Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-41861-4 — Ancient China and its Eurasian Neighbors Katheryn M. Linduff , Yan Sun , Wei Cao , Yuanqing Liu Index More Information INDEX actor-network theory (ANT), 22 Baode, Shanxi, 131, 134 Afanasievo culture, 33, 35, 41, 52–60, 58f,146 Baoji, Shaanxi, 149–150, 168, 183, 217, 225–226 agency,15 Baoshan, Shaanxi, 174 Ahatelashan, Qinghai, 195, 198 Baosi, 188 Altai, 5, 35 barbarians, 27 Altai Mountains, 12, 49–50 Bayankhongor aimag, 57, 58f Amazons, 16 Bayan-Ulgii aimag, 52–53, 53f,56,58f Amu-Darya, 41 Bayan-Ulgo aimag, 53 Anatolian-Iranian area, 41 beads Ancient Bamboo Annals, The, 188 agate, 47, 125, 137, 144, 209 Andronovo culture, 20, 33, 41, 49–50, 57, 68, 146, 171, 175 bone, 192–194 Animal Style, 16 bronze, 201 Ansai, Shaanxi, 163 conjoined, 103 Anthony,D., 49 connected, 98, 106, 120, 224 Anxi, Gansu, 211 of semiprecious stones, 57 Anyang, Henan, 131, 137, 176 stone, 137, 144, 222 Anyang-style bronze vessels, 132–133, 135 turquoise, 47, 81, 83, 86, 100, 120, 125, 133, 137, 144 Appadurai, A., 40 bei cup, 152, 207 Aral Sea, 46f Beidong, Liaoning, 101 artifacts beifang,1,12,216 classificatory,26–29 Beiliu, Shanxi, 43 as cultural documents, 30 Beiluo River, 149 Inner Asian Frontier, 12–34 Beishan, Gansu, 149 materialization of identity in, 21–23 bells overview, 4 with clappers, 166 role of, 14 double, 135 typologies of, 39 jingle, 135–136, 175, 207, 209 visual display,26 ring, 193, 201 Assyrians, 171 tinkling, 207 awals, 59 tiny,155,166,198 bi (bishou dagger), 49, 163 Ba,121,142 Bi lineage, 143–144, 225 Baicaopo, 173 bi spatula, 128 Baifu tombs, Beijing, 91–95, 92f Bigong Gao, 143, 225 bronze weapons and ornaments, 92–93, 122, 139–140 Bindi, 150 cultural codes, 120 Bing lineage, 131 dating of, 91 Bingxin, 177–178 location of, 91 Binxian, Shaanxi, 149–150, 156–158 martial identities of the interred in, 93 bi-valve stone molds, 47, 65 mortuary features, 92–94, 119 bo bowl, 85, 102, 128, 191, 197 social identities of the interred in, 95 Bogd sum, 57, 59 Baikal area, Siberia, 90 Boluochi, Liaoning, 98 Baitag culture, 57 Book of Poetry,The,178 Bamboo Annals, The, 188 borderlands, 24 Bancun, Shaanxi, 157 Boshi, 188 Bangjun, Tianjin, 83 boundary sets, 24 267 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-41861-4 — Ancient China and its Eurasian Neighbors Katheryn M. Linduff , Yan Sun , Wei Cao , Yuanqing Liu Index More Information 268 INDEX bow-shaped objects, 133, 137, 144, 160 Changping, Beijing, 83, 89, 186 brass artifacts, 41 Changwu, Shaanxi, 150 Bronze Age, 14, 39 Changzhi Basin, 131 bronze artifacts, 14, 29, 31, 42–43, 47–49, 48f,56f, 61–63, Chao River, 76, 97 62f, 68–70, 72–75, 105, 108, 114, 121–122, 160, 175 Chaobai River Valley,75, 80, 83, 85, 87, 224 bronze weapons and ornaments, 89–91, 90f, 108–114, 126, Chaodaogou, Hebei, 89–91, 119 128, 129f,137–140 Chaoyang, Liaoning, 98 Baifu tombs, 92–93, 122, 139–140 chariots/chariot fittings, 135–136, 188 Heidouzui, Shaanxi, 161, 198 Chemurchek culture, 37, 52–60, 54f–55f,58f Heidouzui tombs, 162f Chemurchek group, 43 Kayue culture, 195f,196–200,197f Cheng (King of Zhou), 180 Lijiaya culture, 128, 129f Cheng lineage, 143 Nianzipo, Shaanxi, 155f Chengde, Hebei, 97 Northeastern region, 138–140 Chenggenying, Hebei, 97 Nuomohong culture, 203–204, 203f Chenggu, Shaanxi, 90, 174 Shajing culture, 206f, 208f, 209 Chenshantou, Hebei, 