February 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E221 In recent years, the Urban League of Great- 131 fatalities, over 600 injuries, 841 arrests Through his excellent leadership, Mark has er Madison has been at the forefront of fight- where detainees were subject to torture, and been an invaluable resource to the Granite ing for equality in our community with its vision to this day an unknown number are still miss- State and improved the lives of thousands to make Greater Madison the ‘‘Best in the ing. These horrific acts did not have their de- who have relied on projects championed by Midwest’’ for everyone to live, learn, and work sired effect in the slightest on Azerbaijan who the Commission. by 2020. Last year, the organization launched won independence less than two years later. On behalf of my constituents in New Hamp- a campaign to place 1,500 low-income job The second occurred on this day, February shire’s Second Congressional District, I thank seekers into career pathway employment by 26, twenty-six years ago in the city of Khojaly Mark for his many years of dedicated service 2020, continuing its long legacy of advocating where several thousand ethnic Azerbaijani to the Granite State and the Northeast. His for economic justice and opportunity. people were trapped in a blockade by Arme- achievements will continue to benefit our state Through its efforts to pursue education, em- nian troops seeking to lay claim to the for years to come. I am honored to recognize ployment, and empowerment, the Urban Nagorno-Karabakh region. Citizens of the city and congratulate Mark, and wish him the very League of Greater Madison has remained were told that they may escape if they left im- best of luck in the years ahead. committed to fighting for progress and our fu- mediately but regardless, hundreds of inno- f ture. It is my honor to now recognize the cent citizens, including women, children, and IN RECOGNITION OF THE Urban League of Greater Madison in celebra- the elderly, were brutally murdered or taken DENNISON MEMORIAL COMMU- tion of its 50th Anniversary and I wish them prisoner on that day. This was the largest NITY CENTER many more years of success. massacre as part of a conflict that is still ongo- f ing. As the first nation to lend its support to the HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING SID HULTQUIST SELECTED FOR United States following the attacks of Sep- OF MASSACHUSETTS INDUCTION TO THE VICTOR VAL- tember 11th, so too does Azerbaijan deserve IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LEY COLLEGE ALUMNI HALL OF our support and condolences for their losses. Monday, February 26, 2018 FAME These were terrible crimes against humanity Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in which we must never forget, and I urge my recognition of the 150th Anniversary of the HON. PAUL COOK colleagues to commemorate them on this day. Dennison Memorial Community Center. OF CALIFORNIA f The Dennison Memorial Community Center IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN HONOR OF MARK SCARANO, has been serving our area since 1868, when Monday, February 26, 2018 FEDERAL CO-CHAIR OF THE the New Bedford Ladies City Mission was offi- cially incorporated by the Commonwealth of Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- NORTHERN BORDER REGIONAL Massachusetts. Their mission was to care for ognize Sid Hultquist, who was selected for in- COMMISSION the less fortunate through free dental clinics, duction to the Victor Valley College Alumni public baths, and social activities. Named after Hall of Fame. As an alumnus of VVC, Sid be- HON. ANN M. KUSTER Rev. Tristan Dennison, the heart and soul of came a fixture in the Victor Valley and distin- OF NEW HAMPSHIRE the organization, this center became a pillar of guished himself as a leader and public serv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the community. ant. Monday, February 26, 2018 Today this center continues to serve the During his 38 years of fire service, Sid Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. people of New Bedford, equipped with a rec- worked for nearly every firefighting agency in reational center, daycare, academic assist- the High Desert. Under Sid’s guidance as Fire Speaker, I rise today to honor my good friend Mark Scarano as he steps down after nearly ance and more. Dennison is made up of an in- Chief for the Apple Valley Fire Protection Dis- credible, multi-lingual staff working tirelessly to trict, the agency was able to secure additional three years as Federal Co-Chair of the North- ern Border Regional Commission (NBRC). strengthen the city of New Bedford. Wel- funding to hire new firefighters and reduce crit- coming children and teens, age 6 to 16, there ical response times for town residents. Un- Through his service on the Commission, Mark has continued his life’s work as a community is no doubt the center will continue to have a doubtedly, the training he received at VVC major impact on the success of the next gen- was instrumental in helping Sid excel in many economic developer serving areas that are most in need of support. Mark got his start in eration. areas of his career. