June 13, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 10603 Mr. Speaker, please join me in voting in family man and a visionary conserva- His decisive leadership in pressing the favor of House Concurrent Resolution 266, ex- tionist, a man who distinguished him- attack saved American lives and pressing the sense of Congress regarding the self in peace and in war and who would brought the battle to a successful con- benefits of music education. at the age of 43 become the first great clusion. Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, growing up along American voice of the 20th century and The extraordinary nature of Colonel the United States/Mexico border, music has our 26th President, Theodore ‘‘Teddy’’ Roosevelt’s bravery was confirmed by always had a profound influence on my life. Roosevelt. two Medal of Honor awardees who rec- Music, like art, dance, and drama are windows My esteemed colleague the gen- ommended him for the Medal of Honor through which we view culture. Music is a lan- tleman from New York (Mr. LAZIO) ini- on that day: Major General William guage that is understood by diverse people tially brought this case to my atten- Shafter and Colonel Leonard Wood, across the world and ties us together in our tion in 1997. As chairman of the House original commander of the Rough Rid- common humanity. With much of the strife and Committee on Armed Services’ Sub- ers and later military governor of civil unrest that takes place in our world, committee on Military Personnel, I Cuba. Both men were eminently quali- music is one of those gifts that helps bridge worked with the gentleman from New fied to judge whether Roosevelt’s ac- cultural, social, and political gaps between York and former Pennsylvania Rep- tions qualified him for the award. The people. resentative Paul McHale, the Roosevelt Army thought so much of these two In our schools, I truly believe that music family, representatives of the Theodore men that they named forts after them. education enhances intellectual development Roosevelt Association, authors and his- Yet despite the preponderance of evi- and enriches the academic environment for torians to correct a historical over- dence and the endorsement by these children of all ages. I think that an investment sight. Our crusade has been to see that two Medal of Honor awardees, the War in music education is an investment in the then Colonel Teddy Roosevelt be Department never acted upon their rec- health and well-being of our society. Music awarded the Medal of Honor post- ommendation. I believe there is cred- education gives our children the opportunity to humously for conspicuous gallantry at ible evidence that politics, not an hon- explore and experience something that has the Battle of San Juan Heights during est assessment of Colonel Roosevelt’s deep meaning and significance to all of us. the Spanish American War. valor, was the prime reason the rec- This is critically important and should not be On July 1st of 1898, Colonel Roosevelt ommendation for the Medal of Honor taken lightly. led the First United States Volunteer was never approved. The McKinley ad- The notes and scales in the musical scores Cavalry Regiment, the Rough Riders, ministration’s fear of a yellow fever are the threads that help us build and maintain into action alongside Army regulars at epidemic prompted them to delay the the tapestry of culture. We all gain value San Juan Heights outside Santiago, troop’s return from the war, a decision through music, and we, as the 106th Con- Cuba. During the battle, the Rough that Roosevelt publicly criticized. gress, should support music education as an Riders encountered a regular Army Seeking to quickly defuse the issue, integral part of our educational curriculum. I unit that was reluctant to press the at- the McKinley administration reversed urge my colleagues to support House Concur- tack. Roosevelt boomed, ‘‘Step aside course and brought the troops home. rent Resolution 266, expressing the sense of and let my men through,’’ then pro- The then Secretary of War, Russell the Congress regarding the benefits of music ceeded to lead his men through a hail Alger, resented the public embarrass- education. of enemy gunfire during the assault up ment that he received as a result of the Mr. MCINTOSH. Mr. Speaker, I yield Kettle Hill, one of two hills comprising criticism from the hero of San Juan back the balance of my time. San Juan Heights. His leadership was Heights, Teddy Roosevelt. Lacking The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr so compelling that many of the regular records to substantiate why the deco- TERRY). The question is on the motion Army officers and men fell in line with ration was disapproved at the time, I offered by the gentleman from Indiana the Rough Riders. believe that Secretary Alger