E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1998 No. 3 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 3, 1998, at 12:30 p.m. Senate THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1998 The Senate met at 10 a.m., and was THE GUEST CHAPLAIN’S PRAYER two of those: He is a member of the called to order by the President pro Mr. COATS. Mr. President, we were University Board of Regents at Baylor tempore (Mr. THURMOND). privileged to be led in our opening University in Texas, and has been on The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- prayer today by Reverend Dr. Neal the Executive Board of Prison Fellow- day’s prayer this morning will be given Jones, a fancy title for some of us who ship from its very inception. by the Reverend Neal Jones, the former know him as ‘‘Pastor Jones.’’ I think Reverend Jones has a gift of prayer, pastor for Columbia Baptist Church, ‘‘pastor’’ is probably the most affec- and, as we heard this morning, an elo- Falls Church, Virginia. We are pleased tionate and endearing term that any- quence in prayer. I hope someday, if he to have you with us. one can come up with in terms of some- has not already, that he will publish one that they feel close to and have those prayers because they are excep- tional. PRAYER had a relationship with. People know the Reverend Dr. Neal Jones as Pastor And he also has the gift of remem- The guest Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. Jones because of his dedicated service bering those with whom he has come in Neal Jones, Falls Church, Virginia, of- as pastor of Columbia Baptist Church contact with. Every once in a while I fered the following prayer: in Falls Church, Virginia, for many, will receive a note with a prayer at- Great God and Controller of the un- many years. He has been pastor to me tached to it personalized to me and to our family, ‘‘Just thinking of you, charted seas of tomorrow, grant us dis- and my family, the majority leader and wanted to share this thought, your cernible signals for our voyage. his family, the President pro tempore friend, Neal.’’ I think that speaks as and his family, and others of our col- Save us from floods of arrogance that much about Neal Jones as anything leagues in both the Senate and the drown our better judgement. Raise us else that I can say. above the undertows of cowardice that House. I think the Senate is privileged and ‘‘Pastor’’ is the appropriate word be- postpone justice. Remove us from the the Nation is privileged this morning cause of his love and his affection and cross currents of double motivations to have had him lead us in our opening his endearment that he has displayed that destroy character. Scrape away prayer. the accumulating barnacles from our toward us and our families. And we feel Mr. President, I yield the floor. exactly the same way about him. long season in strange waters. Guide us f between the glaciers that threaten an Dr. Jones is a graduate of Texas icy grave. Keep us from the fickle Christian University, and Southwest RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME waves of indecision causing stagnation. Baptist Theological Seminary. He has The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ROB- Rescue us from pirate patrols and their been pastor of churches in Texas, but ERTS). Under the previous order, leader carefully planted mines that destroy the primary focus of his ministry has time is reserved. been with Columbia Baptist Church in our passengers. f Falls Church, Virginia going back as Above all else, Great God and Con- far as March of 1969. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY troller of our uncharted seas of tomor- He is currently retired. It is a loss to LEADER row, we gladly trust You. You are the the people who have attended faith- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Way where we sail. You are the truth fully over the years Columbia Baptist jority leader is recognized. by which we navigate. You are the Life Church. Mr. LOTT. Thank you, Mr. President. that makes the voyage joyful, purpose- But, again, to his dear wife, Betty, f ful, and helpful. Amen. and his family and his grandchildren, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The and the many organizations that he THE GUEST CHAPLAIN’S PRAYER distinguished Senator from Indiana is has been associated with and continues Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I, too, recognized. to be associated with—I will just name would like to join in extending my ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S189 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:42 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1998SENATE\S29JA8.REC S29JA8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 29, 1998 thanks to Dr. Neal Jones, and to ex- Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday?’’ then we would expect cooperation in press my appreciation to him for what or, for that matter, late Monday after- return. he has meant in my own life and my noons or Friday mornings. We have On the Iraq resolution, this is an im- family’s life. legislative days this year that will portant resolution. This is a sensitive He was a pastor at Columbia Baptist probably add up to around 100 days and time. I think we should think about it Church. My family and I attended a lot of work to do—a lot of important carefully. There is no need to rush to there during the years that our chil- budget issues, infrastructure issues, judgment. We ought to talk about it. dren were in their teens, and it was a foreign policy issues that we can’t ig- We ought to think about it. We ought wonderful experience. As a matter of nore or delay. to make it clear what our concerns are fact, he baptized our daughter, our son, So I am not threatening. I am not about Saddam Hussein and the fact and even my wife. So I have a special complaining yet. This is the kickoff. that the inspectors are not in Iraq. We feeling in my heart for that church and We will get going here pretty quickly. need to think about its ramifications for the pastor. We are delighted to have But I am having difficulty getting Sen- not only for the region but the world. you here today. ators to be ready to go to work. I have We need our allies to be with us—not I, too, want to thank you for those at least four bills that we should con- just the British but the French, the little messages that I get at critical sider this week or next week, and for Russians, and the Chinese, and every- times in my life. Sometimes I am one reason or another I am being told, body else because this is a threat to under certain pressure, and Dr. Jones ‘‘Well, we are not quite ready.’’ the whole world. We need to make it seems to sense it. But he has a wonder- The recess is over. It is time for the clear that the present situation will ful message always at the end: ‘‘No re- class to get back to work, and let’s not stand. sponse necessary.’’ work to do that. This resolution that Senator Thank you, Dr. Jones, for all you do. Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, will DASCHLE and I have been working on, the majority leader yield? f as always you have to craft it with Mr. LOTT. I would be glad to yield to words of art. You have to make sure SCHEDULE the Senator from South Dakota, the that you have the right words in there. Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, this morn- Democratic leader. And we do not want to go beyond what ing the Senate will proceed to 2 hours Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I sym- is responsible. But I think that it is of morning business with several Sen- pathize with the majority leader’s timely. I think we would have been ators recognized for individual periods problem and tell him that I share the doing this resolution sometime in the of time. same frustration. I have had Senators first 2 weeks at the beginning of this At 12 noon it is my hope that the come to me this week who indicated year regardless of other events unre- Senate can consider the Ronald Reagan that they can’t be here on a particular lated to this. This is something that Airport naming bill and/or the Senate day this week. I have noted, while we the Senate usually does. concurrent resolution condemning will try to accommodate those prob- So again, I urge Senators to look this Iraq’s threat to international peace lems this week, that people need to be resolution over. Let’s do the respon- and security. It was my hope that the here. They need to be prepared to vote. sible thing and let’s do it very quickly. They need to recognize that we have minority leader would be able to enter We need to have a full discussion. We very limited time and that we have a into a reasonable time agreement on need to do it today.
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