ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY: CHALLENGES FOR THE 21st CENTURY VOL. 2 Book of Abstracts of the Communications presented to the 22nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry Seville – Spain. September 12 -16, 2005 Editors: F.J. González-Vila, J.A. González-Pérez and G. Almendros Equipo de trabajo: Rocío González Vázquez Antonio Terán Rodíguez José Mª de la Rosa Arranz Maquetación: Rocío González Vázquez Fotomecánica e impresión: Akron Gráfica, Sevilla © 22nd IMOG, Sevilla 2005 Depósito legal: SE-61181-2005 I.S.B.N.: 84-689-3661-8 COMMITTEES INVOLVED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF THE 22 IMOG 2005 Chairman: Francisco J. GONZÁLEZ-VILA Vice-Chairman: José A. GONZÁLEZ-PÉREZ Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS) Scientific Committee Francisco J. GONZÁLEZ-VILA (Chairman) IRNAS-CSIC, Spain Gonzalo ALMENDROS Claude LARGEAU CCMA-CSIC, Spain ENSC, France Pim van BERGEN José C. del RÍO SHELL Global Solutions, The Netherlands IRNAS-CSIC, Spain Jørgen A. BOJESEN-KOEFOED Jürgen RULLKÖTTER GEUS, Denmark ICBM, Germany Chris CORNFORD Stefan SCHOUTEN IGI, UK NIOZ, The Netherlands Gary ISAKSEN Eugenio VAZ dos SANTOS NETO EXXONMOBIL, USA PETROBRAS RD, Brazil Local Committee José Ramón de ANDRÉS IGME, Spain Mª Carmen DORRONSORO Mª Enriqueta ARIAS Universidad del País Vasco Universidad de Alcalá Antonio GUERRERO Tomasz BOSKI Universidad de Sevilla Universidad do Algarve, Faro, Portugal Juan LLAMAS Ignacio BRISSON ETSI Minas de Madrid Repsol YPF Albert PERMANYER Juan COTA Universidad de Barcelona Universidad de Sevilla EAOG Board Richard L. PATIENCE (Chairman) Sylvie DERENNE (Secretary) Ger W. van GRAAS (Treasurer) Walter MICHAELIS (Awards) Francisco J. GONZALEZ-VILA (Newsletter) C. Anthony LEWIS (Membership and Website) James MAXWELL – Co-opted (Editor-in-Chief of Organic Geochemistry) - 628 - Organic Geochemistry: Challenges for the 21st Century (Vol. 2) 22 IMOG seville, Spain 2005 22 IMOG SPONSORS Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME) Universidad de Sevilla Junta de Andalucía Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica (IFAPA) Consejería de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte. Delegación Provincial de Cádiz Consorcio de Turismo de la Provincia de Sevilla. Turismo de Sevilla Patronato del Real Alcázar de Sevilla Repsol YPF Chevron Texaco Unocal 76 British Petroleum Shell Exxon Mobil Statoil Hydro Integrated Geochemical Interpretation Ltd. Humble Instruments & Services Inc. Baseline Resolution Inc. Vinci Technologies S.A. Thermo Electron Corp. Iberia Renfe Viajes el Corte Inglés Anorsur S.L. Cruzcampo - 629 - Organic Geochemistry: Challenges for the 21st Century (Vol. 2) 22 IMOG seville, Spain 2005 - 630 - Organic Geochemistry: Challenges for the 21st Century (Vol. 2) 22 IMOG seville, Spain 2005 CONTENT VOL-2 POSTER COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) BIOGEOCHEMISTRY (Cont.) 645 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOGEOCHEMISTRY-1 (EB1) 647 PEB1-1. Exposure of marine organisms to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): use of PAH metabolites to track the impact of oil spills in relation to their toxicity. H. Budzinski, O. Mazéas, J. Tronczynski, Y. Desaunay, M. LeDu PEB1-2. Trace analysis of hydrocarbons in coral cores from Saudi Arabia. K. Burns, J. Lough, D. Barnes, D. Brinkman, A. Poulsen, S. Delean PEB1-3. Organic chlorinate pesticides (OCPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Xijiang River, South China. H. Deng, J. Song, P. Peng PEB1-4. Oil spill bioremediation in Brazilian marine environment – A mesocosm simulation. E.S. de Souza, M.F. Coelho, J.A.Trigüis PEB1-5. Occurrence of polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine compounds in Iloilo River, Philippines. P. Gerrez, V. Tañeza, R.P. Philp PEB1-6. Environmental organic geochemistry of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Its environmental impact In coal from Huaibei coal field. L. Gui-Jian, X. Jian, Z. Hao- Yuan, W. Xinming PEB1-7. Monitoring river pollution by molecular characterization of the sedimentary organic matter using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). L. Jeanneau, P. Faure, M. Ramelli, L. Mansuy-Huault PEB1-8. Organic pollutants of Merseyside inferred by SPOT data. S. Mukherjee, A. Mukherjee PEB1-9. Simultaneous photochemical abatement of hexavalent chromium and organic pollutants. P. Mytych, Z. Stasicka PEB1-10. The environmental effects of oil exploration and production in the East Shetland basin: composition and concentration of hydrocarbons in sediment samples collected in 2002 using a stratified random sampling design. M. Russell, L. Webster, P. Walsham, G. Packer, E.J. Dalgarno, A.D. McIntosh, C.F. Moffat PEB1-11. Research of oils biodegradation in soils and its intensification. O.V. Serebrennikova, L.D. Stakhina, E.V. Barabanova, N.Y. Andreeva, N.V. Sizova PEB1-12. Is Acid Troubling You? Studies of the Synthesis, Characterisation, Biodegradation and Toxicity of Naphthenic Acids. B.E. Smith, C.A. Lewis, S.J. Rowland PEB1-13. Characterization of dry deposition dusts on an urban balcony surface, Guangzhou. J. Song, P. Peng PEB1-14. Distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments from New York/New Jersey Harbor complex. J. Song, B. Yan, L. Benedict, R. Bopp, T. Abrajano, D. Chaky - 627 - Organic Geochemistry: Challenges for the 21st Century (Vol. 2) 22 IMOG seville, Spain 2005 PEB1-15. 