Higher LG Services Generated on 30/07/2019 09:16 2 LG Approved Workplan Vote:614 Kakumiro District FY 2019/20 Output: 13 81 01Operation of the Administration Department Non Standard Outputs: - Staff salaries for - Staff salaries for - Staff salaries paid - Staff salaries paid - Staff salaries - Staff salaries paid - Staff salaries paid 12 months paid at 3 months paid at for 12 months at for 3 months at the paid for 3 months for 3 months at the for 3 months at the district district the district district at the district district district headquarters. headquarters. - headquarters - headquarters headquarters headquarters headquarters -Government Government Government - Government - Government - Government - Government programs programs programs programs programs programs programs monitored district monitored district monitored district monitored district monitored district monitored district monitored district wide wide -Board of wide - Board of wide wide wide wide -Board of survey survey conducted - survey conducted - - Board of survey - National events - National events - National events conducted National events National events conducted celebrated - celebrated - celebrated - -National events celebrated - celebrated - - National events Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles celebrated Vehicles Vehicles celebrated - maintained maintained maintained -Vehicles maintained.- Staff maintainedFilling Vehicles maintained. salaries for 3 of the staff maintained -Appraising staff months paid at disposition list members district Formulation of a -Filling of staff headquarters. - monitoring disposition lists Government schedule -Preparing a programs Formulation of a monitoring monitored district monitoring schedule wide -Board of checklist -Constituting a survey conducted - Production of a board of survey National events board of survey team celebrated - report Invitation of -Assessment of Vehicles participants and the Vehicle maintained. hire of tents and -Repairing the other materials vehicle Assessment of vehicles Wage Rec't: 595,146 446,360 694,502 173,626 173,626 173,626 173,626 Non Wage Rec't: 56,498 42,374 4,930,677 1,232,669 1,232,669 1,232,669 1,232,669 Domestic Dev't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 External Financing: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total For KeyOutput 651,645 488,733 5,625,179 1,406,295 1,406,295 1,406,295 1,406,295 Output: 13 81 02Human Resource Management Services Generated on 30/07/2019 09:16 3 LG Approved Workplan Vote:614 Kakumiro District FY 2019/20 Non Standard Outputs: -80% of the LG -80% of the LG 80% of the LG 80% of the LG 80% of the LG 80% of the LG 80% of the LG established posts established posts established posts established posts established posts established posts established posts filled at district filled at district filled at the district filled at the district filled at the district filled at the district filled at the district headquarters. headquarters. - headquarters 99% headquarters headquarters headquarters headquarters -99% of staff 99% of staff of the staff 99% of the staff 99% of the staff 99% of the staff 99% of the staff appraised district appraised district appraised district appraised district appraised district appraised district appraised district wide. wide. -Staff wide Staff wide wide wide wide -Staff performance performance Staff performance Staff performance Staff performance Staff performance performance management done management done management done management done management done management done management -Coordination with Annual HR forum Annual HR forum done MDAs done-80% attended Request attended - Annual HR of the LG for a no objection forum attended established posts to recruit new staff -Coordination filled at district Declaration of with MDAs done headquarters. - vacant positions -Request for a no 99% of staff Issuance of objection to appraised district appointment letters recruit new staff wide. -Staff Deployment of -Declaration of performance recruited staff vacant posts, management done Issuance of Issuance of -Coordination with appraisal forms appointment MDAs done Performance letters,Deployme evaluation and nt of recruited review staff. -Issuing of appraisal forms -Performance evaluation and review. Wage Rec't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non Wage Rec't: 255,030 191,272 418,161 104,540 104,540 104,540 104,540 Domestic Dev't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 External Financing: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total For KeyOutput 255,030 191,272 418,161 104,540 104,540 104,540 104,540 Output: 13 81 03Capacity Building for HLG Generated on 30/07/2019 09:16 4 LG Approved Workplan Vote:614 Kakumiro District FY 2019/20 Availability and implementation of LG yesConduction of yesCapacity yesCapacity yesCapacity yesCapacity capacity building policy and plan a needs assessment building plan in building plan in building plan in building plan in exerciseCapacity place and is place and is place and is place and is building plan in implemented implemented implemented implemented place and is implemented No. (and type) of capacity building sessions 4Conduction of a 1-Induction of 1- Training of staff 1-Induction of 1- Conducting of undertaken needs assessment Newly recruited in Financial Newly recruited exchange visits by exercise-Induction staff management staff Political leaders of Newly recruited -Training HODs staff and sections in the -Training HODs use of PBS and sections in the - Training of staff use of PBS in Financial - Training of staff management in Financial - Conducting of management exchange visits by - Conducting of Political leaders exchange visits by Political leaders Non Standard Outputs: - Induction of new Needs Assessment staff - Training of Exercise conducted staff at both Higher and Lower Local Govt in Production of mandatory documents using PBS. Needs Assessment Exercise conducted - Dispatch of Needs assessment forms to staff - Populating the PBS with the required data. - Preparation of the training manuals. Wage Rec't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non Wage Rec't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Domestic Dev't: 0 0 21,629 5,407 5,407 5,407 5,407 External Financing: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Generated on 30/07/2019 09:16 5 LG Approved Workplan Vote:614 Kakumiro District FY 2019/20 Total For KeyOutput 0 0 21,629 5,407 5,407 5,407 5,407 Output: 13 81 04Supervision of Sub County programme implementation Non Standard Outputs: - Sub county - Sub county - 4 supervision - 1 support - 1 support - 1 support - 1 support government government visits of Sub county supervision visit of supervision visit of supervision visit of supervision visit of programes programes government Sub county Sub county Sub county Sub county supervised on a supervised on a programmes done- government government government government quarterly basis.- quarterly basis.- Formulation of programmes done programmes done programmes done programmes done Preparation of a Sub county both a monitoring supervision government checklist and schedule. programes schedule - Writing supervised on a of a monitoring quarterly basis. report Wage Rec't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non Wage Rec't: 5,000 3,750 5,000 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 Domestic Dev't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 External
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