INTERNATIONAL Norwegian Council for Southern Africa (FsA) Africa Groups of Sweden (AGIS) HEARING Danish Association for International Co-operation (MS) . ON SOUTH AFRICAN AGGRESSION AGAINST c/o FsA Etterstadsletta 3, Oslo 6, Norway THE NEIGHBOURING STATES. Tlf.: 68 47 18. Telex: 72314 AAM.N · OSLO 22 • 24 March 1984. Bankgiro: 9001.22.57952 Postgiro: 5 31 71 28. P R 0 G R A M M E Thursday 22 Ma r ch Session 1. OPENING CEREMONY 1400 Welcome Addr ess Asbj0rn Eidhammer, Chairman, The Norwegian Council f or Southern Africa Opening Speeches Svenn Stray, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Sahnoun , UN Special Co~mittee Against Apartheid Statements by repr esentat ives of South African Neighbouring Stat es and the Liber ation r!ovements 1730 Reception f or del'gates and guests 1930 Multi- Media Pr ogr amme : "Shades of Africa" As l ak Aarhus and Ol e Bernt Fr 0shaug Friday 23 Mar ch Sessi on 2. SOUTH AFRI CA'S MILITARY AND NUCLEAR BUILD-UP 0930 Militariza tion of South Af r ica Mr . Abdul Minty , Director, World Campaign against Military and Nuclear Collaboration with South Africa Oil as a Strategic Commodity Mr . Martin Bailey, Joutnalist, The Observer, London 1130 Lunch Session 3. MI LITARY AGGRESSI ON AGAI NST AND DESTABILIZATION OF THE NE I GHBOURING STATES 1300 South Africa' s Policy of Destabilization. An Analysis. Mr . Lionel Clif fe , Resear cher, The University of Leeds . P R 0 G R A M M E ( Page 2) Friday 23 March (cont. ) 1430 Session 3. (Cont . ) Presentation and questioning of eye-witnesses Presentation of films and videos 1515 - 1545 Coffee Break 1545 Presentation and questioning of eye-witnesses Presentation of films and videos (Cont. ) 1800 End of Session Saturday 24 March Session 4. NAMIBIA 0900 South Africa's Economic Exploitation of Namibia Mr . Paul Spray, Catholic Institute for International Relations, London The Liberation Struggle in Namibia Presentation and questioning of Witness ~100 Coffee Break Session 5 . INTERNATIONAL ACTION POLICY OPTIONS 1130 The Gase for Sanctions Archbishop Trevor Huddleston , Chairman , Anti-Apartheid Movement , Great Britain Sanctions against South Africa by Scandinavian countries 1300 Lunch Break 1430 Development Assistance to the Region ~r. Odd Jostein S~ter, Depucy Minister, Norwegian Ministry of Development Cooperation Mr. Lars-Olof Edstr0m, Deputy Director General, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) Mr. Ole L0nsnann Poulsen , Depucy Head of Southern Africa Section, Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) 1600 Support of the Liberation Struggle 1700 Closure 2000 Presentation of Final Statement by the Panel 2030 "The Battle of the Last Bastion" Lecture by Basil Davidson 2130 African Music by "Sabba". Dance. INTERNATIONAL Norwegian Cou ncil for Southern Africa (FsA) Africa Groups of Sweden (AGIS) HEARING Danish Association for International Co-operation (MS). ON SOUTH AFRICAN AGGRESSION AGAINST c/o FsA Etterstadsletta 3, Oslo 6, Norway THE NEIGHBOURING STATES. Tit.: 68 47 18. Telex: 72314 AAM.N · OSLO 22 • 24 March 1984. Bankgiro: 9001 .22.57952 Postgiro: 5 31 71 28. T H E P A N E L ================= BASIL DAVIDSON HISTORIAN ASBJ0RN EIDE RESEARCHER , INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE , OSLO TORE LINNE ERIKSEN RESEARCHER, UN INSTITUTE