81t,85 Shang, 222 Chermurchek group, 43 Shanma culture, 211–213, 212f Chernykh, Evgenii, 20, 41, 52, 171 Siwa culture, 173–175 Chifeng International Archaeological Research Project, Upper Xiajiadian culture, 108–114, 109f–113f 31 Xicha culture, 126 Chifeng Zone, 63 Yan Mountains, 89–91, 90f Childe, V.Gordon, 38–39 Zhou dynasty,222 chong, 174 bu container, 100, 102, 135, 152, 166 Chongxin, Gansu, 173, 198 Bulgan sum, 53–54, 55f,57,58f,59 Chuan, Toshihiro, 100 Buqi gui, 187–188 Chunhuaw,Shaanxi, 149, 156–158, 160, 163 burials Cohen, A.P., 26 Erlitou culture, 46 Collected Annotations of the Three Schools of Poems,187 Houqianyi, 81t, 85–86, 106 Comanche nation, 28–29 Huoshaogou culture, 68 Confucianism, 16 Kayue culture, 200–201 contact zones, 23–26, 29 Lijiaya culture, 159–160 continuum of boundary dynamics, 24 Liujia culture, 166–168 copper artifacts, 44, 67 Lower Xiajiadian culture, 22, 64–65 core-periphery model, 39, 74 Qijia culture, 45–46 cowries, 136–137 Shajing culture, 207–209 cultural patterning, 39–40, 59 Shang, 87 Upper Xiajiadian culture, 22 Dabanshan Mountains, Qinghai, 189 Xicha culture, 125 Dadianzi, Inner Mongolia, 63 Zhou dynasty,87 dagger-axes, 62f, 90, 93, 128, 133, 160–161, 163, 166, Buryatia, 65, 91 173–174, 181, 185 buttons, 59 daggers, 108–114, 122, 173–174 Dahekou, Shanxi, 142 Caijiafen, Hebei, 80 Dahuazhongzhuang, Qinghai, 200–201, 204 Caojiayuan, Shanxi, 138 Dajing, Inner Mongolia, 105, 106, 118, 120 capital-style bronze vessels, 100, 103, 114–116, 115f–116f Daling River Valley Caspian Sea, 52 individualscapes in, 222 Caucasus, 40–41 Kazuo bronze caches in, 102 Celts, 26 Weiyingzi culture in, 98–104 Central Plain of China, 5 Weiyingzi tombs in, 98–101 bronze artifacts in, 43 Dalitaliha, Qinghai, 204, 222 cultural trajectory in, 69 Danfu, 179–180 Erlitou culture, 37–38 danglu horse frontlets, 101 state formation in, 38 Daohugou, Liaoning, 99 state-level society in, 27 Dapaozi, Inner Mongolia, 106 Central region, 144–145. See also Inner Asian Frontier Dasikongcun, Henan, 213 Chaiwangang, Gansu, 208 Datong, Qinghai, 137 Chang, K.C., 27, 39 Datuotou culture, 76, 83, 87, 220 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-41861-4 — Ancient China and its Eurasian Neighbors Katheryn M. Linduff , Yan Sun , Wei Cao , Yuanqing Liu Index More Information INDEX 269 Dawenkou, Shandong, 66 Fengjiafu, Liaoning, 98 Daxifenggou, Ningxia, 199 Fengning, Hebei, 97 Di, 179 frontiers, 23–26, 29 diagnostic feature(s), 18, 21, 79, 98, 103, 106, 108, 120, 122, fu axes, 122, 126, 174 217 fu caldron, 95–96, 122 diagonally handled dou,192 Fufeng, Shaanxi, 164 DiCosmo, Nicola, 26 Fuhao, 152, 160, 177 ding, 82, 87–89, 94, 96, 102, 104, 114–115, 119, 132, 143, Fushan, Shanxi, 135, 141 152–153, 163, 174, 176, 183, 186–188, 223, 226 Fuxian, Shaanxi, 163 Dinggong, 141 domesticated animals, 63 Galbagiin, 56f,59 Donggangezhuang burial, 81t Gamatai, Qinghai, 44, 83 Donggoudaoxia, Hebei, 97 Ganguya, Gansu, 46 Donghuishan, Hebei, 47 Ganquan, Shaanxi, 163 Dongjiatai culture, 209 Gansu, 5, 9, 12, 219–221 Dongkangezhuang, Hebei, 87 bronze artifacts, 48f,67–68 Dongnangou, Hebei, 97 metal production in, 20, 51 Dongwanggangtai, Liaoning, 98 technoscapes, 32, 44–50 dou, 104, 106, 116–117, 128, 133, 152, 157, 168, 207 Gansu Corridor, 14, 44, 68, 214 Duanjing, Shaanxi ganzhi, 153, 174 bronze vessels, 159 Gaohong, Shaanxi, 129–130, 