had the (Mr. MCINTOSH) that the House suspend Mr. Speaker, Colonel Roosevelt’s he- opportunity and motivation to deny the rules and agree to the concurrent roic performance on that day is well Teddy Roosevelt the Medal of Honor by resolution, H. Con. Res. 266. documented, but I believe it is enlight- simply just not acting on it. The question was taken; and (two- ening to review some of the historical Mr. Speaker, the Medal of Honor is thirds having voted in favor thereof) details: this Nation’s highest military award the rules were suspended and the con- Number one. Roosevelt’s actions for bravery in combat. Since 1863, more current resolution was agreed to. demonstrated an utter disregard for his than 3,400 extraordinary Americans A motion to reconsider was laid on own safety and were consistent with have been awarded the Medal of Honor the table. the actions of those that were awarded by the President in the name of the the Medal of Honor during the Spanish Congress. President Theodore Roo- f American war. Of the 22 officers and sevelt’s name would be an honorable b 2330 soldiers who were awarded the Medal of and noteworthy addition to this most Honor that day, 21 received it because hallowed of lists. His raw courage and SPECIAL ORDERS they gave up cover and exposed them- the fearless, bold decisiveness that he The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. selves to enemy fire. Once the order to demonstrated while leading his Rough TERRY). Under the Speaker’s an- attack was received, Colonel Roosevelt Riders up Kettle Hill on horseback al- nounced policy of January 6, 1999, and mounted his horse and rode up and tered the course of the battle, saved under a previous order of the House, down the ranks in full view of enemy American lives and epitomized the self- the following Members will be recog- gunners. During the final assault on less service of all Medal of Honor nized for 5 minutes each. Kettle Hill, he remained on horseback, awardees. f exposing him to the withering fire of On February 22, Secretary of Defense the enemy. If voluntary exposure to William Cohen forwarded a memo- RECOGNIZING AWARD OF MEDAL enemy fire was the criteria for award randum to President Clinton recom- OF HONOR TO PRESIDENT THEO- of the Medal, then Colonel Roosevelt mending that Theodore Roosevelt be DORE ROOSEVELT clearly exceeds the standard. posthumously awarded the Medal of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a By driving his Rough Riders through Honor. I join the gentleman from New previous order of the House, the gen- the ranks of a stalled regular Army York (Mr. LAZIO) and former Rep- tleman from Indiana (Mr. BUYER) is unit to pursue the attack on Kettle resentative Paul McHale in com- recognized for 5 minutes. Hill, Colonel Roosevelt changed the mending the Department of Defense for Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise course of the battle. This is what a following the lead of Congress by today to bring attention to a great decoration for heroism is all about, the choosing to acknowledge President man, a man of immense stature to the raw courage to make decisions and put Roosevelt’s heroic leadership and cour- history of this Nation, a strong, moral your life in jeopardy to win the battle. age under fire during the Spanish VerDate jul 14 2003 08:05 Oct 22, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00111 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H13JN0.003 H13JN0 10604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE June 13, 2000 American War. He will join 109 other the Congressional Medal of Honor 102 And I would say to the gentleman soldiers, sailors and Marines who were years after he earned it. I think it from Indiana (Mr. BUYER), who has awarded the Medal of Honor for their comes down to simple justice. The fact served our Nation in uniform and I actions during that conflict. is that Theodore Roosevelt is one of have great respect and admiration for However, it troubles me that for our greatest Americans. His face ap- him because of that, there is no greater some inexplicable reason that Presi- pears on Mount Rushmore. He has been service than I think an American can dent Clinton has delayed acting upon known as one of America’s greatest render to put his life on the line and Secretary Cohen’s recommendation. I Presidents. Before that, he was a Gov- cause freedom in America’s interests. urge President Clinton to announce the ernor of the State of New York. He was This is what Colonel Roosevelt did as award now. a great conservationist and a reformer. a volunteer. He displayed extraor- f b 2340 dinary courage, and that was docu- mented at the time by his superiors AWARDING MEDAL OF HONOR TO He was the architect of the modern and his contemporaries.
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