OF NAMIBIA , LUSAKA KACI KULLMANN FIVE MP , VICE-CHAIRPERSON , THE NORWEGIAN CONSERVATIVE PARTY HANS GORAN FRANCK HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER . t-!P , SWEDISH SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY PER GRANSTEDT MP , SWEDISH CENTRE PARTY JAN ISAKSEN RESEARCHER , CHRISTIAN MI CH ELSEN ' S I NSTITUTE , BERGEN THEO KORITZI NSKY CHAIRMAN , NORWEGIAN SOCIALIST LEFT PARTY GUNNAR LISLERUD BISHOP , CHURCH OF NORWAY KJELD OLESEN MP , DANISH SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY , FORMER MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS EGIL OLSEN SPORTS!1AN AND LECTURER, NORWEGIAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS ANNIE MARIE SUNDBOM MAYOR OF STOCKHOLM ARTHUR SVENSSON CHAIRMA N, NORWEGIAN CHErHCAL WORKERS UNION CARL TRAAEN GENERAL SECRETARY , COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS , CHURCH OF NORWAY VESLA VETLESEN SECRETARY, INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT , NOR\l!EGIAN FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS MARIT NYBAKK AARSETH TRADE UNIONIST, NORWEGIAN UNION OF CIVIL SERVANTS LIV AASEN MP , NORWEGIAN LABOUR PARTY INTERNATIONAL Norwegian Cou ncil for Southern Africa (FsA) Africa Groups of Sweden (AGIS) HEARING Danish Association for Internation al Co-operation (MS ). ON SOUTH AFRICAN AGGRESSION AGAINST c/o FsA Etterstadsletta 3, Oslo 6, Norway THE NEIGHBOURING STATES. Tlf.: 68 47 18. Telex: 72314 AAM.N · OSLO 22 - 24 March 1984. Bankgiro: 9001 .22.57952 Postgiro: 5 31 71 28. EXPERTS AND WITNESSES Exper ts : Martin Bailey, Journalist , The Observer Lionel Cliffe, Researcher, University of Leeds Basil Davidson , Histor ian Archbishop Trevor Huddl e ston , Presiden t of the Anti- Apartheid Movemen t Abdul Mi nty, Director of the World Campaign against Mili t a r y and Nuclea r Colla boration wi t h South Africa Paul Spray. Resear cher , Catholic Institute for International Relations Odd Jostein S~ther , Deputy Minister , Norwegian Ministry of De velopment Cooperation Lars Olof Edstrom, Deput y Director General , Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) Ole L0nsmann Poulsen , Deput y Head of Division for Souther n Africa , DANIDA Witnesses : Thozami l e Botha , AN C Hendr ina Nambili , SWAPO Januario Gil Mabjeca , Mozmabique Anders Nilsson , Sweedish Cooperante in Mozambique Officer from Angola .- INTERNATIONAL Norwegian Council for Southern Africa (FsA) Africa Groups of Sweden (AGIS) HEARING Danish Association for International Co-operation (MS). ON SOUTH AFRICAN AGGRESSION AGAINST c/o FsA Etterstadsletta 3, Oslo 6, Norway THE NEIGHBOURING STATES. Tlf.: 68 47 18. Telex: 72314 AAM.N ·. OSLO 22 • 24 March 1984. - Bankgiro: 9001.22.57952 Postgiro: 5 31 71 28. Representatives from African States , the Liberation Movements and the United Nations The Re .public of Zambia: Hon . 