39758 EXTENSIONS OF REMARI(S December 5, 1973 By Mrs. GREEN of Oregon (for her­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS PETITIONS~ ETC. self, Mr. SxsK, Mr. LoNG 'of Louisi­ ana, Mr. GIAIMO, Mr. GAYDOS, Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions ROSTENKOWSKI, Mr. MINISH, Mr'. bills and resolutions were introduced and and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ANNUNZIO, Mrs. GRASSO, Mr. PRICE severally referred as follows: of IlllnoiS. and Mr. CAREY o! New and referred as follows: York): By Mr.SISK: H.R. 11815. A bill for the relief of Masonic 370. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the. H. Res. 'T36. Resolution to authorize the American Folklore Society, Minneapolis, House Administration Committee to produce liomes of California. a nonprofit corporation; Minn., relative to the American Folklore a. film on how the Congress really works; to to the Committee on Agriculture. Preservation Act, to the Committee on t he Committee on Rules. · · By Mr. SYMMS~ By Mr.HAYS: House Administration. H . Res. 737. Resolution to authorize certain H.R. 11816. A blll for the relief of Brandy­ investigations and studies by the Commit­ wine-Mam·· Line Radio, Inc-., WXUR, and 371. Also~ petition of the city council, tee on House- Administration; to the Com­ WXUR-FM. Media, Pa.; to the Committee Englewood, N.J., relative to amnesty; to mittee- on Rules. on the Judicl.a:ry. the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS VETERANS. BENEFITS-A PERSONAL America the Land of the Free? What is free Ben-Gurion was a remarkable, and VIEW sir_ Nobody knows what is. free not- even oftentimes, controversial :figure, particu­ the sunshine It comes and goes some day larly during his tenure as Prime Min­ it will stay but it wiI1 never happen in our ister. His decisions were often soundly HON. JOSEPH P ADDABBO times, sir. This iS why I run writing to you hoping criticized, but history turned out to be Oli' NEW: YORK that all the Congress will look to us and on Ben-Gurion's side, as. the fruits of his IN THE HOUSE' OF REPRESENTATIVES help the Veterans of. World War I. We. are labors are demonstrated by the strength Tuesday, December 4, 1973 too old to work but we cannot go to work and the Israel nation today_ if we could.. can we, sir. Get help some way Even after his retirement Ben-Gurion's Mr. ADDABBO. Mr. Speaker, as Mem­ there sure, a.re a. lot of veterans need that love of and service to the Israel people bers of the House we introduce, review, help now. Sir, thank you and all the Congress did not end. His advice was sought out and vote upon many bills affecting the for whatever they can do to help us. And by his successors, and his views and veteran. During this process we receive we are sure the veterans that pray will always pr ay for you alL Happy Thanksgiving to you thoughts continued to guide Israel right position papers and proposals for legis­ an. up until his death. lation from veterans organizations and Mic.HAEL and ANN CONNOLLY. Yet for Ben-Gurion the mast recent communications from many veterans. Middle East war was particularly ago­ Recently I received a letter which ex­ nizing. For a man who had dedicated his presses the viewpoint. of the veteran so WORLD BIDS FAREWELL TO GREAT Iife to the reestablishment of a home for clearly and convincingly that r want to STATESMAN the Jewish people, he saw the bitter; share it with my colleagues. struggles between the Arabs and the Is­ Accordingly r am placmg in the REc­ HON. MARIO BIAGGI raelites as a grave threat to the survival oRD at this point the text of a letter from of the Israel he helped create. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connolly: OF NEW YOBK David Ben-Gurion is not likely to be WIN'l'ER PARK, FLA .., Novembe-,, 20, 1973. IN THE' HOUSE' OF REPRESENTATIVES forgotten. His unmistakable crop of CONGRESS OF THE. UNl'l'ED STATES. Tu.es.day~ December 4..., 1973 shocking white hair made him an easily DEAR. Sm: Just a. line to say hello and' hope you and all the- family m:e well. Thank. Mr. BIAGGL Mr. Speaker, yesterday recognizable world :figure. Yet more im­ the Good Lord and hiS Blessed Mothe:r for the world bid farewell to one of its fore­ portantly, it will be the remarkable 1t. As we also pray for you all a.nd. hope you most statesmen and leaders, David Ben­ achievements of his life which will be all s.tay well here we go a.gain another year Gurion. the beloved founder, and dis­ remembered. The