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor the 150th this field in Millinocket, Maine, and later in On behalf of the U.S. House of Representa- anniversary of the Dennison Memorial Com- Piscataquis County. We in New Hampshire tives, I would like to congratulate Sid Hultquist munity Center for their dedication to bettering were fortunate that he came next to Grafton for his induction to the Victor Valley College their community. I ask that my colleagues join County, where for eight years he led its Re- Alumni Hall of Fame. I couldn’t think of a bet- me in thanking them for their invaluable serv- gional Development Corporation and signifi- ter honor for someone who gave so much to ice and wishing them all the best in the many cantly expanded workforce development and his community. years to come. f entrepreneurship programs. In 2015, I was tremendously proud to sup- f REMEMBERING THE ANNIVER- port President Obama’s nomination of Mark to RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF REV- SARIES OF TWO TRAGEDIES IN co-chair the NBRC, and his unanimous con- EREND DR. BERTRAND MAURICE AZERBAIJAN firmation by the Senate was a testament to his BAILEY, SR. stellar reputation and achievements. He has HON. BILL SHUSTER proved more than worthy of that honor, as he HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON OF PENNSYLVANIA has been a tireless leader, steward, and advo- OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cate of the Commission’s important work dur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing a period of tightening budgets and the Monday, February 26, 2018 emergence of new challenges, like the opioid Monday, February 26, 2018 Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, as Co-Chair- epidemic, which are threatening our rural Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. man of the Congressional Azerbaijan Caucus, economy and its development. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to recognize the life I would like to take time to recognize the anni- Ten years after it was first authorized, the of a man of staunch faith, Reverend Dr. versaries of two tragedies in the history of this Northern Border Regional Commission con- Bertrand Bailey, Sr. Reverend Bailey was born great American ally. tinues to play a critical role in driving the eco- to the late Reverend Dr. Mauual Lee Bailey On January 20th 1990, heavily-armed So- nomic growth and community development in and Dr. Bertha Mae Bailey in McKinney, viet troops stormed the capital city of Baku in some of New Hampshire’s most economically Texas. At the age of 16, Rev. Bailey answered a final attempt to quell anti-communist upris- distressed communities. It supports projects the call to commit his life to preaching and ing. The day is most commonly known as that create and sustain jobs, tackle workforce serving his community through ministry. Pastor ‘‘Black January’’ due to the terrible human development, infrastructure, telecommuni- Bailey went on to not only receive a Bachelor losses and subsequent military rule. 26,000 cations, healthcare, culture, and much more. of Arts degree with a double major in philos- soldiers fired into crowds of civilians targeting Mark has worked diligently during his tenure to ophy and religion from Bishop College; but women, children, hospitals, and ambulances. streamline processes and procedures and also two honorary degrees from Short College Fighting lasted for three days and resulted in maximize the impact of the Commission. and Jackson’s Theological Seminary. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:12 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26FE8.025 E26FEPT1 E222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 26, 2018 For over 30 years, Rev. Bailey served as ways to encourage people in the United growing economy. It is also a strong ally of the pastor at St. Andrew Baptist Church in Tulsa, States to voluntarily disarm. Research has United States; U.S.-Azerbaijani cooperation ef- Oklahoma. Under his leadership and spiritual shown that greater numbers of firearms result forts include playing a leadership role in non- guidance, the congregation grew both in num- in higher numbers of firearm-related deaths. proliferation issues; providing troops to serve bers and in Spirit. Rev. Bailey has served as Over the past two weeks, reports and viral shoulder-to-shoulder with U.S. forces in a guest revivalist for citywide and local church videos have shown many law-abiding gun Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan; allowing transit revivals in Douglassville, Texas and across owners expressing buyers’ remorse and de- of non-lethal equipment used by coalition the nation.
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