0. Musuka Minister of State for Foreign •Affairs Mr. John Muleba Councillor The Peoples Republic of Angola: H.E. Garcia vaz Contreiras Ambassador Juliao Domin j oso Councillor The Republic of Botswana: H.E . Sam Mpuchane Ambassador The Kingdom of Lesotho: H.E. Joe Kaibe Mollo Ambassador The Republic of Zimbabwe: H.E. S.E. Zhou Ambassador The United Republic of Tanzania: Mr. Majengo Councillor The Federal Republic of Nigeria : Mr . E. 0. Adefemiwa Charge d ' Affaires The People's Republic of Mozambique: Dr . Mota Lopez Deputy Director, Institute for African Studies African National Congress (South Mr. Thabo Mbeki Africa ) : Ms. Lindiwe Mabuza South West African People's Mr. Festus Naholo Organization (SWAPO): Mr. T.M. Mbaeva Mr . Peter Manning Mr. Chikwetepo Haindango United Nations Special Committee H.E. Mohamed Sahnoun against Apartheid : A~gerian Ambassador to t he UN H. E. Ibrahima Dial lo Guinean Ambassador to the UN .-;:;, . INTERNATIONAL Norwegian Council for Southern Africa (FsA) Africa Groups of Sweden (AGIS) HEARING Dan ish Association for International Co-operation (MS) ON SOUTH AFRICAN AGGRESSION AGAINST c/o FsA Etterstadsletta 3, Oslo 6, Norway THE NEIGHBOURING STATES. Tlf.: 68 47 18. Telex: 72314 AAM.N . OSLO 22 · 24 March 1984. Bankgiro: 9001 .22.57952 Postgiro: 5 31 71 28. ORSEP.VCRS mar~ ORGANIZATIONS MIO INSTITUTES Ralston H. Deffenbaugh , Jr. The Lutheran Wor l d federation Jacques Wa llage MP , Netherl and Jaap Podenherg Shipping Researdl Bureau , AMsterdaM Fons Geerlings Dutch Anti-Apartheid ~ovement Sabine Hasselhring Die G r~nen , ~est Ge r nany Lukas Vogel Anti-Ppartheid VoveMent, Switzerland Rarry Cilcier , Solidarity News Service , Botswana Clisabe eh 11ichanek Swedish Internationai Developnent Agency (SIDA) Anders Rjuner Swedish foreign f1inis cry Kin Hernerid South Africa Comnitcee , ~ rhus, Oennark Helen P.idinan Intenational Forun , Dennark Rentie Ejsing , Danish Youth Council , (Dansk Ungdons Fadlesr~d) Klaus Adam \'lach cme is ter Swedish Institute of International Affairs Susanne Linderos Scandinavian Institute for African Studies, Uppsala , Sweden Claes Olofsson Swedish Student Association (Elevorganisasjonene i Sverige) Lotta Johnsson Isolate South Africa Connittee (!SAK) Sweden Karin Gus~afsson Swedish Raptist ~outh Association Else ~arie Norrby II II " II l ~aj Andersson Swedish Left Connunis t Party (Vanscerpartiec KonMuniscerna) Helen Alm Bread 1\n .d Fishes, Sweden ( Br0de t och Fiskarna) uu soctal Frikyrkan P.jelpe r, Go t henburg , Sweden Hanne Sodal " II " " Halfdan Sommerfeldt Jacobsen Consular General for Lesotho in Oslo Arne Skauge Conservative Party , r~rway (H~yre) Laila Nikolaysen Norwegian Labour Party (D NA ) Frede Forfang II " II -2- OBSERVERS FROM ORGANIZATIONS AND INSTITUTES (Cont. ) Johannes 0sttveit Christian Democratic Party, Norway (KrF) · Odd Arne Westad Socialist Left Party, Norway (SV) Gerd Maini Sortland Norwegian Communist Party (NKP) Liv Finstad Red Election Alliance , Norway (RV) Alin Aneke II II " " Athar Ali " II II II Finn Sjue Workers Communist Party (ml), Norway (AKP-ml ' Petter Bauck II " II II II Aage Bothner Min istry of Foreign Affairs, Norway Knut Christensen " " !Cnut Vollebekk " " " " Hans Engebrigtsen Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD) Helge Kristoffersen Norwegian Agency for In~ernational Development (NORAD) Gudrun Landb0 Nor wegian Agency for International Development (NORAD) P.A. Garnasjordet Norconsult O.K. Ystgaard II Rirgitte Grimstad " I.A. Endresen " K.A. Endresen " Signe Mollestad Liberal Youth, Norway (Unge Venstre) Tone Ti nnes Socialist Youth, Norway (SU) Paul Havard Kvangraven II II II Trygve Fr0vik Christian
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