138–139 contact with Lijiaya culture, 159–160 Gaojiacun, Shaanxi, 164 excavated materials from, 149 Gaojiadong, Liaoning, 98–99 PhaseIIremains,158–160 ge dagger-axes, 62–63, 62f, 90, 160–161, 163, 166, 169, pottery,158–159 173–174, 181, 185 regionscapes, 223 Ge lineage, 143 tombs, 158 Gobi Altai, 57 Duke of Jiang, 179 Gongfang, 130–131, 163 Duke of Songxiang, 178 Grand Duke of Jiang, 179 Duke of Wu, 188 Great Bend of the Yellow River, 14, 16, 18, 50–51 Duke of Zhou, 179 Greeks, 16 Dulan, Qinghai, 190, 202 group identities, 7–10 Duoyou ding, 187–188 gu wine vessel, 101, 132, 143, 163, 223 Dzungaria, 55 guan jar, 106, 116, 122, 128, 130, 152, 157–158, 160, 165, 168–169, 171, 181, 191–192, 195, 199, 207, 211 early Bronze Age, 5 Guandongche, Inner Mongolia, 105–106 early Yangshao, 21 Guanting Basin, Qinghai, 191 earrings, 59, 67, 83, 87, 133 Guanzhong, 150 Eastern Hehuang region, 191–194 Guanzhong Plain, 121, 149, 165 Eastern Inner Mongolia, 63–66 Guanzhuang, Shaanxi, 149 Ednebaatar, D., 20 gui, 80, 85, 87–89, 94, 101, 114–115, 119, 128–130, 132, 143, Egypt, 26 152, 157–158, 163, 174, 176, 183, 188, 223, 226 Elunino culture, 52–60 gui tureen, 152 Emperor Qinshihuang, 163 Guifang, 129, 142, 163 Epimakov, A., 20 Guinan, Qinghai, 44, 45f Erlangpo, Shaanxi, 133 Gulugou, Liaoning, 101 Erligang culture, 51, 63, 165, 196 Guo Suxin, 17 Erlitou, Henan, 46, 51, 61, 69 Guoji Zibai pan, 187–188 Erlitou culture, 20, 37–38, 46, 51, 60–61, 69, 165 Guoyu,179 Ershijiazi, Liaoning, 98 Guzhu, 77–78 Eurasia, 20, 39, 41, 44, 214, 219 Haidaoyingzi, Liaoning, 102 fang,74 Hämäläinen, P.,28–29 fangding,29 Hami, Xinjiang, 83 Fangshan, Beijing, 79, 83 Han Dynasty,27, 176 fangyi wine vessels, 143 Han Jiagu, 76 Fen River, 121, 135, 185 Hangzhong, Shaanxi, 171 Feng lineage, 180 Hanshu,187 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-41861-4 — Ancient China and its Eurasian Neighbors Katheryn M. Linduff , Yan Sun , Wei Cao , Yuanqing Liu Index More Information 270 INDEX he wine vessel, 82, 115, 197 Area IIa, 52–60 Hebei, 12, 63–64, 72, 90, 94, 98, 122, 186 Area IIb, 60–63 Hehuang Valley,Qinghai, 9, 189 Area III (Northeastern region), 63–66, 75–121 Heidouzui, Shaanxi, 156–157, 160–164, 176 Area IV (Eastern region), 66 bronze vessels, 160–161, 163–164, 164f artifacts, 12–34 bronze weapons and ornaments, 161, 162f, 198, 223 classificatory,26–29 tombs, 149 as markers of contact, 21–23 Heilongjiang, 12 Central region, 144–145 Hejiaying, Hebei, 89 contact zones, 23–26, 29 Helian Mountains, 190 cultural crossroads in, 216–219 Henan Longshan sites, 60 description of, 12 Hengbei, Shanxi, 190 environmental zones, 17 Hengshui, Shanxi, 142 frontiers, 23–26 Herman, Bernard, 15 individualscapes, 220–223 Herodotus, 16 influences/contributions from outside the core, 28 Heshanggou, Liaoning, 99, 103 lineagescapes, 224–225 Heshui, Gansu, 168, 173 map of, 13f,36f Hetao region, 198 mental boundaries, 12–29 Hexi Corridor, 9, 12, 204–214 metal artifacts in, 35–71 burial customs, 213 metallurgy,217–218 characteristic features of, 213–214 North Central region, 72, 121–144 cultures after the Siba, 214 Northeastern region, 63–66, 75–121 pastoral economy,213–214 peoples, 25, 27 Shajing culture, 204–211 period Shanma culture, 211–214 2000 to 1000 BCE, 63 Hittites, 171 4000 BCE to 300 CE, 202–204 Hongshan culture, 46, 63 c.
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