nation of Israel stands 1.973, in short it will pass us a.11 by. tinguished former leader of Israel, who as a living testimonial to this. great man. Sir, the World Wa.r I. vets sure are hoping Yet the world could build a further that tl:i.a.t unrestricted bill passes so that. the­ died on Saturday at the age of 87. The histoi:y of Jewish people for over· testimonial for Ben-Gurion based on the World WaE I. veterans will not. lose any of bringin~ about of a true and durable their pension. What a shame the veterans o! 2,000 years was marked with the hope World War I got only $15.00. to $30.00 a for nationhood. These years produced peace in the Middle East, so that the · month. Now, without a war when you join many great men, like Theodor Herzl and people he loved and served for so many the service you get about $300.00 a. month. Chaim Weizmann. Yet, it was the man years can at long last live in peace. God Bless them a.ll now~ with the lifelong messianic conviction Everyone can see what a. servie:eman life for Jewish statehood, David Ben-Gurion, iS worth but how a.bout servicemen when they are old, over 75 years and can not get who made this dream a reality. On May THE RECENT 55TII ANNIVERSARY ahy help. What happens when the Socia.I 14, 1948, Ben-Gurion proclaimed the ex­ OF LATVIAN INDEPENDENCE Security gives a.n increase to help you live istence. of IsraeI and in the book "Ben­ a.nd the increase we got' everyone worked Gurion Looks Back" offered this obser­ for the increase the way Doctors and Hospital vation. on this monumental day: HON. JOHN J. ROONEY a.nd medicine cost. And when the Veterans' For centuries we- had been like flowers in OF NEW YOltK Administration took away $13.56 from my a. wood, some plucked by friendly hands, · IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pension they took away lots ofmy medicine-. given water and nurtured, others trampled Tuesaay~ 1973 I have to take less pil~ now because I can underfoot and crushed. At no time could we December 4¥ not pay for all I am supposed to take. It be ourselves-,. enjoy independence~ with the Mr. ROONEY of.New York. Mr. Speak­ cost $10.00 for a trip to the doctor and $6.00 · freedom to live a. normal national life on er, to live in a free society is, all too for diabetic blood test. I cannot pay that our own soil making the dec.isions. a.fl'ecting often, to · take for granted those basic much every month or two when I am suf>- · our destiny_ Now the. hour had struck we posed to go back to the- doctor. r pay $4.00 · we.re mete.pendent once more. freedoms with which we Americans are for pills :rmr 50. !'take I a day. blessed. The ability to speak one's mind, It cost m~ $4.00 Cor pilis for my heart. Yet Ben-Gurion's contributions to the to Iive one's life as. one chooses and How much do r have- left that is th~ way Jewish people did not end with the crea- · where one chooses is assumed by most of us old veterans rnust" try to live. What a. tion of Israel. Ben-Gurion was elected as. us to be a. right. We as a nation have had 11.!e that: 1s why an the veterans we talk to tlle fiTst Prime Minister of Israel. He the good and providential fortune to will say the same thing. Why can't. we ge.t steered Israel through a se1ies of adver­ always have that right. an u:nrestrle:ted bill. it sure. will help. Sir. v,re. all do xwt. have. to tell our Congress- or sities which were to plague her in the However, there are those, in the world. Sen.a..te a.bou\ this.. It sure. d.oes hurt when • early years of her existence, yet by the I am sorry to say, who have denied these you think back when. foR $15.00 and $.30.00 . time that he retired in 1963~ .tlle sover­ basic rights to their fellowman and in­ w~ were ready to give up our lives. Well eign nation of · 1srael was firmly estab­ stead · ha,ve subjugated him in an at­ as they say it is our country. God Bless our lished. tempt to destroy him and his nation, as December 5, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 39759 well as his freedom. Such oppression and House of Representatives as it is an ex­ Let me point out that while re-zoning can­ ample of the problems which arise in any not be the panacea that many would like it brutality has been perpetrated in Lat­ to be, it is nonetheless in this case the tool via by the Godless red Communist Soviet urban community: which gives stability to a unique neighbor­ Union since June 1940.
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