13C of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) in air samples by thermal desorption GC-ir-MS. N. Turner, K. Grice, M. Ioppolo-Armanios, M. Jones, D. Dawson PEB1-16. The effects of oil exploration and production in the East Shetland Basin: composition and concentration of hydrocarbons in sediment samples collected in 1986, 1988, 1989 and 1994 – An historical perspective. P. Walsham, L. Webster, M. Russell, A.D. McIntosh, P.R. Mackie, C.F. Moffat PEB1-17. PAH spectrum in the Quaternary water sediments. I. Bojakowska PEB1-18. The development and application of a statistical sampling regime to map hydrocarbon distributions in marine sediment. A.S. Ahmed, L. Webster, I.M. Davies, M. Russell, P. Walsham, G. Parker, R.J. Fryer, C.F. Moffat, P. Pollard ENVIRONMENTAL BIOGEOCHEMISTRY-2 (EB2) 681 PEB2-1. Chlorinated pesticides in river sediments in Poland. I. Bojakowska PEB2-2. Distribution and spatial trends of PCBs in urban soils from six European cities. A. Cachada, L. Lopes, S. Rodrigues, A. Duarte PEB2-3. Bioremediation of a polluted hydrocarbons soil. B. Ceccanti, C. Garcia, G. Masciandaro, C. Macci, A. Carmignani, A. Filareto PEB2-4. The Prestige oil spill. Enhanced biodegradation of a heavy fuel oil under simulated conditions. S. Diez, J. Sabaté, M. Viñas, J.M. Bayona, A.M. Solanas, J. Albaigés PEB2-5. Fate of the spill of The Prestige oil tanker in the deep sea. S. Elordui-Zapatarietxe, A. Rosell-Melé, P. Masqué, J. Albaigés PEB2-6. Photolytic and microbiological degradation of the organic pollutants that originating from the petrochemical industry. N. Kuburovic, M. Todorovic, V. Raichevic, L. Jovanovic, O. Ecim, B. Lalevic, T. Sholevic PEB2-7. Compound-specific isotope analysis applied to MTBE biodegradation studies. T. Kuder, P. Philp, J. Wilson, J. Allen PEB2-8. Distribution patterns of atmospheric pollutants (PAH/PCN) accumulated on pine needles in the Cologne conurbation (Germany). E. Lehndorff, L. Schwark PEB2-9. Interaction modes between humic colloids and surfactant molecules as identified by octanol-water partitioning experiments with radiolabelled humic acid. H. Lippold, H. Kupsch PEB2-10. Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in mussel tissues: a forensic study of hydrocarbon sources and biological exposure in the near-shore coastal waters of Avila Bay, California. R.I. Haddad PEB2-11. Potential sources of the polar fraction associated with groundwater TPH. R. Haddad, S.-T. Lu PEB2-12. Geochemical investigation of an offshore sewage sludge deposit, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. M.A. Kruge, A. Permanyer, J. Serra PEB2-13. Microbial biodegradation of potential PAH sources in sewage sludge. A. Regier, L. Mansuy-Huault, P. Faure, C. Leyval, T. Béguéristain - 628 - Organic Geochemistry: Challenges for the 21st Century (Vol. 2) 22 IMOG seville, Spain 2005 PEB2-14. Source apportionment of PAH in sewage sludge. A. Regier, L. Mansuy-Huault, P. Faure, E. Jardé PEB2-15. Organic composition of Seville aerosols. J. Reyes, B. Hermosín, C. Saiz-Jiménez PEB2-16. Limited bioaccessibility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons leading to background soil pollution. R. Posada-Baquero, J.J. Ortega-Calvo PEB2-17. Aryl isoprenoids in oil fluid and underground waters from Minusinsk depression. Y.P. Turov, M.Y. Gooznjaeva, B.D. Vasiljev PEB2-18. Transformation of oil composition under natural factors. Y.P. Turov, M.Y. Gooznjaeva PEB2-19. Selecting aerobic bacteria from petroleum formation water of special biodegradation characteristics. S.P. Vasconcellos, V.M. Oliveira, K.C.M. Simioni, E.V. Santos Neto, A.J. Marsaioli PEB2-20. Drilling wastes management: case study in Southern Tunisia. H. Mejri, M. Saidi BIOMARKERS-1 (B1) 718 PB1-1. Tricyclic terpenoids from Paleozoic tasmanites: a question of evolution, site or taxa? S. Dutta, P. Greenwood, R. Brocke, C. Hartkopf-Fröder, R.G. Schaefer, H. Wilkes, U. Mann PB1-2. Estimating the number of endospores by determination of dipicolinic acid in sediments from the backbarrier tidal flat of Spiekeroog island. J. Fichtel, J. Köster, J. Rullkötter,
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